Why are there so many people in this sub that hate it?

52  2014-05-05 by [deleted]

Why do you guys think that this sub has so many people that hate and ridicule all the common topics we discuss here? I don't like to talk or learn about planes so I'm not interested in r/planes. But I would never go into /r/planes and waste my time telling them how stupid they are and that they are idiots for being interested in that topic.

/r/conspiracy is the only sub I know of that has a separate dedicated sub that exists only to mock it, /r/conspiritard (correct me if I'm wrong). What are these people wasting their time for? Why would anybody spend their time trying to knock down ideas unless they felt threatened by those ideas?


You're onto a conspiracy in and of itself. The majority of 'tard's power users are dedicated to pointing out every single instance of anti-israel expression on reddit....to the point of being almost paranoid/delusional about it.

I had a prolific conspiratard mod call me a jew-hating anti-semite for doing nothing more than asking questions about 9/11. I was very confused how he made that logical leap, but then I learned more and now it makes more sense. He was just ahead of the curve and must have known where the evidence would eventually lead any 9/11 reseacher.

Zionists have their own internet legions to marginalize and distort information, plus people knee jerk defensively, like a pack of monkeys when presented with ideals that threaten their world perception. So many people are so inbred on infotainment and the CIA's M.K. Ultra, so in a way you have to sneak the information in past their media trained firewalls, with humor such as what George Carlin did.

I have noticed there are certain dedicated users who only respond to certain topics. Without naming names, I know which ones will show up and argue based on the topic. Like anything 9/11 related brings a group of users who only argue against 9/11. I never see these people create new discussions or threads here related to 9/11 in this sub, only playing the role of devils advocate. Why all the effort to make sure the people "know" the official story is correct? I mean we are 13 years removed from 9/11 and you have people on this sub who only come here to scream at you saying you are not allowed to ask questions about 9/11. What does that say?

I was just called one again in a SRD thread devoted to stalking me lol


"[–]redpingTARD [-85] 0 points 16 hours ago (1|1) You mean /r/conspiracy[1] , /r/zog[2] and /r/whiterights[3] ? I do see the crossover. Personally I find it hard to take the opinion of a doxxing guy who got shadowbanned who made a stalker sub that was SUPER sad that only you used, who spends all his waking moment talking about conspiratard seriously. This is a sub for making fun of theorists. But you personally see thgis as a place where we just love and defend Jews, right? The thing is, if you were able to recognise anti-semitism and say "This is anti-semitic" whenever a literal holocaust denier posts, then we wouldn't have a leg to stand on when we say "those guys REALLY tolerate anti-semites, don't they?" Instead you focus on how the other side uses the word "anti-semite" as if that's relevant. Honestly it baffles me you wander outside /r/conspiracy[4] considering you believe everything they tell you to 100%. What's the point?



The JTRIG leaks proved that the government does in fact pay people to post propaganda on message boards. Reddit is one of the largest communities on the internet, you don't think a few parties would want a piece of that traffic?

No no, don't worry about me man, it's obviously shills, you're right, 100% shills :) rofl

I'm not saying everyone is shills but to deny their existence is factually wrong.

No one is denying their existence in here man, it's definitely shills :)


Don't see how you're getting edge here

Should be our motto.

We can make t-shirts, maybe hats!

I'm a shill for the people


Please refrain from making shill accusations against other users in the sub. It's against the rules here, contributes nothing to the conversation and/or debate, and is most often factually inaccurate.

You're free to discuss the existence of shills in general, perhaps even expose those in other subs. Just try to avoid referring to anyone who happens to disagree with you or whom you have unsubstantiated suspicions about as a "shill" when posting here.

Unless the mods like you then you can call anyone a shill and just get a slap on the wrist for it.

Yeah, no. That's not quite how it works. The vast of majority of shill accusations are simply removed, regardless of who posts them. Occasionally, I'll issue a warning. Given the nature of this post, I decided a warning would be best, primarily to clarify why we have this rule to other users.

And as I mentioned prior, one is still free to discuss the existence of shills openly, programs such as JTRIG or JIDF tactics, or even perhaps call out other users as alleged shills who had posted in another sub. If you, on the other hand, decide to levy such an accusation against another user here in this sub, as the phrase is often over used and used without justification, and as we have a rule against doing so for that very reason, the comment will simply be removed in most instances. And again, a polite warning may be issued if one user is harassing another in the process, if the a user makes these accusations excessively and without justification, or in other rare instances wherein a mod considers it necessary to clarify their position in enforcing said rule, so that the users here are more aware of the reasoning behind it.

Thanks for the clarification.

Do you even know what the word shill means? Apparently not.

Ok fine, alternate account. But when I see you responding to your own posts, it does seem a bit like shill behavior

Most of the images posted there are very petty and point out minute elements of a particular "conspiracy theory", never actually succeeding in contradicting or even addressing the larger idea.. very close-minded people on there, just trying to maintain their worldview. There are no real answers on that subreddit or in that state of mind.

Why would anybody spend their time trying to knock down ideas unless they felt threatened by those ideas?

I think you nailed it.

So... Perhaps /r/Conspiratard users are concerned about /r/Conspiracy in the same way the /r/Conspiracy seems to be concerned with, say, the vaccination of children, or 9/11?

They hate this subreddit so much that they dedicate their lives to hating this subreddit. It's sad really

By that logic, you could say that the users of this subreddit hate vaccines so much that they dedicate their lives to hating them.

I think it's different because of the attitude of the different groups. r/Conspiratard reminds me of the r/EnoughPaulSpam or r/EnoughObamaSpam subs. It exists to mock/ridicule the opposing opinion, and to organize downvote brigades. To me, it's like the jerks in high school who have no lives other than hating other people because they a certain way.

Some people here (not everyone) are concerned about vaccines based on evidence or research they have read which stated vaccines are potentially more harmful than helpful. It's more out of a sense of caution and debate than organized juvenile ridicule.

The same goes for /r/Conspiratard--I haven't spent a whole lot of time there, but the number of posts specifically about /r/Conspiracy are certainly in the minority. Most of the links point to external websites, which is why I made the vaccine comparison: a few users there talk about /r/Conspiracy and are "cautious" of it, but not all of them.

I've seen examples of civility and uncivility in both subreddits, but it's mostly just this one that sees the /r/Conspiratard vs. /r/Conspiracy battle. /r/Conspiratard seems to be more focused on the larger picture than /r/Conspiracy tends to recognize.

I get where you're going with this, but that doesn't explain the compulsion to shit in someone else's pool.

If people are concerned then they can discuss things in a rational, civil manner. Some can do this, others can't. I believe OP is referring to the latter. I also believe that you know what OP meant and that I shouldn't have to explain it.

I do get what OP is saying, and I get what you're saying. What I'm saying is that you'll find dissenters in /r/Conspiracy, just as you will in any other controversial location, and I think it's a bit ironic that people here have a problem with other subreddits disputing their opinions, when this subreddit was literally built on disputing other people's opinions.

