Has anyone considered that the Cliven Bundy racism flap is a hoax?

1  2014-04-24 by [deleted]

Bundy is a successful businessman who figured out a way to use government owned land to make himself a millionaire. In other words, this guy is no dummy. How do we know that the offending video has not been doctored to discredit him?


I don't think it was doctored.

I was going to ask how old he was. I know it's no excuse but old people tend to talk the way they were raised. He was trying to make a point about government control, and just couldn't articulate it in a way that was "politically correct"

And no, shills-to-be, I don't think negro itself is a racist term. Caucasian, negroid, etc, are scientific classifications, get over it.

It wasn't doctored, per se. It was taken out of context. If you haven't seen it in context, here it is.

Negro isn't racist in and of itself. Addressing black Americans as 'The Negro' is racist as fuck.

How is that more racist than saying African?

I would say, at least in society, because they self identify as African American. That being said, I think African American is a pretty dumb term too. I don't call white people European Americans.

How is calling someone "The Negro" automatically racist? That's like saying "white people like x" is a racist comment simply because you're making an observation.

Let me define it for you:

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

The sad fact is you can't make any observation without being called a racist nowadays due to the politically correct (PC) craze. And if anything, being PC was imbedded into our society recently to play the race card and further divide the populace.

"Racist" is just another word for "shut up". I'm so freaking sick and tired of that word. Homophobe, racist, ageist, blah blah blah. The radical Left has been banking of the fear of otherwise good people being called one of these terms to keep them quiet. BS. Disagree with Obama? Your a racist. Not keen on the idea of gay marriage? You're a homophobe. People throwing that word around need to take a minute to read about the origin of political correctness - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_correctness

It's called black propaganda. They're attempting to smear and discredit his character. Watch the actual video of what he said - he made a valid point. His only mistake was wording it in a "non-PC" way, making it very easy for the MSM to twist his words and take them out of context.

"Black people were freer under slavery" is not at all a valid point. You're ridiculous.

Why are you putting something I never said in quotes and then telling me I'm ridiculous for a point I didn't make? Have you even watched the full video and heard what he said in context? You haven't, or you wouldn't be here constructing straw men to argue against.

Here's a hint: "black propaganda" does not mean propaganda against black people. Look it up.

You misunderstood my post. You said Bundy had a valid point. That's quite literally what he said.

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

It's not just "worded in a non-PC way," it's horrendously racist and offensive. You're ridiculous for defending that statement.

You just quoted, verbatim, the out of context CNN soundbyte that I was talking about.

Listen to the actual, full quote - in context - and realize that what he said wasn't racist at all.

Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agXns-W60MI&feature=youtu.be

You can cry racism but Bill Cosby has even called out the black community for the same things. Oh right, it's not racist when someone of that group does the exact same thing.

Guess you're not allowed to criticize others unless you're of the same ethnic group.

Are you fucking serious? HE LITERALLY SAID BLACK PEOPLE WERE BETTER OFF UNDER SLAVERY! Are you a thinking person? Is there a brain in there?

He wasn't saying they should go back to being slaves because they're inferior. That would be racist.

What he did say is that they went from being shackled yet "trained" in a trade to free yet shackled by poverty. So now that they have freedom, they have no skill set and remain on government subsidy.

How is that any better than what they used to be? Sure not every black person is in this situation. However, many are and it's not racist to notice the irony.

This isn't a race issue, there are tons of people from other minorities and even whites who are in the same boat.

You're as free as your money let's you be in this country. That applies to everyone.

I'm not a racist, I believe everyone is equal. I never treat anyone with prejudice. However I'm not going to deny that there are considerable problems with the black community, ones that they perpetuate themselves.

What angers me is the race card. I'm a fourth generation Italian. My great grand parents were the first generation and were not welcomed, "Italians need not apply." My great grandmother worked in a sweat shop. My grandmother and grandfather worked hard to barely make ends meet. By the time my parents generation came about, some wealth was forming but it was minimal.

But never once did they play the race card. Never once did they cry and beg for handouts. They didn't blame the white man while spending food stamps on expensive shoes or clothes. They didn't buy junk food or otherwise luxury foods. They still taught us respect and to do well in school. Men were fathers in our families and we always stuck together.

Why the sharp contrast? Surely we lived in the slums and bad parts of town too. This is why I get angry about it. Destiny is what you make of it. Poverty isn't easy but you can't blame everyone else for your community's mistakes.

