Hey conspiracy! I have a great idea and I would value your opinion on it. Let's have a chat about it. (Details inside)

51  2014-04-19 by [deleted]

We are frequently accused of vote brigading as a subreddit, hilariously by a subreddit (conspiratard) which exists almost implicitly to vote brigade our wonderful subreddit.

I think that meta posts which link to neighboring subreddits undoubtedly lead a few less than honest folks to go and vote in those linked posts and even if our intent isn't to invade someone else's space it still happens.

In the past people created the NP link (no participation) system to politely ask people not to vote in the linked threads but literally everyone on reddit knows that all you have to do to bypass NP is to replace 2 letters in the link (change NP to WWW). When conspiracy added NP to our CSS to try and keep conspiratard and SRD from raiding our space, conspiratard openly bragged that all they had to do is turn off CSS to keep raiding us unhindered. And so they do.

In conclusion NP is nothing more than a CYA that shows the admins minimal effort has been put forth to stop the vote brigading. Its a worthless feel good script that doesn't do anything.

My idea is that conspiracy takes the high road and starts using www.redditlog.com when linking to other subs. With redditlogs a new URL is generated that can not be easily reverse engineered and anyone who wants to vote would be forced to find the offending comment on their own without simply replacing 2 letters of the URL.

If we take this high road we will not only prove to the admins that we don't want to brigade as a group, but we will prove that conspiratard is a cowardly vote brigade. Especially since conspiratard removes redditlogs links because they "don't provide context" aka they can't vote brigade.

So what do you say conspiracy? Are we better than them? Are we willing to give up our own ability to post easily brigaded links as a show of our character? We have no promises that other subs won't still link directly to us, in fact I promise you that they will.

We can do the right thing and set an example for the rest of reddit, or we can keep allowing conspiratard the easy excuse that "conspiracy brigades too!".

Please add your opinions below.

Here is an example of a redditlog snapshot that is relevant to this discussion.



here's an even better idea- instead of giving a shit about any of this, why don't we take our 227k people and occupy something IRL?


Is there any way to tell how many of that number are active users?

How many of those people do you suppose are real?

I am

only one way to find out! :)

Maybe I'm in the minority but I ignore anything having to do with that other sub and it's a non-issue. I feel that making policy changes based on their actions is just giving them more fuel.

I agree with this, I don't see vote brigading from /r/conspiracy as a major problem, nor do I see perceptions thereof as a major problem.

Conspiracy is one of the few places vote brigading doesn't exist. It's nice because it has a low level of BS acceptance.

yep fuck em... also so what if some people vote brigade them....

Simple statistics would reveal this to be true, we rarely link to their subs and they almost always like here.

I agree with you but /r/Conspiratard is not routinely linked in this sub. A significant portion of their sub revolves around linking here.

I agree with your statement.

They bitch about us linking to other neighboring subs. 99% of the time we already remove any link to conspiratard because it just starts flame wars and accomplishes nothing.

In this snapshot. http://www.redditlog.com/snapshots/476485

Admins cupcake confirms that they brigade but doesn't really care because we brigade also. We can change half of that.

I get your message. And yet we are not even in the same category as them energetically. Why continue to create unneeded enforcement in this sub? The greater majority here are respectable individuals set on a mission not even caring about them. I didn't even know who they were until this sub started making them famous around 6 months ago. Seriously, and I'm less than a year into Reddit. Rather than create and enforce new rules, let's encourage people to consciously look to the new posts and vote accordingly. I'd personally be more in alignment with a rule that requires all down votes to leave a comment for doing so over this new proposed rule.

I wish a down vote could require a reply. That is impossible to enforce unless reddit changes it's software.

I wish mods would remove Conspiritard, all they do is harass and bully other users.

The reason? They don't agree with their opinions.

It is childish

I agree with you but unfortunately I've seen the same done on by some of our members. I've seen decent people on both sides who would like a civil discussion but there are too many on both sides that act like children. Removing conspiratard would only mean some other sub would take its place.

