"Veterans today" photo of its "editorial staff" is actually stolen from a journalist's flickr age and photoshopped.

33  2014-04-19 by amldell


Thanks for posting this. Stealing is normal for VT. Veterans Today also often republishes articles without the authors consent. This is shabby behaviour. Some of those plagiarized articles are quite good, but instead of posting articles from Veterans today, I recommend linking to the original source.

But much worse is that the editor in chief Gordon Duff is a known source for disinformation. In the past I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He seemed so credulous. I thought his gullibility might have been abused by somebody else who used him as front. This doubt is gone. Gordon Duff has exposed himself. His own words show that he is a liar:

Watch this video and hear it from his own mouth:

Gordon Duff Is a Disinformation Agent

Or read this fine blog post. While I don't necessarily agree with all of the author's conclusion, he makes it very clear, why Duff is not to be trusted.

Response to Gordon Duff, Kevin Barrett, Mike Harris and Jeff Rense’s Lies on ’40% False Information

What I want to know is why these guys always have terrible websites, like something out of 1994

"All of what I write is false. Because if I didn't, I'd be dead. Everything is in between the lines"


Interesting to see all the downvotes. Apparently, it's OK to steal and manipulate photos as long as Veterans Today does it.

Fascinating double-standard.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Message me here. I don't read PMs!

drunkenshrew 0 points 1 hour ago (+20|-20)

amldell[S] -1 points 2 hours ago (+22|-23)

SovereignMan -1 points 2 hours ago (+25|-26)

amldell[S] -1 points 2 hours ago (+30|-31)

IViewUserHistory -4 points 4 hours ago* (+29|-33)

totes_meta_bot 3 points 2 hours ago (+17|-14)

It goes on and on. Every comment in here.

Massive vote-gaming going on in this thread.

Report the bigoted hate-group raiding this thread to admins here:

Well, I'm in the negative so I guess it's VT-supporters who are that "hate group"?

Began after the cross-post, like always.

Coincidence, I'm sure. Like everything really.

Bigoted hate group?

I'm really starting to think that it was really you that stole and photoshopped their glorious banners in the background. Replacing them with borning milky windows. Totally looks fake bro.

VT has said something like 80% of their content is false/fiction, why anyone gives a shit about them or views them as a reliable source is beyond me.

Well, according to a certain user here, the truth is determined by vote.

People should research Gordon Duff

I've done a little digging from what I've learned, he's a retired veteran non-combatant who owns a small wine import/export business with his wife.

Captain obvious strikes again. "Gordon Duff" is a shill. The whole site is full of trolls. Remember that article he wrote about the Chinese war with the Aliens?


You have failed to provide any evidence that the photo was used without permission.

I will ask the owner.

What do you think about the fact that the photo has been manipulated and claims to show VT's "Editorial Board"?

I hope we can all agree now that anything from that website cannot be trusted.

No, we can't agree. Downvoted.

Wow... this is just sad. Is this because of the Sandy Hook article?

No, it's because they stole a photo from another website, photoshopped it and claim it shows their editorial staff.

Does that not concern you? Is the truth not important? If they fake this, what else have they faked?

Seems like censorship is more important to you.

Voting is what creates consensus, not some guy saying " durrrr I hope we can all agree now that anything from that website cannot be trusted. durrrr"

Let people think for themselves.

Seems like censorship is more important to you.

Not at all. I think censorship is wrong.

Do you trust a website which shows a stolen, photoshopped picture as its "Board of Editors"?

You can't touch their actual material so you grasp straws? How is a photoshop proof that they lie on their articles? Care to cite one that's not true?




Google: "news agency" + caught lying. They all lie.

Pushing for censorship using the flimsiest argument (photoshop? really???) is the dumbest thing anyone's ever heard.

How is a photoshop proof that they lie on their articles?

Where did I write that they lie in their articles?

Is there a specific reason why you are making this claim?

Google: "news agency" + caught lying. They all lie.

So that excuses Veterans Today stealing and manipulating a photo and claiming it shows their staff? Or does it mean that they lie?

Where did I write that they lie in their articles?

"I hope we can all agree now that anything from that website cannot be trusted."

So we should just not trust their photoshop images. Ok!

You fail. This post fails. You're a failure and no one cares about your failed attempt at censorship. Utter failure. But please, keep trying! Maybe someday people will take some guy's word about a symbolic photo shopped image as the end-all be-all proof that a website cannot be trusted meanwhile their articles hold up without question. LOL

You may summon your troll squad to help you now. (yes, people know who you are around here)

Again, where do I claim that they lie in their articles? Does not trusting someone automatically mean to you that the person is lying? Is English your first language?

Why is it so important for you to defend Veterans Today?

What does it mean to you that this website stole a picture, manipulated it and claims it shows their staff?

where do I claim that they lie in their articles?

If they don't lie why shouldn't I trust "anything from that website"?

What does it mean to you that this website stole a picture, manipulated it and claims it shows their staff?

