What happens when you're good at videotaping police misconduct in Florida? (1) your name is added to a list at a "Fusion Center" and shared with 25 agencies; (2) "Be-on-the-look-out" bulletins are distributed about you; (3) you & your children will be harassed.

394  2014-04-20 by [deleted]

Jeff Gray has been producing first amendment, open carry videos for a long time. He reports for PINAC (Photography is Not a Crime). He catches police officers overreacted and outright breaking the law. Just a few months ago, he had a following of about 8,500 - 9,000. Today it stands at 11,655.

(1) Through the use of FOI (freedom of information) requests, he has found out simply for expressing his 1st & 2nd Amendment rights, he is now on a list at a "Fusion Center" (whose main purpose is supposed to be preventing terrorism). He is now considered a suspicious person to:

  1. FBI

  2. US Department of Homeland Security

  3. US Department of Justice

  4. US Domestic Nuclear Detection Office

  5. US Drug Enforcement Administration

  6. US Forestry Service

  7. US Immigrations & Customs Enforcement

  8. US Transportation Security Administration

  9. Federal Protective Services

  10. Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation

  11. Florida Department of Agriculture

  12. Florida Department of Corrections

  13. Florida Department of Education

  14. Florida Department of Environmental Protection

  15. Florida Department of Health

  16. Florida Department of Law Enforcement

  17. Florida Department of Transportation

  18. Florida Division of Emergency Management

  19. Florida Fire Chiefs Association

  20. Florida Highway Patrol

  21. Florida National Guard

  22. Florida Office of Attorney General

  23. Florida Police Chiefs Association

  24. Florida Sheriffs Association

  25. Florida State Fire Marshal

(2) BOLO notices have been distributed to law enforcement, including the descriptions "subject appears to be well versed in the laws concerning public recording" & "subject claims to have been falsely arrested ... charges have since been dropped".

(3) His children were interviewed by law enforcement, without consent of their parents, and later he was also interviewed.

This is the PINAC article about this situation, my primary source

If you a good at exposing police/goverment failures/misconduct, expect harassment and the likelihood of being added to terrorism watch lists.


Welcome to the police state

Thanks Obama

You're welcome!

Obama is just a puppet, really the people you should thank are the American people, for it is they who let everything go to shit.

Not really. Politicians, in a truly democratic society, are supposed to carry out the organised wishes of the people. The American people have been betrayed but it was their own greed and arrogance that was their undoing.

America hasn't been a democracy for over 80 years

How about over 200 since America is a constitutional republic and it never has been a democracy.

And the CIA world fact book even now just says constitution based republic

That's what we are.

Just saying it used to say constitutional republic. It is like they are trying to take the constitution away not only through executive orders but in description as well.

Do you really think the people have a say in anything? Come on

Say no, but just because we don't have a say in it doesn't mean we are powerless against it. Yet how many choose to be willingly ignorant, jump on every engineered bandwagon. You may not have a say, but that isn't an excuse to remain ignorant, to be complacent and accept it.

You just cannot blame the consumer for terrible business practices.

It's like blaming you for ordering Comcast internet regardless of the crappy DSL you could have taken instead.

The government is charged with one thing above all else: to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, they've become their own enemy. We the People are the catalyst to change that - we can seriously and legitimately (legally) dissolve the current government and institute a new one. Our fearless leaders in certain positions have even hinted that this may be what needs to happen (a revolt or revolution).

Right now though, the majority of people are easily swayed to believe that the state has our best interests in mind. Taxing the sun?! Taxing people who go off the grid?! Selling out to the highest bidder, but making products based of the lowest bidder?!

Madness. They're all insane.

I'm afraid they're not insane, that's sanity, that's what is normal. Human beings want comfort and whomever provides it to them they'll naturally follow.

What remains unnatural is how and this is just my observation on the matter so take this part for what it's worth, that the oligarchs prevent people like Kennedy and Hilter from coming to power and keep their own "kind in power".

So really the masses are in their own right entirely sane. Yet they are all culpable. It's not like a consumer choice, but let's use that. People don't demand the government mandate upgrading infrastructure, let these companies get away with ripping people off, and yada yada. Individual there isn't much blame to assign, but there is blame. As a collective whole on the other hand it is entirely our fault. It's our world, we live in it, and we sit back and let this stuff happen because we ether lack the power to change it or refuse for whatever reason to do so.

Let's actually use some real examples. You can't tell me that we couldn't resolve the issue with Ghettos, big pharma, big agra, or big prison. You can't tell me that it's not the masses fault for continuing the two party system, for not even carrying that the vote is rigged and the candidates are preselected.