Yea, and the more I think about it the more I think that they shouldn't remove conspiratard because removing that subreddit would be unfair unless they broke reddit rules.

a: I don't vote brigade

b: I think you've been shadowbanned.

dun dun dunnnn

Yeah I get that they brigade.

Does that mean we have to do it also?

No, what we need to do is take /r/conspiracy and all the legit subs left around on their own reddit website, with new moderation rules punching corruption in the dick like random draw and stuff, seems more effective than this losing battle here under their rules...

Srs bznz.


Let's be real - nobody here is vote brigading. Sure, users may cross over and down-vote when a bot links to an immature, inflammatory thread posted in response by /r/conspiratard. But comparing those actions to the collective actions taken by a sub which exists solely for the purpose of agitating and sabotaging is just unacceptable.

You're going to enforce mandatory posting restrictions/regulations on us because they can't act like adults? Is this a joke? You're asking us to take the higher road - to me, the very fact that this sub doesn't exist just to troll others is taking the higher road.

What? Reading comprehension. You both brigade. It's been confirmed by mods on multiple occasions.

Let's be real - nobody here is vote brigading.

Bullshit. You can't just say "No really, of course our side isn't doing that." It's a ridiculous claim, especially when the people who run the damn place straight up told you otherwise.

a sub which exists solely for the purpose of agitating and sabotaging

No it isn't. It's a joke sub that mocks and ridicules. It has no agenda whatsoever to sabotage you.

You're going to enforce mandatory posting restrictions/regulations on us because they can't act like adults?

Because neither of you act like adults. You should automatically be taking the higher road, not pointing fingers.

I completely agree with you. To say /r/conspiracy doesn't vote brigade is stupid. Both subs vote brigade but /r/conspiracy has so many more members and should as you said automatically be taking the high road. All we hear lately is wah wah conspiratard made fun of us wah wah wah. I don't like conspiratard one bit but I just ignore it. The more we talk about them the more ammo we give them.

Haha - all you need to do to see that you are wrong is go over to /r/conspiratard and count how many posts are directly linking and attacking threads at /r/conspiracy, and vice versa.

By all means, post your results. I predict a 20:1 ratio.

That doesn't prove anything except that their sub often references this one. Hell even oculous showed that they generally don't brigade.

It proves that /r/conspiratard is set up for the purposes of mocking and harassing other members of the Reddit community. If you think this isn't true then pull your head out of your ass and go look at the content and tone of what they post.

Mocking, yes, harassing, occasionally. I don't think I claimed otherwise. I merely pointed out the arrogance of claiming that no one here brigades.

Like I said, there is occasional cross over when /r/conspiratard posts an inflammatory thread in response to something here and a bot mentions the cross post.

However, that is not comparable to the /r/conspiratard sub which is set up exclusively for the purposes of vote brigading, mocking, and harassing members of this forum.

You don't have to be a "conspiracy theorist" to see this. It's not the "Joos" fault that /r/conspiratard's culture is toxic and thus appeals to a demographic of trolls. Plain as day, man. Sorry you can't see that.

No they aren't. They exist solely for the purpose of mocking theorists as a whole. Stop pretending you're being persecuted by a group barely a fifth your size. They don't exist to disrupt this sub, and the grand majority of their bs happens in their own sub.

Plain as day, man. Sorry you don't see that.

Then why do their cross-post from /r/conspiracy daily? They can claim whatever they like - I'm looking at their front page right now, and it's obvious.

It's a joke sub

You are part of the joke. You just aren't in on the joke.

You really like the word 'joke.'

Thanks for your input. Intelligent and relevant as always.

Hahaha. Defender? I merely point out the arrogance and bias shown by the conspiracy community regarding it. /r/conspiritard is a childish sub, I'll never deny that. I just find it hilarious when people here claim that /r/conspiracy has clean hands when they show their hypocrisy daily.

I merely point out the arrogance and bias shown by the conspiracy community regarding (/r/conspiratard).

Unintelligent and irrelevant dribble.

