When did TV drama get so packed with such obvious propaganda? From Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Homeland to The Newsroom. They are unwatchable. Surely everyone notices it?

653  2014-04-18 by Fuckyousantorum


it's not called programming for nothing.

Tell that to an uninformed person and they will view you as a crazy person.

It's insane, but this mentality still persists in people, that they aren't being socially conditioned and programmed while watching television PROGRAMMING.

Density is funny at times.

Very interesting. I think maybe people have just heard that term so much they forget what it means. Sure the term doesn't necessarily mean programming people, but it certainly appears that this is what is happening.

Programming just means determining which TV shows (television programs) your station will play and their schedule. This usage is actually the original meaning of the word 'programming' and the notions of computer programming and psychological programming are based on it. For example, computer programming determines the sequence of actions a computer takes in much the same way television programming determines the sequence of shows that are broadcast. Psychological programming similarly influences or determines the sequence of actions a person takes in their life (they 'get with the program' - does society have positive or negative connotations of this phrase?).

The double-meaning is deliciously ironic, of course, and the propaganda has gotten more blatant in recent years making it all the more poignant.

So basically what he's saying is your whole take on it is a puke of shit

It does mean programming people, programming their hearts and minds.

Conditioning them to behave in certain ways.

For fucks sake, people actually keep up with and get the same hair styles of celebrities.

How can anybody claim Television programming isn't explicitly designed to program peoples behaviors and opinions?

Television is designed to make money. There is plenty of evidence for this.

Unless you have actual evidence there is a conspiracy to program peoples' behaviour you shouldn't make the claim. It could be argued that the kind of programming you describe could be an emergent property of the modern television industry but haven't made that argument and I'm not going to do it for you.


No shit. What I'm saying is that you can't just make the claim without supporting evidence.

Saying that we're all being programmed is a completely anodyne statement - we're programmed by the color of the rooms we're in when we make decisions.

What would be interesting would be either of the following:

There is a cabal of old Jewish men who secretly control our behavior through mind-ops inserted into broadcast tv, aided by the masons, the illuminati, and the Koch brothers.


Based entirely on free market principles broadcast television has developed an emergent property whereby certain values are reinforced while others discouraged. These values tend to support or maintain the status quo.

I think a good case could be made for the latter. The former is laughable.

One could argue television is programmed to cater to their opinions and behaviors, rather than how you had posed it.. but really, that is almost worse.

One could argue television is programmed to cater to their opinions and behaviors

I would love to see that attempted, it would be hilarious.

How do you say "lowest common denominator" without sounding like a dick head?

You are assuming that people ARE the lowest common denominator.

I beg to differ, in that they are conditioned to become this "lowest common denominator".

And native advertising etc

That's just a coincidence don't be silly.

But what people truely don't realise is that they're being CONDITIONED when they use CONDITIONER after shampoo!

When you tell people this they have the nerve to call you crazy.

You're being programmed to buy Pringles and dick pills. You're not being programed by the Bilderberg Group.

And just who do you think owns those companies? But seriously, as someone who hasn't owned a TV in around 8 years, It's obvious, in your face propaganda. All the NCIS, Homeland, newsroom, all of it. Anyone who doesn't see it needs to unplug (their head from their asses) for a while.

Density is funny at times.

Not in times like these.

Most of the stuff done to us they tell us, but hardly anyone realizes what they mean.

Yes, it's coded in things throughout the year and it's revealed through the legislation if you actually read it.

Hey you're using a number of "programs" right now written by a "programmer."

You're right, density is hysterical, sheep.

As a programmer, I can confirm that we are using programs to program your mind and eventually take over the world.

Tell Lie Vision

Empty vee

That isn't how you spell television.


You used an accent grave when you should have used an accent aigu.


Je peux confirmer


You have given me a reason to use my " define this shit" function. Thank you.

In all seriousness, one reason this happens is that there becomes a sort of quid pro quo between the Hollywood people and the government people. For example, "If you want to use the government helicopters, you need to give us script approval." I know a guy who used to work in public relations for the Marines. He had script approval on some big movies and TV shows because these entertainment companies wanted to be able to use military equipment.

But in a more everyday sense, relationships form between the people making the entertainment and the government/military consultants. These relationships create a situation where the entertainment's need for access to government officials causes certain things to be sanitized. It's usually not blatant propaganda because in a democracy, people will call bullshit when it's really obvious. So it has to be more subtle. It's more like "we aren't going to put actual blatant propaganda out there, but the programming is always going to paint the government/military in a positive light as the "good guys."

The thing you have to realize about our society is that in the end, this actually happens because the mass public as a whole does not really want to see our military or our government portrayed negatively. What this means is that if you make a show or a movie that criticizes our own government or military, it will not have a lot of financial success. If you want to make money with entertainment in the US, you have to ultimately show "our side" as being victorious and generally ethical. Sure, you can show some corrupt individuals within our system, but only if you portray most people as being the "good guys" against the bad foreign guys.

Except that nobody calls it television programming. They are television programs, yes. But nobody calls it programming, especially industry professionals. The term simply doesn't exist in reference to TV.

While I agree with your larger statement, that TV is just numbing the minds of the masses or even guiding their ways of thinking. You've definitely read too much into the word.

Just continue to not watch it, that's the best we can do.

But nobody calls it programming, especially industry professionals. The term simply doesn't exist in reference to TV.

Yes... they do.

Fair enough, I didn't think about the word in that context.

"Now back to your scheduled programming..."

The phrase is: "Now back to your regularly scheduled program."

He was being ambiguously ironic.




I love how many people have commented on this that seem to think you just released a peer reviewed study that proves TV programs you. You even used a double negative, why are so many people taking this as fact. Its a funny coincidence that I am pretty sure is not 100% intentional.


You pick the channel and accept the programming. If you don't think that what you watch on television (from the news, to the shows, to the advertisements) affects you than you are the ignorant one.

Maybe you are very aware of what you're watching and can take things with a grain (or truckload) of salt but most people watching television just let it wash over them. The news tells them x, and the believe x is a fact because the man on TV said it. The advertisement tells them they are fat/ugly/whatever and that they need a product to "fix" that, and they go get it. The TV drama shows the FBI agent blatantly breaking the law and making immoral choices... But to PROTECT us and keep us safe... People believe that too.

Everything you take in has an effect on your perception, and it is NOT a coincidence that there is so little thought-provoking television and so MUCH mind-numbing, fear-inducing, drivel.


+1 I'm pretty sure a 'program of events' was used in theatre, long before tv too. It now has a double meaning but not an intentional one.

Oh, you were just being anal for no reason. Got it


But is making a snarky remark like "They call it programming for a reason" really part of that problem?

Your logical mind gets in the way of art and the poetry of our real world. Of course you are right, but television remains a primary means of programming our world views, desires, hopes, identities, and dreams.


Don't be silly. I've travelled, non-US programming is charmingly earnest in its attempt to mimic American propaganda, but the intent is no less powerful.


Mexico, Canada, UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Romania, plus neighboring countries but those are the major ones. Missing Australia, South America, and the East, but I haven't read or seen anything to make me consider that the situation is any different anywhere else in the world.

edit: am US citizen, in case it wasn't overtly apparent

You sir, are correct... What do you usually get when you go to a theater or many events? ... A Program. That booklet you receive when you walk in to an event is a "program". A listing of the evenings events... hence when television first started they co-oped the term from the entertainment of the day... Programming.

All of that being said... television is definitely used to socially "program" the masses by injecting certain ideas/influences/intentions into the masses. It's been the perfect dumbing down tool. Just by the very action of sitting there only watching TV while you could be learning to say or do something amazing! At the very minimal TV has been distracting the masses to sit sedate instead of actively taking part in reality as an actor... Or maybe that is the only act for them?

A lot of TV is now used to "program" us.

In the UK, we use different spelling to avoid confusion.

We can program computers whilst watching a TV programme, so the etymology doesn't really work here.


Program me.

No kidding, huh...

Can I steal this concept. Mind. Blown. Just a great way to put it!

You sir, are correct... What do you usually get when you go to a theater or many events? ... A Program. That booklet you receive when you walk in to an event is a "program". A listing of the evenings events...

AKA a schedule. Television scheduling would be more accurate a term.

Ignorant of what, professor? What fact are we lacking here, and how about enlightening the miserable peons with your brilliance? Perhaps you can debunk the quotes in this article for us?

But it's a perfect description. Mindfucked by reality.

You missed where he didn't say that. He was clearly referring to the irony of naming television "programming" as such, as was everyone else.

You keep thinking that.



despite well known contradictory facts to the opposite.

Such as?


My mistake. ;)

Tactic #3476; Induce uneasiness by 'cautioning against discrediting the sub'. Appeals to people who worry about what anonymous 'others' think of them (as opposed to people who really matter).




And it's people like you that blindly accept everything, which is how BP got to where they are, how our country is now an Oligarchy, why our food supply is fucked up beyond belief and at the same time destroying our land, and our political system is just a fucking joke while innocent citizens are monitored. I'll say it again:



Ahhh, you're a blind sheep. Figures.

stupid fucking theory

ignorance is bliss

if you do the work, you find the only 'stupid fucking theory' that ever gets mentioned here is cropcircles and maybe ufo's

but you wont do the work. because you dont have the time and besides the game starts soon and you need another bud, amiright?

Haven't watched Agents, but just watched Winter Soldier and could draw a metric fuckton of analogies of warnings AGAINST more control, more security, less liberty and that the system of those in control- SHIELD and the US Government had become compromised by the very thing we've always fought against.


Mild spolers for Agents Of SHIELD and Captain America follow...

The series starts with everyone being all about joyously goosestepping to the tune of governmental secrecy and control. But over this first season the characters become more and more disillusioned with the situation and their organization. It eventually ties in with Captain America: The Winter Soldier. A film that was expressly explained by the filmmakers to be a condemnation of the NSA and Obama's secret kill lists. Thusly the whole idea of governmental organization and secret control is brought into question and is exposed as dangerous.


My only problem with it was that the VP got dragged away at the end. Bull fucking shit would that ever happen. But the rest of the movie was pretty golden and fairly obvious in terms of the parallels between the conduct of military and military intelligence in the US.

After seeing the movie it dawned on me; it was written well before Snowden. Take what you will from that.


Hollywood has the jump on a lot of "current news". Money ftw!

You will be downvoted, but you are absolutely correct, and it is very astute of you to notice.

Not before Wikileaks though.

Did you see the movie? Not being rude just curious. Not to SPOIL anything but the overall themes were paralleled with the Snowden leaks and the consequences that those programs could have on us.

Yes I did. I'm just saying Snowden isn't the only high profile leaker in recent history. I'm thinking of Chelsea Manning.

I was going more for content rather than source.

and was loosely based on the comic event 'secret invasion' back in 2008.

If you follow the comics, it was written before that.

Civil War

I don't want to spoil the entire Marvel movie franchise but they're probably building up to something that was written in the wake of the Patriot Act.

Wouldn't happen in a cinema format. Three different studios control three different Marvel franchises.

Xmen do nothing in Civil War and FF is busy having husband/wife arguments while Reed builds a prison. The only character Marvel DOESN'T have the rights to that I would consider fairly integral to the plot is Spiderman

Civil war without spiderman's revelation and Reed Richard's prison would be pretty weak

Which is why I called Spiderman necessary. Anyone can make the prison though. Hulk can do that instead of being shot off into space

But... I hate Reed Richards... and I loved hating him in Civil War. so much

Do you have any idea how many rewrites a movie goes through right up until shooting? They didn't finish it in 2012 and let it sit.

The problem is everyone starts thinking we need captain America to save us

Spoilet alert: in the movie, Captain America tells everyone to stand up for themselves, that he may or may not be able to succeed alone, but that he will die trying and that he bets there are others like him out there. E.g. He doesn't pretend to be a hero, he asks the real heroes ( the normal people who died trying to help Captain America succeed in taking down HYDRA) to risk their lives to fight the system they previously worked to create.

No, no they are not. This latest round of propaganda ( captain america, shield) Is timed to coincide with the bundy ranch issue, to help root out those with anti-government sentiments. This crap will help embolden those with libertarian leanings to speak out, or even act, to help facilitate a full scale crackdown on "domestic terrorists".

But think about it. If someone were to say this is actually happening people would say no its not, you just saw it on that movie. Sometimes i feel the government has movies made to cover up things that have actually happened. If there's a movie, then people can write it off as fiction.

Is this really a new development in television though? Shows have been adding to social and political commentary for decades. The best example I can think of is Star Trek, starting with the original series. Gene Roddenberry started out strong and never eased up. And the new movies have followed in the same spirit. You can't tell me that you didn't see parallels to 9-11 and the government response when you watched Into Darkness.

Or its just based on a comic

Hahaha I was waiting for this day! After I saw cap3 I knew the conspiracy people would go crazy!

Oh my god, THIS. It's saturating everything. Did you see or hear about the movie "Olympus Has Fallen"? It seriously can't get anymore obvious than that piece of crap movie.

my favorite part is when the president's secretary of state or something is being dragged away by the terrorists and starts screaming the pledge of allegiance.

I don't know how the actors brought themselves to do those things.

Rent $.

I'd live under a bridge before I'd allow my image to be shown doing that.

People say that, until they live under a bridge.

Fer real.

ahahahahahaha! I didn't make it that far into the movie.

I can just imagine the masses of ignorant 'Mericans that watch that shit and think, "Those damn brown terrorists! Thank God for George W. This is exactly what will happen if we don't get that damn Brock Osama outta office!"

It's north korean terrorists actually which is ever more funny really.

Really? In the new Red Dawn it was also North Korean terrorists.

They really want us to be afraid of those Kooks and Roosks and Sandies don't they?