It is their fault. Sure the elite have money, position, influence, but we have a collective power they fear. They know we have this power and they try to strip us of as much of our capacity to use our power as possible.

Yet in the end it is societies fault what it permits to happen. It is soceties fault that it chooses to remain willfully ignorant of the happenings around it. The other day I was talking to someone who didn't even know that Drones were easily hack able and yet had political opinions around the subject, believing these drones were superior. That's not healthy, yet that's what is accepted and celebrated.

It's easy to attempt to dismiss them as insane, but frankly they're not. They're just as they are, as they choose to be.

To correct you on a few points, the government doesn't exist to protect the constitution. On the face value that let's assume is true, it stopped being true when Abraham Lincoln bypassed congress and declared martial law. In 1913 that martial law when bankrupt and you became collateral for the second. Hence why your name is always capitalized on your social security card. It's a legal term called: Capitis Diminutio and it represents one who has no rights.

Technically they get you to agree to this, so they've legally got you to agree to wave your rights under the constitution and magna carta. So even if both still applied, it wouldn't matter much.

Though if you look back at the founding of the nation, back before the Federal Government was forced upon the citizens and their righst inherently stripped, the original constitution didn't even include a bill of rights. Why? Because several of the Founding Fathers were Tyrants.

It was the work of George Mason who with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (not sure on that name), who got the Bill of Rights implemented to restrain the new tyrannical government. Without these people there would be no Bill of Rights because as the Federalists put it, it wasn't necessary.

Why is it all about Obama? Bush was the one that burst that dam. The patriot act was apparently put on hold for twenty years or so before its implementation. To be honest, the instruments were there before Obama was even born.

lol oh please, here we go with the blame Bush argument. Are we going to see republicans blame Obama for the next 8 years too?

Today:"Obama had no choice to continue and expand all the military occupations and spying programs; Bush started it!"

Tomorrow: "President xxxx had no choice to drone strike americans, Obama signed it into law!"


Or more realistically:

today: "Obama had no choice to bail out all the bankers, Bush really screwed us!"

tomorrow: "president Republican had no choice to bail out the insurance companies, Obama really screwed us!"

Obama has continued Bush's programs, there is no partisan blame to be made when both major parties are playing a duet together. Blaming Obama at this point is just setting the table for another "The other side will fix it!" election that we all know is a farce.

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.

  • Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope

Yeah, sorry - I forgot that bipartisanship is a trigger for most Americans. Calm down there Chip. You missed the point - foreign policy lasts longer than a presidential term. Re-read the third sentence.

I lived in FL for a while...there are cops everywhere. Literally, everywhere. More so than any other place I've lived. County Sheriffs, Highway Patrol, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, City cops, Federal Police, Immigration, I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.

But seriously, COPS EVERYWHERE.

There are a lot of cops here, I feel so "safe" I have a handful of stories where I was harassed unjustly by the cops, my rights were defiantly violated. I never did anything wrong so it was always like sure you can question me, search my car, go through my phone for no reason.

At least you can shoot back at criminals.

Mess with me all you want. Mess with my kids? Don't ever be in public without someone to watch your back.

Settle down, Francis.

If you haven't made the list... You are doing it wrong!

If you have a social security number, then you are on the list.

Isn't that so very telling? In a country that would want it's police to be the good guys, they would WELCOME citizens to film misconduct, and then act on it by getting rid of corrupt or dangerous officers. But they are not, what is that telling everyone?

Not so simple. It's too easy to selectively film an encounter and edit to make the cop look bad. Being on a list does nothing to prevent the exercise of your rights at all - it does give the cops some indication that you might be there, like a reporter with credentials.

then cops should film as well, so you would have both views.

I completely disagree. You can't selectively film one bad cop, because even one is too many. However being on a list can have serious consequences if you want to find a job or are checked when working with children.

I'm not suggesting that one bad cop is too many, but the reason cops don't like to be filmed, and will take steps to insure they know who's doing the filming (like accredited news reporters/photographers) is to keep it fair. Also, amateur 'reporters' can and do get in the way, putting themselves and others at risk.

Certainly, being on a watch list can have negative consequences on your job. Perhaps this person, Jeff Gray, is doing more than just exercising his 1st amendment rights.

Nearby, in Keene, some of the activists are being a little disruptive in pursuit of the bad cop. They're causing more problems than they are solving.

Just 'cause they're cops doesn't mean they're doing a bad job.

We've known they do this for a long time now. If you can afford it, now is pretty much the time to leave.... where to is the hard part.

New Zealand is looking better and better.

We're heading the same way.. slowly.. but surely..

