As a non-us citizen, can someone please provide a breakdown of what Sandyhook was and why people think it's a conspiracy?

2  2014-04-24 by [deleted]

I browse this sub, but I've never really read into the sandyhook incident.

I know some people allegedly opened fire at a school. But I also remember hearing of people buying houses in the neighborhood, fake interviews etc, can anyone give a step by step, or a breakdown?

Or point me to where there is one please?

edit: In the title, I didn't mean anything by non-us citizen, I just meant I'm not as well informed as one might be.


There's not that much to it really. At a high level it was a school shooting that took place in Conneticut. It was not a high school so most of the victims were very young.

The conspiracy comes in with some of the potential inconsistencies in the official story. Some people even go as far as to suggest that the school was never open and that the entire thing was staged.

Not helping the matter is the report on the tragedy which is so heavily redacted that it's impossible to get an idea of what actually happened there. It's redacted so much that even footage from the cop cars sitting in the parking lot all day is almost fully redacted. This of course fuels speculation.

That's high level, I hope I wasn't biased one way or the other in my description. IF you want the actual details of why people think it's a conspiracy youtube is probably a good place to start, but beware the theories on this one run the gammut from the shooter not working alone to the entire event being a hoax. Stay skeptical on everything you read.

It's a conspiracy in the sense that almost none of the official story makes any fucking sense at all and is filled with inconsistencies, omissions, lies, half-truths, and any other number of holes. Beyond that, it can be speculated as to what actually happened and what the point of it was - I'd suggest setting a few hours aside when you can and actually delving into some varying theories and the evidence (or lack of) that they present.

Whatever the case may be, I think you'll find that there's a lot more to the story than what you/we saw on TV.

Thing is OP, half think it never happened, half think Lanza was MK Ultra brainwashed CIA assassin. take your pick, because legitimate tragedies don't exist anymore so there is no option (c).

edit: /S

take your pick, because legitimate tragedies don't exist anymore so there is no option (c).

It's sad that you think that way. Not everything is a conpiracy. There are whole communities devoted to debunking these theories though, so you're actually very wrong.

well.... I know everything isn't a conspiracy, I was just being foolish because so many seem to think so.

So you're here intentionally posting things you don't believe? Ok. Good to know.

huh? wtf are you talking about.

This is the 6:1 bet, not the 2:1 horse many seem think is the winner.

The people that control our national media bubble, and most of the political strings at all levels of government ran a test in Newtown that day. They wanted to prove to thier god they could pull-off a psychological operation unprecidented in modern history:

Make real to the world (of sheep) through media propaganda and civic manipulation a schoolhouse massacre, where the players and victims play their part in "changing the future" for "their" world. The prospect of ridiculously large cash payouts to act their part in saving the world without any real bloodshed is too good to pass-up for those who were chosen for the role.

Until we see anything resembling a picture of the yet-to-be-proven to exist Adam in any part of that school or even outside the school, even with his family - he doesn't exist. It's the first time in history public records were locked-out of FOIA requests, period. No exceptions, based on sensitivities for all the victims, of which we've yet to see a single picture placing them at the scene of the "crime". The main witness (Custodian Thorne) is a poof in the air, and nowhere to be found to corroborate his critical testimony. The other anomalies that defy real logic within the "official story" are too numerous to count, and only serve to help the liars, ironically. As it seems so overwhelming, that cognitive dissonance is inevitable to anybody willing to look at this with a third eye.

You've put into words here the conclusion I've reached as well. It was too obvious, to the point that it had to be intentional.

As it seems so overwhelming, that cognitive dissonance is inevitable to anybody willing to look at this with a third eye.

Really, it only takes two eyes to see that the official story here was bullshit from top to bottom. Hell, one eye half opened should even be enough.