Are you really incapable of understanding that sentence? Let me break it down for you. Mr. Guy said that one group of people was bad, and that his group of people was good because they never engage in bad things. I helped him out by showing that he was wrong, both groups of people are bad, and he's just being silly and pretending his group of people aren't bad like the other group.

Now, apparently, you seem to think that that makes me some kind of "defender." If you were to actually read and understand my comment, you'd realize that it was both intelligent and relevant, but I doubt you'll be able to figure that one out.

Also, I believe the word you're looking for is "drivel," not "dribble."

Members of a sub are biased against a sub that makes fun of them?

Tell me more, this is about as fascinating as watching paint dry.

thefuckingtoe missing the point. Surprise? Nope.

That's just when they don't switch accounts to make it seem like they have the support of this community. These are the exposed accounts.

Do they have anything of this sort to prove we brigade? I don't think so.

Commenting and trolling != brigading. For example, I have not voted in this thread, only voiced my opinion.

Assuming their comments and trolling do not come with voting is being extremely naïve.

Fair enough, but didn't oculus the bot prove that /r/conspiratard doesn't brigade too often?

I don't know. I've seen certain subs under their control that could be set to private to do all of the brigade links, perhaps? As mentioned, what happened finally on the rape censorship of /New?

Ocolous proves the post doesn't get brigaded, but the comments are heavily voted.

Who was tearing up /New around the clock for month after month? Excluding the weekends, it as nearly around the clock. Absolute bullshit that it was permitted to occur for so long. After a while the decision that it was very likely sanctioned/allowed became difficult to ignore.


I was blown away by how heavy their infiltration of YouTube really is. For the heavy videos on Sandy Hoax and the Boston affair, they have a response to the top 5-10 pages of comments. Every single time. A pack of timing, often changing your their names, as you four see when other users would start a thread with them, and +% their name in the response.

A common tactic was to claim to be from another country. After reading a few vids with of comments, I could see their key objectives. Waste the users time with nonsense, racebait all Muslims - calling for their deaths (also common of conspiracy theorists. They've really turned up the heat past 'don't give a Fuck), of course slamming them for the "shame [they] should feel for what they are putting the families through" to have a so-called relative show at just the right time, and illogical justifications. "The government would NEVER allow private and classified infornation online," and "that you would be raided, and sent to prison if you posted anything classified." This was how she disassociated the mountains of clear evidence right in front of her. All I could hear was *"Nu-uhh! A cop cannot lie to you. If you ask him if he's a police officer, he can't lie. He has to tell you, cause if he didn't, he would have to arrest and take himself to jail for perjury. I know..."

It was however quite refreshing to see the massive majority have clued in on the truth. A term they demonized that is now haunting them. We need to work towards further removing the stigma of the term conspiracy. To throw this back in your face would be absolute justice.

It's all over the place. They think we're insensitive but let's boil down what SH is to these people:

  1. A ghost from a dead kid that suffered from Asperger's Syndrome, took a Honda Civic (plate 872 YEO) which was registered to known criminal Christopher Rodia, as confirmed by Squad 272 who is at the school and calls in 872-YEO as a possible suspect vehicle which then the operator states Christopher A Rodia, including the birth date at 2:10. With no connection to the Lanza family, the car is still reported to be his mother's.

  2. Then he allegedly carried massive weaponry on his person when he shot his way into the Sandy Hook school and proceeded to "kill" 26 people and then himself in a time span of less than 7 minutes with a kill ratio on 96% (26 + himself + 1 injured) for no reason whatsoever without showing up on any video or photographic evidence of him being there at all.

  3. This while "coincidentally" matching the schedule of a drill "to enable participants to improve their community’s mitigation and emergency operations plan specifically regarding the needs of children".

I thought I was being the good guy, showing that no kids died and they insist on saying some kid took out 26 other kids for no reason other than some mental disability? Do they want to see 26 kids dead? Why do they insist this actually happened? What kind of sadistic fuck wants to believe this?

