I just caught /r/todayilearned mods blatantly protecting corporate interests

402  2014-04-20 by [deleted]

Yesterday I made a post to /r/todayilearned titled "TIL a prize of one million dollars has been offered to anyone who can demonstrate that $7,000 audio cables are any better than ordinary cables"

Now not long after I posted it the thread began to take off and I sat and watched the discussion happen. This is where it gets weird. The thread started to become very popular (this is obviously bad for the companies that make these expensive cables as it is near proof that their product is false)

A user then makes an edit to the wikipedia page using an account to cover their IP. They changed this part:

In 2008, audio reviewer Michael Fremer attempted to claim the prize, and said that Randi declined the challenge.[19] Randi said that the cable manufacturer Pear was the one who withdrew.[20]

to this:

audio reviewer Michael Fremer proved that the integrity of more expensive cables gave a higher sound quality and claimed the prize.

There was no source cited for this info at all

After this an edit war began and the "user" claimed that

It's common knowledge that this happened whereas the source used before was sketchy

After being changed back and forth the user gave up and the post was left as it originally was where it said that it had never been proven that the cables were of any higher quality.

Now some time after that when the post reached about +2700 the mods of /r/todayilearned quietly removed the post without making a comment to say why but only the flairing the post as "Rule one, title innacurate, all information must be sourced" Now here's the thing.

The information is in no way innacurate and is completely sourced and the timing is really odd considering the editor of the page had just been called out and the page returned to its original form.

So for that I must ask if the mods of /r/todayilearned have a history of protecting corporate interests or removing posts that are bad publicity for corporations.

From my perspective it seems they've attempted to change the article to cover up the products failures and after failing, removed the post to shut down the truth and discussion.

Here's the discussion the mods have removed

Here are the comments from the thread that question the edit for if they get removed by the mods

The thread in /r/undelete


These removals seem to be quite common for the mods of /r/todayIlearned

I contacted the mods but as of now they are avoiding of the question

By looking through related threads I think I found a shill acount

Screenshoted the account in case the threads are removed

MORE MOD RESPONSES (I apologize I got so angry, I just felt really disrespected)

Edit: It's been mentioned that it may not be Monster being defended


Reddit's on the verge of imploding as it loses its credibility daily.

I doubt it will implode but it is certainly losing all credibility.

It happened to Digg I see no reason why it can't happen here. What's keeping a lot of people here is the lack of an alternative.

You want change,? Get /r/undelete posts to the front page of /r/all often.

I know we had a threat about this but I don't think the mods would let any post on /r/undelete hit front page, or it's already hard coded that it's impossible to do so.

Subreddit mods != reddit administrators.

What would qualify as an alternative? Wouldn't tyger.ac be an alternative that fixes many of the problems?

Here are a few alternatives

  • Tyger Mostly libertarian leaning, uses quant algorithms and quadratic vote buying to rank articles.
  • Hubski Mostly socialist leaning, no down votes.
  • Popurls Mostly a news agregator, no specific order but many sources.

Any alternative would also be controlled.

Not true, we don't quit that easy.


And the cycle continues. Its sad but its true.

My primitive reaction to this is, if it was possible it would already be done.


hey, i am as ready for a change (and to go back to FREEDOM) as much as the next guy, but i also see that every goddamn thing we hear and see is a fucking lie. every time i think of all the bullshit we used to hear happening in the good old USSR and be so happy we were here in USA and now to realize we have it worse than they did, it just makes me want to give up, cut the cord, move to the woods and wait for the powers that be to come take it all, because they will. we are fucking doomed.

Where there is life, there is hope. Never give up. <3

I used to be optimistic. I used to think "someday" the people would see what was happening and stop it. Now, military police and psychotic lawmakers and the 24/7/365 news cycle have beat me down. This is not the country I grew up in, not even close. Nearing 50, feeling like I woke up in the Soviet Union.

I absolutely absolutely hear you. And you know what, there's nothing wrong with protecting yourself and retreating & making a safe place for yourself.

But the human story is long, and power shifts, empires rise and fall, the weirdest things happen and sometimes what it comes down to is opportunity plus balls (ladies, I'm a lady too, just go with it). I'm not confident I'll make it through this with a decent life and I mourn that deeply. But I am confident that this is not the last chapter.

