To my friends on r/conspiracy. I've taken a turn.

236  2014-04-17 by [deleted]

I have a few motto's;

  1. Keep the faith.
  2. To thine own self be true.
  3. May truth prevail.

I'm tired. I'm getting old. I've been around the block a few hundred times. Last time I voted was for Ross Perot. I supported Ron Paul.

Here's what I've learned.

The game is fixed. Many more are becoming awake, talking about my old fart friends. We all talk about it now. Customers talk about it every day...regular folks. "Everyday" folks.

They are more aware than you think. They talk about corruption and some are quite aware. They reject MSM and look elsewhere. Fact.

My hopes and prayers now go out to the younger generations. I did my time. The time is now yours.

Stand up and be counted. Stand up for what's right. Be strong and "Keep the Faith".

Our country is going down the tubes. Take it back for your parents and your grandparents, and for your own kids.

Please, put down your phones and get involved in your communities and home towns.

Best. xo


Your fight is as valid as ever. It's comforting to hear that from a more experienced person.


I am 22 and have been into this stuff for about 3 years now, I do not own a smartphone.

Sadly there seem to be very few people like me in my graduating class and generation.

Do you visit GLP?

23 here. Just woke up recently.

GLP banned me. Apparently if you view/submit too much you're banned unless you pay.

From what I can tell, we're all banned now. I think that's why this sub is getting more real participation lately. That, and the sticky last week. It seems different here.

Aloha Aunty, Couldn't agree with you more. I too have similar values as what you expressed. My family and I are generational homesteaders dedicated to serving our community. There are lots of us out her in reddit land and beyond. Just know that those of us who are doing instead of talking about doing are in alignment with your message. The old paradigm is crumbling and the new is become more a reality than ever before. There are many awakening to the values of the great grandparents. We must cherish the wisdom of the old ways and bridge the gap.

Everyone reaches the same impasse, fight outside or inside. Choose wisely.


Peace dudette.

Dude can be used for guys, gals and transgender. That is what is so great about the word dude. Fuck is the same way. You pair up dude with fuck and you can describe just about anything.

"Dude, fuck..." :( Hearing about somebody's relative dying.

"Dude, fuck!" :O Telling somebody to get away from an oncoming train.

"Dude, fuuuuuuuck." :) Describing some good weed.

The first time I called a random 'dude' he got shitty with me and said "I'm not a camel's dick!"

That's funny, I heard it as elephant dung.

I thought it was "wart on an elephants ass?" : )

here we go ... thanks google

A camels dude refers to a camel's foreskin. It is found on male camels. Dude is not an established English word but rather slang

another definition was, lol wut!?

A dude is the name for the end of a camel's penis to prevent it from getting burnt when it lies down in the hot sand.

It also has many other functions:

-Attracts Shemals (sic) (female camels) when they are menstrating (sic) Huh?

-Helps with pleasure when depressed ..... WTF?

-A useful source of 'white ink' when their pens run out ..... triple WTF?!?

-Gigetty ..... wtf's a 'giggety',, a dude?

"Remember kids, knowing is half the battle."

Fuck, dude!

Whoa, it can even be reversed. See, even more ways to use this universal phrase. : )

I'm a Dudeist Priest and call my wife "Dude". That's just how it goes, man.

Whatever dude. /s

So here's the thing.

And a current example.

Ukraine. It is pretty obvious to anyone paying attention, that what is going on in Ukraine is the same thing thats being going on in Syria - and for that, the rest of the middle east, and africa. The "west", meaning central bankers in the USA and Israel, have financed a revolution in their country to bring them in line with the global conspiracy that I call "debt slavery".

We know its wrong. We know that "our" government is behind almost all of the bullshit conflict that is happening in the world. We know that its all for the bankers, so they can enslave more people to debt.

But we have a powerful weapon.


Burn your credit cards. Stop getting loans for your cars. Stop getting "equity" loans on your property. STOP PLAYING THE GAME.

You voted for Ross Perot.. So did I, and it was what they did to him that convinced me that this system is run by mobsters. You cant fix it, unless you want to kill all the mobsters.

