60 Minutes seems to have the best timing in the world.

36  2014-04-28 by joetromboni

here is the piece


Sunday Night 60 minutes ran a piece on the aging fleet of nuclear icbms the US has in the midwest.

Perfect timing considering the talk of a nuclear war with Russia.

Also the talk of needing to spend billions to upgrade the fleet, sort of ease the public mind...uh oh, nuclear war with Russia is a possibility, our missiles are in disrepair...we need to spend a few hundred billion or else

Seems suspicious to me.


"Beware the military industrial complex." I dont think he could have been any more clear. Heh.

the MIC has grown into the Public-Private-Military-Media-Industrial-Intelligence-Congressional Complex (PMIC2 )

Hahaha I like it - I think you've just coined a new phrase.

**((PMIC)2 )

Please don't hate me. I'm just a math minded kinda guy and that was bothering me...Please forgive my minor OCD.

"It is the function, I suggest, of the CIA, with its 50 de-stabilization programs going around the world today, to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize the American people to hate, so we will let the establishment spend any amount of money on arms.”

--Former CIA Officer John Stockwell, 1987

Nuclear seems to be the thing I'm noticing popping up everywhere these days. From Obama mentioning a nuke being dropped on Manhattan to stories about high people involved in handling the nukes being fired or losing their positions.

If you believe in the idea about preparing the people's mindset and inserting these things into the general consciousness of society before they happen then I'd be worrying about a nuclear incident in the upcoming year or two.

Well if you count Fukushima and the effects it's having/will have in the coming years (and you should), then there is already an unprecedented nuclear incident for us all to be worried about. Not least of all because of how widespread and complete the cover-up has been in the global MSM.

Edit: Though I do agree with the rest of your comment - it seems we're being "primed" for something.

You better drink that milk before it goes bad... You better eat that fruit before it rots... You better launch those warheads before they're outdated.

Such a morbid thought... fuck man.

This wouldn't be the first time sixty minutes promoted military spending, they did it for that new fighter plane that was kind of a flop

They are promoting a new cold war with the Russians.

It's all about taxing and keeping the farm animals scared.

60 Minutes has been spewing a lot of pro-government, pro-NSA, pro-CIA,pro-Wall Street propaganda lately. It's no longer a credible news organizationl

Was it ever?


Seems suspicious to me.

Be careful, people might question you sanity with statements like that. You are not allowed to be critical in your thinking. The real world does not like people asking questions or not following what the tv has told them. But yes, its always about money, we live in a capitalistic society, everything is about money!