Oh, and now /u/Psyforce and /u/216216 have just joined the brigade. Gotta tag 'em all! How they actually expect anyone to believe that some guy from /r/AdviceAnimals has any insight into Sandy Hook is beyond sad. Better bury my comments instead so they get a feeling of accomplishment from their superiors. I just laugh it off.

Commenting and trolling is just as bad as vote brigading. If we're honest with ourselves. The trolls are explicitly going where they aren't welcome, often times making new accounts to circumvent a ban, and pissing in the popcorn.

Not nice and not welcome.

I respectively disagree, while trolls can disrupt a conversation they can be simple downvoted and ignored. Vote brigading can alter a conversation by only allowing certain opinions to be heard. That is why I see brigading as much worse than trolling.

Have you noticed the trolls get highly up voted?

I have and the non trolls get down voted, this effectively buries the half of the conversation that actually belongs here.

Or...or....This sub could ignore conspiratard completely and focus on conspiracies instead (including reddit-related conspiracies like censorship). This whole distraction reminds me of a common tactic, I think it's called "divide and conquer".

Their subreddit is clearly designed to bully and aggravate people, so the best choice is to ignore them and move on.

Unfortunately this probably won't happen because the gang war style mentality is already in full effect, but I'll still make this plea for readers of /r/conspiracy to refuse to be distracted by other subreddit drama. Notice I said subreddit drama not subreddit conspiracies.

That's my 2 cents anyway.

Well (and this is speaking from someone who goes to both subs) it is difficult sometimes because voting makes you see certain opinions and hides others. So if people upvote the trolls then that's all you see.

I agree that we shouldn't spend an undue amount of energy worrying about them. But they aren't going away.

Well I guess I would have to say that (as bad as it may sound) it's up to the people here to fight it. You have to get out and vote more often to fight the trolls. Regardless of if /r/conspiratard brigades or not, they are 1/10th the size of this sub, they should not matter that much if you vote actively.

Dont forget you can buy karma and votes. There's a website that'll spread like 1500 votes over a couple of days to make it seem organic. Can't think of it, on the phone right now but i reckon google can.

I used to be in a sub that was actively commented by trolls. They would spend every day arguing the same points (morning till night - not even exaggerating), and people would waste a lot of time debunking them. However, then they would come up again making the same arguments in another thread.

Their point is not to make their opinion known, but rather to scare away new users who aren't aware of them, and mistake them for regular users of the subreddit. They make outrageous claims each time, and lies of course travel faster than the truth.

Since we all want to have proper discussion and don't want to spend most of our time combating trolls, it makes sense to bar them from the conversation. If we were actively fighting them off, then our discussion in each thread gets weaker and people are less likely to engage with them all the time. The sub degrades as a result because users get upset that mods are not doing anything. None of our users are able or willing to compete with people who spent 24/7 trolling, and so they will ultimately win.

So yes trolls can be harmful too.

It's like a PR "false flag"

At least with trolls, if you possess the mental acumen, you can call him/her on flawed reasoning. If you don't make them too defensive, they might have a red pill moment.

Probably shouldn't have done this because it's impossible to defend yourself against 30 people all trying to ridicule you, but I spent the last 2 days in there. I was polite (initially) and tried to appeal to the intelligence I know they have.... they are just stuck -- like a rusty hinge.

Voting is only part of brigading.

I'm fairly confident that cupcake does.

An admin does, that's the difference. They have tools to look this stuff up. I'm not an admin and was able to compile that list. Can they do the same about the users here? I doubt it.

I think cupcake may be playing politics and not wanting to take any decisive action but that's just me.

I think people here do brigade also so until we fix that problem we are better off if she doesn't take action.


Fair is fair. I can't say with 100% confidence that we don't but I firmly believe the most egregious and frequent offenses lie in their end of the court.

I would agree with you.

Do you even satire?

That sub has a purpose. It's the useful idiot clubhouse used to silence dissent and create false consensus under the guise of ridicule.