I think you're missing the point about why it's offensive.

This is not an uncommon opinion and I don't think it's per se racist. Many people criticized wage slavery on the grounds that it was worse than chattel slavery:

This contention has been partly corroborated by some modern studies that indicate slaves' material conditions in the 19th century were "better than what was typically available to free urban laborers at the time."[29][30] In this period, Henry David Thoreau wrote that "[i]t is hard to have a Southern overseer; it is worse to have a Northern one; but worst of all when you are the slave-driver of yourself."[31]

I think there is a strong argument that black Americans were better off under segregation than they are now under the War Against Drugs. I'm not justifying segregation just looking at basic facts.

Black America had their own thriving communities and they had better access to jobs that could support families. There were more thriving black owned businesses. In a way there is more dignity in having stable families and communities and having viable jobs and trades that can support a family. Now, black communities are still segregated in ghettos, just not by law, and the communities are worse. More don't have jobs. Black men are more imprisoned than any other group--the government has targeted them for imprisonment and destruction way worse than segregation. Families are broken up as black men and women don't stay together and children don't have stable upbringing, etc.

Not to mention Bundy is an old school individual. Those folks were raised differently than us. Even if his words were verbatim to what has been posted; that's just the way folks from that era were raised. My grandparents still talk that way. It's not because they're racist; it's because back in their day and the folks they interact with this is a normal conversation.

it's because back in their day and the folks they interact with this is a normal conversation

A normal, racist conversation.

If you're THAT closed minded - sure.

How is it not racist?

Because he's not being hateful or discriminatory towards any particular group of people. His statements revolve around a time period in which he questions if government intervention was 'best' for the 'black' community. He's implying that perhaps the 'black' community may have been better off without the intervention of the government. He isn't implying slavery is something he advocates; instead he moreover is comparing slavery to modern day working jobs. He isn't promoting slavery, the usage of a derogatory term, or anything aggressive. Instead he is an old man of the country side who is out of touch with modern society that we are accustomed to.

There is a post right now with a video of him responding, so that would be a pretty quick way to validate or invalidate your opinion. I'm t work and can't see it ATM.

Shit, I got excited for a second I was about to ask you what he says.

Even if he did say it, and you disagree, don't get distracted from the main issue. Race issues are one of the only things that will make most people slow down or stop. Obviously MSM "blogs" are gonna be on it like white on rice.

Yeah it's definitely a distraction. I was never on Bundy's side anyways, I just want to speak out about the excessive use of force by the government.

Agreed. If they say he owes and he owes, then he owes. But, there aren't any debtors prisons anymore. Instead of doing that they went in like gangbusters over some money owed. Why not just take him to court? Why go through all this trouble? Is the BLM worried about what kind of institutional details would be aired out in a trial? Definitely. So they tried to strongarm their way out of the situation. THAT'S what most people have a problem with.

Follow the story. The case has been through the courts.

I wasn't aware of this, thanks, I'll check it out.

Bundy is a successful businessman who figured out a way to use government owned land to make himself a millionaire. In other words, this guy is no dummy.

You're right. That just makes him a scumbag, not dumb.

And probably because the things he said are exactly what a scumbag would say. He's on TV enough now to come out and refute this if he wants. I'm sure Hannity would rush to defend him from the "liberal media."

Edit: Nope. Even Hannity's backing out of this one, lol.

Peace is over rated. Any slave can have peace. Just pick the cotton. ~ TheSong

You are WAY overestimating his level of intent, vis-a-vis the grazing.

I don't understand what the big deal is, does the MSM ever listen to the garbage called rap music?

Oh wait it ok when it's black on black, just the how the MSM conveniently does not report on all the murders in Chicago. Yep those anti-gun laws are working.

So I still don't see a link to a video where he said this shit.

This clip conveniently leaves out what he said before that and what he said after that. Both the before and after puts his comments into context.

His point was, quite clearly, that before government subsidy, black people may have been slaves, but at least they were honestly slaves. Because of this, they worked for a living (and he was NOT saying that slavery is BETTER) AND they had a very close family and community structure together. Now, under constant government subsidy, they're still slaves - slaves to the checks they receive - but many have completely lost all sense of worth within their community and family life because of that. Many have, quite literally, nothing to do, so they're not just chained to The Man, they're chained to the man with no sense of purpose, no sense of worth.

His comments before this clip clearly paint him as a VERY tolerant and loving man.