The better choice. IMHO is STOP PLAYING THE GAME. This will kill the system faster than armed revolution.

Stop getting loans. Stop participating. Your participation makes what they do possible. Stop it. Its better than a vote in a rigged election.

You can do all those things but money creates debt on its own. Just by spending money, youre the playing the game.

Burn your credit cards. Stop getting loans for your cars. Stop getting "equity" loans on your property. STOP PLAYING THE GAME.

Correct!! Also find a way to stop using oil based products.

Until ALL the redditors (and everyone else) who continue to 'study business' with the intention of "making it" ... STOP

we're going to stay fucked!

Just as long as there are little boys who still want to be 'soldiers' we're going to have wars

put down your phones

you couldve said anything else behind this statement and I still wouldve upvoted


cause I think people need to put down their damn phones! :P

I'm up voting you from my phone

Some would believe that phones and headsets are the mark of the beast, of which no one can buy or sell without. Not the case today, look to the future and draw your own conclusion.

I'm not Religious.


While I agree, I find that there is a lot more company to be had around like minded people on the internet than amongst people you meet. Not to mention most people are seem to want to go through life trying to be entertainers and cower at having to exert thought on non-laughing matters.

I respect you and what you're saying but I hate when older people say this. Its like you're giving up and passing us the torch. Thats not what we need. I've heard people from ages 40-75 say something similar if not the same thing. A lot of the older people also seem to have completely given up hope of any change at all. What we need is a united front. Young and Old. Truth seekers. Reformers.

Some of us may know how deep the corruption goes, but many of us are just trying to get a good education, good jobs and stay afloat (which no one can be blamed for). They're not worried about setting things right because talking out will land them in hot water at work, at school and in their social lives.

If we can make it the norm again for people to voice their problems with each other and with corruption we stand a chance for real change in our lifetimes. We have to be vocal and unafraid. We need to listen to each other and learn. Don't pass the torch, but do help light fires.

Good post. About putting their phones down. facebook is one of the worst things to have happened in society. An ersatz for real human interaction.


Oh yes, selfies. Just ugh.

Thank you! Your work will never be forgotten!

Toast to the "Future of this Planet" and everyone wanting good to prevail!


Updated to reflect my stupidity and cover my ass. hehe

I thought this was a suicide note when I first read it

Good luck to you Grandma. I'm happy to hear that people are waking up where you live.


Write a book!?

Thank you, you are a beautiful being. Your message is heard by this 28 yr. old. Don't ever give up though.

Maybe you could spend some time sharing your wisdom with young people and students?


Sorry, I've changed my previous message. :)



Cool beans, but I thought you were signing out?

Are you going somewhere?




Not "man", rather maam. Get my drift????????????

quite the stereotypical sexist bullshits will you please




Yeah, it was a rather crazy experience. Sorry about the "man" thing, I should have known that. I've actually been in a hospital for the last 2 days waiting for my son to be born so my brain is a little drained at the moment.

Anyway, the point is I just want to make sure that everything is ok with you. Are you ok?

and what exactly would you do if she said "no, I'm not ok?"


quit the bullshit would you please ... answer the question if you 'care'

Taken a turn from/to where?


Three dog would be proud.

i understand your fatigue sister, the world is truly corrupt, so rest up, then come back!

if ppl are 'waking up' it means 'a change gonna come', the wheels of justice turn slowly, but THEY DO TURN,


"Please, put down your phones and get involved in your communities and home towns."

That's probably the most important thing you said. The people are so entrenched in their technology, job, or vices that they don't see anything beyond their nose.

The people are so entrenched in their technology, job, or vices that they don't see anything beyond their nose.

and there's a very good reason why these kids don't want to 'participate' in the bullshit world of their 'ancestors'

If you have given up, join our last and possibly the strongest fight yet... /r/UnitedWeStand. I can explain more if you want. Let's give them our best. Let's build a better tomorrow.

What do you mean you did your time? Keep teaching.


Friends, acquaintances, reddit comment readers.