Our government just last year pushed through a spy bill which citizens protested and which we had a referendum in which the population voted against it, which our Prime Minister choose to ignore and pushed the bill through anyway.. called the GCSB spy bill which makes it legal for the government to collect our meta data and online transmissions the same as the USA's NSA.

There were protests against the bill going through which the government had police photographers there taking photographs of the people protesting.. my guess for the same reasons as this thread states... realistically.. I expect to already be on one of their lists because of comments I've made here/other places online and because of 6 degrees of separation from some people on my Facebook friends list being activists..

NZ's still a lot.. "free'er" than the United States.. I've lived in both countries.. but we're definately moving in the same direction as the US. Australia and Briton governments are arresting people for the comments that they've tweeted etc which hasn't happened here yet..

oh, and the guy locked up for porn. Was a sex offender who'd offended against a child looking up loli porn, it was a violation of his parole.. so.. of course he was locked up.

They locked a guy up for looking at porn.

NZ is looking worse and worse.

With that name I figured you'd be on top of that stuff.

with your name, I figured you'd be too high to post a reply.

I bake delicious treats for a living.

dem brownies....

I'm not afraid to go outside like I would be in america though.

just take a gun with you, bro.

Wait what? Did we?

I don't remember the full the story but someone said he was violating his parole. Click permalink under my last comment/

the guy was on parole as a sex offender. Looking up loli porn was a violation of his parole.. no shit he was arrested.

North Korea? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

If you got balls of steel. TBH I was thinking Iceland.

Iceland are on the right track. They're embracing crypto-currencies and they recently jailed all their banker bastards. (rot in hell)

It reminds me a lot of the Scandinavian countries - who have great societies to live in.

Jeff Gray is the man. I'm not surprised by this news. I just expected it. What does that have to say about America?


Home of the surveilled and land of the submissive.

The five pointed star of the pentagram represents things wild with five senses. Common Example: wild [even if domesticated] goat.

The six pointed star of David represents the much more docile easy to guide & handle lambs/sheep.

Sounds like six pointed sheeple placed a five pointed free thinker on a cull/predation list for the ill milking machines benefit of complete control. The five pointed star is the symbol of devils & cat loving witches whom are not followers of the dogs evolved from wolves.

(6 pointed) Wolves came to the cave for meat scraps & evolved into obedient dogs. (5 pointed) Cats came to the farmers fields to eat & do not easily follow orders.

Predatory wolves acting as shepherds are the center of most all confusion leading to unnatural suffering forced upon all DNA replicants on this sun stone.

Ill "dog upon cat" play eventually leads to "dog eat dog" as wise cats learn to not play. Expose, avoid, & shun milking oppressors to de-feat them & leave them legless predating themselves.


Nice to see you back - I've quite missed your cryptic musings.


Snaps for you.


I once filmed a cop kicking a handcuffed, non-resistant man in the head. Within a year I had left the state this happened in because of the police harassment I endured. I have no proof that there was a connection to the video I took and what happened to me after. I always suspected there was though, and when I hear about things like this it makes me feel a little more like I was on to something.

so..has broken no laws and is of no threat to physically harming anyone

but hes on these lists because he knows his rights and tries to report the truth

wow, so all the good people at CNN FOX and MSNBC must be on these lists too right?

Wait. What? Why would they be on the list?

Political dissident, welcome to the stasi motherfuckers.

Time to tear that government down, folks. Looking from the outside youre not in good shape.

get out of america, like actually what the fuck are you all doing still living there.

Get out and go where? Americans have inherited this mess, and like every other mess it isn't going to get fixed by throwing in the towel and leaving.

its not like you're now risking your life living in the country.

I'm interested to hear where you're from. I'm Canadian and it's just as bad here. In fact it may be worse since we don't actually know how much they are still hiding from us.

I'm in NZ.

And go where? Please tell me of this libertarian utopia that totally exists

who cares about a utopia? I'm not debating politics I'm worried for the safety of other humans.

Well you suggest we leave but not where to go

I don't control your life,go do some research. Or have fun getting shot because you had to pee when you reached a checkpoint.

curious about how we can determine who is also on this list? chances are most of us here are on a list somewhere and get bumped up every week based on curious google searches alone.

This has been x-posted to /r/conspiracy201 for the advanced learners!

This is a police state now. I am in awe that people just let it go on like this. It will be too late once even the sheeple realize it.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Message me here. I don't read PMs!

US Forestry Service

These motherfuckers will skin you alive.

Nicr self post. Gonna follow through once im on my pc.

well, duh.

Home of the surveilled and land of the submissive.