His comments after this clip are so kind, I really couldn't believe it. He talked about illegal aliens, and how they're here, so we need to accept that, and that there is a LOT that we can learn from them about the importance of family and community. In many ways, he actually painted Mexicans as being superior to the white culture we have today. So I guess you could say he's actually racist against whites. Heh.

Watch the whole thing. THIS IS THE CLIP that should be circulating - NOT the one you've posted. This one gives the full story.

Umm, he used the word 'colored'. "Are they better off as slaves?" Are you hearing the same audio I am hearing? His comments regarding the black community are short sighted. He bases his sentiment from viewing one neighborhood in North Las Vegas. Further he knows nothing of the individual stories of the people he saw and lumped the entire black population of the US into one group as a whole. He pointed out their 'dependence' on government subsidies but nowhere in the video that you linked does he mention the white population that also lives on the same benefits. It's as if he doesn't acknowledge the fact that there are white people on welfare. According to statistics from a 2012 study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities"White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share." His views on the black population and the "pick cotton" statement are absolutely horrendous.

The "Spanish people" comment is ridiculous. They are not from Spain. Also, they don't come here "against our constitution." Illegal immigrants from Mexico and other central American countries are not violating one article or amendment to the US Constitution. Granted he mentioned his admiration of their strong nuclear family, but he holds it up against his view of the black population as if there aren't black families that are as close as Mexican families. Also, he fails to mention that there are whites that have terrible family models. It's as if he doesn't want to accept a view of white people that could possibly match the example he witnessed of the black family in one neighborhood in one city in one state of the entire country.

My final point, the comment I replied to was to someone that stated that they hadn't even seen the video of his statement in any context. The commenter's question had a tone that seemed as if they didn't believe the video actually existed and that the story was being made up. All I did was provide a link to the video in question to confirm that he actually made the statements in question.

Edit Grammar

Illegal immigrants from Mexico and other central American countries are not violating one article or amendment to the US Constitution.

Illegals are breaking the Immigration and Nationality Act. Which is part of the United States Code (U.S.C.).

The INA is divided into titles, chapters, and sections. Although it stands alone as a body of law, the Act is also contained in the United States Code (U.S.C.). The code is a collection of all the laws of the United States. It is arranged in fifty subject titles by general alphabetic order. Title 8 of the U.S. Code is but one of the fifty titles and deals with "Aliens and Nationality".


And the actual law source.

The law you referenced (IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT) is not in the constitution of the United States of America.

Laws in the US do not automatically become part of the constitution.


I never said US code laws are part of the constitution. I was pointing out they are breaking laws which you seem to be implying that they aren't. My comment says TWICE that it's part of the U.S.C.

NUMBER ONE: Illegals are breaking the Immigration and Nationality Act. Which is part of the United States Code (U.S.C.).

NUMBER TWO: The INA is divided into titles, chapters, and sections. Although it stands alone as a body of law, the Act is also contained in the United States Code (U.S.C.).

In this case the constitution doesn't even matter. One good reason is because they are not citizens of the USA so they have NO rights under the constitution but they still have to obey our laws.

Stop trying to imply that they aren't breaking any laws. They are.

I never said they weren't breaking the law and I never implied otherwise. You referenced the law as if I was somehow incorrect in my statement regarding the words of Bundy and the US constitution.

And you are correct, the constitution doesn't matter because illegals are not here AGAINST our constitution as Bundy stated. Yes, they are in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act but not the constitution. Go back and read what I wrote, I never made a comment about US laws being violated or not.

I thought you were saying that. No worries.

This is the (less edited) clip you'll want to watch for the whole story, so you can make your OWN mind up as to whether or not this man actually seems racist.

The liberal elite is a one-trick pony, and the trick is racism/antisemitism. That's all they've got. They can't debate on the issues because they are in the wrong on all the issues. All they can do is accuse those they disagree with of being racists. It's a trick that may work on morons (and God knows, we've got enough morons), but won't work on anyone who is even partly awake.

The Bundy saga had nothing to do with race until Bundy brought it up.

Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Rand Paul are now liberals, according to you.

You've made your racist beliefs perfectly clear. Why hide behind excuses?

Follow the story. The case has been through the courts.

How is it not racist?

Why are you putting something I never said in quotes and then telling me I'm ridiculous for a point I didn't make? Have you even watched the full video and heard what he said in context? You haven't, or you wouldn't be here constructing straw men to argue against.

Here's a hint: "black propaganda" does not mean propaganda against black people. Look it up.