It means absolutely nothing.

No one cares about this ridiculous post.

If they don't lie why shouldn't I trust "anything from that website"?

You shouldn't trust them because they use a stolen, manipulated photo with a made-up caption. That's why. If they lie about that, why wouldn't they lie about many other things?

It means absolutely nothing.

So lying means nothing to you.

Do you therefore just believe anything anyone tells you?

Why did you claim that censorship is important for me?

why wouldn't they lie about many other things?

Because you can't prove they "lie" about anything else.

And then "I will ask the owner." You assumed they lie without even knowing if they're lying?

Did I mention how much of a failure this post is?

So should I trust that all the articles are true?

You assumed they lie without even knowing if they're lying?

I mean the owner of the picture obviously. Do you think that VT owns that picture?

Again, why do you claim that censorship is important for me?

Are you affiliated with Veterans Today?

How come your only ever posts are in this thread? Since all your posts are in this very thread, why do you claim to speak for this subreddit?

Whose sock puppet account is this?

So should I trust that all the articles are true?

You have not been able to prove they are not.

I mean the owner of the picture obviously. Do you think that VT owns that picture?

I don't know and you don't either but you assumed without knowing and made a ridiculous claim.

Again, why do you claim that censorship is important for me?

Because your lame attempt at discrediting a source based on speculation is equally ridiculous.

Are you affiliated with Veterans Today?

At least they know what they're talking about.

How come your only ever posts are in this thread?


Since all your posts are in this very thread, why do you claim to speak for this subreddit?

Because it's obvious this is a strawman argument against a site and people here know better. Better than you at least.

Whose sock puppet account is this?

Are you accusing me of something? You better have some proof. Er, you're not so good with that, nevermind.

You have not been able to prove they are not.

The fact that the owner of the website steals and manipulates a photo is evidence that they aren't trustworthy. Why should I trust their articles?

At least they know what they're talking about.

Was that a "Yes" or "No"?

Are you accusing me of something?

You are obviously well versed with this subreddit yet your account is only 3 days old and you haven't posted anywhere but in this thread.

This means that this isn't the account that you usually use and there must be a reason for it.

Simple deduction.

Why do you care so much about this topic?

Why should I trust their articles?

Because you have not given 1 example that doesn't hold up. I imagine you won't be able to provide one either.

Was that a "Yes" or "No"?

Until you can prove their articles are fabrications, I'd trust them.

You are obviously well versed with this subreddit yet your account is only 3 days old and you haven't posted anywhere but in this thread bla bla bla bla


Why do you care so much about this topic?

Because advocating for censorship without as much as solid evidence of wrongdoing in "a forum for free thinking" is an abomination, just like this post.

You made a post without knowing all the facts. This is ridiculous.

Anything else?

I imagine you won't be able to provide one either.

In the man's own words:

About 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false

What now?

Until you can prove their articles are fabrications, I'd trust them.

I asked about your affiliation with them. Are you affiliated?

You made a post without knowing all the facts.

So there's more to the story? Tell me, please. What do you know about this photo that I don't?

What now?

Now you make a post with that article, not some ridiculous, unfounded assumption about a picture.

You post a claim about photoshop and then search for information if they are trustworthy or not? Way to keep up the standards around here.

Are you affiliated?

Irrelevant red herring. But no, I'm not.

What do you know about this photo that I don't?

You made a post without knowing if it was used with permission or not.

Anything else?

Now you make a post with that article,

I linked to an interview in with VT's senior editor admits to making up 30%-40% of his articles. What else do you need?

You made a post without knowing if it was used with permission or not.

Assume it was. Does that justify its manipulation and claiming it showed VT's "Editorial Board"?

What else do you need?

If 60-70% are true, then the sub should decide on the validity of the article, not you saying it should all be discredited. All media lies.

Assume it was.

Your mistake was assuming anything.

Anything else?

then the sub should decide on the validity of the article

Truth isn't determined by majority vote. You might wish it was though.

All media lies.

So now you admit that VT lies?

Why then should anything on their site be trusted?

Anything else?

What do you think is the reason for VT manipulating a photo and claiming it shows its "Editorial Staff"?

Why do you think that this fact is not important for the trustworthiness of this site?

Truth isn't determined by majority vote.

You want to take away people's right to choose and decide for themselves.

So now you admit that VT lies?

All media lies. What part of "all" is hard to understand?

Why then should anything on their site be trusted?

Based on your flawed logic, no site ever can be trusted. They way you're attacking VT and not any other site shows you have ulterior motives.

What do you think is the reason for VT manipulating a photo and claiming it shows its "Editorial Staff"?

Symbolic picture to illustrate a point.

Why do you think that this fact is not important for the trustworthiness of this site?

Because it's irrelevant to the content of their articles.

Anything else?

You want to take away people's right to choose and decide for themselves.

Liar. I never advocated for VT to be banned.