It's ultimately about stigmatizing anti-war sentiment. They are greedy little shits.

I agree. War is a racket. Can't stop the cash flow.

This is fear.

Its also important to note that I'm NOT suggesting we don't post anything about our neighboring subs, I'm just suggesting we only allow using a snapshot service that can't be easily circumvented to do so.

Posts about other subs would absolutely still be allowed.

You just take your normal reddit link and copy past it here http://WWW.redditlog.com then use the snapshot they generate to post in conspiracy. That way we (as a sub) absolutely aren't vote brigading other people's spaces.

Just how bad is this vote brigading in the grand scheme of things? If they aren't breaking your subreddit, who fucking cares?

Realtalk. Conspiracy is ten times the size of conspiratard.


Their team? Do you think we have meetings and stuff?


I'm a regular reader there and I've never gotten that vibe.

inb4 calling me a shill, alt, troll, etc.


Well...thanks. I'm sorry, people here usually get all worked up when I mention that subreddit.

It's not the most paranoid thought, but in my experience, I haven't noticed it. Like you said, though, it could be off site.

I wish he hadn't deleted those comments, dude was very polite.

What if we are pointing to some AMA going on reddit? Are we allowed to point to it directly so that our users can get involved with it, or is that against the rules too?

Well this is an important point, as there is no rule yet the purpose of this post is to open debate about exactly this type of potential quagmire.

My opinion is that a reddit log of such an ama would motivate people who actually have something constructive to add/question to go to /r/iama and participate without a flood of people simply following a link to vote for or against something that is tangential to conspiracy.

Alright that makes sense. I do agree with your solution.

/u/cupcake1713 might find this interesting.

Thought the same thing. The top comment is how the "Admins proved they don't votebrigade" when a few days ago Cupcake was in there saying there was a substantially large votebrigade coming from their sub and pleading with them to stop "tattling like children."


EDIT- And a couple days after that:

Yesterday my account was shadowbanned and when I asked why the response was that "Me and a couple dozen others followed a link from here to /r/conspiracy[1] just to downvote a comment"


I say this is a fine suggestion but it should not be mandatory.

What is really interesting is that the tard sub actually will ban you if you use redditlog. Almost as if their mods want to encourage briagding.

If it isn't mandatory then it doesn't happen.

We could set up auto mod to automatically remove reddit.com links and sent the user who attempted to post it instructions on how redditlog works.

I'd propose having automod set to leave a reminder saying just that, as opposed to pulling the thread.

If it isn't mandatory then it doesn't happen.

Then fuck it.

Haha exactly.

Sup with all the rules?

Let us govern ourselves


I would like to agree with you. But let me ask you....did we taunt an aimless bunch of twits mercilessly until they felt compelled to form /r/conspiratard (a place they could call home ☺

The answer is, without prevaracation, NO.

/r/conspiratard is not just some equivalent of a clique of middle school malcontents who merely enjoy making fun of people who they deem don't conform (though certainly that's an incidental motivation for them).

It's same thing I have been saying this whole week!! The essence of controversy between conspiracy theorists and non (as they relate traumatic events).

I know I am a driving everyone crazy with this video I have been posting as of late, but it's relevant here too. I would guess 75% of /r/conspiratard are threatened by us. It is the fact that we generally DO leave them alone that bothers them. If we leave them alone, it shows them that for us, these discussions are real ...and not a game. We threaten them without intention because if they don't attempt to squelch us, a fear grows in them....a fear that just maybe what we are saying is true. And that my friends, is the heart of most anti-conspiracy theorists. The fact that 9/11 or the Boston Bombing could be true (as we see it) is very disturbing to them.

Once again... the video:

This one is on 9/11, but it can be applied to a lot of different "theories" http://youtu.be/gpz85MHdBD8

Nailed it.

Cowards can never be moral. -Mahatma Gandhi

Great vid thanks

We are making conspiritard relevant by talking about them, they don't register on my radar and we should collectively ignore them not dramatize the situation.

Ha. You got talked to by the admins.