I love your optimism. I am wavering and that isn't like me. I am 9 feet tall and bullet proof most of the time. Then I read story after story every damn day about militant cops killing people in their own homes and beating up old folks and lying and planting evidence. I read about the NSA and the spying. I just wonder when and where we find a way back to our rights and it just isn't going to happen. I fear for us and our kids.

By that logic, no one should adapt because everything is DOOMED. Seriously, stop being ridiculous.

Adapting is good and that's what got us this far.

Just like for politics, there is a model that makes top bottom control a thing of the past and that no one ever tells you about for a reason: demarchy!

Any alternative would also be controlled.

Any alternative would not be controlled.

You guys should not downvote for disagreement because when this person above me's comment goes into the negative, all of your comments below become invisible to the common reader. Gosh! :p

Credibility is why Digg is a joke today and Reddit exists in the first place. Reddit is assisting its own demise.

Maybe someone can create a new aggregator type site based on reddit. A Digg/reddit alternative?

Man I can't wait to learn how to code. Gonna start with html5! 8D

What credibility did it ever have?

Eh I've started to go here less often. Too many shills being exposed

My view on reddit has changed completely in the last few days/weeks, i was so blind to it before

Does Reddit really have any credibility to begin with? Anyone can post anything they want which can be given more or less visibility by anyone and moderated by mods which can be pretty much anybody. Wikipedia is pretty much the same way. If you are using Reddit or Wikipedia as a credible news source without verifying claims or information, you are doing it wrong.

Reddit is now the circlejerk forum

But news sources aren't credible either?

Aren't they run by corporate interests?

You can believe what you want, but I'll believe a respected journalist before a random internet person.

There never was any credibility, just information and entertainment.

This is very interesting, reddit should host elections for moderators

Why? How can you not realize that elections are rigged? George W Bush ring a bell?

I've always wondered about all the congressmen who have such low approval ratings and yet keep getting re elected....

Wonder more about how the republicans haven't had a popular majority in over a decade yet gerrymandered their way into control of the house despite losing 45-55 overall.

Explain how the minority party gets to "gerrymander"? Exactly how does this work?

Could it be possibly that people are sick of the bullshit from the other party?

The redistricting of congressional districts is done by state governments. Republicans have political dominance in about 22 states while Democrats only have 13. Republicans have also tended to have "good" election years when redistricting happens. This is why Republicans gerrymander more but I have no doubt Democrats would do the same if they could.


Do you know what gerrymandering is? Serious question.

only in russia and ukraine, america would never rig all fair very fair the best

hanging chads

You forgot the John Kerry who is also Skull n Bones part. How could a guy like Kerry be so inept when running for president?

That's be a terrible idea.

That would mean anyone that's created and nurtured a sub, that gets it to be default or large enough that people can just come in and take it away from them.

reddit should just implement some transparency. you delete something, you're name goes with the flair so users can see who is deleting their stuff.

as well as remove seniority permissions in the mod line, leave that democratic short of the founder. founder has unilateral authority, if foudner leads then its a democratic system amongst the current mods. Want to kick a mod out, better have majority support amongst other moderators. that way no one can just remove every mod that came after them when they throw a hissy fit, or someone doesn't share their view.

They don't want truer moderation.. this stuff is what reddit is FOR (it's a corporate entity).

If I recall correctly the "Golden Ears" couldn't hear a difference between top quality cables and wire coat hangers.

Yes, because wire is wire, and the audio as it is, is just electricity. The only things that affects signal degradation in a cable is *Gauge, or width, *Length, and the amount of power, or *Watts. None of which are substantially different in "high quality cables". Moreover, the reason they sound the same is because the amount of power is so small compared to the size of the cables, there is no discernible difference. It's like connecting a 1ft or 2ft diameter high-voltage wire to your toaster to see which one toasts better. Maybe, if you had a 2k ft run of cable, you would hear a little low end signal degradation, but you would still hear it in the $7k cable of the same gauge.

wires cant be high voltage.

that's like saying a building is high gravity. wires only have two properties that affect current: resistivity & conductivity. these are intrinsic to the material in which the wire is made of. voltage is a qualitative value that measures electric potential between two points in space.

connecting a high voltage source to a low voltage source (like the ground) via a wire is like having a ball on top of a building. a higher building is analogous to higher voltage. higher voltage just makes charge move with more force through a wire.

Thick wire with an extremely high voltage "rating." Sorry for the confusion.