Coward. Fighting the good fight never ends. Gov. is a tool...not good and not evil. Since 11-22-1963, it's been a tool of the monied elites. They are the cancer. It's not liberals, media, immigrants, labor unions, or the like. It's the people that own you and me. Targeted destruction of a few blue bloods will most certainly start change we can all believe in.

Don't be such a jerk. She gave good reasons for her actions.

why did 'your generation' allow this shit to happen in the first place?


you heard

it's nice to see posts like this on here

Read that in my best Michael Ruppert voice

As a youngin' just starting this fight... how can your (in a sense) defeat help others? It seems to just make me depressed that I could dedicate my life, cause stress on my marriage, etc...just for a fight that I could spend a lifetime fighting. And even then, not to win.

Why is the fight worth it? I want to always seek the truth but why should I?

Sorry. I just need reassurance like we all do.

If you supported Ron Paul why didn't you vote for him?

Oh my. This is just too edgy for me.

I wish more people actually proved they weren't completely socially retarded as you seem to be proving you aren't.

Everyone seems to have this concept that the average American is just some blind sheep, but as a European living here, I'm actually finding that many more people are questioning it than aren't, just seems like people just want to point out the dissenting view so they can be mad about it.

For flip's sake, show some class people.

If someone's put in over five years in this subreddit, I don't think it's too much that they make a little farewell speech. You can ignore it if you don't care for it after all.

aqua7, I probably don't agree with your views, but I can respect someone who tries to hold to a set of values in troubling times. All the best to you in your future in the real world, outside of Reddit!

It's all about perspective. Just because you think your way is the "right" way doesn't make it true.

After passing through the point of education and amazement to attempting to educate others, to looking for a solution to fix government , to just wanting to take a break and enjoy the sights and sounds of life again i am convinced of one thing.

Absolutely nothing will change unless we personally run for congress and senate (and president - maybe all three at once).

Cheering for the other guy and hoping one "gets it"and does right just isnt enough.

Gotta get elected and look the monsters in the eye and say no to them and form something else to resist them and bring back common sense.

Its the only answer.

I also think there is a huge group of people who if offered a choice other than 1. Uninhibited corporate profit cheerleaders and 2. Uninhibited social experimenter cheerleaders

Would actually vote for you as they voted for the very first time in a long time. I think there is a huge silent group of people who would vote for anyone who simply would attempt to bring balanced restrictions of common sense to corporate monopolies and common sense fairness and income growth to people without a ton of wealth. You dont need to run on anything else and people would actually appreciate it if you DIDNT make so many of the hot point argument issues which are used to keep the populace divided even a part of your campaign.

They - the monsters - of course would try to fix the vote but the response would be so overwhelming that the fix would be so obvious that it would test the monsters and be very difficult for them.

We have seen such resistance on recent corporate brainwashings from the common person who is now educated in the tricks of the corporate media that even without msm media coverage (in fact maybe becuase of it) campaigns of like minded people would gain traction.

Getting educated and "calling your congressman" is no longer enough. Its time to BE the Congressmen and Senator.

Personally running for office is the only real way for things to change. There are about 200,000 readers of r/conspiracy. Thats larger than the grassroots campaigns of most elected officialz by far. In fact we have probably helped get elected a few people who turned out to be not what people expected.

Among thst 200,000 there are more than enough to run for all the important offices and cross support everyone who is running in offices.

I think the new candidate credibility will be a link to a long running account on r/conspiracy and their lack of prior participation in politics under any prior party or umbrella. I know those are candidates i would trust and vote and rally for. (i think Elizabeth Warren's success proved that and that it is not only possible but almost a sure thing.)

In such times of corruption, lies and deceit, the truth is our only light. Let it be your guide. Find the truth, and testify to it. Speak the truth, write the truth. It's the only way to get clean.


The message shall be spread, like applebutter on toast in the morning (when I have some available).

you're a fuckin loser quitter, who picks and chooses their arguments to suit yourself

that's NOT how the 'real world' works nor how it will be 'fixed'

people like you are as cheap as the words you use

just fuck off quietly would you ...