All media lies. What part of "all" is hard to understand?

I take this as a Yes.

Based on your flawed logic, no site ever can be trusted.

Which other news site posts manipulated pictures of their "staff" and admits to faking 30% of its articles?

Symbolic picture to illustrate a point.

What point?

Because it's irrelevant to the content of their articles.

If they lie about one thing, why not about another?

Liar. I never advocated for VT to be banned.

Good. It won't be.

I take this as a Yes.

Just like all media. But VT is especially emotionally troubling to you. I wonder why...

Which other news site posts manipulated pictures of their "staff" and admits to faking 30% of its articles?

Manipulating pictures on their "About" page can hardly be said to discredit their articles, which you have failed to do so.

What point?

That you don't know what a point is.

If they lie about one thing, why not about another?

Because you cannot prove anything else as being false.

Anything else?

Because you cannot prove anything else as being false.

Here you go:


Caption for the photo:

A man wades through the sea of dead fish caused by the chemicals oozing from the crashed UFO

That photo is from a 2007 article about dead fish in China.

What now?

UFO's? The straw grasping is really getting desperate. What's next? Reptillians?

You do realize that this article is on Veterans Today website and I have proven that there is a big fat lie at the very beginning of it?

Therefore demonstrating again that Veterans Today is spreading disinformation.

Therefore demonstrating again that Veterans Today is spreading disinformation.

Just like all the sources I cited. But only yours is being discredited... hmm... Show me those wacky reptillians now!

You might want to tell the horde to hurry up, you're almost looking like you have legitimate upvotes.

Anything else?



confirmation bias.

Oh heaven. That was actually funny. You have no idea what that means.

If you really care about the truth you'll make posts about other agencies as well.

Why? Because you say so? Who do you think you are exactly?

Because you're not sane.

That doesn't make any sense in that context. Are you all right? Your posts are becoming more and more incoherent.

Oh heaven. That was actually funny. You have no idea what that means.


Why? Because you say so? Who do you think you are exactly?


That doesn't make any sense in that context. Are you all right? Your posts are becoming more and more incoherent.




You probably think now that you've "won", right?

I don't need /r/conspiratard to help me, so yes, I won.


Because you cannot prove anything else as being false.

Since at least 30% of its articles and 40% of the senior editors articles are faked, it's reasonable to not believe any of their articles unless validated by a trustworthy source.

If I told you that 40% of everything is a lie would you believe anything I said that could not be independently verified?

Or do you expect me to point out a specific faked article? If I do, what will you do?

unless validated by a trustworthy source.

Which won't happen if anyone takes your misguided advice about "agree now that anything from that website cannot be trusted."

This is advocating censorship.

If I told you that 40% of everything is a lie would you believe anything I said that could not be independently verified?

I would fact check the claim, not the source. You seem to have it backwards, just like all your arguments so far.

Or do you expect me to point out a specific faked article?

Yes I do.

If I do, what will you do?

Get your credibility up from 0 to 1%.

Anything else?

This is advocating censorship.

You obviously do not understand the meaning of this word.

Well, it's been fun. Greet your colleagues at VT from me.

Giving up so soon?

I have demonstrated multiple times that RT is spreading disinformation. You agree that they lie. I have proven the point of the thread.

How is that "giving up"?

Make a post about BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, Al-Jazeera, NY Post, Washington Post and Huffington Post about how they're spreading disinfo about UFO's.

Go for it. At least make it look like you're not biased.

Why are you trying to order me what I can and cannot comment on?

Do you know any other news site who posts manipulated photos claiming it shows their Editorial Board?

Why do you want to censor me?

Why are you trying to order me what I can and cannot comment on?

"I hope we can all agree now that anything from that website cannot be trusted."

Why are you trying to create a false consensus based on unconfirmed information for the purpose of discrediting a source?

Do you know any other news site who posts manipulated photos claiming it shows their Editorial Board?

You don't know if that's their board. You have nothing to prove it is or isn't. You're assuming based on bias.

Why do you want to censor me?

Why do you want to censor only 1 source?

You don't know if that's their board. You have nothing to prove it is or isn't. You're assuming based on bias.

Are you fucking kidding? I posted proof in my opening comment.

I'm really starting to get concerned about you. Do you act that irrationally often?

I posted proof in my opening comment.

Unconfirmed. Your definition of proof needs a revision.

I'm really starting to get concerned about you. Do you act that irrationally often?

Deflecting, strawman, red herring.

Are you going for a record?

Anything else?

Anything else?

I hope you get better. I'm serious.


Tell the horde to get on that. It's looking pretty sad, just like this one.

This post fails.

You've got that part right..

Google: "news agency" + caught lying. They all lie.

And whenever it's a mainstream source, the people here are absolutely outraged.

When it's an "alternative" source that validates your beliefs, as with this one, nobody cares. In fact, you're just defending it all the more. Double standard much?

Again: where did I promote censorship? Why are you making up lies about my statements?