It's not ironic. Dissention is fine as long as it's done in a rational, civil manner.

I'm thinking of the type that come in and make hurrdurr type comments, intentionally troll, or just act like jerks for the sake of it. Obviously.

Maybe its more like the pool is already filled with shit, and sometimes people try to scoop out a few turds with nets of common sense and realism?

I think you nailed it.

I think that this statement is pretty ironic.

There's a fella on this sub that dedicates their time to posting about 'Skycentrism' - Skycentrism is similar to flat Earth, except the Earth is shaped like a plate so it curves up.

I often spend my time trying to knock down the persons ideas when I see them, but I don't do it because I feel threatened by them. I find them ridiculous.

The logic that I must feel threatened by Skycentrism if I try to knock it down is not sound.

Why are you obsessing over this person's theory? If you think it's stupid, take your shots and move on.

From your little description, I think it's stupid as well, but I would try to withhold judgment until I heard him out. If I didn't believe it, I would move on.

I don't know what you want to achieve out of what I'm inferring is a series of discussions with this guy who you think is ridiculous.

Why are you obsessing over this person's theory?

I'm not. I was just giving an example of how OP's quote is flawed logic.

I could've easily replaced skycentrism with the moon landing. It's just an example.

I don't know what you want to achieve

I find the ideas and methods of discovery interesting.

You seem like a nicer fellow than the jerk I first imagined you were.

Have a good night!

There are a ton of people on conspiratard that post about jewcentrism, jewcentrism is similar to apartheid but no one can question it without being called an anti-semite.

Why do you do feel the need to do that? Why not just move along to the next post when you see their name and "skycentrism" together?

To see if they can bring any convincing merit to their claims.

If they can, or cannot, then what?

Then I address the next point they raise.

If they don't raise any further points, then there's nothing more to say.

I often spend my time trying to knock down the persons ideas when I see them

Nothing more to say until you see them again.


That's because some ideas are threatening. Not vaccinating your children because you believe it causes autism directly threatens the health of those who cannot be vaccinated. For instance.

Have you vaccinated your children?

I vaccinated my parakeet, now he falls of his little perch :(

That's the saddest thing I'll hear all week :,(


Have you?

I never used to question vaccination, until I discovered that the vaccine industry pays shills to promote their products and put down skeptics.

Just curious, did you spend more than 2 hours researching vaccines or did you just let someone else do the thinking for you when it comes to your kids safety?

I had childhood whooping cough. Vaccines weren't available to my parents. It left me with permanent lung problems. I am now a research scientist, and I honestly believe that anyone who has access to vaccines for diseases that kill or cause permanent damage, and choose not to use them because of the risk of complications, are idiots who have been fortunate enough to have never experienced those diseases.

Part I, this is my own research, you can self verify my sources if you want and see if any of these dots line up for yourself. Its also important to note that Vaccinations do kill children, its right there in the vaccination funds own stats http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/statisticsreports.html, so for every life it "saves" how many will be killed and how many will suffer your fate, a fate it was supposedly manufactured to prevent. That is not to say that vaccinations are not without their uses, but as the industry is now, well, you'll know if you read it out and check the sources for yourself, and form an informed opinion for yourself, you'll know that our consent on this issue is totally manufactured, as in manufactured consent.

Most people get their information on vaccination from propaganda from corporate, government subsidized mainstream media sites, you've been lied to pretty hard and here's why, I'll try to explain it as expediently as I can, and there's a tons of info on vaccination production which I don't think you or anyone else outside of this subreddit, is fully aware off, to the excruciating detriment of us all.

Did you know, that the U.S. created Vaccinations Courts, and a Vaccination Fund which can easily deflect lawsuits aimed at the Big Five Pharmaceutical Corporations. Not only that, in this government created, corporate influenced court, the United States Department of Health and Human Services or HHS for short can decide, a government apparatus, can decide what the cause of harm is to your person, instead of a normal court of law. This all flies in the face of the fact that the rates of Autism have exploded since 2000 where 1 in 150 U.S. children had autism to now there being 1 in 68 children with Autism as off 2013. In Canada for boys its worse!, 1 in 42 boys will contract Autism this year, though for girls 1 in 189 will develop Autism as of 2014!

There have been already cases which have obviously shown, by lawyers and doctors of victims that vaccination induced encephalopathy (brain disease) lead directly to Autism. Not only has this been clearly shown in a court of law, where HHS, a government body openly decided against damning evidence of medical professionals which clearly showed the direct link between vaccination and autism. They have repeatedly in every case said that vaccination do not cause Autism, only in this corporate judicial system is this nightmare possible.

What motivation does big pharmaceutical have for making shoddy drugs and selling it to the public? Merck alone earns more then 1.5 billion dollars from child vaccinations, the other four each receive over a billion from the government. Not only are they shielded by the vaccination courts, the government also shields and buries cases which clearly have seen a direct causal link between vaccinations and Autism.

People love to say stupid uninformed things like, vaccinations are solid science, or why would scientists and doctors kill us with totally defective pharmaceutical products? Vaccine drugs not even effective in preventing outbreaks, but are the actual sources of current day outbreaks themselves. Fact, vaccinations last only a few years, actual viral infection and normal body white cell response creates a life time of immunity from the virus itself. Fact, most doctors receive financial incentives from big pharmaceuticals to immunize your children with a full bombardment of drugs(vaccinations), often at birth or in the first critical months of their lives. Some people for some reason think Doctors and Scientists are morally superior beings, that is one of the greatest perceptual fallacies in North America. These people operate with the naive and blind trust of the public when in fact they're just human beings out to make a quick buck. Do these people care enough to actually research vaccination development? Probably not, arm chair citizen researchers know more about it then doctors because they've actually done the research themselves. It should be obviously noted that doctors are not gods, the medical sphere is massive, specialization takes years in one specific study. Their knowledge and understanding of other medical fields is particularly acute and limited, it's not such a stupid idea that an internet researcher could know far more about drug vaccinations then a medical family physician, lest we forget these people are financially incentivized to pump you and your kids full of drugs.

Here's the other kicker, vaccination production, vaccinations aren't made in just chicken eggs, they've made from cows and monkeys as well. So what, farm animals, what's the problem there? Bayer made a batch of vaccinations from HIV infected monkey's and sold it in the North American market, when it was discovered the FDA and the U.S. federal government allowed Bayer to sell the HIV laden drugs to other countries, countries in Europe, Asia and in Aids ridden Africa so that they could turn a back a profit on it. Why did they use HIV monkeys? because these African monkeys where cheaper to purchase then monkeys from other countries. Not only that not one person in Bayer was held legally responsible for this in the United States, yet in every other country they sold it in, their executives where hunted in the individual countries judicial system. Here's the other problem, we cannot filter out the dna of these animals from which we create vaccinations, this means viral contaminates like HIV, madcow(prions), antibiotic super viruses can spread from animal to vaccine to human.