Well in fairness, an electrical signal travels on the circumference of the wire, so high strand wire is a better conductor. This would only matter for devices with such broad frequency ranges, not our ears.

You sound like some type of engineer...are you?

this is just university level physics 2

to be honest i don't think he's right about the electrical signal. charge flows in a wire due to moving electrons. the novel thing is that the electrons don't actually move near the speed of light like we think they do. electrons in a wire move due to a force that is exerted on them, usually measured in volts. and they actually move pretty damn slow, this value is known as the electron drift speed. but then you ask: "well how can a light be turned on almost immediately when I flip a switch 100 yards away if these electrons are moving so slow". well the answer is clever and simple, since the wire is full of electrons, pushing electrons at one end sends a ripple through the wire at a very fast speed and all the electrons shift slightly to the right to compensate and then the electrons at the other end shift. so it gives the appearance that it happened instantly. think of it like that little marble device that you see in offices: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Newton_Cradle_5_ball_system_in_3D_2_ball_swing.gif

essentially my point is that there is a sea of electrons in the wire and they just get pushed around to create current.

now the only thing i can think of that he may have gotten confused about is electromagnetism. when you move current through space it creates a magnetic field around it (fucking weird right? but there is solid reasoning for this). that's about the only thing that moves around the circumference of wire carrying charge.

So what does this mean in relation to this post? Are the high quality wires better in any noticeable way? I can't imagine that their exorbitant price tag is warranted, especially in light of this (your) post here.

More censorship in a default sub

I think this is the continued slow death of Reddit. Corporations have taken over everything!

Slow? it's getting exponentially worse I think, I don't even go on r/all anymore I mean look at it today, it's ads for corporations, animals wearing clothes, Christianity and abstinence. I used to get a decent amount of reputable news from reddit now I only check r/Australia r/conspiracy and a couple of fandom subreddits.

It disgusts me.

It's like watching the political process in fast forward. Shills and 13 year old boys own reddit now.

Someone needs to come up with a better system. Fast.

You are right. My statement was meant for the NooBs that come here as a warning to be aware of the mind games being played today.

I think we need to plug /r/undelete into as many comments as possible so others find about that sub. A big story on /r/undelete on the front page of /r/all? Fuck yeah give me that.

The 'front page of the internet' would have proof of the censorship and content manipulation that is reddit.

Imagine the implications, how many people will see it.

Hopefully there would be outrage. Or people could forget about it eventually...


The wiki originally linked to sources just like you said. Then it was changed to say the cables were of better quality (but this was unsourced)

This stayed up and caused commenters to get confused but the mods were fine with leaving the post to get to +2700 until someone changed the wiki backed to the original which said the cables are the same (and had a source)

Then they pulled it quietly without giving explanation.


I mean it sucks that this happened, but I don't think it necessarily indicates conspiracy.

Then you haven't been awake to what reddit is really all about.

This sub is bullshit. u/TrueKDC has made the most sensible, non-sensationalist point of this entire threat and he gets downvoted. For people into conspiracy theories, there's a lot of 'taking at face value' going on.

So you don't think that posts are hidden in order to protect corporate interests?

That's not what I said. I just think /u/TrueKDC had a good point. Why give them the ammunition of a debatable Wikipedia article, that can be modified and changed by anyone on the internet, when you could produce a news article that can't be so easily edited.

Maybe - but are bullshit cable manufacturers really the types of companies to be pulling those strings if they exist?

I hardly think that the average reddit user is going to go out and spend thousands of an RCA interconnect anyway. Not really worth the effort of making such a fuss here.

Exactly - that's one paragraph in a Wikipedia article. If OP had simply clicked on the the little number next to the claim on Wikipedia it would have taken him to a Gizmodo article with much more information.

Also the title is inaccurate. The $1 million prize is for anyone who can demonstrate any paranormal feat. Randi decided that hearing the quality difference in super-high end cables would count.

The prize wasn't for that, it was for a larger thing, of which cables could be a part.

I honestly think the title is "innaccurate" in that the prize isn't JUST about cables. It's grown to encompass things like cables from what it started with at it's inception.

so just like politics, weasel your way into key positions and get big bucks for helping business interetests

Certain TIL mods get their jimmies rustled very easily by any post which questions the Establishment. They'll use the most liberal interpretation of a rule possible to delete anything that they don't like.