( Excuse my anti-PC terms, they are meant to be humorous in mocking the ad hominids used to mar peoples of other nationalities. )

Kooks, roosks and sandies sounds like a fun board game

Personally, as an Indian dude I find Sandie much more likeable than Curry-nigger.

I never heard the Curry Nigger before. Sand Nigger yeah but never Curry. I wonder whats next.

Dude that seriously does, sounds fun like Munchkins.

I should work it into a rough draft and sell it to Peter Jackson.

They changed it from a Chinese invasion for one reason or another.

It was originally going to be Chinese, but since some Chinese investors own a controlling stake in AMC, the writers had to pull the plug or lose a big market share.

I always thought it was gooks. Thats what clint says in gran turino anyway

That's the actual racist term which is why I said Kooks to further the satire and avoid the negative tone of the actual word.


Lol, well we like that your movie is going to scare people, but we don't like that it will scare this multi-billion dollar audience, so change your villain.

That's Han- Kooks to you, round-eyed Mi-Guk.

BTW, that awful movie was supposed to have China as the villian, as mentioned below.

Probably because they can portray North Korea as the enemy in those kinds of movies because they know North Korea isn't going to do shit and wan't to avoid stepping on the toes of a nation that might actually take offense to it.

Does anyone have a clip for that? Sounds hilarious.

"So is a mortgage that much of a life goal? Well, 99% of everything done in the world, good or bad, is done to pay a mortgage, so perhaps the world would be a better place if everyone rented."

That scene was the most ridiculous things I have ever witnessed. So much pro-state propaganda.

Money to pay for their cribs

That movie made the pro-military state propaganda incredibly obvious to me. I was laughing through most of the movie because of how ridiculous it was. There have been a lot of movies like that recently. Surprisingly the movie 2 Guns gave a semi-accurate account of how the CIA is involved in drug trafficking.

Off-topic, I enjoyed 2 Guns, it was a fun movie.

Hows about the fact that there was a similar movie that same month. (can't remember the name though)

To be fair, that happens every year. We get two Hercules movies this year, before it was two Snow White movies

O I know.

I just remember these ones seem to have come out really close to each other. ( I could be wrong though)

White House Down

The other one wasn't too bad. The bad guy is a general orchestrates a false flag attack on the white house so we would nuke the middle east.

Olympics has fallen

No it was Olympus has fallen (which user above me mentioned)

I am talking about White House down.


How so?

It's because television / Hollywood is highly risk adverse.

This is why you tend to get batches of the same type of film / TV show in a period of time, be it detective shows, vampire films, or the seemingly endless conversions to the big screen of sub-par "young adult" fiction.1

1 - Sorry, I'm a book snob - I can't help that last part.

That movie was supposed to be over the top like that

Around the same time that came out, the more lighthearted "White House Down" came out. I've watched neither but they both have the theme of the whitehouse being taken over.

The fact that there was two of the exact same movie at the same time, Olympus has Fallen and White House Down, should be screaming propaganda to anyone with a brain.

The girl waving the American flag at the end had me in stitches of laughter!

Actually I watched that film and it wasn't propaganda. I mean I was actually expecting it to be propaganda, but it wasn't. It actually showed that it was an inside job from the white house who wanted to kill the president.

I actually think its a well made film and gave it I think 7 stars over at Imdb.

as an Arab i was glad it wasn't Arabs this time

It's funny that they're always super reluctant to use regular US citizens as terrorists.

It doesn't really work because as shitty as life can be in America, it's generally pretty fucking awesome on the day to day for the average American, so why would they be inclined to go out committing acts of terrorism?

This is why their patsies always have some military history, some bent or grudge against the power structure.

The Arab terrorist is no longer working because everybody knows it's fucking bullshit, any legit arab terrorists were probably funded by the US as they were originally, and more than likely incensed into becoming a "terrorist" because of how the US bombs the piss out of their country and destroys their livelihood.

Terrorism is MANUFACTURED.

Everybody is starting to realize these world governments are under the control of a secret government who is playing a game, pitting the countries against each other in a set up to bring in the new world order of one world government.

Nothing I'm saying should be new to most of the people reading this.


There are millions of Arabs who see this as a real clash of civilizations.......It is many things. A fake conflict isn't one of them

Colonialism in Israel, US troops all over Saudi Arabia, the shah, forcing westernization in Afghanistan after we facilitated their fall back to the stone age, and the list goes on. This conflict isn't made up, we codified it as foreign policy in a very democratic process.

There is no secret cabal, it's all out in the open.........

A lot of them probably still aren't really happy about all the war crimes and stuff either. I'm going to just guess that most citizens of the entire middle eastern region now have known someone that we managed to kill.

War crimes over there started way back too.. The first one I can think of off the top of my head was when we caused the overthrow of the Iranian government.. Then Reagan's guys paid Iran to keep the US hostages longer to secure the win over Carter.. Then Gulf war 1 you have 2 large scale attacks where the US troops engaged a retreating force that was completely out of combat over a long time span until they completely annihilated the opposing vehicles and killed or caused all people to flee, some of which were unarmed women, children and other citizens.. Then the same general a couple days later orders his own troops to advance around and flank a retreating convoy of Iraqi troops, and the claim is that the Iraqis fire on them first, but no damage or injury is inflected at all. They proceed to order us troops to box in the retreating iraqis, then destroy and kill all of them.

Both groups were retreating to comply with United States cease fire agreements.

Then we have Bush 2 Gulf war, tortures, the civilians killed, contractor military guys killing people.. Indefinite detentions, violations of Geneva conventions.. All that continued under Obama.

It is very hard to even guess what my opinion of the United States would be if I was from anywhere there. I would imagine most people in the middle east hate our country but probably do understand that it isn't necessarily that the people who live here have a damn thing to do with any of this. It sucks because I'd love to like be able to visit places outside the United States and meet people and learn about their countries and expose my kids to that, but our government makes it top dangerous for me to do that in a lot of places.

I guess I could lie and say I'm Canadian, eh?

Wonder how hard it is to emigrate to BC if you're a computer programmer. I'd seriously consider the move. Fresh seafood, costal mild climate, close to Seattle and Whistler.. I bet they have good tech jobs there and I freelance anyway mostly.

There is a secret cabal, and it's not all out in the open, otherwise we would all know why all these shitty things are happening and who the shitty people ordering these shitty things to happen are.

The clash of civilizations is real, it's not a fake conflict, and nowhere in anything I've said have I implied that is it.

Manufactured is not fake, it means that it is the direct results of reasons which were intended to turn those people into terrorists.

I chose manufactured because the process in which these people become terrorists fits the definition of manufactured, people purposely set out to cause instability so as to foster the rise of terrorists which they could then fund and use.

We do know why they're happening.

Have you ever read a history book? Generally speaking every single discussion* they ever had required a "note taker" and it's our custom to speak about these decisions a couple decades after. Obviously the whole truth isn't out there, and certainly not everyone tells the truth. But the motives behind everything I mentioned were clear as day.

I would encourage you to read books like




These men aren't all powerful, they don't take orders from some homogenous group that always retains the same position. And most importantly the information our leaders are given is often woefully inaccurate. The president more than anyone has the information that he is presented to him manipulated. Although some certainly have been more savvy than others.

post-9/11 they don't use americans because there are too many obvious enemies. In the 90s though the cold war was over and we didn't really have anyone. Look at The Rock and Under Siege for example. Both used domestic terrorists.

'Terrorism is MANUFACTURED'

Exactly, I wish more people realised this. You can't make money without conflict and there always needs to be a boogeyman/scapegoat for the public to direct their anger.

There's no "secret" government. It is the will of humanity expressed worldwide. Me first. Gimme. Fuck you.

Sadly I'm back and forth between this concept and a not necesarrily "secret cabal" but certainly amounts of wealth and common interest that coalesce into a repressive system just by sheer organization and amount of interest in maintaining control by whatever means.

Which may seem like a conspiracy or cabal, because it is, but it is less demon worship illuminati and more buried in paper work, planned and carried out baby step by baby step in front of our faces, in an era when there was much more ability to control media and prevent alternative media to some degree.

That is more like what is going on then baby sacrificing hood wearing red robbed ritual having society pitted against another society for control of humanity and all its resources. There is basically 2 or 3 groups of very wealthy people that get together and decide how things should go, and often times they are at odds with the other groups, who have there own idea of how the world should work.

Well shit, that sounds conspiratorial.

It's funny that they're always super reluctant to use regular US citizens as terrorists.

Person of Interest, which I love, has a plotline about people fighting back against the surveillance state. They're Americans and they're referred to as "privacy terrorists".

The idea of Terrorism is just modern day McCarthyism- trying to scare people and make everyone suspicious of their neighbor- not only that but the stereotyped 'terrorist' is such a vague idea; yet we invade other countries on the entire notion that 'terrorists come from this country'.

I'm not saying they aren't a breeding ground for such ideals and fucked up things happen (because we sold them weapons..), but it's such a false pretense to justify invading another country over.

You shouldn't be able to say you're 'fighting Terror' by invading a middle eastern country. That's like saying you're 'fighting AIDS' by invading Africa..

The rock had an American terrorist. I think the movie speed did as well, although I remember that one a but less.

Does anybody appreciate House of Cards depicting government persecution of a whistle-blower, including showing the agents threatening to torture someone's furry pet in order to get him to cooperate?

I appreciate it's general depiction of government as the mafia.

At face value I think anyone might assume the show might glorify that kind of behaviour...but if you watch it closely its the opposite

It's not about glorifying it or standing against it. It's about conditioning people to accept these conversations about torture as normal. It's never the overt statement, the message is in the subtext, the assumptions. Every time we debate the efficacy of torture we lend it legitimacy, and that is utterly insane.

Its the normalization of corruption, not exposing it but making it seem like a given.

I bet if someone brought up the West Wing you would then say that that is about showing government as benign and benevolent in order to trick us into trusting it. Portray it realistically and you're being conditioned. Portraying it in an aspiring way and it's propaganda. Ignore it completely and it's curiously absent from public discourse.

The West Wing was on TV at a time when they wanted the people to think that government was benevolent, we are now in an era where the opposite is being pushed. I'm not sure if you've seen my threads on this before, but they are now starting to foment the "American Spring" in which people will be so upset with government corruption that they will demand a new system and then in comes world government. Just saying, there's a reason for everything, its all propaganda.

So I guess Parks and Recreation is part of pushing the opposite?

I've never seen that show so I cannot comment.

So when you said, "Its all propaganda." You were just talking out of your ass?

Nope. Anything on television is propaganda. You must not understand the concept of propaganda and/or are completely under its influence if you don't think every bit of media you ingest is propaganda. Here you go, a little reading material for you to carouse whilst the commercials are on: http://monoskop.org/images/4/44/Ellul_Jacques_Propaganda_The_Formation_of_Mens_Attitudes.pdf



Ugh no that whole hacker arc was so cheesy and heavy-handed. Such a terrible season.

It's everywhere..... I see it in kids cartoons and of course every minute of CNN broadcasts is propaganda

every minute of CNN broadcasts is propaganda

FIXED: every minute of CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, the Drudge Report, Huffington Post, or anything else that deals with current events is propaganda.

The problem isn't with the media it is with supply and demand. When we get straight up news we are bored. We have to read what happened, analyze it, and draw conclusions of our own. The text is dry and has no flare so we skip it and move on. People do not buy or read anything like that, even with the option. People buy something where someone tells them what to think based on a single event that can be tied to others to support their dialog, whether or not they are actually connected.

Give me convenience or give me death.


Well... I guess the only solution to our problems is to huddle into a big ball of men and have a gay orgy.

Alright....back to the pile.

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I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Message me here. I don't read PMs!

By far the dumbest comment I've seen all week

You're fucking stupid


Better than you trying to play psychologist and "cure the gay"




Presumably all that was keeping people straight all these years was the portrayal of straight people on television shows. /s

or doing what comes naturally

so do the 99.9% of animals in nature that all have signs of homosexuality all have daddy issues you stupid fucking twat?

many never even meet their father, so why not?

that, is, just....... I don't even know what to say to shit like that, you didn't respond to how amazingly insensitive you are to actual homosexuals.

I love how you think all animals that are homosexual are mentally able to process abandonment issues, seriously how old are you and what part of the country are you from?

i dont give a shit how insensitive i am to homosexuals because i dont play by the bullshit politically correct rules



Well, what you wrote is hateful ABSURD drivel. And yes you moron, you are a real person, and as a real person, we are all held accountable to some extent to what we said. You don't have anything against gay people huh? WELLLLL maybe you should take your own advice and realize that homosexuals are "real people" as well. Next time you are spewing you're uneducated fucking brain farts you had while playing mine craft with your gay hating friends, realize what you said is 1000000000% more offensive and damaging to the "REAL PEOPLE" that are actually gay and have to suffer all this misinformation and hate from bigots like you. If you really don't have anything against gay people, read a fucking book on zoology and see that homosexuality is a part of nature dickhead. Don't just write 'what you feel to be true' lol, its incredible to me you criticize me for being 'hateful' when you don't understand how incredibly stupid and insensitive your childish words are.

Just steal my upvote why don't you.

I've been saying this for years and sparked many arguments on this subject. And I always start I have nothing against homosexuals, but I am against the Gay Propaganda thats washing all over the media influencing confused young men. Its bad enough theres chemicals and estrogen hormones in everything we eat now, which to me, I would say effects the chemistry of an embryo still in utero.

I don't know, I could go on this subject for awhile.

I genuinely do not understand your point of view, could you help me understand why it makes a difference if there are more gay characters? I fail to see how confused young men would be swayed by television, and even if they were I am of the belief that if it weren't for TV it would be something else, or nothing at all, since it's not really a matter of choice.


have you ever seen a conspiracy theorist portrayed positively on a TV show?