Side note on antibiotic super viruses/bacteria: Pigs, chickens and cows are all given hormone boosters to quicken the development of muscle mass and milk production. Bovine growth hormone has already been shown to be dangerous to humans who even eat or drink cow byproduct of any kind as the U.S. is the only G7 member to allow it for commercial use in the development of food product. Animals are also given huge amounts of antibiotics to keep them healthy in super crowded, massive animal farms, like a gaint petri dish where if even one animal with a sickness develops antibiotic resistance, it spreads quite a bit the group. Some of these animals are diverted and sold to vaccination development. The other fun fact is that eggs are one of the primary carriers of salmonella food poisoning, again since vaccine developers have admitted to being unable to remove viruses or bacteria, this crap can still get into pharmaceutical drugs.

This concludes Part I

How long did this take you to put together? Because this would have taken me forever to put together.

Thanks for the information. I'll be sure to peruse it later.

You welcome!, be sure to read up and share, we need to yank people out of the machine, because the stupidity and ignorance of others is a detriment to us all... and even our civil liberties... To collect this info took a fair amount of time, maybe a month or two after I awoke from finding the real independent media. I just argued with others in the Canada subreddit of an one for some times and a few other people found me ringing it out and they dropped a ton of information on me, which helped significantly to inform my opinion on vaccinations and the pharmaceutical industry. Johny is normally on the ball with current vaccination stories

I contracted Hepatitis A from eating organic berries last year. Life is about risks - you try to understand them, and you take the best calculated risks you can.

From berries? Please tell me more ... were these store bought berries?

I am trying to eat more organic for the past few months and never heard of berries giving Hepatitis.

I mean, my point was kind of not to freak out, because shit just happens. For the vaccinations, the numbers showed reactions in less than 1 in a million doses, which is much less than the problems during a real outbreak.

The Hepatitis A outbreak was this one: http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/outbreaks/2013/a1b-03-31/advice-consumers.html
It's a virus that goes away however, not very serious, unlike Hep B which stays around.

I'm afraid berries and drugs are not the same thing, one is heavily manufactured, in such that the scientists who do produce the drugs always notify the corporate end of any, undesirable effects. In every single case of litigation faulty drugs were sold with the full understanding of their defects, which were intentionally hidden, and that they could easily cause significant damage to the consumer. With a vaccination court and a vaccine fund, there is virtually no incentive for them not to release cheap and defective garbage into the market, these pharmaceutical CEOs are all chronic and greedy psychopathic liars, this is a risk that is being planted against us by the corrupt government with intentional malice and manufactured consent.

It is known that complications can happen, because of genetic diversity some people will have allergic reactions. Of course, encepalopathy is very serious.

However the statistics you posted showed that out of 1,968,399,297 doses, there were 1,300 compensable cases between 2006-2012. That's less than 1 in a million.

So even given that such complications can happen, it's still better to vaccinate than to not vaccination. Because the alternative is many more deaths or damages during outbreaks.

Who do you sue if you or your child get sick from contracting an illness from someone who didn't vaccinate themselves or their children?

It is known that complications can happen, because of genetic diversity some people will have allergic reactions. Of course, encepalopathy is very serious.

However the statistics you posted showed that out of 1,968,399,297 doses, there were 1,300 compensable cases between 2006-2012. That's less than 1 in a million.

This is true, while only 1/4 of the cases before the vaccination fund were given compensation, this does not account for the vaccination court, or the fact that people and their doctors are brainwashed against the association of vaccination to injury of their persons. The number of actual claimants given the extremely obvious, manufactured consent of the public could easily be in the millions.

The other thing that I was pointing out was that vaccination is not the cure all that people like to think it is, as exampled by Polio during its endemic period was treated heavily with the usage of DDT, it was literally sprayed on every single thing imaginable, this garbage is a known neural toxin, just like regular pesticides people spray currently on their front lawns in cities that've yet to ban it. DDT also caused symptoms of Polio, which is unsurprising as both cause brain damage, also to note only one strain of polio is lethal, as it damages the brain stem. The other thing is that people with healthy diets, such as a no sugar diet had extremely low infection rates, around and below 6% as shown here from the 30min-37min mark, which compared to the 60% infection rates of sugar eaters is quite remarkable. Sugar is extremely detrimental to your overall health, white, brown, its all heavily processed sucrose, so that tidbit about it being an enabler of infection doesn't come as much of a surprise now....

So even given that such complications can happen, it's still better to vaccinate than to not vaccination. Because the alternative is many more deaths or damages during outbreaks.

Who do you sue if you or your child get sick from contracting an illness from someone who didn't vaccinate themselves or their children?

Guess you're still not seeing the obvious, vaccinations while useful are not as necessary as you or the government's corporate, manufactured consent leads on. Outbreaks in polio and other viruses where brought on by poor sanitation, DDT(chemical insecticide based on Agent Orange), poor diets(sugar and processed foods). Same thing today as well, except the government can actually, and effectively contain and stop lethal outbreaks, such as SARs without a vaccine. All kids need are the basic one timer vaccines, measles, rubella, but even there I've yet to adequately if at all research those, also doctors here informed me that the hepatitis shots are rather pointless unless you plan to travel to a brick nation or a third world country, along with this is the $1000 hepatitis C cure pill, sure not so cheap presently, but hopefully conveniently affordable in a few years. The point is that all this extra crap is unnecessary, flu shots aren't necessary, its total B.S. all you need is a system that keeps sick nurses and doctors out of the system when their ill, same for responsible employers, but this country does not value the well being of the individual or the employee, also it doesn't help the fact thatdoctors are notorious for working while ill and being plague carriers themselves.

The final and massively colossal problem is Autism, 1 in 68 as of 2013 for U.S. kids, 1 in 48 boys, 1 in 189 girls in Canada will have it, the explosive growth of this is directly attributable to vaccinations and the now annual vaccination rounds by those "trustworthy" pharmaceutical corporations. Suing won't even help you because the government is corrupt beyond redemption. It also costs a small fortune to rehabilitate children with low to mild forms of autism, let alone children with severe autism. Autism effectively destroys the economic capability of children with it, and makes them into an enormous financial liability to themselves in their economic prospects and to their parents, which is something that can severely impede them given that we've had two depressions in the last thirteen years, one being 2001 and 2008, well unless you're involved in the military industrial complex, the banks, the hospitals or the insurance companies who now have a colossal new pool of insured suckers thanks to the unconstitutional Obamacare bill which forces people to pay for insurance, without a choice, a bill written by an active insurance executive now CEO in the medical industry, who goes by the name ofLiz Fowler who worked on Democratic senator's Baucus's Finance committee.

So even given that such complications can happen, it's still better to vaccinate than to not vaccination. Because the alternative is many more deaths or damages during outbreaks.