Are we better than them? Are we willing to give up our own ability to post easily brigaded links as a show of our character?

There is no way you thought this question will give a no. And seriously, WTF with the tone? Do you think the subscribers here are a bunch of school children? This post is silly and you stickied it?

it's like he wants people to get shadowbanned, if you link to another users post without an NP link it's a vote brigade. vote brigade = shadowban

We are frequently accused of vote brigading as a subreddit

There's no accusation about it if admin /u/cupcake1713 has confirmed both this sub and that sub brigade.


Except there are frequently accusations. My suggested solution would significantly weaken those accusations.

Is it alright to post /r/conspiracy links within /r/conspiracy, without using "np" or "redditlog"?

Why the fuck do we care what they do? Our sub is about real world issues, their sub is exclusively about flaming people and ideas in our sub. In 2 years I have been over there one time to see what all the fuss was about. Fuck em.

I've been around here a long time and have never noticed brigading coming from this sub. I've never been approached or been asked directly to up or down vote content on the other subreddits.

Those users who do tend to request brigading or pitchforking aren't whom I consider part of our core group or are people I've recognized over the years. 99% of those posts are also deleted quickly and efficiently.. indicating that the majority is doing it's job and reporting the offending content.

I'd be really careful about being "sure" about anything here. This is the internet, where everyone is anonymous and everyone seems to have multiple accounts. People from that other sub have been "playing both sides" for a very long time now. For all we know some of these users could have infiltrated this subreddit and gained the status of "regular conspiracy poster" with relative ease.

All that being said, I don't see the difference on using a redditlog link or an np link. This is the internet.. if someone wants to find a thread or comment it's a Boolean search away..


A Boolean search away...

Exactly. Then the guilt of their brigading is on that individual user because they went out of their way to find the snap shotted post and interfere without conspiracy being complicit by virtue of not having higher standards for how we allow our community to be used.

I could be wrong but I feel like your argument strengthened my argument.

I don't know Tape, I don't follow your logic. You wouldn't be fixing the main problem. Your suggestion relies on participation. My whole point is that the majority of our users don't brigade. Those that do brigade will still do just that regardless of what link they follow or whether they follow a link at all. If it's truly brigading they most likely use pm's or an external messaging service.

Think gun laws...Those that are participating in illegal activity will continue to do so regardless of the height of the fence you put up.

Wasn't it pointed out recently that someone was using twitter to brigade?

I feel like you are attempting to appease an external force here.

I feel like you are attempting to appease an external force here.

He may be... but as I see it at this point, /r/conspiracy is doomed to become fettered with more rules, restrictions and everything else.

I don't believe the majority of this subreddit vote brigades in other subs. That said, there has been a time here or there in the past when I have followed a link and participated, when the link wasn't np. I have tried to refrain from doing that in recent months.

Whether the link is np or redditlog I don't think matters, as long as redditlog is as reliable as np. (It is an external site)

As long as we are allowed to continue to circulate information within this sub, the externalities in other subs should be secondary.

We need to concentrate on keeping this sub free as possible, if that means keeping the eye of sauron away from us, (at least in the temporary) then so be it.

We all know that eventually we will have to jump ship just like digg, but the longer we can stay here and expose things to the world, the better.

Make it cost .5 karma to vote?

Make it so there is a public record of where votes come from?

Don't care, carry on as before, confident that information stands on its own merit, generally?

I always forget that there even is a conspiratard subreddit

I say read all the posts in conspiracy anyway and ignore the tards. Best way to handle them is not give them attention they so desperately want.

Unlike the other sub, this sub doesn't exist to manipulate and suppress opinions. I think it's ridiculous that something imposed on a troll sub should be mandated for this one. This is a bad, bad idea.

As you noted it didn't stop the other sub because they are highly motivated for whatever reason. This rule will, however, squash this sub's participation in the "hivemind" and let the troll/shill sub continue to brigade with even less deterrence.

exists almost implicitly to vote brigade our wonderful subreddit

There is one link to /r/conspiracy on /r/conspiratard's front page. I don't think that implies that brigading is the sole reason /r/conspiratard exists. Cupcake's comments are correct, it's like two children tattling on each other. And you being a mod and resorting to baseless namecalling doesn't help.