X-Files comes to mind. I don't watch TV but there's a huge number of movies with the conspiracy theorist being the hero.

You don't mind if there are gay characters. You just mind those gay characters influencing normal society. ie being gay is not normal and shouldn't be accepted in normal, polite society.

If you want to put forth that there is some gay agenda in media to make all the normal hetrosexuals love taking it up the ass then that's your own little crazy red wagon.

Let's say that there is some sort of agenda to get people to be gay or even less sinister to just accept gay people. The question is then a pretty big so fucking what?

Don't worry, the 21st century perception of conspiracy theorists comes from their own inability to separate correlation and causation, patterns and random events etc.

Then you don't understand the great influence Television has on the masses. Whether it be patriotism, trending items, opinions or views, and general subliminal messages. And I'm not being insulting, just expressing. For instance if you still don't get the concept, think of school shootings, and the youth of today being more aggressive/homicidal. The media continuously portrays every single one of them and confused/angry youth and see this as a way to act out. Perpetuating the problem.

As children, we are very susceptible to outside influence.

I grew up without TV and until age 14 only ate meat we hunted/raised and all dairy was homegrown straight from the cow.

TV and processed food do not make "the gays". That's got to be one of the funniest things I've heard in awhile.

I believe there are many different types of homosexuality, and have been generously informed whenever talking about this subject. Some times people are just gay. Sometimes a man just loves a man, and a woman loves a woman. Sexual preference has nothing to do with it. A lot of stigma that people view with homosexuality steams from the church which has done horrible things around the world, not just to the gay community.

What I am proposing now is the influx of chemicals and media influence creating homosexuals.

Mostly its repressed gays are confused by their own sexuality.

*the anti-homo agenda maintains that its possible to turn a homo into a hetero, so they will also believe that all these gays are going to confuse heteros into homos. The fact is nobody is scared of being straight. Only those shamed and fearful of their own sexuality are going be confused.

I think he is operating from a paradigm where he believes that for some it is a choice and that this influences it. I don't know how to feel about it because I know a lot of straight people that tested out their sexuality with the same gender, or gays that participated and enjoyed a lot of straight sex. I honestly believe that most people have bi-sexual tendencies for the most part and then change that based other life-factors.

Well, to those it does influence what's so bad about sex with men? I bet dudes give better blowjobs anyway. Besides, after sex you'd both just go play GTA or something. Man, I'm starting to wish I were gayer. Might go watch some TV now, I'm feeling a bit confused.

Ahaha! I have gay friends and straight friends. Nothing bad to say about either! I wish you happiness in whatever you pursue!

Besides, after sex you'd both just go play GTA or something.

Yep. It's pretty much exactly like this.

wouldn't one want to go do some sewing or decorate the dolls house?

When was the last time you met a gay dude that was even vaguely similar to the image portrayed by that statement?

I guarantee I can out shoot, out fish, out whatever most guys that care to try, and at the end of the day I'll be going home to my bf. Being gay != feminimity any more than being straight = masculinity. Anyone thinking otherwise would likely be surprised how many gay dudes they interact with on a daily basis.

I hate to break it to you but you actually have quite a lot against homosexuals.

See thats the point of view people don't get. I really don't have anything against the gay community. I have family members and friends who are gay. I was bored one day and thought why something is. Just so happened to be homosexuality.

And this reasoning, about a male fetus being bombarded with excess estrogen in utero makes sense to me.

Just curious about your theory, wouldn't the amount of estrogen or whatever required to change a basic biological drive also effect other traits, making gays girlish, small, and weak? It doesn't seem like they would be "manly" at all.

Maybe some, but not everyone is create equal. That would indicate that every male fetus in question is introduced to the same amount of estrogen. Totally improbable.

But if it's the estrogen that makes me gay I would expect to see many similarities between every gay guy. There isn't.

How does this theory explain lesbians? I guess they got too much testosterone introduced? Damn, our government is good at this, knowing which to introduce to which fetus before parents and doc even know the sex!

You've cracked the biggest conspiracy of all time, TPTB influencing sexuality since the begining of time!

Or did we forget homosexuality isn't new? Like, at all.

But if it's the estrogen that makes me gay I would expect to see many similarities between every gay guy. There isn't.

the voice? the walk? the limp wrist? the facial ticks?

What an idiot.

Want evidence that TV skews perception of reality? You're it.

/r/gaybros would love to have a word with you. The idea you have of homosexuality is very much a minority.

But I already stated nobody is created equal. If a set of identical twins were born, and each placed into different families, they wont grow up to be identically the same, because of influences of beliefs/point of views instilled in them from parenting.

edit; and in previous comments I expressed the differences in homosexuality

Right. That's the problem with the theory. If it was because of a chemical influence the end result would be determined en utero. Ok, it could be plausible, all of us will tell you it isn't a choice. But you have millions of folks eating the same food, water, etc and watching the same TV. Yet we are still a minority. Not as low a minority as some like to pretend, but minority none the less. It just doesn't fit unless you are suggesting we are singled out prior to birth.

On top of that, the fact that gays have been prevelant enough in history to be mentioned in the oldest parts of the bible, Greek/Roman culture, etc. We have been around since the beginning. This suggests a genetic difference, not the introduction of chemicals.

The only reason we are noticed so much today is because of our fight for equal rights. There are of course more of us, because there's more of everyone.

And this reasoning, about a male fetus being bombarded with excess estrogen in utero makes sense to me.

Hormonal chemistry influencing sexuality is a perfectly reasonable point of view. Talking about Gay Propaganda that's washing all over the media and it influencing confused young men means that you have a significant issue with this.

There is approximately 4.4% of regular characters on TV that are gay. https://www.glaad.org/publications/whereweareontv12 So its actually a fairly realistic depiction of real life.

The idea that showing these characters to confused young men (which is interesting and telling that you don't seem to care about confused young women) is somehow a bad idea means you believe that these confused young men can decide to love the cock and that their choice to do so is somehow undesirable from a societal perspective.

So please don't retreat from your implications. Scientific inquiry into why someone is black or gay or a psychopath is beneficial. That was not the main thrust of what you said though. Proudly follow through with that and say that you believe that having more gay people is just undesirable.

Well I'm not a woman and can't really speak on there behalf, but I'm sure there's tons to say. Its bad enough that we demoralize and sexual women everyday in every form, and their introduced to this stuff at an early age. I don't care for those intense feminists that are all like 'Men are fucking pigs', but their point of view has validity. Its a different view of thinking.

Yes reply to the parenthetical off-handed comment instead of addressing the rest of why you're a bigot. Apparently you believe that ignoring points as well as ignoring gay people will make both go away.

No I don't. Actually I predict there will be an influx of homosexuals in the future. And I expressed the reasons why, but instead of looking at the information logically, all you see me typing is Faggot this and Faggot that. How about you go back through the comments and do some research.

I did do some research you closeted nut bag.

Lol, welcome to r/conspiracy

First they started with a darkie on All in the Family, and then they gave him his own show. Soon that gay couple on Modern Family will have their own show. /s

Lol, okay. I think we're on different pages. I never watched All in the Family but referring to black people as darkies, and as I can see now that you genuinely have a problem with gays, I would say you just stem from cultural reasoning. Thats just the way you were raised, the point of view instilled in you while you were young, that black and gays weren't right.

Protip: if your index finger is longer than your ring finger you might secretly be gay

Lifetip: If your hand is bigger than your face you might be gay

slap you in the face with your own hand when you check


My bad actually if your ring finger is longer you're gay

Don't you know, homosexuality is one of the major politically correct litmus tests to prove that you're "one of us" along with your views on capital punishment and abortion and woman's rights. It's like when you were in school and didn't wear the right clothes. The other kids picked on you, right? Well, the kids are still picking on anyone who stands out, only now it is about key social issues that identify the purity or impurity of your social and cultural opinions.

insert media influence here; child getting picked on, too weak to defend himself, sees on the news that when other youth like him had enough, they shot up the place.

Back in my day that didn't happen. As often as it is today. Children are getting weaker now a days.


No lie, I posted this to r/askreddit awhile back and I was almost burned at the stake for questioning homosexuality. To me, really, it makes sense. Its totally feasible for male fetuses.


You wondered if hormones were being introduced to fetuses to make them develop gay, you ass.

Makes sense right? Just look into all the estrogen being dumped into waterways and being fed to animals.

Just like theres a little bit of mercury in fish. Not enough to effect us. But if we consume mass amounts of fish, the mercury levels build up and can harm us. Not only do fish contain mercury, they are LOADED with estrogen.

see where I'm headed?

If youve found that actual rates of homsexuality have increased since our technology boom, lets see that post instead. Good luck finding those numbers while all the closet gays are hiding.

I do believe there is something behind what you are saying, and allow me to present my evidence.

Soy. Soy is in so much shit it's absurd. It's in so much shit because we subsidize it and corn both for billions every year.

We do this because the corn rapes the land of its' nutrients, and the soy gives it back, they cycle these crops.

Soy contains phyto-estrogen which bind to your estrogen receptors.

This is just one way that mens hormones are being "secretly" manipulated.

I say "secretly" because people can become informed on this if they choose to. I'm talking about it, but for some reason I get attacked with hostility for suggesting that there's a conspiracy to mess with male hormones.

There's always a card for everything on reddit, so whenever you try talking about an issue like this you're a "mens' rights" douche.

Always find a way to polarize the argument.

What about it? If you're showing me "statistics by year" then you should have noticed the data is all over the place as a whole, none of the methologies or even reported Q/A is the same in any study. Add to it the fact that none of those surveys can be conducted without people SELF identifying as gay or engaging in gay sex means we do not know if or at what rate homosexuality is increasing. I am interested in learning more if you do have something besides that wiki link.

Well, simply because I couldn't find anything thing else. Either way it still shows an increase.

It does NOT at ALL. You need to paste exactly what you read into.

Because equal signs bro, it's okay to be gay, we're serial guys, YOU DON'T HAVE TO REPRODUCE, IN FACT, WE'D PREFER IT IF YOU DIDN'T, SO PLEASE, BE GAY.

The powers that be have not been making women "liberated bitches that don't need men" and making men "effeminate drama queens who don't need women" so that we'll reproduce more.

They have been systematically pitting men and women against each other for decades now, and the main goal of it, which has largely been accomplished, is to completely take power away from the average man in terms of his ability to protect women, because remember they don't need us anymore and they think they don't need our protection anymore.

They are using societal programming to encourage people to live lives of active self-absorption and brazen recklessness so that they will die quicker.

Live fast die young as they say, because they truly want this.

Local towns mourn when 3 kids die because they were drunk driving and crashed into a freaking pipeline ( which exploded ). The powers that be celebrate the end of another "worthless feeder".

TL;DR - The gay propaganda is a part of their plan to destroy the family unit not only through gays but through their pitting of men and women against each other.

Or, some people are gay...

Yes, some people are gay. Last I checked the figures estimate less than 5% of all people.

Seems odd that such a small minority is being treated as if it's a majority, like everybody has a gay friend.

When I say "treated as if" I'm not referencing to equality, I believe everybody deserves the same rights and protections afforded to their fellow human beings, a view which is reflected in the Bill of Rights.

Then read books and learn the appropriate words so that you dont sound like such a dick.

The gay propaganda is a part of their plan to destroy the family unit not only through gays but through their pitting of men and women against each other.

Which is why television is showing healthy examples of gay couples raising children? Oh yeah, that's just tearing families apart isn't it /s

Seriously, you don't think that maybe the increase in homosexuality displayed on TV is because a previously oppressed minority is FINALLY gaining mainstream acceptance? TV is reflecting real life. Gay families are being given more agency, couples are able to marry, and fewer people are forced to live in the closet as a result. As a result, gay people are more visible and accepted into society than ever before.

Your statement just reeks of homophobia.

Seriously, you don't think that maybe the increase in homosexuality displayed on TV is because a previously oppressed minority is FINALLY gaining mainstream acceptance?

Woah buddy, that's way to simple of an answer to be accepted in this sub.

Seriously, you don't think that maybe the increase in homosexuality displayed on TV is because a previously oppressed minority is FINALLY gaining mainstream acceptance?

No, I think that the increase in homosexuality displayed on TV is what has caused gays to gain mainstream acceptance.

It all started with the Metro movement, did you not understand it's purpose?

They had to make it acceptable first for men to APPEAR to be gay, because even the appearance of being gay is enough to get you mocked by those who would do such mocking.

So the metro movement started in the late eighties and gained the appearance of homosexuality societal acceptance by the late nineties.

NOTE: I am not homophobic, though I do not view homosexuality as morally correct, I know that it is more complex than an issue of morals, as there are biological reasons that also drive sexual desire, and that there are many people who have gender identity issues because of their genetics.

Life sure is easy for a "normal" person without these issues, which is why I view everybody as their own individual case, we truly are all special snowflakes, though that certainly doesn't mean we don't all share similarities and common problems with similar solutions.

You are homophobic. Your qualifying statement after saying you're not homophobic is itself homophobic. And the fact that you believe it is morally wrong is quite obviously informing your view about this "conspiracy."

Do you ever think an aggressive push for acceptance might be to stop gay kids getting thrown out of their homes by their parents? To prevent them committing suicide when their peers mock them ceaselessly?

They will always be able to use the moral platitudes of suicide motivated by bullying, as they are the ones who create the culture of bullying towards these people.

I am not homophobic, as being homophobic means you are intolerant of homosexuality, which I am not.

I treat all people with kindness and respect.

Okay, I will accept that at face value for now. Can you explain how they created this culture and who they are?