Who do you sue if you or your child get sick from contracting an illness from someone who didn't vaccinate themselves or their children?

This argument is so over used and so distorted, I mean for christs sakes, people would surrounder their personal rights and obliterate the personal rights of others to a bunch of ultra corrupt oligarchs, and for what!? So that government can force medicate on you on the behest of the pharmaceutical industry which pays them, when viruses and diseases are already easily kept at bay with just basic one time vaccinations? The number of vaccinations you need are so minimal yet children are being bombarded with this garbage on an annual basis now despite the obvious show of information that vaccinations are detrimental to them in their earliest development years. On a similar note the yearly flu shot is becoming a round house joke, even I became naturally skeptical prior to my awakening by the real independent media(just one great example) of how shitty the vaccination mechanization is. What I particularly remember was that there's always a supposedly new flu variant every year and that pharmaceutical companies make a batch for every single year now, the whole thing is absurd and made me very skeptical of the industry for flu vaccinations

Edit:1 Grammar/Spelling.

Side note, Infowars is a good starting place, though Alex Jones is a bit more mainstream and a bit more theatrical, which is something I never liked from the baiting corporate media to begin with. However, he's normally on the ball with most of his information, though he does make a lot of latent projections with regards to the immediate actions of the government, as well his product placements can be annoying or sound grandiose but their rather true given BPA a known estrogen mimicker is still prevalently used in plastics in the U.S. and that Fluoride is a neural toxin as shown by Harvard and the Medical Journal the Lancet(article is gated but referenced to, here's an Atlantic article describing it). James Corbertt is a great full time citizen journalist, Sibel Edmonds at boiling frogs post is former FBI and reports on government corruption, she's also extremely informed about the middle east, most particularly about U.S. involvement with Turkey, I often have to replay here videos to adequately process all the information she rolls out.

I was wondering if thimerosal alone was the problem, but it doesn't seem to be (as far as autism is concerned).

Since 2001, no new vaccine licensed by FDA for use in children has contained thimerosal as a preservative and all vaccines routinely recommended by CDC for children younger than 6 years of age have been thimerosal-free, or contain only trace amounts of thimerosal, except for some formulations of influenza vaccine. Unfortunately, reductions in the numbers of children identified with autism have not been observed indicating that the cause of autism is not related to a single exposure such as thimerosal.

Maybe it's something else, but it just doesn't seem likely to be because of vaccines.

It is definitely known, however, that older fathers increase the likelyhood of autism. Weaker sperm, so IV also counts as a risk factor. I know two men who became first time fathers in their 40s, and several couples who have had IV. That, in combination with greater identification of autism (and what counts as autism) are more likely to explain the rise.

Could you link that source for me? It also seems to indicate that Thimersol is still used as a preservative for vaccine cultures... Mercury is almost like lead, absolutely toxic in at any level, even micrograms

Vaccines are one of the core factors for Autism, the increase of it easily mirrors the distribution of vaccinations of children since the 1990s, if you read all the info I gave you you'd be having a pretty hard time coming to any other conclusion, though antibiotics are also feasible culprits, but then again its the same pharmaceuticals that manufacture those too.

Really good stats/BBC video showing why the myth of effective vaccination as total rubbish, the decrease in infectious disease was directly attributed to poor health and sanitation conditions, Vaccinations in some cases caused an increase in outbreaks by destroying natural immunity and in some cases where there is occurrence, it's almost always in an economically depressed area, or an area where vaccinations themselves where distributed.


Found a source for Measles, so it turns out the vaccine was just useless like every other vaccine thanks to improved standards of living, which is now becoming a recurrent theme in the information I keep finding with relation to the drop in the spread and effectiveness of viruses and disease.


It is definitely known, however, that older fathers increase the likelyhood of autism. Weaker sperm, so IV also counts as a risk factor. I know two men who became first time fathers in their 40s, and several couples who have had IV. That, in combination with greater identification of autism (and what counts as autism) are more likely to explain the rise.

This is a weak premise, and not even a feasible explanation for the explosion of Autism since 2000, parents are having children later in life due to the severe economic disparity created by the banks in the recurrent deflations they cause. However this minority of aged parents is to small to explain the systemic spread of Autism, let alone the lack of anything hard to substantiate such a claim directly to autism. Vaccinations are given to a majority of children, the rise and fall of Autism can be directly traced to the distribution of it.


It's still not a convincing causation between vaccinations and autism.

You should note that Japanese have been eating more fish than ever - as wealth increases, so does sushi consumption.

Do you eat any fish btw?

Thimerosal isn't even the worst of it, even without it the effects are still the same, the information in the original links which include some videos about vaccination production clearly show why vaccines are so toxic, this is not including the facts that people who're freshly vaccinated are often the source of outbreaks.

The Japanese population has been reliant on the sea as one of its primary sources of food for a few millennia, seafood is as hand in hand as rice there, its in part why Japan is so laissez-faire when its come to curbing the whaling industry.

You should note that Japanese have been eating more fish than ever - as wealth increases, so does sushi consumption.

The mercury comparison is another counter argument that is not factually correct.


The Mercury (Hg) In A “Can of Tuna Fish” Considering the preceding realities, let us examine some FACTS about the amount (maximum dose) of Hg in a 6-oz can of Albacore tuna fish:

A. IF we use the test results posted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)1

B. THEN: the amount of Hg that is in a given 6 ounce (170 gram) can of Albacore tuna fish ranges from not detectable (ND, with a detection limit of 0.01 micrograms of Hg per gram of tuna fish [< 1.7 microgram Hg] to 145 micrograms of Hg depending roughly on the size (age) of the tuna fish that ends up being packed in the can, AND ,

C. The principal Hg compound in fish is probably a protein bound form of methylmercury cysteine (nominal formula weight of 335.77 [59.74 % Hg by weight]).

Note on Asia Pacific and Chinese seafood which is sold as a majority of seafood product in North America, you do not want to buy it from China because obviously your asking for trouble, and second the radiation from Fukushima Daiichi is scheduled to hit our shores this year, in which there has been elevated levels of radiation detected already in the ocean water. The government is not reporting this to the general public to protect their regional ally in the Asia pacific as efforts progress to contain the Chinese military. All fish from the region likely contains traces of radioactivity from the failed reactors, even as early as of last year as Tuna migrates straight of the eastern coast of Japan where concentrations of radioactive materials are highest...

I can't see that pdf, so I don't know what it was saying.

The mercury in fish is relatively recent, due to large scale industrial pollution (e.g. from over 30 years of continual dumping in Minamata ).