That being said, if both sides could stick to using redditlog then that would help the problems facing both side.

Look through it's history. Several threads a day are linked there. Not to mention Bipolarbear saving a submission from a mod here from two years ago to link recently to incite that sub. Scumbag behavior.

Yes, several links a day go here. But out of all the submissions a day that go there it makes up a pretty small submission.

And as for the bipolarbear thing, all I'm going to say is that you guys upvoted it. And also it is constantly brought up that certain races need to stop milking certain events of history. You can't say that while milking the bipolarbear thing for all it's worth.

all I'm going to say is that you guys upvoted it

That's a dubious claim.

I said this in a different comment chain and I'll say it here too. There are 10x the members here as opposed to /r/conspiratard. Regardless of puppets, shills, whatever you want to call them you should be able to control what hits your front page. If they are successfully voting 10 times for every 1 time you vote, then that's kinda sad.

You need to look up how the reddit algorithms work. Its very easy to manipulate the position of a post with as few as 3 accounts. The key is voting early, those votes are weighted mor heavily.

What name did I call them?

I have been drinking heavily so I'm having issues finding it.

The whole point of this post is to see how our community would feel about taking the high road.

conspiratard is a cowardly vote brigade

All vote brigades are cowardly. There are many like it but this one is conapiratard's

I think you're being a little overly defensive.

Sorry if I came off as defensive, I'm just voicing my opinion (note I was in favor of both subs going to redditlog). I was also just stating that a mod name calling another sub is a little unprofessional, nothing more.

I'm not getting paid by reddit to wear a tie and promote some image.

I'm a pretty raw dude. I say it how I see it.

You're drunk. That's cool. That's carte blanche to post racist articles to a sub you don't like in the name of science.



Where are the posts here that links to them?

I never said that this sub linked to that sub. But I did say that the majority of that sub's content does not come from here.

Why does it have to be from here at all? We don't do it to them.

Dude's trying to create a marketable brand. He's exploiting the "teh jooz" crowd to do so.

Too bad he's too stupid to realize that bigotry isn't marketable.

Maybe not right now but often times it does.

One day in particular while discussing this issue with bitcrunch they had 6 links to conspiracy on their front page and if you looked deeper into the comments section it was more like 2 dozen.

Why not create this as a subdomain if reddit.com? Using an external site to covert our own oats, tying pote tialpy additional capture personal information with this third party site? Who currently owns it, and how trustworthy are they? What does their privacy policy entail, and what private data is captured? Long term flash cookies? HTML 5... Computer config/browser fingerprint?

I'll post some additional information from my queries as well.

This is just my opinion, anyone is welcome to argue with it:

This solution is as good as the np. option: the people that often brigade the other sub from here will still look for the thread using the title, it will be just annoying. They can also look for the users' comment history and easily find the respective thread if it's a recent thread.

I have mentioned before and I will repeat again: There is nothing, absolutely nothing worth discussing about that sub in here. They are violent people, they stalk users here and their daily lives in that sub are literally to mock and call others a portmanteau of conspiracy + retards. People that post anything talking about them in here not only invites drama but also puts himself in danger.

There is no content worth anything that can come from that sub. The only thing we do when we mention them in here is to give them more attention which is what they want.

We shouldn't be trying to use hacks to avoid brigading, we should ban any talk about that sub once and for all, period. The less attention we give them the better it is for us. They cling to circlejerk attention, we have even seen how far they are willing to go in order to parade between their own peers, they go as far as using alternate accounts to derail threads, they use socket puppet accounts to brigade in favour of their own discussions in our sub (there are even cases of users offering gold to themselves 30s after the comment has been posted and thanking a stranger as if it wasn't them), they lie about why they were banned from here so that they feel special in their little corner and vote brigade any mod that tries to show the truth, and the recent fake r/sandyhook censorship ban that was posted in here by a member of the sub being discussed in this thread which was then openly admitted that he deliberately wanted to laugh at us and parade between his group by creating his own false content: something that most of us here know already that it is a result of the JTRIG operation - make us look so ridiculous that hardly anyone can take us serious.

