TIL post removed because ... well, I'm not sure why. But it talked about GHW Bush, so that is enough reason for those mods! Not only that, they separately send messages to mock the post!

43  2014-04-18 by [deleted]

The post in question: http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/23dcrl/til_that_lee_harvey_oswald_was_good_friends_and/

From www.reddit.com/user/-Richard-



Peddle your /r/conspiracy bullshit somewhere else.

and also this gem!

No misleading claims. Posts that omit essential information, or present unrelated facts in a way that suggest a connection will be removed.

I am not going to entertain another all-day quarrel with you, this matter is settled. have a nice day!

Not only that, but another mod, http://www.reddit.com/user/lanismycousin of TIL had no response to me other than this:

Have fun in r/conspiracy

Such great modding over there! I guess nothing can be factual if they haven't heard of it.


100% of the time i've messaged main sub mods and admins, i've gotten asshole replies. Not sure where this holier than thou attitude comes from lol

Power trip

Who do you think has time to mod big subs? People with nothing else going on in their lives. Of course they're going to be petty little spiteful resentful bastards. And of course they're going to go balls-out exerting whatever tiny morsel of power they have, when it's literally the only thing they have going on in their life.

So true, even better is now you can see what subs someone mods and some of these fuckers have 100s.

The owner of Reddit is friends with George Bush.

I heard he has an immortal dog too.

That sub's a complete waste of time; it's for people who want to do that without feeling guilty about it, like they do with memes after a while. I'm surprised you wasted yours there.

I think mods are the worst idea of reddit. We dont need them, voting works just fine. If spam really becomes too big of a problem make it so only one submission (connected to IP address or username) can happen every ten minutes or something.

Wasn't there a post yesterday about how anything in TIL is pruned if it has the word BUSH in it?

i can't believe a post obviously pushing an agenda was removed from /r/TIL! this conspiracy really runs deep!