Are you trying to convince me that the mercury in fish is not significant, even though you previous said

Mercury is almost like lead, absolutely toxic in at any level, even micrograms

I was making a comparative analysis to the typical intake of tuna consumption here versus the direct intravenous injection of the mercury based preservative into the blood stream at a significantly higher concentration. You're also correct to reference my own quote, mercury is not safe at any level, but people still like shrug it off with comparisons of other things as some sort of justification for its use in vaccination. Mercury in fish is quite the concern, I too have pondered consumption of tuna for some time, especially since almost all of it at local stores comes from "Thailand" which is basically the Asia Pacific, as well it doesn't help that the country is in the ecological shadow of China...

Can't copy and paste the whole pdf here without it looking like soup, I had to rearrange the formatting for the pdf quote manually which took some time, you may need to update your adobe software to view the document. I'd also like to to side note that adobe is absolutely annoying in that regard, especially with videos because it sometimes jams in auto update you never find out till it starts failing.

Its quite the sad story there at Minamata, though the Japanese government seems to have in large part contained the bay and cleaned up a significant amount of bay sledge, and now the nets guarding the bay from fish have been removed as of 1997 followed by a government declaration of the bay as a safe site. Though it took the government four decades to acknowledge responsibility and an apology for the pollution of the bay, so take that safe site warning with a grain of salt...

At the same time, I agree that there are problems in the US with the relationship between the pharmaceutical companies and the government, in terms of who is responsible when a known faulty product gets on the market.

Nice post friend.

Thank you!, I try to unplug people from the B.S. out there.

Part II


Front line Healthcare workers know the B.S. of vaccinations first hand, 60% do not want to be harmed by these faulty drug products which they've seen first hand cause the outbreaks they're supposed to prevent.


Operating room nurse Pauline Taylor knows her refusal to get a flu shot is based on faulty logic.

But ever since she got sick after getting a shot a few years ago, she's sworn off the vaccine.

"I rarely get sick. The only thing I could narrow it down to is that I had gotten this shot," said Taylor, who works at University Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. "I know that it's not a live virus. It just seemed pretty coincidental."

Such stories frustrate Dr. William Schaffner.

As chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University, he hears that kind of talk frequently and knows it's in part to blame for a surprising statistic — nearly 60 percent of health care workers fail to get a flu shot.

That's despite recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that all health care workers get vaccinated, from hospital volunteers to doctors.

And there's more!


"We don't think that demonizing those who choose not to be vaccinated is an appropriate response," states United Nurses of Alberta president Heather Smith, who also challenges the official view that flu immunizations are effective. Other nursing associations agree. The Ontario Nurses' Association plans to file grievances against hospitals that require them to either become vaccinated or wear a face mask. In the U.S., National Nurses United, the country's largest organization of nurses, cites a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases study that found increased flu vaccination rates didn't lower death rates among the elderly, as is often claimed, or among any other age group either.

Stated National Nurses United president Karen Higgins last year, "nurses, joined by many physician organizations and researchers, reject the notion that vaccination is a fail-safe solution to prevent the spread of the flu virus... there are health reasons why some elect not to be vaccinated. Some vaccine products have been withdrawn, as when Bell's palsy developed for many recipients. It has just been reported that 800 European children contracted narcolepsy, an incurable sleep disorder, after receiving the swine flu vaccine." The notion that the flu vaccine can be both ineffective and harmful, a CDC survey confirms, is common among health care workers.

Financial incentives for medical care workers to vaccinate:


Most doctors do not know anything about the real nature of vaccinations, they're just as brainwashed as the general public and not only that, their financially incentivized to believe and push this garbage on us.


From the beginning doctors are taught only the basic theories about of how vaccines work. They are told vaccines are safe and beneficial, and are directed to follow the ever-expanding vaccination schedules designed for children and adults. The vast majority robotically follow the recommendations, never questioning the safety or effectiveness of the directives.

Most physicians no doubt believe they are contributing to the health of vaccinated individuals and promoting the greater good of society. Few, if any, connect the deterioration of our nation’s health with the bloated vaccination schedule that now injects 40 doses of 16 vaccines into tiny bodies by five years of age. Indeed, more recently trained doctors may look at a truly healthy child as an anomaly. Their only experience has been treating children with diseases that are vaccine-induced but somehow thought to be part of “normal development.” When did doctors start believing that speech delays, sensory-integration disorders, asthma and eczema are normal parts of childhood? Why have doctors – and parents – accepted that attending OT, PT and speech therapy are “normal” parts of growing up?

There are not-so-subtle financial incentives that drive doctors to become vaccine pushers. I have read that pediatricians can earn a significant percentage of their income from vaccination, meaning, vaccines they push vaccines on their patients to keep a positive balance sheet. After all, a medical practice is a business, with sizable expenses such as malpractice insurance, staff salaries and rent. For physicians who are employees of a hospital system, there are fee quotas to meet so they can receive bonuses. Many of the vaccines in the inventory are expensive (for example, Gardasil and MMR) and some have very short expiration dates (i.e., flu shots and Flumist). Purchased vaccines need to be administered for costs to be recouped, and adding a shot, or shots, to a routine office visit generates more revenue. There is little doubt that financial pressures play a role in the thought process of those who push vaccination.

Vaccination Sales and Quotas:


Corporate litigations in the billions stemming from these psychopaths, who're are all known behavioral liars:



You just can't make this stuff up... a nazi eugenicist working at a drug company.


->Nazi chairman

In 1956 Fritz ter Meer became chairman of Bayer's supervisory board. He was convicted at the Nuremberg trials for his part in carrying out experiments on human subjects at Auschwitz. He was found "guilty of count two, plunder and spoliation, and count three, slavery and mass murder" and sentenced to seven years imprisonment and served five years.[23]



Eli Lilly and Company owns the patent on Thiomersal, an extremely cheap mercury preservative additive added to vaccinations, which is still in use to date despite claims by the lying pharmaceutical companies...



I can go on and on and on and on, its so plainly obvious that we've been lied too! That the case against "anti vaxxers" is totally manufactured consent by the government(s) and the psychopathic pharmaceutical corporations.

Having done my own personal research out of curiosity into the matter for the past few years, having heard many experts speak out on both sides of the issue, I have to agree with Yakonter's comment.

Vaccination I imagine can be helpful, but the facts show that there are many many unintended effects of vaccination. I would recommend you look into the links Yakonter provided, to see the other side of the story. There are many good documentaries on the subject.

Part II


Front line Healthcare workers know the B.S. of vaccinations first hand, 60% do not want to be harmed by these faulty drug products which they've seen first hand cause the outbreaks they're supposed to prevent.


Operating room nurse Pauline Taylor knows her refusal to get a flu shot is based on faulty logic.

But ever since she got sick after getting a shot a few years ago, she's sworn off the vaccine.

"I rarely get sick. The only thing I could narrow it down to is that I had gotten this shot," said Taylor, who works at University Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. "I know that it's not a live virus. It just seemed pretty coincidental."

Such stories frustrate Dr. William Schaffner.

As chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University, he hears that kind of talk frequently and knows it's in part to blame for a surprising statistic — nearly 60 percent of health care workers fail to get a flu shot.

