Please don't fall for Harry Reid's bullshit.

87  2014-04-25 by [deleted]

Reid is now saying that "Bundy revealed himself to be a hateful racist" and "To advance his extreme, hateful views, Bundy has endangered the lives of innocent women and children".

No matter what anyone says, please remember that this has not ever been about, is not about and will not ever be about racism.

I don't like Bundy. I don't think he's a great person and I find his business practices to be suspect. I find his racist statements deplorable... but that doesn't matter.

What I have issues with is how the BLM stepped into this affair... How BLM law enforcement was detaining people involved in the conflict and tasing them. How cattle were being rounded up and killed for no good reason.

The BLM and some hired stormtroopers would have walked over him already if it weren't for the internet and some other folks that were willing to show up and witness.

Since that didn't work, they are trying to sour the public's view of Bundy while they build up a better paramilitary and PR force.

When the hammer falls, don't forget how it built up.


I don't think it's possible for Bundy to be as evil as Reid, or to hurt as many people as Reid has.

For example, the Democrats engineered the corporate sell-out of health care reform in 2009-2010, and Reid was right there. 300 million Americans screwed over and raped by insurance companies so that insurance corporations could keep up their racket.

Reid: Raised:


Top 5 Contributors, 2009 - 2014:

Weitz & Luxenberg $157,250 $157,250

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Comcast Corp$75,800 $65,800

People forget Bundy is a 70 something old man, living on a ranch with only his family. Back in his day, negro was the respectful way to address black people. My family was at the Bundy ranch for about 4 days, and I will tell you right now the bundys were the absolute nicest family of molly Mormons I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The federal government is grabbin their bright red ass and throwing a tantrum after the american people whooped their ass, and the feds are now demonizing them. You can do what you want, but I have looked these people in the eye. And I have met hundreds of others that feel the same way.

Speech changes, especially the PC labels used as not to outrage specific minority groups. Hell there was a depiction of Abraham Lincoln in the original Star Trek series that cordially addressed Uhura as "fair negress" when meeting the crew. Pretty heady stuff for 1968, but would be crucified for saying that these days with all the professionally outraged thin skins that see dollar signs whenever someone doesn't use the currently politically correct lingo.

Speech certainly does change. But living in a small town in Arizona, I can attest to the fact that elderly country men do not. Hell my grandpa still talks about "negros", and he is good friends with his black baptist pastor. I just think people are falling into the lamestream medias character assassination of this man. On a last note, I am in contact with a couple of black people still at the ranch, and they know what he was talking about. They know that this thing has gotten bigger than the Bundys. This is defiance. Something straight out of v for vendetta.

Reid is just the messenger. Look at who he is fronting for - Big Pharma, Big Real Estate, Wall Street, etc. They fear an informed and armed citizenry more than anything and they're going to force Reid to make an example out of Bundy.

We are on the brink of a confrontation that will make Waco and Ruby Ridge look like food court flash mobs.

Reid is not "just the messenger", he is actively involved in supporting corporate interests through his fund raising and political position.

He is the representative of these corporate pieces of shit, he sure as fuck doesn't represent my interests.

Obviously Reid is in the pocket of those sorts of companies, but why the fuck would those corporations care about Bundy? This is like the least significant event to them ever, and they're probably laughing their asses off at these militias that are anything but an "informed" citizenry.

Waco and Ruby Ridge were both awful tragedies. Don't know why everyone's geared up to fight the government's hate with more hate. Everyone should be out on the land loving the fuck out of it because it's America. Not ready to drop shell casings on it

That hippie shit doesn't work. They arent scared of civil disobedience, but they are afraid of a million armed patriots.

Thats goddamn right patriot :)

I am all for love and peace. All for it. But if you aren't willing to die defending and fighting for what you believe in, or your brothers and sisters beside you, you need to stay home.

And guess who was at the forefront of this, thats right, the Southern poverty law center. Calling Bundy racist, anti-Semitic violent group and hary reid calling them domestic terrorists. You know you are winning the battle when the name calling begins, watch bill orielly, his MO resorts to name calling all the time.

First time I've seen the MSM carry out a 'RACIST' hit piece without giving the 'target' a chance at rebuttal.. Look who broke the story too: VOX? The GE propaganda mouthpiece?

And everyone had a chance to get Reids 'soundbites' in digital quality on the matter, but no one could call Mr. Bundy? Too hard to pick up a phone and get a rebuttal before you just start calling someone racist?

If only the MSM would give this kind of airtime to the CIA torture scandals, or Guantanamo.. or Big banks, or big pharma.. Or broken campaign promises, or ridiculous corporate laws.. (you know how long this list goes..)

/There's ONE person in jail right now for the CIA's torture programs. The whistleblower. Move snipers in to collect $1m? The senate torture report cost $40m, and they're not even gonna let you read it. Whats really worthy of sending armed forces in for here?