"They" are basically the power structure, the same people who are engineering the campaign to disarm American citizens through things like MAIG and the Brady Campaign.

They created this culture by the same means which they use to do anything, controlling just about everything.

They controlled all of the racist KKK folks and Southern Baptists and everybody else they know who is opposed to homosexuality, and through them they established rituals like "smear the queer".

Who in the fuck made "smear the queer"? It's a game where everybody tries to tackle the person with the ball.

The first obvious psychological effect is associating being queer with being bad, as if you are the queer you get tackled.

The second effect is that it trains people that it's okay to use violence against queers, as the object it to tackle the queer.

That's just one way they create the culture of hate towards gays, super insidiously through playground games.

You say that homophobia is wrong, but also that homosexuality is being suggested or coerced, or is simply unnatural.

You also say fashion is causing men and women to drift apart, and now men no longer want or are able to "protect women." (From who? Men who are not yet brainwashed into fashion?)

You are a loon.

You say that homophobia is wrong

Yes, it is wrong to be intolerant of homosexuals.

homosexuality is being suggested or coerced

No, but that peoples behaviors are being influenced to be more "homosexual" as with the whole metro-sexual movement, which also helped to influence their opinions towards homosexual appearances and behaviors being more socially acceptable.

is simply unnatural

In terms of human sexual reproduction, yes, as males can not reproduce with other males.

In that way, it is unnatural for a male to sexually prefer a female, as the purpose of sex is reproduction, they are your reproductive organs.

You also say fashion is causing men and women to drift apart

I did not say that, you are purposely taking me out of context.

To cause men and women to drift apart, they do many things, which is why I stated the "independent woman who doesn't need a man financially and can thus live on her own and be a bitch and fuck whoever", as if the friction between men and women wasn't bad enough when it was mostly the men being assholes and fucking whoever.

no longer want or are able to "protect women." (From who?

Protect them from MEN, the people who run the planet and always have and always will.

Who got women to smoke? It was Edward Bernays, a MAN, who helped engineer the campaign which made it socially acceptable for women to smoke, by playing off their emotions in using the cigarette as a symbol of "independence" and power.

So apparently women do need Men to protect them, otherwise other men will come up and take advantage of them or just straight up rape or murder them.

Women are not psychologically inferior, but about half of all women are weaker than half of all men, and that's unfortunately just enough to allow the men to make the women second class citizens by using violence to control them, which is why the planet is the way it is to today. It's not right, and I'm not defending it, just stating to you how it is since you seem not to understand.

Homosex is natural because homosexuals are driven toward it at the onset of puberty, just like heterosexuals. That is all we know. That's nature, that brains make us want sex. Adolescent cavemen did not naturally sense that their load of semen is for making babies. Kids just wanted to fuck, just like today, and something in the gay brain is a little different. You say it's unnatural, science does not.


So apparently women do need Men to protect them, otherwise other men will come up and take advantage of them or just straight up rape or murder them.

Unless the same men try out androgynous clothes and hair, thereby retarding their ability either protect or hurt women, according to your own theory.

Are you saying that the powers that be tricked groups that hate people based on race and religion to also hate people based on sexual orientation? I'm not sure I understand.

I think you are implying that you do understand, as you have stated what it is that they do, you have given yourself the answer through your question.

I don't understand because it makes no sense.

the powers that be tricked groups that hate people based on race and religion to also hate people based on sexual orientation

Yes. They have always been using people to hate other people, it's what they do, divide and conquer as we've already stated.

Who tricked everybody into hating the Jews in Nazi Germany, not the powers that be?

That's fair, but then your position seems to be NOT against the anti-gay hate and division, but against the people trying to END it.

No, I am against the anti-gay hate and division.

I just will never agree that homosexuality is a normal human sexual preference, as the purpose of human sex is for sexual reproduction.

It seems I am against the people trying to end it as I am against the people trying to normalize it.

That does not mean I am against the people who are working towards gay equality.

This is America, gays deserve the same equality everybody else deserves, all American Citizens deserve the same equal treatment.

I am completely for ending the hate towards gays.

Wasn't it normal in Greek/Roman society?

Wasn't child sacrifice normal in various societies in various times?

How are such things relevant?

You can't compare killing someone to fucking who you please. I'm saying homosexuality normalized isn't bad for society, and it's on you to prove that it is harmful because gay sex is a consensual, nonviolent activity.

Who tricked everybody into hating the Jews in Nazi Germany, not the powers that be?

No one, anti semitism in Germany pre NSDAP was very prevalent and widespread. The NDSAP simply harnessed that hatred and amplified it.

Please dont help with any more conspiracies.

You make a sane post -- needless to say, you will be downvoted. But some of us get what you are saying.

You are dumb as fuck.

What kind of a response is that?

Great retort.


I agree with what you state, though I maintain my reasons and assert that you have just listed yet another of their multipurpose uses of the pro-gay push.

You're correct that the pro gay push is social manipulation, and is being used by the elite to control the people.

"effeminate drama queens who don't need women"

Is this actually your idea of what gays are? You do know what a stereotype is, right? Or has someone been watching too much TV?

No, it is not my idea of what all gays are.

Yes, I do know what a stereotype is.

The whole agenda, is making men powerless, because it is evil men who control this shit.

The effeminate gay is only one type of person, as obviously there are masculine gays, and there are also effeminate bisexuals and masculine bisexuals and so on and so forth and all other manners of sexual orientation.

I do not watch tv.

So, if I understand better, you're saying TPTB push for division among people by accentuating the stereotypes in each group that rustle the jimmies of the others? Like a complicated divide and conquer strategy?

If so, I can buy into that idea. Take gays, since somehow that became a topic ITT. I feel like the rights war is damaged by the same stereotypes used on TV to support us. Yes, to your average person a lisping "fabulous" bright colored guy dancing around sassing everyone is uncomfortable. I wouldn't want that for my kid. Unfortunately, most don't realize, or choose not to realize, that most of us aren't like that. Most of us aren't all that distinquishable from anyone else. But until that becomes a realization people will see gay as a threat to normal life.

So yeah, TV definitely serves to perpetuate the very issues they claim to fight. And I can easily believe TPTB like that just fine. If you won't stand at my back because I'm gay, and I won't back you because you're a "bigot", both of us are alone, and they win.

Exactly, their divide and conquer strategy is very complex and it does pit every group against each other in every way that it can.

These people are MASTER propagandists, they have fucking laws on the shit, so I think it's safe to assume that the people engineering the divide and conquer strategy are equally as good at propaganda.

Most of you are as you say, normal people you wouldn't know were gay unless you asked.

It's not a threat to life, but it's being controlled so as to control the people.

They have an active agenda to keep the population low, as that ensures there are less people to take care of and less people which can fuck up their plans.

So it makes sense for them to not only actively encourage people towards homosexuality through media propaganda, but also through biological means like through hormones.

I wouldn't believe that were it not for their use of soy in so many products, as soy contains phyto-estrogen which binds to your estrogen receptors.

Zero Dark Thirty, Argo, the list goes on and on


Uh did you watch the rest of the movie? It had the 2 minute cartoon you refer to which 'explained' things, and then over the next two hours was some of the most blatant pro-CIA anti-Iranian propaganda I've ever seen. It was horrifically inaccurate and made to look like the CIA were heroes, when in reality it was actually the Canadian government who saved them.


Whoa there, are you trying to logically explain something using evidence?

"if anyone thinks Ben Affleck is gonna make a movie that blindly kisses up to the government and makes them heroic for no reason, they're simply mistaken. "

Too bad he did.

"but Affleck is more likely to be one of us. "

I wouldn't fundraise for Obama or make a movie with State Department and CIA support to demonize Iran and lionize the CIA. The movie was publicly lauded by many people in the US gov, Michelle Obama even announced its Best Picture win at the Oscars, in a masterful propaganda act, with soldiers standing behind her in uniform. Much of the movie was literally filmed at the State Department.

I do agree with you about Good Will Hunting and the NSA speech + shouting out Howard Zinn. That was a great piece of work, but I thought Argo was really insidious honestly. A very harmful piece of propaganda.

Lone Survivor, Blatant propaganda there.

I thought it was heading that way until spoiler the pretty much mirror image of the two guys they had almost shot ended up saving him.

24, persuading people that illegal torture is beneficial. And generally hyping up the fear of terrorism.

How about Captain Phillips? I never saw, but i automatically assumed it was some sort of propoganda. Anyone else?

This is a fantastic comment.

So is yours.

Wow! Three for three! Sweet comments guys!

My comment isn't nearly as sex as yours is.

Oh ya. The movie was not even accurate... The crew members said he wasn't the hero that they were making him out to be.

Lol. "I didnt watch this, but im going to say it was ? Propaganda, because"

Same. Knew they probably wouldn't tell the full story of the pirates and I would end up disappointed in my fellow man.

I just figured it was because, well, pirates being in the msm and the accounts of the real phillips. "Lets get Tom Hanks to inaccurately portray this douche bag and prop him up as a national hero". Then the public would be behind america in the future if anything crazy happens on the 7 seas. "You hear about that ship that sunk?" "Yeah, it was a pirate ship but murica went in there and pewpewpew freedom" "fuck yeah!" When in actuality it was some merchant vessle that belonged to china or some shit and the U.S. sunk it to spark a war or something.

They didn't become pirates because they loved gold doubloons. They were starved out by the European and Asian fishermen after the collapse of their country. Turned out that piracy was much more profitable than fishing. Doubt they covered that in the movie.


Edit: Not sure why the down votes. I'm not saying piracy is right, I'm saying history has 2 sides. Would be much more interested in a movie that showed the point of view of the bad guys. If you only look at history from the point of view of the side that you support, you are short changing your education.


I am not sure if it is common knowledge. A lot of people that I know, don't know the history of them. Don't know the history of any pirates AFAIK.

Might as well be the colorful characters shown in children's cartoons as far as they are concerned.

Don't forget the toxic waste that Russia and China dumped off their coast that killed the fish.

Yep. I'm no fan or advocate of piracy, but those guys got a raw deal.

They did cover it briefly

Are we gong to call somali pirates good guys now?

Well, no. They are pirates. Why would you call pirates good guys?

Captain Phillips

was bad. so was Lone Survivor.

To me, this is a sign the controllers are getting desperate.

Care to explain? I'm intrigued

More and more people are becoming aware of how the system actually works, in no small part due to the Internet.

This means the controllers need to increase the propaganda from media they still control such as the TV.

I expect we will reach a breaking point quite soon, maybe only months away.

You can follow the latest developments on websites such as divinecosmos.com, benjaminfulford.net and 2012portal.blogspot.com

You underestimate the stupidity of the average person. They don't give a fuck.

OH Fulford. eh...


I've seen all episodes of the two seasons of The Newsroom and completely disagree with including it on this list. The main character, Will McAvoy (played by Jeff Daniels) consistently bashes on American politics and the political system. Yeah, they mock Occupy a little bit, but they are certainly not using this show as pro-America, pro-CIA, pro-NSA propaganda.

It mocks Occupy for exactly the reason Occupy should be mocked. (which is not the reason it's mocked everywhere else)

It's liberal propoganda. NBC only fucked over zimmerman and edited a tape to make him sound like a racist because some intern made a mistake. It wasn't a well orchestrated conspiracy by Ryan Julison and his media contacts. http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2013/06/30/how-and-why-the-media-got-it-so-wrong-the-zimmerman-case-packaged-and-sold-by-ryan-julison-benjamin-crump-natalie-jackson/

They called the Tea Party terrorists.

The OWS was full of stupid people.

When Journalists fuck up, it's because the intelligence agency purposefully mislead them and not because they blindly followed a few pieces of "evidence" (twitter post, interview which was edited incorrectly, etc).

Journalists are "good guys" who want to report the "hard stories" and not in the pockets of governments and politicians.



It's an idealistic show about how the media can and should be doing a better job. The show doesn't say that every media organization acts the way they do, it is saying the opposite: this is how the media should act. It's basically shitting on every news channel out there right now.

Not to sound hipster, but I had to stop watching television a long time ago for this reason. It's more obvious and prevalent now, but it's been around a while.

I have PTSD that is triggered by cops, so I can't get near a t.v. Pretty sure 90% of the evening content is cop-related.

I am sorry for your situation and condition, but yes, you are right. 90% is cop related crime drama gratuitous pulp fiction preceded by an hour or two of unwatchable boob and fart jokes marketed as a "sitcom."

In the news tonight, people are violent.

Up next, Tits and Ass, follow by Dick and Fart jokes.

Then stay tuned for subliminal infomercial hour, where we bombard you with the urge to buy as you slumber on the couch, passed out from the hysterical joke where the dick got farted on.

Don't change that channel, don't touch that dial, we got it all, on UHF.

An idea is the most dangerous device known to man. Propaganda is the proliferation of such. Please read Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1929). Short 140 pg read read that will explain much of the techniques you see today.

Yes, people talk about if they had a time machine they would go back and kill Hitler. My top of list would be Bernays.

And Walt Lippmann

He's up there, certainly.

Learned about him in my public relations class and marketing classes. All of my business classes seem soooo slimey. It's almost all about manipulating people, except for the technical/numbers side. Even saving costs by manipulation is encouraged.

I mean cmon guys, Jack Bauer from 24 was the litmus test on how much the American people will accept in the name of defending against terrorism.

The character breaks laws, tortures and executes people in the name of "good" and people eat it up. This programming then creates the sense of familiarity for people exposed to these concepts for the first time. So when things like the Senate Intelligence Committee report comes out saying what the CIA actually did, people just end up saying "meh, it was done to protect against terrorism". These are the exact desired programmed responses.

The funniest thing about Jack Bauer and his 'murican persona is that Kiefer Sutherland's grandfather was a big time socialist who started the Canadian universal health care.