That's despite recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that all health care workers get vaccinated, from hospital volunteers to doctors.

And there's more!


"We don't think that demonizing those who choose not to be vaccinated is an appropriate response," states United Nurses of Alberta president Heather Smith, who also challenges the official view that flu immunizations are effective. Other nursing associations agree. The Ontario Nurses' Association plans to file grievances against hospitals that require them to either become vaccinated or wear a face mask. In the U.S., National Nurses United, the country's largest organization of nurses, cites a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases study that found increased flu vaccination rates didn't lower death rates among the elderly, as is often claimed, or among any other age group either.

Stated National Nurses United president Karen Higgins last year, "nurses, joined by many physician organizations and researchers, reject the notion that vaccination is a fail-safe solution to prevent the spread of the flu virus... there are health reasons why some elect not to be vaccinated. Some vaccine products have been withdrawn, as when Bell's palsy developed for many recipients. It has just been reported that 800 European children contracted narcolepsy, an incurable sleep disorder, after receiving the swine flu vaccine." The notion that the flu vaccine can be both ineffective and harmful, a CDC survey confirms, is common among health care workers.

Financial incentives for medical care workers to vaccinate:


Most doctors do not know anything about the real nature of vaccinations, they're just as brainwashed as the general public and not only that, their financially incentivized to believe and push this garbage on us.


From the beginning doctors are taught only the basic theories about of how vaccines work. They are told vaccines are safe and beneficial, and are directed to follow the ever-expanding vaccination schedules designed for children and adults. The vast majority robotically follow the recommendations, never questioning the safety or effectiveness of the directives.

Most physicians no doubt believe they are contributing to the health of vaccinated individuals and promoting the greater good of society. Few, if any, connect the deterioration of our nation’s health with the bloated vaccination schedule that now injects 40 doses of 16 vaccines into tiny bodies by five years of age. Indeed, more recently trained doctors may look at a truly healthy child as an anomaly. Their only experience has been treating children with diseases that are vaccine-induced but somehow thought to be part of “normal development.” When did doctors start believing that speech delays, sensory-integration disorders, asthma and eczema are normal parts of childhood? Why have doctors – and parents – accepted that attending OT, PT and speech therapy are “normal” parts of growing up?

There are not-so-subtle financial incentives that drive doctors to become vaccine pushers. I have read that pediatricians can earn a significant percentage of their income from vaccination, meaning, vaccines they push vaccines on their patients to keep a positive balance sheet. After all, a medical practice is a business, with sizable expenses such as malpractice insurance, staff salaries and rent. For physicians who are employees of a hospital system, there are fee quotas to meet so they can receive bonuses. Many of the vaccines in the inventory are expensive (for example, Gardasil and MMR) and some have very short expiration dates (i.e., flu shots and Flumist). Purchased vaccines need to be administered for costs to be recouped, and adding a shot, or shots, to a routine office visit generates more revenue. There is little doubt that financial pressures play a role in the thought process of those who push vaccination.

Vaccination Sales and Quotas:


Corporate litigations in the billions stemming from these psychopaths, who're are all known behavioral liars:



You just can't make this stuff up... a nazi eugenicist working at a drug company.


->Nazi chairman

In 1956 Fritz ter Meer became chairman of Bayer's supervisory board. He was convicted at the Nuremberg trials for his part in carrying out experiments on human subjects at Auschwitz. He was found "guilty of count two, plunder and spoliation, and count three, slavery and mass murder" and sentenced to seven years imprisonment and served five years.[23]



Eli Lilly and Company owns the patent on Thiomersal, an extremely cheap mercury preservative additive added to vaccinations, which is still in use to date despite claims by the lying pharmaceutical companies...



I can go on and on and on and on, its so plainly obvious that we've been lied too! That the case against "anti vaxxers" is totally manufactured consent by the government(s) and the psychopathic pharmaceutical corporations.

I am now a research scientist

ok, maybe you can explain what qualifies a guy like (Panic Virus author) Seth Mnookin to be a Science Journalism Professor at MIT. i can't seem to find anything that would qualify him for that position, other than family in high places.


also, please #JoinUs for #OpScience @ #FriendFeed http://friendfeed.com/opscience #OpWeb6 #OpWeb10

Nope. I hope your children have healthy, wonderful lives.

Thank you. Do you have any children?

The man who "debunked" the links between vaccines and autism also happened to "live tweet" the Boston Crime Spree and took a photo of the famous "Boston Naked Man" and pretended that it was someone other than the Boston Marathon Bombing suspect. In other words, he is a paid liar who shouldn't be taken seriously.


Part I, this is my own research, you can self verify my sources if you want and see if any of these dots line up for yourself.

Most people get their information on vaccination from propaganda from corporate, government subsidized mainstream media sites, you've been lied to pretty hard and here's why, I'll try to explain it as expediently as I can, and there's a tons of info on vaccination production which I don't think you or anyone else outside of this subreddit, is fully aware off, to the excruciating detriment of us all.

Did you know, that the U.S. created Vaccinations Courts, and a Vaccination Fund which can easily deflect lawsuits aimed at the Big Five Pharmaceutical Corporations. Not only that, in this government created, corporate influenced court, the United States Department of Health and Human Services or HHS for short can decide, a government apparatus, can decide what the cause of harm is to your person, instead of a normal court of law. This all flies in the face of the fact that the rates of Autism have exploded since 2000 where 1 in 150 U.S. children had autism to now there being 1 in 68 children with Autism as off 2013. In Canada for boys its worse!, 1 in 42 boys will contract Autism this year, though for girls 1 in 189 will develop Autism as of 2014!

There have been already cases which have obviously shown, by lawyers and doctors of victims that vaccination induced encephalopathy (brain disease) lead directly to Autism. Not only has this been clearly shown in a court of law, where HHS, a government body openly decided against damning evidence of medical professionals which clearly showed the direct link between vaccination and autism. They have repeatedly in every case said that vaccination do not cause Autism, only in this corporate judicial system is this nightmare possible.

What motivation does big pharmaceutical have for making shoddy drugs and selling it to the public? Merck alone earns more then 1.5 billion dollars from child vaccinations, the other four each receive over a billion from the government. Not only are they shielded by the vaccination courts, the government also shields and buries cases which clearly have seen a direct causal link between vaccinations and Autism.