/The biggest newsworthy thing about Bundys story is that he stood up. Love him or hate him. He showed it's possible to stand up against thuggery.

They are spoiled babies. If they cant get what they want they try to attack your creditability without any facts to back it up.

The good thing is we are seeing how it all plays out so we can understand the government tactics. Texas kicked Reid to the curb so now he is really pissed.

Don't fall for the lies of Reid and his cronies!

I don't care what Bundy thinks about non-whites. That's his opinion and he's entitled to it, even if we disagree with him. I'm more concerned about his fight with the BLM.

"[Harry Reid] was wowed by Obama's oratorical gifts and believed the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as a Obama - a 'light-skinned' African American with 'no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.'" - Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, as quoted in the book Game Change

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Title Author Upvotes Downvotes
Moar Bundy lulz. "The BLM and some hired stormtroopers would have walked over him already if it weren't for the internet and some other folks that were willing to show up and witness." /u/BumperBumbleBot 1 0
Please don't fall for Harry Reid's bullshit. /u/splatterhead 56 22

Timestamp - 2014-04-24 22:31:37

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I'll consider that a compliment.

Since that didn't work, they are trying to sour the public's view of Bundy while they build up a better paramilitary and PR forceā€¦.what are you talking about? Do you think someone scripted Bundy's racist remarks? Ranchers across America pay those same BLM fees and somehow Clive thinks he is special and exempt. This Cowboy Hat Welfare scammer.

Take a trip to Southern Nevada and you will witness the urban sprawl on what used to be BLM land. Despite a glut of homes already there, Big Real Estate wants to build more. Enter Harry Reid and his shock troops.

Bundy did kind of set himself up to have a strong arm coming in. He and his wife both made statements to the press saying that they had loaded guns, knew how to use them, and would do what they had to when the bill collectors come. Knowing how overzealous law enforcement is when responding to even the most benign situations, if a guy who has been refusing to pay his taxes since the 90s is now also saying that he is willing to have a shootout they are obviously going to show up in full force. I think it was handled like shit by everybody involved but Bundy has to shoulder a lot of blame for that. He wanted a big scene and the Feds played into that hand.

I agree 100% with you. It really bothers me however when people try to say that Bundy's actions were criminal. If that really is the case, then why didn't the BLM arrest Bundy himself, instead of arresting cows? The answer is, because his actions, while questionable, were not criminal.

I also heard Bundy today on AJ say he bever even said what they NYT is saying he said. Until I see video, or hear audio of him saying it, I dont believe Harry Reid. How unbelievable is it that he's throwing the race card out there though?

The video in question is on Youtube. Type in "Cliven Bundy (full) Controversial Remark" and it should pop up. To me, hearing the "racist" remark in context with the whole video makes more sense than the obviously spliced version the propaganda media keeps playing. Personally, I think the point he was trying to make was that the current "nanny state" system is flawed. Could he have used a better choice of wording? Probably, but I understand what he was really getting at.

Are you kidding? It's even worse in context. "The Spanish people who came here unconstitutionally" What the fuck is he smoking?

It makes him look a little bit less racist, but five times more retarded.

They brought Bundy to court twice before and won, Bundy just refused to comply. Yes, what he was doing was illegal. No, the land wasn't his. Yes, he did make a profit off of taking things from the public.

Harry Reid didn't force Bundy to think slavery was good or egg him on at all. Bundy made himself look like a racist asshole.


Follow the money, and follow where the BLM has been using said money. You'd be surprised that they were not using the "grazing fees" collected to protect/ maintain the "public" land. They were using the money for "extracurricular" activities.

edit: words

I would rather my tax dollars go to schools and roads and public parks then blowing up people in other countries and definitely not paying law enforcement to go have a showdown with a rancher.

The grazing fees weren't going to schools, roads, shelters, or apple orchards filled with fairy dust. The fees were going to buy up land to sell off to foreign interest. Now, I am not disagreeing with your comment. I'd rather my tax dollars go to that those to instead of war. But the facts are the facts, and you have been sold a lie. Tax dollars do not fund such projects, they fun authoritarian projects, such as buying up state land, ousting ranchers, building foreign interest projects, and damn near embezzlement. Now, we can either live in the here and now and talk about facts, or we can talk about what ifs and could be's in a fairly land utopia called "I wish". Your choice.

I don't believe in him either. I'm a Mormon and think Harry should be up for ex-communication for violating his priesthood and temple worthiness. He is what I call a Gadianton Robber from old BoM times.

BTW don't downvote because I'm Mormon. Downvote because you don't like my assertion he is dishonest with his fellow men. Which is a priesthood and temple worthiness question in the LDS church.

Won't downvote you for being Mormon.

But you and evey other believer out there is hugely mistaken, and taken and taken and taken.