You have no idea how a TV show is written do you? It is not written by the government. And there aren't people going over the script trying to pump it full of propoganda. Seriously, none of these comments would exist if everyone actually had a clue how these tv shows were made.

You probably think Game of Thrones is just another propaganda vehicle.

You have no idea how a TV show is written do you? It is not written by the government. And there aren't people going over the script trying to pump it full of propoganda. Seriously, none of these comments would exist if everyone actually had a clue how these tv shows were made.

Writers have bosses going eight levels up. Decisions at the top are not made by ordinary media moguls taking instructions from the CIA about "what to put in the show" but certainly feel certain ways about painting issues as acceptable for debate, through artificial dialogue affirming generic opinions, and happy endings (or in the absence of a happy ending, characters we rooted for who broke all the rules end up vindicated). Within that mold you can put whatever content you want, whatever sells.


Did I ever say anything was written by the government? Are you going to tell me that people's beliefs and perceptions don't influence their writing? Or that you can't hire specific writers with a similar belief, perception bias to write a show?

Belittle me all you want but I think you are absolutely naive to think that political opinions don't influence writing on tv shows.

And yes I think GoT is propaganda for a fuedal system because the old monarchy dynasties of Europe are attemping to make a come back. /s

Watched/watch all 3, and that's part of their allure: they're so over the top propagandistic it almost becomes comedy, you just have to keep watching to see if it keeps outdoing itself. NCIS is another great example of this. 24 also (but I really liked that show 'back then' so I give it a minor pass).

Spotting the prop-memes BECOMES the entertainment the more you pickup on them.

Here's a way to really catch them: LISTEN to the cable news, don't watch it. Take away the blond bombshells with the legs and all the moving squiggly scrolling shit on the screen and just have the audio, you'll pickup so much more of the programming you won't believe it. It's crazy. Every 10 seconds you'll catch yourself going "did they really SAY that and get away with it?".

No Agenda does this all the time - they record the clips of the news, play them out and it's hilarious to hear the talking points and other crap.

You're right. Although the adaption of these kinds of shows have not been all at once, there is definitely a pattern of "bad ass government agents" who always find the terrorist or bad guy. Just a reinforcement that government is here to protect you and that they sometimes have to bend the rules of the constitution to get the job done. It's propaganda, plain and simple.

My friend, this has been happening for a very very long time. Ibwould say it started in radio, but the first orators were propaganda machines. In early tv history, the tube was filled to the brim with Pro-US propaganda. Leave it to Beaver, My 3 Sons, Davy Crocket. Hell just about 99% of TV back then was funded by companies that had a vested interest into the idea of the "American Dream"

Have Gun Will Travel, Perry Mason and a few others were, well not Anti-American per se, but not really supporting the cause. For Mason, it was showing that the police were not all powerful and the innocent had an advocate.

The amount of drama packed into a show is kicked up a notch, but there were shows like Dragnet, Cowboy G-Men, US Marshalls, Annie Oakley, thay were proponents of the concept, follow the rules and you won't get into trouble, and that the Law was apart of but above, the masses.

99% of TV is unwachable. The "reality TV" craze ruined almost every channel on every network. Never mind the fact that 1/3 of the programming is commercials. If I pay a monthly cable bill why are there commercials? Sure, I understand commercials on the free local channels. They're to pay for the channel (because it's free, duh). But, why on the paid channels? Then you watch a TV show and the show it self is filled with ad's. So people who don't own a TiVo (DVR) are forced to watch commercials only so they can watch more commercials. All the major news networks all carry absolutely no news. Every time there is a riot in another country it receives zero coverage. Wouldn't want to give the slaves any ideas now would we? All we're left with is shows like the Voice and Real Housewives of OC. The golden age of TV my ass.

It doesn't work quite like that. You're paying the cable company to upkeep and maintain the cable connection in your area not the networks to play TV. The networks get their money from ads. This is why you still pay a premium for HBO, SHOTIME, STARZ, etc which don't have ads and not for things like A&E, AMC, ESPN, etc which do have ads.

Well... nobody on Earth likes commercials. Explain that one. They're even played before movies, literally Coke ads once the lights go down. That's a better example.

You have a point with the movies. I'm paying like $10-11 and I still have to watch commercials? Get the fuck out of here.

TV shows like those I avoid like the plague. It's best to just torrent your favorite shows/movies you skip all the bullshit and can watch them whenever you'd like but I'm sure you all know this already.

I don't know what a TORrent is, but then again maybe I do......

But seriously, torrents are completely legal, as I'm sure you all know the legality comes to the content being torrented.

Modern technology makes this legality retarded though because if you pay for DVR and can DVR the show, then shouldn't you just be able to download and watch the show under the same merits?

I don't even know why I have to be saying this, holy fuck, why are all these companies STILL not putting their shows up for direct download as soon as they're released?

Is it really that the advertising companies have their financial model in that tight of a vice to the point where they can't do without?

Is it because of the studios?

Who is the asshole that is making it so I can't direct download DRM free episodes of shows on the internet?

I don't want to buy your physical discs in physical boxes, fuck you, it's all digital, give me the digital content you fucking assholes.


The only thing illegal is seeding. BUT have you ever used a program that didnt require even just a little bit of seeding.
I'm convinced certain programs work with the fbi

If you live in the US leeching is most definitely illegal.

You sure? The term file sharing seems to imply just that. Taking isn't the same. Plus they get your ip from the seeding end

You don't seem to understand torrenting. Just because it's called filesharing doesn't make it legal, same way calling theft a "5-finger discount" doesn't change the sticker price. "Sharing" recorded movies on videotapes is illegal as well.

To help you understand how IP (intellectual property) works, think about a Pharma company who just patented a new drug. Now, you could save a lot of money (and not support some big corporation gag) by going around the corner to your local alleyway chemist. No one would argue he didn't steal the formula, but you, the local alley patron, are also guilty of benefiting from someone else's property without paying.

And to your point about IP addresses, in case you've never used a torrent before, you can see all of your seeds AND peers.

Media has ALWAYS been propaganda. Programming. That's what it is. Before tv, people would go to the theatre and watch war propaganda.

Here are your starters:

Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (1988), by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky

The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects (1967), by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore

I don't know about you, but I am turned off by superhero movies. All such movies are archetypal good versus evil, but how can we be sure that Super Fucking Man can't turn against us in a jiffy? Virtuous fee bee eye a gents safeguarding us against dangerous sand niggers, Brave police keeping us safe from criminals. It's all a crock of rotten shit.

Uh, sir if its not for the Disney Marvel stints how are they supposed to program children via jungian archetypes?

Do you think the latest Captain America movie is pro-NSA?

I havent seen it, but I can see where one would draw that conclusion based on the recent Disney/Marvel stuff. Got to get em while theyre young. That way they dont know that theyve been brainwashed.

Do you have specific examples?

Not to be vague, but its called television "programming" for a reason. Everything on tv or film or whatever media you'd like to examine will have the same/similar affect on the developing mind. Disney has been doing it to girls via princesses for a very long time. More specifically if you look into the media that was build up around the Man of Steel Superman movie that came out last year you'd get a better idea of how blatant it could be. The National Guard did a lot of work with archetype programming with that movie, Christ imagery and soldiers etc. They had a recruitment program built up around it that you can find on the business end of a Google search. Ive got kids and I tell them as soon as they can understand that TV is fake and that everything on it is fake to an extent. They arent swayed by advertisers or anything. Tell your friends kids. Tell your kids. Tell kids on the streets, who cares. The old folks were right; tv rots your brain. Specifically the frontal lobe of the pituitary gland. Its an imagination stealing machine. Adios.

Well you can't really tell the story of Superman without getting into Christ imagery -- what's your issue with that? You think its some kind of anti-atheist propaganda?

I would hope I don't have to explicitly tell my kids that TV is fake...I mean I don't know of any 6 year olds who think it's real.

OK, I get your stuff with princesses I suppose, but in recent years they have been trying to show girls who are much more self confident and independent. Again, I don't understand where there is pro-government propaganda coming from the latest Marvel movies, and if you continue to be vague I'm just going to assume there isn't any.

You can do the Superman story without any of that imagery, John Byrnes did it in the 80's. I would hope that you'd let a kid know that tv is fake. All preschool shows are aimed at interacting with the kids because the kids have no orientation for reasoning that they arent being addressed by the shows characters.

It goes beyond that. Ever see the Lorax? Over an hour and a half of "We're killing the planet! Stop everything that created the Industrial Revolution!". Nonsense. Ever see any of the big corporations that push this nonsense scale back to save the Earth? No? Because it's propaganda.

English is my second language so let me make sure I understood you right: Big corporations don't care about the environment because the environment is fine, and those saying otherwise are spreading propaganda? Serious question

I believe big corporations are doing terrible things to the environment. But, their message is that we (the common people) must accept a lower standard of living to save the Earth. Meanwhile, the big corporations and wealthy should be free to take more and more. The overall message is one of class warfare. The world is not overpopulated. The populations are being starved of resources, because the resources are being stolen.

I dont really have a problem with saving the planet, but yes most Art is unfortunately manipulated by whatever force is bankrolling it.

I have a better one. See Noah. Noah is hellbent on destroying humanity on a hunch that he believed God told him so.

Yes, humans are so evil, so now, the last family on the ark, and the hope of all humanity will be crushed as Noah wants to kill two twin newborn girls. So, Noah figures, he'll give us a second chance.

Preparing the public! Hollywood and government are bed buddies in many ways.

CLICK Propaganda CLICK Propaganda CLICK Social conditioning CLICK Mindless Waste CLICK Propaganda CLICK Mindless Waste CLICK Social Programming CLICK Propaganda

This is scarily accurate. I like some mindless stuff but too much and my brain feels like it's dying.


This scene from the Newsroom is the funniest shit I have ever seen. It's such blatant propaganda. I love how the extrajudicial murder of an accused criminal brings about racial harmony on the airplane. The warm look in the eye as the black pilot and the white pilot shake hands, united by their shared joy in our government killing people without a trial.

This Is the very scene I was looking for- thank you. It is so obvious it hurts.


Hahaha what regiment of armed soldiers do JetBlue pilots belong to

The only thing that's ever brought about "racial harmony" is the gun.

Seriously? Couldn't you put a NSFL tag on that? :P

I've never seen the show before, but god... I began vomiting around half way through. Ended up dry heaving blood.

Don't you love your country, son? Why don't you jump on board for the big win, citizen?

Yes.....loud flag waving equals great patriotic citizen. Countries with belligerent military's work harder on patriotism.

Don't forget cop shows in general but specifically Blue Bloods, where cops are decent, morally-upright, hard-working family men just trying to balance a difficult job with being a model Christian.

Explain your statement regarding SHIELD. I watch that show, I really don't see significant propaganda in it.

A hacker who finds the light by recognising how bad hacking is and how good the unquestioning patriotism and bravery is of a groups of people who fly around the world shooting people?


That's why I love Cap, he stays completely true to himself and what is right and never wavers. The movie absolutely shows the big government agencies in a negative light. AoS as well.

Don't forget disobeying orders and protocols because the bad guy is getting away.

Does she really learn how bad hacking is? I mean...she was hired to hack in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. rather than against it. Then again, I can't stand the character as a whole, she's a fence sitter with no clear direction nor purpose. That and she's not that good on the whole acting front. Her hacking skills are the least of her problems.


I think he was talking about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D not The Shield.

I know.

Also found this review of a recent episode:

..."Here’s where it started to raise a few hackles in the real world: When Skye’s beau throws out the names of Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden, they aren’t labeled misguided (as he has been, and the Rising Tide continually are) and Skye’s final condemnation for him is saved for the revelation that he was motivated by profit, rather than transparency."

Link: http://comicbook.com/blog/2013/12/29/agents-of-s-h-i-e-l-d-four-controversies-raised-in-2013/

Seems to me they are making a distinction between Snowden and Skye's beau. The most recent episodes(including TWS) all end with people realizing that just as much as Hydra has to be defeated, SHIELD has to end, as well, because freedom isn't a tool for control.

Well stated. I like SHIELD because it actually shows there are good guys AND bad guys in the organization, the bad guys have been hiding until forced into the light. The bad guys want to "kill a few million" so the remainder can live in peace. Sounds alarmingly similar to current events, doesn't it?

Hmm. I've given up watching it now. There is one scene where she stands in front of a "wall of valour" at shield HQ and, with inspiring music in the background, she confesses to feeling like a dirty hacker next to a wall of brave Americans that sacrificed their life for god and country. She then pleads forgiveness and wants to become part of shield .

I literally turned it off then and there.

However, she is often the one that saves the day by hacking into the government's computer systems. I think the show is actually more subversive than you were lead to believe. She is THE star of the show, ya know?

Nah Coulson is.

He's the sales pitch for the Skye show.

That was because she had just found a bunch agents died to protect her when she was a baby.

The most recent reveal is that she was standing next to a evil double agent at the time who likely had a hand in taking down some of those agents. Apparently if you go back and look at his expression now, knowing that he is an evil traitor, it's quite revealing. I'm just saying there was more to this scene than people might have realized.

comic books. ha.

I think it all started in the 50's

Say thanks to Operation Paperclip for that.

Julius Caesar is known for being effective at propaganda. I have some of his quotes somewhere.

BBC Sherlock has so much pro-secret service propaganda it's almost painful.

But it's the UK so I just assume they've always been that way

I don't think it shows them good or bad, just "up to secret stuff".

Next you'll be telling me James Bond is "cool". ;-)

Well, Mycroft's character serves as a mouthpiece for GCHQ. "Oh, we do shady stuff but it's all to fight terrorism."