People love to say stupid uninformed things like, vaccinations are solid science, or why would scientists and doctors kill us with totally defective pharmaceutical products? Vaccine drugs not even effective in preventing outbreaks, but are the actual sources of current day outbreaks themselves. Fact, vaccinations last only a few years, actual viral infection and normal body white cell response creates a life time of immunity from the virus itself. Fact, most doctors receive financial incentives from big pharmaceuticals to immunize your children with a full bombardment of drugs(vaccinations), often at birth or in the first critical months of their lives. Some people for some reason think Doctors and Scientists are morally superior beings, that is one of the greatest perceptual fallacies in North America. These people operate with the naive and blind trust of the public when in fact they're just human beings out to make a quick buck. Do these people care enough to actually research vaccination development? Probably not, arm chair citizen researchers know more about it then doctors because they've actually done the research themselves. It should be obviously noted that doctors are not gods, the medical sphere is massive, specialization takes years in one specific study. Their knowledge and understanding of other medical fields is particularly acute and limited, it's not such a stupid idea that an internet researcher could know far more about drug vaccinations then a medical family physician, lest we forget these people are financially incentivized to pump you and your kids full of drugs.

Here's the other kicker, vaccination production, vaccinations aren't made in just chicken eggs, they've made from cows and monkeys as well. So what, farm animals, what's the problem there? Bayer made a batch of vaccinations from HIV infected monkey's and sold it in the North American market, when it was discovered the FDA and the U.S. federal government allowed Bayer to sell the HIV laden drugs to other countries, countries in Europe, Asia and in Aids ridden Africa so that they could turn a back a profit on it. Why did they use HIV monkeys? because these African monkeys where cheaper to purchase then monkeys from other countries. Not only that not one person in Bayer was held legally responsible for this in the United States, yet in every other country they sold it in, their executives where hunted in the individual countries judicial system. Here's the other problem, we cannot filter out the dna of these animals from which we create vaccinations, this means viral contaminates like HIV, madcow(prions), antibiotic super viruses can spread from animal to vaccine to human.

Side note on antibiotic super viruses/bacteria: Pigs, chickens and cows are all given hormone boosters to quicken the development of muscle mass and milk production. Bovine growth hormone has already been shown to be dangerous to humans who even eat or drink cow byproduct of any kind as the U.S. is the only G7 member to allow it for commercial use in the development of food product. Animals are also given huge amounts of antibiotics to keep them healthy in super crowded, massive animal farms, like a gaint petri dish where if even one animal with a sickness develops antibiotic resistance, it spreads quite a bit the group. Some of these animals are diverted and sold to vaccination development. The other fun fact is that eggs are one of the primary carriers of salmonella food poisoning, again since vaccine developers have admitted to being unable to remove viruses or bacteria, this crap can still get into pharmaceutical drugs.

This concludes Part I

You should make a separate post of this, if you haven't already.

I might try, I'm super time crunched at the moment though... though I'll see if I can compile a word doc for release!

Understood. A quick way to do that, when you find the time: Click 'source' below your comment, select and copy the contents, then click the 'Submit New Post' button on the upper right portion of your screen & paste the contents into your submission. You could either paste each part of your research into one post, or separately in multiple parts as you did with the comments, whichever you prefer. You may also want to consider cross-posting the same to /r/Conspiracyv2 (if you need an invite, let me know) and/or to /r/ConspiracyX.

Interesting, I'll check it out, thank you for the info, I'll likely have to format a word document in chunks to post all the info into a singular thread, I can't fit everything into one page, so I'll definitely have to format things.

Edit:1 Curious, why is there a gated conspiracy subreddit and another conspiracy subreddit?

Interesting, I'll check it out, thank you for the info, I'll likely have to format a word document in chunks to post all the info into a singular thread, I can't fit everything into one page, so I'll definitely have to format things.

That would be appreciated.

Edit:1 Curious, why is there a gated conspiracy subreddit and another conspiracy subreddit?

The first was made to keep the sub private, relegated solely to those who are genuinely interested in researching and discussing conspiracies without harassment or ridicule. The other being yet another iteration of /r/conspiracy (such as /r/altcon, /r/trueconspiracy & /r/conspiracynorules), with its own given set of rules and content.

Okay, I kind of had the same idea as you explained but wasn't sure.

Privacy subreddit makes sense, its quite distracting to see trolls or people who're there but unwilling to read or educate themselves in the forum, only to bicker endlessly with others there.


this place sure is rife with all this anti-vaccine talk

it is a conspiracy sub, where else are you free to challenge status quo?

On his deathbed, Pasteur admitted that Bernard was right, and that he, Pasteur was wrong.

Part II


Front line Healthcare workers know the B.S. of vaccinations first hand, 60% do not want to be harmed by these faulty drug products which they've seen first hand cause the outbreaks they're supposed to prevent.


Operating room nurse Pauline Taylor knows her refusal to get a flu shot is based on faulty logic.

But ever since she got sick after getting a shot a few years ago, she's sworn off the vaccine.

"I rarely get sick. The only thing I could narrow it down to is that I had gotten this shot," said Taylor, who works at University Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. "I know that it's not a live virus. It just seemed pretty coincidental."

Such stories frustrate Dr. William Schaffner.

As chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University, he hears that kind of talk frequently and knows it's in part to blame for a surprising statistic — nearly 60 percent of health care workers fail to get a flu shot.

That's despite recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that all health care workers get vaccinated, from hospital volunteers to doctors.

And there's more!


"We don't think that demonizing those who choose not to be vaccinated is an appropriate response," states United Nurses of Alberta president Heather Smith, who also challenges the official view that flu immunizations are effective. Other nursing associations agree. The Ontario Nurses' Association plans to file grievances against hospitals that require them to either become vaccinated or wear a face mask. In the U.S., National Nurses United, the country's largest organization of nurses, cites a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases study that found increased flu vaccination rates didn't lower death rates among the elderly, as is often claimed, or among any other age group either.

Stated National Nurses United president Karen Higgins last year, "nurses, joined by many physician organizations and researchers, reject the notion that vaccination is a fail-safe solution to prevent the spread of the flu virus... there are health reasons why some elect not to be vaccinated. Some vaccine products have been withdrawn, as when Bell's palsy developed for many recipients. It has just been reported that 800 European children contracted narcolepsy, an incurable sleep disorder, after receiving the swine flu vaccine." The notion that the flu vaccine can be both ineffective and harmful, a CDC survey confirms, is common among health care workers.

Financial incentives for medical care workers to vaccinate:


Most doctors do not know anything about the real nature of vaccinations, they're just as brainwashed as the general public and not only that, their financially incentivized to believe and push this garbage on us.


From the beginning doctors are taught only the basic theories about of how vaccines work. They are told vaccines are safe and beneficial, and are directed to follow the ever-expanding vaccination schedules designed for children and adults. The vast majority robotically follow the recommendations, never questioning the safety or effectiveness of the directives.

Most physicians no doubt believe they are contributing to the health of vaccinated individuals and promoting the greater good of society. Few, if any, connect the deterioration of our nation’s health with the bloated vaccination schedule that now injects 40 doses of 16 vaccines into tiny bodies by five years of age. Indeed, more recently trained doctors may look at a truly healthy child as an anomaly. Their only experience has been treating children with diseases that are vaccine-induced but somehow thought to be part of “normal development.” When did doctors start believing that speech delays, sensory-integration disorders, asthma and eczema are normal parts of childhood? Why have doctors – and parents – accepted that attending OT, PT and speech therapy are “normal” parts of growing up?