Shut up.

well the kids that are ruining our country that do nothing but post on instagram and play phone games and stuff do not look at /r/conspiracy and stuff like that, so this seems useless imo, but good sentiment

well the kids that are ruining our country

wooot? wtf are you talking about?


i simply mean in this letter it says something like put down your phone and get involved...the kids that arent involved..that are just playing on their phones and stuff..arent the type who would ever be on here to read this..

yeah, I hear you, sorry, i was in a weird mood yesterday and was almost unintentionally, just being a dick.

Back to 'losing the ph's etc' ,, I agree, however it's much easier said than done and therein lies 'the rub'! ... but

I think the transition away from our phones and fb etc will be an organic one, in fact it's already begun, as some people like yourself for example, are beginning to limit your use as you become aware of how much that use really is! And most of it's irrelevant bullshit. On a Ph

Redditing and similar fora excepted. becoz ,, what we are doing here is sharing our thoughts and ideas, we're not just circlejerking, here on, what is, imo, a forum where, esp in certain subreddits, quality conversations can and do occur, on a fairly regular basis, (far more so than say on fb or any other 'commoner's forum' that I know of!) and this exchanging of 'ideas' with random people from all over the world where we all can learn from each other things we may not be able to learn elsewhere. e.g. a redditor was trying to remember the russian word they had been taught to mean 'go away, piss off' type thing, and a few people chirped in with 'half right' comments, and then .... the Russians appeared! And were to be making this confusion disappearsky in the way only a russian can! And in the process a whole discussion about the various ways you could say "go away/piss off/fuck off retard" in Russian was unique and most enlightening!

Now where else are you going to come across that kind of shit, and it happens here all the fuckin time, shit, so much so often does some obscure question get answered by a master of that particular esoteric craft/language/country/yes he actually has two penii, etc etc! that there really should be a name for it! maybe something like a "nifty" ... hmmm sounds good, like "bro that guy's post was so completely nifty it was sick!"

Yeah, this place can be cool as, so thanks for the input new internet friend, I appreciate the feedback, always.

Keep the faith. To thine own self be true. May truth prevail.

Creationists say the same stuff. thats why 911truth (for example) is a religion.

a truther would never say anything like:
-gather the evidence
-dont have preconceptions
- let the data determine the facts

You can't actually be serious are you? Nothing you just wrote is true. Someone noted earlier about a new trend amongst you shills. Attempting to link the retardation of creationism to 9/11 truth advocates is... it's just plain weird.

A "truther" wants to gather the evidence but the evidence is being withheld.

A "truther" wants to have zero preconceptions and have a full and open investigation. Again that isn't happening is it?

A "truther" wants to let the data determine the facts. If only they would show us the data right?

Where are all those computer models you said NIST released? Where are those hammerpantstime?


What the Fuck are you talking about?

This thread is weird

Grandma's in the wine again

I think it's called Illustrative Writing.

Some Grandma has encouraged us, but is tired. Seems kinda normal.

I know your feeling MA'AM. I am so tired.... So sick of trying to carry the truth. Honestly, I have given up myself. It's ok. If I were a betting man, its 90/10 over anyways.

could you be any more morose?

Most likely, we as a species, are done in 20 years or less. (That is the REAL secret being kept by climate scientists.) Basically, we are fucked as all fuck gets fucking. For real. So, well, enjoy the mind break. It's really over anyways.

And where does hamsterfist get the inside scoop on our impending doom?

Guy McPherson and a couple other scientists I've heard on podcasts. Combined with mainstream sources.

Our country is going down the tubes.

Says the man who hasnt voted since 1992.

Talk is cheap.

turns out, people voted and look where we are.

Yeah, it was a rather crazy experience. Sorry about the "man" thing, I should have known that. I've actually been in a hospital for the last 2 days waiting for my son to be born so my brain is a little drained at the moment.

Anyway, the point is I just want to make sure that everything is ok with you. Are you ok?

Cool beans, but I thought you were signing out?

What the Fuck are you talking about?

I know your feeling MA'AM. I am so tired.... So sick of trying to carry the truth. Honestly, I have given up myself. It's ok. If I were a betting man, its 90/10 over anyways.

could you be any more morose?