I tried posting http://www.reddit.com/r/loudspeakers/ there and it got many downvotes if only one minute, and then removed without comment. If you make your own speakers the stores can't make money off of you.

That can probably be chalked up to arrogance or snobbery on their part. Anyone who works on speakers, or is a hobbyist, already knows that there is no difference.

Actually, store bought speakers are not as good as people think. I've learned how to build speakers that sound as good as the 5k models for about 10% of that cost.

That sounds kind of fun! Are there any forums on the web who go into how to do so? I probably don't have a lot of the tools needed but I'd be interested if I could save some money and get a new hobby.

Most of the forums don't offer consistent opinions on anything. Too many cooks.

You only need a saber saw and a small reversing drill to get started. Thats all I had back in the 70's. I picked up better tools as I went along.

I'll be posting a parts list for a 2 way bookshelf speaker project in a few days. It's the highest fidelity, lower cost, small, and powerful bass, I know how to build. It will be intended to get new people started with an absolutely mind boggling awesome sounding small speaker, and it won't matter if the wood working skills are not all the best. They sound so good friends will want some for themselves. Thats how speaker builders get started.

Try /r/diyaudio and /r/audiophile. The latter is thankfully quite rational.

You're the only mod and it was still pulled without comment? edit: I see, misread the statement.

Sounds like he tried advertising his sub on til.

Yes I misread. Thanks.

Seems like this is a re occuring theme. Makes sense, corporations & big money will almost alway use dirty tactics to gain growth in some way.. Thanks for your diligent work..

We dont need mods, simple as that, admins sure I guess. But the voting works just fine, spam can be easily dealt with and voting would keep the front pages relatively good.

Might not necessarily be a shill, most likely someone who bought Monster Cables and considers the thread an attack on their character.

Mods got suckered by simple temporary inaccurate Wiki change?

I believe the use of Gold and other precious minerals for use in the 'audio conversion' process is why there is a higher price point. How much is speculation, is relative to the brand in question.

What was your source?


I don't think they shill for everyone if that's what you say. My theory is that one of the mods is employed by a media company.


, that one of them has enough of a stake in the sales of these cables to make it worthwhile to arbitrarily remove the post.

No that's not it. My point is that "Social Network Management INC" hire these kinds of people to influence social media for profit.

Say Amanda mods /r/news and sees that by going to work for Social Network Management INC she could make much money just by removing posts and twisting the game a little.

It wouldn't be loyalty just whoever can pay Social Network Management INC the most.


The thing is the mod eventually came to defend it when the post was big. There he said that the uneditable source wikipedia used was wrong.

I think he tried to edit the article to cause the link to be removed (because that would not raise suspicion like a mod removing the #5 link on /r/all)

But the way I see, even if you don't think there's a shill I think we can all agree something really odd happened with this and the mods are not being honest about it.

I actually saw your post yesterday and chuckled. About 6 months ago a friend and myself had talked about the exact same thing. how the reward was still unclaimed, and how there is no noticeable difference between audio cables. the discussion popped up because we were talking about getting different HDMI cords for our Xbox 360 and ps3 at the time.

if i help upvote will this get deleted too?

Is there an alternative to Reddit, this one is getting a little too suspect?

See above...

what an odd think to use so much effort to hide or censor. Especially since it's pretty common knowledge on reddit at least that more expensive cables are pure rip-off and everyone always tells everyone to buy from sites like monoprice.com

The fact he was changing the wiki-page to justify the "inaccurate" tag, leads me to believe this is less mods and more mod, probably encountered one that has an unreasonable hard-on for the expensive equipment and doesn't like being shown he's wasting money/is wrong.

Try sending a message to the top mods about this. State the info you have that you submitted this link and a mod deleted it while conveniently someone was editing the wiki-page multiple times to support the removal.

See what they say.

Not always a conspiracy, sometimes you just have the misfortune of running across a fanatic.

I just did a quick check over and there seems to be a couple of mods that might fit that description. I don't have time to thoroughly check atm though. (but holy shit one of them mods 200 subs ._.)

the only argument I could say is that it is a debatable topic there isn't really anything saying they are or are not better or worse, im not denying the fact that this site censors alot of topics but i think this may be something its not but if it is that would be an easy cover for them to use

the only argument I could say is that it is a debatable topic there isn't really anything saying they are or are not better or worse, im not denying the fact that this site censors alot of topics but i think this may be something its not but if it is that would be an easy cover for them to use



hanging chads