Watch "Sandy Hoax" on Youtube. I can tell you a few things/problems. The basic "fact" is that at around 9:30 am on Dec. 14, 2012, after having allegedly murdered his mother, "Adam Lanza", a 20 yr old male shot his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, killed 20 people, and then killed himself. There are so many problems I don't know how to keep it short. They say he had a few hundred rounds of ammo, 2 pistols, a rifle (AR-15), and, I believe, a shotgun. Mind you, this kid is small and frail in all the photos I've seen. No way he could have carried all of that. The person who did the shooting was wearing all camo with a face mask. So no one, not one witness, saw "Adam Lanza". They only saw a person the authorities later called Adam Lanza. No photos were released of his body at the scene and the autopsy was not consistent with self inflicted wounds. The rifle they say was used was found in the trunk of his car AFTER he had killed himself. There is video of police chasing another man through the woods, and eyewitness testimony of another man in custody outside the school. Both of these suspects disappeared, never heard about again. There was drill in operation that day for a mass school shooting. Photos released on the news of the police responding were photographs at another school, St. Rose of Lima, located near Sandy Hook. Adam Lanza had attended St. Rose of Lima in the past, and children that were interviewed "at" Sandy Hook were wearing Catholic school uniforms. Nancy Lanza was supposedly killed by her son before he went to the school. But she appears to be the same woman as a woman named Annie Haddad who is still alive. Video from a police cruiser in the parking lot that day shows nothing happening they say happened: The chopper video of the volunteers that day at the fire station show all of them just going in circles in and out of the fire station for no reason: United Way was collecting money for the victims three days before the shooting ever happened. Many of the people involved are failed actors/musicians. The children "killed" seem to have showed up later singing at the Super Bowl. We have never seen Peter Lanza, Adam's dad. He's nearly mythical. The list just goes on and on. In fact, there really is nothing that DOES make sense in the whole thing. Some have even speculated that Sandy Hook wasn't even in operation at the time of the shooting--I don't know about this. But it's all just bizarre. And gun legislation was written, ready, and waiting for just such an event. It's too coincidental.

My take is that it was a psy-op made so blatant as to be completely obvious to anyone who used their god given intuition/critical thinking and did some research into it. Maybe a test to see just how dumb this country has gotten, maybe mocking those of us who see outside "the bubble", maybe some other reason or combination of reasons.

Oh I think they know how dumb this country has become.

Scratch the surface of the killer or the victims of Sandy Hook, and you find out that they have zero back story. The children have no legal documentation that confirms they even existed - just a few photoshopped pictures, and some "grieving" parents who seemed only able to laugh and smile for the cameras.

The whole event was a charade supported by a corrupt media and an even more corrupt government. They say a fish starts rotting from the head, well, Sandy Hook was the sign that the United States is a zombie nation, completely rotten in the head.

VERY broadly speaking, and some of my brethren here can add much more detail, there is credible evidence to suggest that the Sandy Hook shooter was manipulated/brainwashed/etc. into the massacre by the federal government. The federal government's motive for doing so was to create a casus belli for its gun confiscation agenda. The MSM was complicit in the conspiracy by selectively reporting events from the day and subsequently marginalizing alternative journalists who uncovered evidence contradicting the Lone Nut theory.

By credible, he/she means not at all credible and guns have yet to be confiscated.

But there has been some "assault weapon" registration deal since then.

Yes, some laws that required residents in the state where the outrage happened to register (and continue to own) certain classes of guns. Was that the plan of the conspirators? Kill a school full of kids so people have to register some of their weapons?

Slow and steady wins the race.

there is credible evidence to suggest that the Sandy Hook shooter was manipulated/brainwashed/etc. into the massacre by the federal government

This certainly seems a lot more plausible than the "Adam Lanza and the victiims didn't exist" school, which actually seems to dominate discussions on this sub. Can you provide more details on the credible evidence you mention?

I don't feel the gun confiscation agenda doesn't hold much water though. Apart from the usual opportunistic suspects e.g. Dianne Feinstein taking advantage, very little seemed to happen. Across the nation as a whole, more laws were passed in 2013 relaxing gun control than tightening it.


I don't understand what you're trying to convey.

We can't talk about it here, it upsets the "victims"



I post in Madden25 too, who fucking cares? They give me shit at Tard for being 911 truther. Call me Switzerland in the sub war, if anything.

I can't help it in here anymore, the first thing i do when someone posts something negative is check their history.

well.... I know everything isn't a conspiracy, I was just being foolish because so many seem to think so.

I don't understand what you're trying to convey.