If you're really worried the ideas that TV is spreading, then worry about the Disney channel. Children watch that. At least (intelligent) adults can recognize when they're watching propaganda.

It started in WW2 in the movies. It's only a little less blatant now.

Get on A&E and ME-TV; watch Dragnet and Adam-12. Nothing has changed.

Watch the old movies; Nobody had any rights, cops waltzing into people's houses, police acted on gossip. Nothing's changed.

Now it's widely varied.

I said that on am earlier comment. And it has been happening since man first learned to speak.

Well the Newsroom, from what I've seen of it, isn't completely propaganda. I mean, there are parts where it's extremely critical of corporate news and its hierarchy and ability to control news information. But man, it's by Aaron Dorkin of the West Wing...


They started airing 24 on 11/6/2001. Rotate 11/6 by 180 degrees. Coincidence?

So they started airing it after 9/11? They obviously shot it beforehand, probably early 2001. Did Hollywood know shit was going down? If so, that's some damned social conditioning if I ever seen it.

"two months after 9/11" would suffice.

It's really bad, yes. And it has gotten worse, yes. I notice things in TV shows as seemingly innocuous as Parks and Rec, Modern Family and other prime time sitcoms. This is why I barely watch TV anymore. We got rid of cable 4 years ago, before we were even awake, but I've never been happier without it now that I am!

I notice it in Bones, White Collar, and Almost Human. Almost Human is the worst, complete with a reference to the "rothchild heir"

Definitely in Almost Human. Theyre basically showing us what life will be life in the short future and preparing us mentally for how we will be enslaved under mass surveillance and police states. Almost every damn "drama" show on is about cops in some way or another and im fucking sick of seeing the good cop/bad guy, cops always win shit. How about shows that make us feel good or expand our ways of thinking. Gawd forbid we put things on tv that are beneficial to us.

Yes. Totally priming us! Glad I'm not the only one who sees it. Damn scary future there.

Yeah, I cord-cut close to 10 years ago because I thought it was bad back then. Whenever I catch a glimpse of TV at a relative's house or in public I'm always shocked. They experienced the slow progression but for me it is so blatant.

slow progression but for me it is so blatant.

Cut the cord 5 years ago. Haven't been able to figure out why seeing the shit on t.v. makes me feel ill, while the people around me seem fine. I think you hit the nail on the head.

I've never had a cord. I've been pretty proud to have no televisions in my home since I was 17. For a while I'd listen to the radio but my blood pressure was suffering so I canned that too.

I've always felt that maybe three or four times a year some journalist or producer will do something worth reading/watching. Maybe.

38 - never paid for cable in my adult life.

The USA legalized the use of propaganda on its citizens in 2012.

I would say that "Intelligence" is probably the propaganda piece I notice most. It's a good thing that show is tanking.

the show opens up every episode saying that the guys is a "HERO" even though he has a chip in his head that magically violates the rights of everyone in this country

At least you can still watch the only season of Rubicon over and over again, right?

the one conspiracy show that told it like it is.. sigh so sad that got cancelled. I guess it was a bit too accurate


He is also a public relations expert. Great find.

My TV died in the early 2000's. Didn't replace it. No regrets. :D

How many people upvoting this have actually watched Homeland? It's one of the most anti-American shows I have ever seen on TV. I'm not going to post spoilers, but they definitely do not portray the CIA in a positive, glamorous light.


Stopped watching after season 1. Makers lacked the balls to have him detonate his vest when required. Should've done it.

I watched it up until the epsisode (something like 5th one) where the episode ended on a random eastern european or asian guy buying a house next to an airport in cash.

Like as if it was some sort of major threat.

But it's next to an AIRPORT! That's a border crossing according to every TSA agent that's shoved their fingers down my pants!

I have an 2 year old, so all I have to add is that they try and start 'em young with this BS.

Watch "Secret Agent Oso" sometime.

It's not about when it started getting so packed with propaganda, it's about when you started noticing it more and more. Even before TV, the majority of movies/cartoons people would see in the theater were almost pure government propaganda. WWII-era Donald Duck cartoons come to mind as an obvious example.

Television/movies have deep roots in propaganda, so it's certainly not a new phenomenon

and radio before that and newspapers before that...


Anyone seen the syfy show Continuum? A corporation cop comes back in time to thwart terrorists from enacting their dastardly plan of preventing the end of democracy and the rise of a corporate government.

Is that some kind of sick joke, or what?

Actually, it's a clever storytelling technique. At first, you naturally root for the main character: She has good intentions; she's a cop trying to prevent "terrorists" from changing history. Then as the show progresses you realize she's a corporate cop fighting to maintain the corporate status quo, partly for selfish reasons: she doesn't want her own family to be erased when history changes. And you realize "Am I rooting for the villain?"

You put in words what I felt. You know, last night I was watching Dark Knight rising, and I was just really enjoying the beatings Bat Fucking Man was getting from the guy in the mask, whatever his name is. Actually, what I would really like to see is that guy tag team with the Joker and beat the living shit out of that snotty Batman, after which they take turns sodomizing him Pulp Fiction style and finally douse him in gasoline and light the fucker up.

It is a little weird when you find yourself sympathising with the cause of the supposed "Bad Guys". The show explores some interesting and sometimes frightening ideas. In one ep we find out that in the future people that can't pay their debts are sentenced to slave labour. They get a control chip implanted in their heads and becomes empty drones stuck in tiny cubicles of opaque plastic sheeting along with thousands of others where they make electronic components for their corporate overlords. Chilling to say the least.

Don't forget the corporate firefighter cop is told to rescue ceo's and directors of corporations when they know children are stuck in the fire too. When she disobeys orders, the cost to company profits from their deaths is added to her "life debt".

Why does it have to be a nemesis, an anti superhero for each superhero presented to us?

Continuumm is a great show. Remember all the Hunt For Red October-type movies in the 80s and 90s? This is simply the natural progression and cheaper to produce. Cut the cord, watch what you want and forget about the rest. Adversaries change every once in a while, it will be another group in a few years.

Have you seen much of the show? As the story develops it becomes much less black and white, and it really starts to question the role corporations have in government and could have in the future. Good show for the most part.

I can't speak to the other shows listed, but the Marvel properties seem more about good story telling rather than some sort of "rah rah Go American Government!" Agents of Shield and The Winter Soldier have completely contradictory messages.

WS is about an outsider looking at a big government agency and seeing all the problems that come with that much power with so little over sight and transparency. But fails to acknowledge that real good can come about when large organizations don't abuse their power.

AoS is about showing a group of idealists who can really accomplish good with the right resources and influence. But it fails to show (until recently in the show) what happens when less reputable people get control of an agency with that much power.

Marvel seems to have a great grasp on using fiction to show the truth, and they're doing it in a way that doesn't dumb down the complexity of these very real socio-political issues. This is a step in the right direction for American entertainment.

Could be to keep people simple minded and not have to use there imagination or use critical thinking to figure out what certain events could lead to multiple outcomes.

I dont watch tv anymore. All my friends tell me to watch these shows. It's awful....

Aren't those all US television programmes?

You're based in the UK, aren't you? Seems a bit odd complaining about foreign television.

Just get rid of your telly, like I did years ago.

American TV is very much here in the UK and very popular too. You naturally watch a few episodes to see what the fuss is about, hoping to be surprised.

Thankfully, I can pick and choose programmes from BBC and ITV which (on average) are less in your face.

Except for MI-5 (I think it was called Spooks in the UK) that show, good as it was, was complete propaganda.

ITT: People who are being sarcastic really need to start adopting the practice of using an "s/" on their sarcastic statements.......

TV hasn't become like this, this is always what it has been. It is a convenient way of creating a national identity, pushing certain agendas, and making outside forms of thought seem foreign or weird. You see it in modern shows but if you rewatch old shows and think about political/cooperate/social context of that time period you will see just as much.

So you are saying #2 on the speed dial of the RED PHONE is not responsible for the faith of the whole galaxy?!?

I've been noticing it for years. It isn't just tv of course, forgive my tin foil hat, but I was particularly suspicious about the amount of White West vs brown Arab/Persian films that came out during the Afghan and Iraq wars: 300, Troy, Alexander, Kingdom of Heaven, etc.

To me it just screamed propaganda. All reasonably decent films though....

It's fiction. You're not supposed to take it seriously.

Newsroom? They are pretty good at going against the common propaganda coursing through the news

Don't forget about "Intelligence" The show where an Ex Delta Force operative has the Internet installed in his head and can identify anyone just by looking at them or access any bit of information about anything just by thinking about it.

We do notice. And don't call me Shirley.

Surely there must be something you can do.

I've actually been planning on writing an analysis of how different films and TV shows are clearly shifting the zeitgeist - either maliciously or subconsciously - to make certain things the new status quo.

Some examples:

Person of Interest, a show ostensibly about the dangers of government surveillance, still has the subtext that it's okay to watch everyone as long as you're the protagonists. Also, being a murderous vigilante is fine. The only outspoken anti-surveillance activists are terrorists.

In the most recent episode of NCIS, as in many other episodes, a suspect is roughed up in the interrogation room and everyone is fine with it, as "clearly he did it". I bet they'd feel a little less chummy about it if it turned out that the suspect didn't do it and Gibbs et al were fired over it.

Continuum, while trying to present things in shades of grey, has the only anti-government activists in the show equated with terrorists.

In the Dark Knight, Batman has built an extremely invasive mass surveillance system. Morgan Freeman speaks out about it, but it's still seen as fine that Batman uses it only that one time. It's fine as long as he uses it to capture a criminal, or stop a terrorist. Just like it's completely fine that he goes around punching people at night and the police practically hires him for it.

Absolutely. THIS is exactly what I'm talking about. Please do write more about this.

The deliberate creation of a frame in which we view the world. Implicit values are transferred and imposed. Broad ones such as America is great, war is strength, consuming is living etc. impacting our everyday behaviours in small but real ways and from a very early age. Advertising exists as a multi-billion dollar industry because it works. What's the difference between the TV programmes and advertising anyway?

This sounds cliche but, as a Brit, watching American TV, it comes over loud and clear.

This frame or narrative also supplants and crowds out a more humane, more equal alternative which we don't see as much anymore.

It's deliberate and corrosive.

If I recall correctly, it is not viewed as ok that batman uses his surveillance system that way. Morgan Freeman's character voices his disapproval of the plan, and it clearly pains Wayne to do it. We are meant to feel that he has committed a sin.

The point is that it establishes that protagonists can do whatever they want and get away with it. Nobody actually forces Batman to deal with the repercussions of what he did. In fact, there were no repercussion whatsoever.

Continuum, while trying to present things in shades of grey, has the only anti-government activists in the show equated with terrorists.

That show is so overtly disgusting that I had to stop watching it. It was just painful in the extreme.

Their "trying to present things in shades of grey" is pathetic. It's just one setup after another so that they can ram the propaganda down your throat.

Such is the state of Canadian TV now.

Please... bring back Trailer Park Boys!!! :D

Well, Continuum has gotten a lot more gray recently. Glimpses we get of Kira's memories in CPS are of things like her superiors ordering her to abandon a child in a fire to save two executives, or them remote controlling her to murder an informant.

She's clearly starting to question whether it's actually moral for her to create that future regime just so she can see her son again.

Well, Continuum has gotten a lot more gray recently.

I gave up on it a while back, so I don't know what it's like now. I might have a peek at 1 episode to see if it doesn't send me into convulsions.

I don't watch Shield but Captain America the Winter Soldier seemed surprisingly subversive.

agents of shield was so laughably bad i couldn't even stomach the whole first episode. person of interest is going downhill fast i wont be watching the next series, if there is one.

continuum (canadian) is an enjoyable blend of propaganda and truth, check it out.

I've checked out Continuum and I have to say I find the message a little confusing. It started out as a bunch of psychopaths murdering thousands for no reason, but as the series progressed they're being portrayed more and more sympathetically and their actions more justified. Not the arc I was expecting.

That's kind of the point. Early on the terrorists are clearly the villains, and it's true, a lot of them are bad dudes, the heroine is shown to be in the right. Very early on in the first season though they start to show cracks in that, they show that the corporations running the show while they were good for the supposed heroine, things weren't so good for a lot of people.

They show how the terrorists got to where they are, that though they do terrible things they used to just be regular people who had horrible things done to them. The terrorists are shown to not even be a homogenized group, they all are working towards one goal but for different reasons. Kellog just wants power, Kagame wants a better world for all, Garza originally appeared to be out for revenge but now seems to be showing deeper motives. The big bad turns out to be an old man who made a lot of mistakes in his quest to build a better world and now wants to fix his mistakes (though lately it seems there may be more to it than that). Even Theseus when you see his actions taking place seems a lot more sympathetic.

I’m actually impressed with the fact that the show keeps getting made, for a while I thought that showing terrorists as anything other than comic book villains had passed into the unacceptable realm.

I feel Continuum has a lot of interesting topics especially the tidbits here & there about the power structure in the future & the use of technology. It seems the majority for the use of control, CMR implants that can take over control of the individual or delete their memories, truth drugs, 3D video recorders with projection technology to recreate a scene, the prosecution of individuals due to having certain books, the disgusting power of the minions of the empire & their worship.

You know the world is fucked when a time traveling device to stop it before it happens is the only way to kill the beast. If we had to deal with such a beast we'd be fucked, because I don't even believe time travel is possible.

yeah i am liking the slow reveal, i can see the main character working with the so-called terrorists next season

Mind sharing why you are starting to dislike POI?