The following is written silly, but its real, I'm real, ain't lyin, and I know what I'm talking about. Lose your fuckin illusions.

Hhhhh, but ill dv you for bein a punkass Mormon kid who downvotes truth because it offends their little sensibilities. Just Fuckin stupid, innit. Jesus Fuckin Christ.

I'm sorry, when did Harry Reid force Bundy to say that slavery was good for black people?

Think what you want about the situation, but it's not propaganda making him look like a racist asshole. He did that all by himself. There's documented video footage of him saying black people were better off as slaves, and it's appalling no matter what you think of the federal government.

That said, he's not in the right in this situation, but you're too far gone to look at things like evidence and facts when it's about fighting the government!

I'm going to assume you are purposefully being obtuse.

Literally none of what Bundy said came from Harry Reid. He did that by himself.

And my whole fucking point is...

It doesn't matter what a fuckhead Bundy is. There are "federal" troops ready to stomp on this guy because of no good reason.

Well, there are lots of good reasons. Like how he's been essentially stealing from the public for the last 20 years.

Like how he's been to court twice, lost, and ignored the court rulings.

Like how he believes the local sheriff has more authority than elected representatives of the people.

Pick your battles with the federal government. This is a dumb one where the government actually is in the right for the most part.

Everything would be fine if he'd just pay his fucking dues.

Local sheriffs are elected.

You're right, sorry. Still, they're not in anyway legally the highest authority no matter how many times he repeats that they are.

But if he doesn't, we best stomp him with a swat team... yeah! 'Murica!


Do you seriously think this is the best way to solve the issue?

Do you not have a better suggestion?

SWAT teams, dogs and contractors?

I do have a better suggestion: He pays the fucking million. He can do it. He lost the legal battle, how is the government not justified in forcing him to comply?

My problem is when business decisions are enforced with APC's, snipers and german shepards.

They wouldn't have to be if people weren't threatening their lives for doing their jobs.

...and just how badly would you had to have fucked up your job for you to have to bring in troops to enforce it?

I don't follow. How is getting your life threatened by a crazy guy who doesn't want to pay his taxes fucking up your job?

So we're back to swat teams for a property issue.

I just don't understand you.

I don't think it's ideal, but in a case where the regular authorities had their fucking lives threatened... Had militias ready to fire at them... I don't think that qualifies as 'fucking up their jobs' I think that means people were illegally interfering with their jobs.

And I love how you're downvoting each and every reply lol

The downvotes aren't actually me...

I love how you are the antithesis to everything I ever wanted to be when I grew up.

You have no idea what I am. I do believe that there are unjust laws that shouldn't be followed. I don't think having to pay grazing fees for the use of public land is one of them.

Sorry for the assumption about the downvotes.

No worries, it was an easy assumption.

I guess I'm just confused. I feel like I am trying to be reasonable and I feel like you are countering with the most extreme position possible. Surely we don't want swat teams raiding our ranchers? Are they threatening us?...

No, no. I absolutely don't want swat teams raiding our ranchers.

But do we want our ranchers making profits by stealing from public land? One term I've heard used for him is "welfare rancher."

Bundy could be a perfectly reasonable person and put the guns down. He has the money to pay those grazing fees. But he's chosen to take a potentially violent ideological stand, and I don't see any way the government can maintain any control over public lands if they let him get away with this.

So no, I don't think the punishment should be harm or death for anybody involved. I definitely don't think the government should shoot first. I don't really know what they should when enforcing the law means coming up against armed resistance. I just want the armed resistance to go away because I don't at all think Bundy's case is a worthy cause. There are so many actually harmful laws that fighting over someone not paying his grazing fees is asinine.

The fact that he's now morally reprehensible in the eyes of so many for his racial comments is a chance to get people to see that his cause is unjust and stop supporting him so that no violence does happen.

And my whole fucking point is...

It doesn't matter what a fuckhead Bundy is. There are "federal" troops ready to stomp on this guy because of no good reason.

No, no. I absolutely don't want swat teams raiding our ranchers.

But do we want our ranchers making profits by stealing from public land? One term I've heard used for him is "welfare rancher."

Bundy could be a perfectly reasonable person and put the guns down. He has the money to pay those grazing fees. But he's chosen to take a potentially violent ideological stand, and I don't see any way the government can maintain any control over public lands if they let him get away with this.

So no, I don't think the punishment should be harm or death for anybody involved. I definitely don't think the government should shoot first. I don't really know what they should when enforcing the law means coming up against armed resistance. I just want the armed resistance to go away because I don't at all think Bundy's case is a worthy cause. There are so many actually harmful laws that fighting over someone not paying his grazing fees is asinine.

The fact that he's now morally reprehensible in the eyes of so many for his racial comments is a chance to get people to see that his cause is unjust and stop supporting him so that no violence does happen.