Everytime we give them less attention they reach further lengths to get it, imagine what it might happen if we give them 0 attention.

That sub is cancer and bringing cancer to this sub will only spread that cancer even more, they have no intentions on having reasonable discussions, they have no interest in this sub, they only mock, insult and derail us at every turn.

The only time when that sub should be mentioned is when it is used as a simple "in context" addition to a discussion about some member or actual situation that is focused outside of that sub.

Thank you for not giving that sub any attention.

This is just my opinion, anyone is welcome to argue with it:

No thank you and we don't care whats brewing in that zombie head of your!!


I sure hope you get a raise from your masters!

The only problem is what happens when this site goes down for good? All data lost.

When this site goes down for good we will have already found something better.

Is there a way to remove the downvote, both from appearing and functioning (web, mobile etc). It has been suggested in the past.

Also 'tard is a dead subreddit. There appears to be very little steady activity over there and I have yet to see more than 100~ people active. Let the place die, it's quite insignificant and I'm sure most of their members spend more time here.

How does a sub like best of work if vote brigading is so bad?

Tyger.ac prevents brigading and solves that problem.

Or you could turn off downvotes. Just report the ones that don't contribute.

Shut up

We should get a vote brigade to downvote everything Flytape posts.

Nobody cares, stop feeding the trolls.

Since RedditLog is a site that hosts ads, haw can we be sure there is no push for this to someone's financial gain? I seem to recall a mod from /r/trees who was found to be financially gaining from that sub.

This is a win-win situation for us. All it takes is some small degree of sacrifice.

Do it.

ban them, ban mention of their shitty sub

why give them exposure?

Well here's the rub to that sort of thing; if we get into the habit of doing and not-doing things to suit the conspiratards; then they are steering us where they want us to go, exactly like the operatives behind that sub have intended all along.

Just to make sure we have no influence in the rest of Reddit, like when someone points out censorship.

What next. We can't crosspost or post at all?

The only rational way to stop vote brigading is to switch off the fucking voting buttons, that nobody needs but the retarded nerds. It is so fucking simple - switching the buttons off.

If the Reddit administration is still willing to keep this bullshit going on, the only obvious answer is VOTE BRIGADING CONTINUES BECAUSE SOMEHOW IT CREATES PROFIT.

Period. This is my last post about this idiotic matter. Period.

/r/Conspiratard doesn't "exist almost implicitly to vote brigade". It's a subreddit all about disproving conspiracy theories. It just so happens that /r/conspiracy is the main proponent of those theories on Reddit.

It's simple logic. There's a subreddit dedicated to disproving bullshit. Another subreddit is famous for being full of the same bullshit they're trying to disprove. Of course they're going to link stuff from here.

All vote brigades are cowardly. There are many like it but this one is conapiratard's

I think you're being a little overly defensive.

I respectively disagree, while trolls can disrupt a conversation they can be simple downvoted and ignored. Vote brigading can alter a conversation by only allowing certain opinions to be heard. That is why I see brigading as much worse than trolling.


Except there are frequently accusations. My suggested solution would significantly weaken those accusations.

At least with trolls, if you possess the mental acumen, you can call him/her on flawed reasoning. If you don't make them too defensive, they might have a red pill moment.

Probably shouldn't have done this because it's impossible to defend yourself against 30 people all trying to ridicule you, but I spent the last 2 days in there. I was polite (initially) and tried to appeal to the intelligence I know they have.... they are just stuck -- like a rusty hinge.

It proves that /r/conspiratard is set up for the purposes of mocking and harassing other members of the Reddit community. If you think this isn't true then pull your head out of your ass and go look at the content and tone of what they post.