Think about what that show is ingraining in people. ILLEGAL MASS SURVEILLANCE SAVES LIVES AND IS GOOD. What the fuck is that shit??

in series one we knew of some real programs, whispers of more widespread surveillance, then "trapwire" etc but during this last season Snowden came out and actually proved all our suspicions correct and to be fair to the POI scriptwriters they have incorporated some of that. but there is no way of getting around it, if the system/s continue to exist in the show then the show is promoting universal surveillance as useful and effective, whether they mean to or not.

secondly the violence is reaching a comicbook / cartoon level where he throws himself thro a window and lands on a car (and man) dusts himself off with a wisecrack and walks away, a 100lb hotchic or 2 clearing a bar full of hardened street thugs etc and hasn't everyone on the show been shot 2 or 3 times by now? oh and "privacy terrorists"...

I just feel its run its course for me. Gonna miss Amy Acker aka r00t ;(

Person of Interest at least shows former agents and concerned citizens as the heroes - and the NSA and various other agencies as the enemy.

What I'm curious about, is wether Jack Bauer will still be the blind flag waving patriot he used to be when 24 restarts... that needs to stop.

But it promotes the notion that surveillance is for our own good and that "they" know better than us what is best.

I see what youre saying, and i agree mass surveillance is the primary constant, but the show seems to go as far to even separate the surveillance systems at play - The Machine (the "good machine): the one Harold created, has 2 functions relevant (terrorists {what ever that may mean}] & irrelevant [everything else] and then the newer machine Samaritan - which seems to be more of an evil "death star" type of entity.

Obviously i watch & enjoy the show, I dont buy the sales pitch...im merely entertained - without offending myself.

It's that new propaganda law in action (or rather, dispensing with the law that prevented the government from using propaganda). Which I normally wouldn't care about, because it's carried out so oafishly that it's just dumb & certainly not convincing to anyone with a couple of brain cells.. but then there's the part about us having to pay for it with our tax dollars



You people are talking about an active conspiracy of "literal brainwashing." Who is in charge of the brainwashing?

For it to be brainwashing, some group has to be behind it. That leaves lizard people or the government/Obama (which means fascism). If there is no group behind it, then it is exactly what I said it was: people screenwriting based on the creative process and shit they think people might watch (so they get paid).

Connect the dots. Read between the lines.


Not one thing from that wikipedia article on Operation Mockingbird connects to Hollywood television/movie scripts.


You can try anything that looks interesting.


Does America simply prefer that 100% of it's fictional do gooders be government agents, special children or superheroes? I'm over it.

Thank you for having common sense.

So I guess your answer to the question is you don't see what OP is talking about. That's fine, your argument is rational to you. To most of the rest of us, responding in this tread, your argument is the same bullshit we hear from people who are asleep. Not saying you are wrong, just saying you are taking a complex situation and saying that the most shallow and surface argument is the correct one.

To close your mind to possibility is to close your mind to the real world. If you open your eyes a little wider one day you might see.


Then leave. Pretty simple.

Oh is it now?

The lizard people

And we're done here.


You do realize the people who write the episodes aren't in control of the studios, correct?

These are just regular people (well, as regular as you can be in Hollywood) who screenwrite for a living. They write what they know. Writers draw off of current events, their childhood, stories they've heard, their personal points of view, and basically anything else you can suggest as to how people get creative ideas.

These writers don't go to classes in DC, and listen to speeches from political elites about what they can and cannot put in their scripts. They simply write. Some movies/tv shows/books have more political bias to them, and that is because the writers have an active interest in politics and that's what they draw their creativity from. They write what they know.

Sure, maybe some writers are pro-government and they let their views permeate in their work; but they aren't instructed to by some NWO government to create a script that praises Obama or praises torture, or praises big government.

"It's literally brainwashing." No it isn't.

they write what they're told to, and if they're told to incorporate talking points or topical political agendas they do so. take a look at the names of many of these script writers and directors too

Pretty much.

How many times have you had some blatant propaganda nonsense come out of the blue that just doesn't fit in with the show or context? I see it fairly regularly.

all the time - when i watched tv


I am going to focus on television for this response, but it works for movies just as well.

Most TV shows are pitched by individuals to studios. Those individuals then typically serve as a show-runner, and hire additional writers to lighten the work-load. The story of the show goes through those writers (with approval of the show-runner). The studio may say "no" to some of the ideas the writers want to use, but they do not dictate what the writers write about.

I am going to focus on television for this response

No shit. Just as I'd discovered this gem [le]: http://www.reddit.com/r/HIMYM/comments/21vp1s/this_subreddit_right_now/cggzke8

The studio may say "no" to some of the ideas the writers want to use, but they do not dictate what the writers write about.

Now say: "The editor may say no to certain things, but mostly newspapers print every important piece of information people would love to know about."

I think you might not be not old enough to speak on the topic of PR, aka propaganda.


Sorry. You sound like an average young student, that's all.

*Well, I forgot you started this whole thing with "You guys are ridiculous" but that's no biggie huh?

**And you reflexively downvote replies, that's useless and trashy.

Because I don't think there is some grand conspiracy to delude the American public into worshipping the State through implementing social propaganda in our television shows?

Rather, I just see screenwriters who write content that they think will make themselves and the studio money.

There are political and social biases in every medium, as you would expect from humans who are putting their voice into what they are working on. Forgive me for not automatically assuming nefarious intent.

Coming from a person who literally uses HIMYM to feel hope, I can understand how you might not be willing to suspect there are things in shows and movies that might be insulting garbage to most people.

And a human who is putting their voice into whatever they are working on has boss, who has a boss, until one important human doesn't really like what they hear and that is where bias starts, not at the very bottom where working people are just working the way their boss wants. They are tought to make "what sells" and you can do that with a lot of extra garbage added as subtext.

They write what they know. Writers draw off of current events, their childhood, stories they've heard, their personal points of view, and basically anything else you can suggest as to how people get creative ideas.

W t fffffffffff. So, writers have a boss who does.. what? Pays them to cook up organic blockbusters with their friends? And that hot script goes up to another exec who gets a hard on and it's go? Hah. Are you still in school??

No way does your average writer get to do whatever they want and just serve it up---the moment anyone gets their first job they learn that, and anyone with ears has heard that from professionals themselves whenever they're on the topic of "creative control" in their industry.

And wtf do you think an editor does for a living? *Holy shit, 4-0 votes, wtf wtf.

So you agree there are undertones, but it's not an attempt at brainwashing? A little contradictory, no?

you are confused. I noticed it drastically ramped up after the new avengers movie and previously other movies which depict the US in disaster and ruins due to outside threats. So yes it's writers jumping on the more recent patriot bandwagon but it still brainwashes, even if unintentionally and it's still getting more intense, and it still makes anyone aware of it uneasy for these reasons. Lizard people no, but writers trying to make a hit in the current climate still has the same effect and influence, escalating things continuously.

I actually watch SHIELD and enjoy it. I won't get into the why's but I would like to point out that comic books have been (and some still are) a very major tool for the government to spread propaganda. You should see/read some of the comics I have, WOW!

Well I don't watch TV...but you do know where "Homeland" came from right.....?


"Homeland is an American political thriller television series developed by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa based on the Israeli series Hatufim (English title: Prisoners of War), which was created by Gideon Raff."

That's what happens when they legalize propaganda once again

Newsroom though?

That and I feel like it's desensitizing us as well. There was a show that I was watching where it was completely BRUTAL and I was asking myself "when the fuck did they start showing this type of shit??" and I've noticed that I'm hearing words on tv that I would've never thought to hear in my life time! It's crazy....

So in Breaking Bad they are trying to desensitize us to meth? Or are they trying to tell us that police will have a hard time catching you even if you are right under their noses.

It's called Operation Mockingbird...ie., the CIA's effort to take over the media...started in the 50s and 60s and has been getting progressively worse since then.

Mockingbirds are for killing. :)

I was at a friends house and his girlfriend had House M.D. on (s2e11 Need To Know). There's a point where the patient becomes violent and smashes a window with her IV stand (a one time outburst after a week in the hospital).

Suddenly they are certain cocaine is definitely the cause of this woman's horrendously dramatic doctor-baffling symptoms. So certain that they decide to highly illegally break into her house and search through all of her belongings. (Cam: "I'll go look for her stash." House: "Take Foreman. There's gotta be a reason for the stereotype.")

But it's totally justified when they illegally search her car and find a legally obtained bottle of Ritalin prescribed to her kid. House busts in on the patient and her family and rips apart the Hippocratic Oath, with no actual proof that she had been taking it. (House: "Cocaine with a PG rating." and, House: "Half-life's 12 hours. The drugs'll be out of her system.")

The whole episode the mother is shamed by everyone around her and treated as less of a person. Yes I had to look it up lol.

House is also the best diagnostician in the world and needs to break in so the patient doesn't hide anything. He also doesn't care about rules and lawsuits. Him and cuddy discuss that his recklessness is a cost benefit overall for the hostilities hospital

Which is even worse. Replace House M.D. with a different force in life.

It's almost as if TV isn't meant to emulate real life, or is every community college like the cast of Community now?


NCIS got really ridiculous this season. Usually Gibbs was just denying individuals rights and psychologically torturing people for dead marines but this season is all proNSA pro gun control shit

They even brought in a girl from the NSA to work on their team.

Anyone following resurrection? Plenty of propaganda in that one too. Everyone expected to let the police enter their home without a warrant. Told they HAVE to. And immediately questioned about gun ownership and location of such guns. Then making gun owners look like unstable Nutjobs that just can't wait to break the law.

TV, like the internet can be a valuable resource or a great way to keep people docile and numb. Obviously, most of what's out there is garbage meant to distract people from issues that really matter (reality tv, disney channel filth, award shows, etc) or propaganda (like the shows you mentioned) to coerce people to accept a corrupt/illegitimate/police state world.

On the other hand we have Cosmos, a hugely popular show which encourages people to question authority.

Bottom line is to choose your entertainment wisely. Recognize the trash out there and keep it away from your kids.

It's always been bad and it's always getting worse.

I remember when the "good guys torture" thing started 10ish years ago. It's been ubiquitous and growing ever since.

I think it's always been there. I don't know of a single Cop movie made in Hollywood where a cop doesn't go around with complete disregard for the law, I'm sure there are some out there but I don't know of any.

The good guy torture however is spot on.

What's that new Revolutionary Spy show on AMC? Turn?

That looks totally like propaganda. I haven't seen it, but that's my gut from watching the promo.

A modern family is maximum overjew.

I don't notice it because I don't watch any of that garbage. I never heard of those shows.

God, this has been going on so long you couldn't imagine. I remember in the 1990s watching an episode of the hit show ER with a friend. Only episode I ever saw. The show had three subplots, each one of them blatant propaganda of a political nature. One subplot had to do with an anti-gun message, the next had to do with the government's power to regulate things like cigarettes, but the main story was the kicker.

The main story had to do with hospital wanting to detain a person on psychiatric grounds but "their hands were tied" because of constitutional reasons. So they were forced to let this obviously self-destructive woman go. Later she returned to the hospital on a slab. That damn constitution, always getting in the way.

So to answer your question of "WHEN" I would say for many, many decades.

And the show "Suits" has you wanting the corrupt lawyers to win. Hmm I do love that show, but it is true.

What about Chicago PD? From the pro-police brutality marketing to the use of no warrants and pushing that as completely ok.

Totally noticed. Even back a few months ago during Parks and Rec. The Fluoride episode. Ugh. Makes me shudder. Bones also had an episode during the same week or so, talking up GMOs.

Stop watching network TV. Booorrrrring.

Coming soon, a government owned TV show called "Truth". (Nobody reads newspapers any more.)


Seriously, you don't need to watch TV. Especially if you're against brainwashing.

Yes, like the militant constitutionalists in the previous season of The Following. They are shown as a violent, terrorist-like group.



There's this cartoon called Oso. He's a secret agent bear that goes around helping people after they've been spied upon by a ladybug camera. It's creepy as hell and I refuse to let my kid watch it.

If you've seen it, tell me what you think.

I think you're overthinking a show that teaches really little kids how to do things like tie their shoes using multiple steps.

Yeah, well I think that people don't think about these things enough. It doesn't seem to me to be about teaching kids to tie their shoes as much as it is about teaching kids the people that spy on them are only trying to help them. We should both well know that is not the case.

I don't personally believe that's the intent of the show at all. I'm sorry you see things like this wherever you look. I can only imagine how scared you are all the time.

Well, first of all, I don't "see things like this wherever I look". I see what is there. You've obviously never known about the Disney WWII and income tax propaganda?... If you knew about those things you would probably be more inclined to see the kind of subtle innuendo shown in OSO that would lead small children to grow up thinking a society where they're being spied upon night and day is okay. It's not okay in real life. And as far as I'm concerned, it's not okay for my child to watch a cartoon that acts like it is not only okay, but perfectly normal.

I'm well aware of it. Perhaps you're not aware that rarely has any media-related company or person been inclined to propagandize the way it was done during the war due to the later years of McCarthyism that specifically went after Hollywood.

To argue that those same things are happening nearly 70 years after that war occurred is ridiculous to me.

"Oh a flying spy bug, my kids will like that. I don't mind."

I literally haven't watched any TV in the last 3 years just because of this, other then Gold Rush, or Bering Sea Gold. It is clearly propaganda. My question is, has it always been this nakedly obvious, or did this just happen recently?

I am disgusted by mainstream television. I don't have cable but I get stuff on antennae. Watching the bullshit they are unloading on the Today Show boils my blood. I watch it just to see what they're telling the slaves today.

You think this is a new thing?

No but it seems so blatant now and there is so little attempt to hide it either.

I thought we all did sensible thing. Which is disconnecting from the TV.

Youd be surprised at how few this fact even registers with

I don't have cable for that reason. I also prefer to watch European shows on Netflix, because oddly enough, they actually show compassion and follow law more moreso than the police state crap airing here in the states.

It's always been there, 24 was one of the worst... (Torture is the only way to get our information and it always works!)

Yup. I was actually surprised at how bad SHIELD is. The propaganda is too obvious, but that shit is weak in general. I was just expecting better from Josh Wheddon.

It is Joss Whedon, and he isn't the showrunner. Cannot deny it sucks.

Sorry for not knowing his name by heart... On other news, I read this quote by him: “I’m reading every script, every story, and giving notes and re-writes,” Whedon says.

You can check it out here: http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/08/04/joss-whedon-shield/

Sounds to me like he's pretty much the greenlight guy, which does make him a showrunner of sorts.

Glad we agree on it sucking.

He wrote Alien Resurrection just as Alien 3 was decided to be the worst.

Wrote out huge (factual and logical) fanboy reply. Looked at subreddit name. Reconsidered. Have an upvote.

To another movie: The Lego Movie, I thought the the message was hilarious. Wake up, Taco Tuesday is a TRAP!

homeland was awesome

Have you seen the Lego Movie? It's like sitting in a room and having a giant idea fly over everyone's heads.

Most folks probably don't have the specs to detect propaganda.

I would be interested to hear of a time period when it was not this way.

"Law and Order: SVU" is absolutely crammed with agenda driven propaganda. It's unwatchable after you start to notice it.

This has been going on since television was invented.

Can it not just be entertainment? Does it really have to be some plot to control us?

Not so much a plot as the creation of a frame in which we view the world. Not literally, but implicit values are transferred and imposed. Broad ones such as America is great, war is strength, consuming is living etc. impacting our everyday behaviours in small but real ways and from a very early age. Advertising exists as a multi- billion dollar industry because it works.

This sounds cliche but, as a Brit, watching American TV, it comes over loud and clear.

This frame or narrative also supplants and crowds out a more humane, more equal alternative which we don't see as much anymore.

I understand where you're coming from but where I separate from this particular view is that it seems, in threads such as this one, some find it impossible to accept that not everything is put out to control or mold the viewer.

As a fan of film and TV, I would like to think that there are artists out there interested in, and passionate about, creating and telling stories for like-minded individuals. Not as a fractured messenger for the ideologies of the powerful.

Thanks, I see where you're coming from too . I don't think it's always intentional it centrally controlled, it's just the dominant culture which is then replicated in tv, film etc. And it's the cumulative impact they have which is so harmful/effective.

Advertising though is a different story, those are carefully crafted narratives designed to appeal to a target audience. Some tv programmes, through product placement etc, are blurring the lines between programming and commercials.

The media we consume shapes the way we view the world, sure. I'll give you that. But this sort of thinking implies a much greater level of governmental control and organization than actually exists.

It makes me very sad to think that our television programming gives the world that sort of opinion of us.

The Homeland propaganda is unbelievable. .

I stopped watching The News Room after the first season. What about it was propaganda? The rest is obvious spews of America wave that flag bullshit

Some of us do, most of us don't. If you are aware of it, it is blatant. Lone Survivor was the worst I've seen in a long time.

For fuck's sake people, it's fiction. All that "propaganda" is less about political brainwashing and much more about attracting viewers.

I don't want to watch a cop perfectly follow procedure and file a ton of paperwork, that's what I want from real life. I want my fiction full of shit blowing up and people breaking the rules. It's more exciting than real life, and that's all it's intended to be.

What a ludacris statement, anyone who's actually seen S.H.I.E.L.D knows it's anything but propaganda lol.

You're missing the point. There are elements of strong propaganda in it. I know the plot develops but the context is set early on. The "American dream gone bad" message is strong. Do you agree with the American dream it portrays?

Actually, it totally trashes the idea of the american dream in the first episode(which you would have known if you watched it), it's all about the man verse a power he can't hope to control, heck that's the whole story line. Tesseract anyone?

Not true. I have watched it. We just disagree. Not everyone has to agree on everything.

Did you see Captain America 2?

Would you expect anything less from a comic franchise that is full on Americana though?

I haven't watched any of these shows, but I have seen the famous Jeff Daniels' speech from The Newsroom, and it gave me the impression that it was a very "power to the people" kind of show.

Am I totally wrong?

Cheers mate. Although, no thanks at the same time. I think that scene gave me cancer.

No worries! It's definitely not subtle is it! I literally turned the Tv off half way through this scene. It's so patronising.

What's your problem with The Newsroom?

Homeland is seriously good though....

don't forget NCIS, arabs bad - Americans good

That's ... That's not how the show goes though ...

Im gonna play devils advocate.I do think there are obvious propaganda in shows but I also think that are truth in these as well dropped in at certain times like the agents of Shield the characters just found out since its inception long ago thr SHIELD has been invaded with corruptness long ago and it runs deep i other places.Its actually from the fall out of Captain America movie.,

I agree with a lot of shows the general themes are propaganda like but there are truth bombs inserted in some way. Just my take

Isn't the current arc of Agents of SHIELD about the big CIA-like agency getting infiltrated by neo-Nazis, failing to detect it, and then being forcibly dismantled? I feel like that's 100% what it's about. How is this "obvious propaganda" for the government?

You mean the obvious pro gay propaganda? Yep.

Most citizens want to watch and read nationalistic propaganda. LIFE magazine turned against the war in Vietnam and quickly went out of business. US News & World Report delivered less than nationalistic news and went out of business.

TIME literally said it was part of the establishment last year. It continues to roll.

We can accuse the media of this, that, and the other. At the end of the day, their biggest goal is making enough money to feed their family. The percentage of the public that is educated enough to recognize propaganda is quite small. Michael Ruppert was one of the best investigative journalists. I think financial problems had a lot to do with his end.

I helped sponsor a 9/11 production several years ago. I got back a fraction of my "investment." The public wants to be entertained and they think the government is here to "keep us safe."

This is the first part of a six part series. I think you tube recently made them break it apart due to its length. The subject is democide or death by government. Over the past century, official estimates for death by government run up to 170 million victims. The first thing a genocidal government does is disarm the public. Keeping us safe?


It's been like that pretty much since the invention of television right?.... I thought everyone knew that. But don't you find it more watchable when the propaganda is really obvious? It's hilarious to me.

Me: What obvious propaganda are you referring to?
clicks link
finds only a title
realizes which sub I'm in
reluctantly scans comments to find examples
finds nothing

I realize this isn't /r/TrueReddit or /r/askscience, but jeez... a little context goes a long way.

Entertainment is often inspired by our fears. This is a storytelling tactic that goes back hundreds of years, at least. When people feared the plague, it was vampires. More recently, when people began to fear man-made sicknesses, we saw a resurgence in zombie popularity. Now, with people fearing "big brother" stuff, we see entertainment that plays off of those fears.

That's generally just how storytelling goes.

Or it's called a plot. If they don't include relatable plots or subplots, no one would give a damn about the show.

Though I cannot find specific examples from these shows, i think this one is not really a conspiracy.

Everything has a message in it, all games, TV shows, stories and music. It's not for brainwashing purposes, it's because human beings have been attaching themselves (and been influenced by) powerful narratives for years. Sadly we are influenced by these things incredibly easily if we attach ourselves to them.

Sure, it can be abused. I just don't think that this one is as evil as it seems. It's more that film is responding to what we respond to. In that order first. It's tailored to us.

I think maybe some of us should take off our tin foil hats. I don't watch the Newsroom, and I'm not a fan of crime drama, but Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is harmless.

I disagree.

This post is stupid. These are fictional television programs that provide entertainment (at least as far as Homeland and Newsroom, that shield show is just garbage). Nobody is pretending they are non fiction or even based on true events. Newsrooms is written by Aaron Sorkin who wears his political views on his sleeve and makes his shows from that view and Homeland is based on an Israeli book, take from that what you will. I am far more concerned with the propaganda in actual "news" shows both local and national.

I don't watch those shows. Can I please have some examples?

This submission has been crossposted

Title Author Upvotes Downvotes
/r/conspiracy discusses the evil gay propaganda in the MSM and TV shows /u/InfowarsStore 1 0
When did TV drama get so packed with such obvious propaganda? From Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Homeland to The Newsroom. They are unwatchable. Surely everyone notices it? /u/Fuckyousantorum 213 63

Timestamp - 2014-04-18 09:43:35

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Ive never seen these shows. Can you provide some evidence to back up your claim?

I guess you should watch a few before trying to engage outside opinions right?

Lol what a joke. I didnt try to input my opinion, all I wanted was a clip or a specific episode to see but you have to be a jackass about it.

I said engage outside opinion....

And no one liked your tone either.

I wasnt engaging outside opinions I was just trying to be informed. nothing in my first post was opinionated. Op didnt provide links so I just wanted to know what he was referring to.

I haven't actually watched it but I heard that in Homeland the good guys are the agents in Homeland Security and the bad guys are the equivalent of Occupy Wall Street.

Also, I remember someone linking something about how the Simpsons featured some propaganda from the FBI or some other agency. I always thought the episode about Doomsday Preppers featured alot of right wing propaganda.

Could you explain the Newsroom? The others I can understand.

Edit: I'm being sincere. If you want me to put on your tinfoil hat you'll have to explain why.

Because it takes an intelligent mind to write and craft TV dramas and most intelligent people are inherently liberal.

Eh, I personally like Homeland. Sure, I see it for what it is and yes, Mandy Patinkin couldn't look more like every rabbinical caracture that was ever drawn, but if you're not so indoctrinated that you cannot see past the obvious propaganda angles, it can be entertaining. Not to mention, I've had a little crush on Claire Daines for a while now. I'll still watch the show even though I know it has absolutely zero basis in reality, and I'm not sorry for it. Downvote away.

An observation ... none of the original poster's posts refer to homosexuality, nor does the title.

Nope, not sure what the gay reference is about.

I don't suppose you'd care to give a single specific example?

Anyone ever think that maybe you guys are reading a little too far into these works of ... fiction. Then again, I suppose there isn't much of a line between fact and fiction for most of you. As made evident by the majority of your fear mongering and rampant racism.

I'm not racist and I try very hard not to fear monger. Please don't generalise. I'm completely open to the idea that I'm reading too much into this issue, that's the very reason I asked the question in this post.

You're not reading in too much. It's there.

I know, right. I think it's true for any movie of the 21st century, especially recently. Just examples of two totally different movies - "Elysium" and "The place beyond the pines" - both are full of multiculti propaganda, where the whites are bad guys and the blacks/crossbreeds play the victim card.

Sure, just like all the homosexuals on tv. It's not that common in most of 'merica. Yet, tv makes out like they are a major minority.

He's the sales pitch for the Skye show.

I am sorry for your situation and condition, but yes, you are right. 90% is cop related crime drama gratuitous pulp fiction preceded by an hour or two of unwatchable boob and fart jokes marketed as a "sitcom."

I agree with what you state, though I maintain my reasons and assert that you have just listed yet another of their multipurpose uses of the pro-gay push.

See thats the point of view people don't get. I really don't have anything against the gay community. I have family members and friends who are gay. I was bored one day and thought why something is. Just so happened to be homosexuality.

And this reasoning, about a male fetus being bombarded with excess estrogen in utero makes sense to me.

Besides, after sex you'd both just go play GTA or something.

Yep. It's pretty much exactly like this.

You're correct that the pro gay push is social manipulation, and is being used by the elite to control the people.

I don't think it shows them good or bad, just "up to secret stuff".

Next you'll be telling me James Bond is "cool". ;-)

But it's the UK so I just assume they've always been that way

No, it is not my idea of what all gays are.

Yes, I do know what a stereotype is.

The whole agenda, is making men powerless, because it is evil men who control this shit.

The effeminate gay is only one type of person, as obviously there are masculine gays, and there are also effeminate bisexuals and masculine bisexuals and so on and so forth and all other manners of sexual orientation.

I do not watch tv.

White House Down

Okay, I will accept that at face value for now. Can you explain how they created this culture and who they are?

And native advertising etc

Television is designed to make money. There is plenty of evidence for this.

Unless you have actual evidence there is a conspiracy to program peoples' behaviour you shouldn't make the claim. It could be argued that the kind of programming you describe could be an emergent property of the modern television industry but haven't made that argument and I'm not going to do it for you.

One could argue television is programmed to cater to their opinions and behaviors, rather than how you had posed it.. but really, that is almost worse.

every minute of CNN broadcasts is propaganda

FIXED: every minute of CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, the Drudge Report, Huffington Post, or anything else that deals with current events is propaganda.

The problem isn't with the media it is with supply and demand. When we get straight up news we are bored. We have to read what happened, analyze it, and draw conclusions of our own. The text is dry and has no flare so we skip it and move on. People do not buy or read anything like that, even with the option. People buy something where someone tells them what to think based on a single event that can be tied to others to support their dialog, whether or not they are actually connected.

Oh is it now?

Ahaha! I have gay friends and straight friends. Nothing bad to say about either! I wish you happiness in whatever you pursue!

Fer real.

It's not about glorifying it or standing against it. It's about conditioning people to accept these conversations about torture as normal. It's never the overt statement, the message is in the subtext, the assumptions. Every time we debate the efficacy of torture we lend it legitimacy, and that is utterly insane.

Its the normalization of corruption, not exposing it but making it seem like a given.

I'm not racist and I try very hard not to fear monger. Please don't generalise. I'm completely open to the idea that I'm reading too much into this issue, that's the very reason I asked the question in this post.

It mocks Occupy for exactly the reason Occupy should be mocked. (which is not the reason it's mocked everywhere else)

Cheers mate. Although, no thanks at the same time. I think that scene gave me cancer.

I've never seen that show so I cannot comment.

So when you said, "Its all propaganda." You were just talking out of your ass?