There are not-so-subtle financial incentives that drive doctors to become vaccine pushers. I have read that pediatricians can earn a significant percentage of their income from vaccination, meaning, vaccines they push vaccines on their patients to keep a positive balance sheet. After all, a medical practice is a business, with sizable expenses such as malpractice insurance, staff salaries and rent. For physicians who are employees of a hospital system, there are fee quotas to meet so they can receive bonuses. Many of the vaccines in the inventory are expensive (for example, Gardasil and MMR) and some have very short expiration dates (i.e., flu shots and Flumist). Purchased vaccines need to be administered for costs to be recouped, and adding a shot, or shots, to a routine office visit generates more revenue. There is little doubt that financial pressures play a role in the thought process of those who push vaccination.

Vaccination Sales and Quotas:


Corporate litigations in the billions stemming from these psychopaths, who're are all known behavioral liars:



You just can't make this stuff up... a nazi eugenicist working at a drug company.


->Nazi chairman

In 1956 Fritz ter Meer became chairman of Bayer's supervisory board. He was convicted at the Nuremberg trials for his part in carrying out experiments on human subjects at Auschwitz. He was found "guilty of count two, plunder and spoliation, and count three, slavery and mass murder" and sentenced to seven years imprisonment and served five years.[23]



Eli Lilly and Company owns the patent on Thiomersal, an extremely cheap mercury preservative additive added to vaccinations, which is still in use to date despite claims by the lying pharmaceutical companies...



I can go on and on and on and on, its so plainly obvious that we've been lied too! That the case against "anti vaxxers" is totally manufactured consent by the government(s) and the psychopathic pharmaceutical corporations.

I honestly think some of it can be attributed to the larger elite push to ridicule and marginalize discussion of real issues affecting our world. This is being done through many media platforms-- and I think that, possibly, people are being employed on the ground level to spread the message that what we think about in an environment like this subreddit is not worth pursuing and does not have value.

The correct answer is because posts like this are hilarious.

When there is obvious false flag terrorism like the boston marathon bombing, and trolls show up to put down any kind of skepticism, inquiry, questions, conversations, etc, it is reasonable to guess that these trolls are working along side the false flag terrorists, and therefore should be arrested and prosecuted like other terrorists? More at http://friendfeed.com/search?q=BostonTrolls #BostonTrolls

How so?

i agree with you but in all fairness there are subs like /r/ShitRedditSays and the such that take on a similar responsibility just with a broader net if you will. I think its mostly just people who have different opinions and the "fuck anyone who thinks otherwise" mentality. i know there are "shills" on reddit, all forms of internet action have become corporatized in some respect, but i don't think there are legions of hired people to just shoot down ideas.

i don't think there are legions of hired people to just shoot down ideas.

JTRIG and JIDF are well-documented things.

i understand that but i doubt they focus their entire energy on /r/conspiracy you know what i'm saying? maybe a few of them are but i have feeling the majority is just regular people who like to ruffle feathers

edit: i would also like to point out we here are quick to rise and defend our arguments, i am like this as well (my gf calls it aggressively opinionated), this is what makes us great We have passion and want to see the world change for the better, but at the same time it makes us easy targets to get a rise out of.

Oh, I gotcha now. It seems like any relatively large subs that do not toe the liberal, left-leaning, progressive line (which is easily reddit's primary demo) inevitably get their own groupie subs.

I agree with your edit, too.

If you had billions of dollars to lose in the way the current system works it would work only make sense to spend a small fraction of it to maintain the illusion and drown out the skeptics by hiring some people to do exactly this.

You could even write software that would let you work very efficiently (handling multiple identities, finding the relevant threads, giving you answer templates). So you wouldn't even need "legions" of people.

they do hire english speaking peoples from outside the US, prob to do with the Hatch act.

UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, NZ etc.

public officials not legally allowed to do 'politics' during their day job.

Didn't someone post a console pic of software used by a JIDF worker awhile back? It was pretty extensive...like RES on steroids.

Edit: This post is from 4 years ago, so I imagine things are a lot better now: https://pay.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ar88j/shills_on_rconspiracy_you_say_heres_some_real/ The console I was referring to, someone posted a year or less ago.

I dont think there are legions of hired people just to shoot down ideas

Really, what do you suppose happened on this thread? Is that a /r/conspiratard link I see posted by a bot?


If you are talking about the totes meta bot that thing is all over reddit and just shows where the same link has been posted multiple times....so it was posted in /r/Iowa and /r/conspiratard

unless they felt threatened by those ideas?

They do. Some professionally, others are genuinely scared and when one puts forth an idea that contradicts their narrative they lose their shit. This is common for the average citizen because they have a self-serving life narrative and who are you to tell them they are wrong?

Some get off on bullying, others truly believe that when the word conspiracy comes out anything after it means bullshit is to follow.

Or a mixture of any of those attitudes can make up those who come here to only ridicule and shame.

Quite interesting.

Actually there are quite a few.

/r/childfree LOVES to take the piss out of /r/Parenting

In fact, I would state that there is a high degree of accuracy in the statement "for every subreddit, there exists an opposite subreddit."

But to answer your question: because its dangerous. It is dangerous to think differently, especially in a society that is ever so encroaching on the abilities of those that are able to entertain a thought without believing it as true. Those that can use critical thinking skills well enough to see the forest for the trees are a threat to status quo - and as such, need to be belittled and marginalized until herd mentality is back and normalcy returned.

its a conundrum, they claim to hate conspiracy and the people who talk it.

yet they come back again and again under same and different names.


Thats good comedy!

There are a lot of people who are mentally retarded, and a lot of content is created for their consumption. (Control+f Chicago)


Not to be rude, but I want to make sure that you understand he is talking about you.

This gets my vote.

Seriously though...

/r/conspiracy[2] is the only sub I know of that has a separate dedicated sub that exists only to mock it,

There are a lot (writing alot for the a lot bot dingus)Its this type of thing that brings us out of the woodwork.

General statement not based in fact.

TRP has TBP. Atheism subs go after theistic subs and vice versa. Just 2 off the top of my head. If I spent anytime researching this, I am sure I would find a lot of them.

It is in fact the nature of the internet.

Let the downvotes ensue. I am not a shill.( or am I)

For a good history of r/conspiratard & it's creator/mods, see /r/NoLibsWatch, but as for the users that actually come here to ridicule us, & if they are legitimate r/conspiratard users & not sockpuppets/JTRIG, well I've seen a few excuses for why they do it.

They sometimes claim that they "work with conspirat*rds" & use r/conspiratard to vent, which to me is essentially cyber-bullying of people whose beliefs they dislike, because coworkers stress them out for believing differently.

Another excuse is that "conspiracy theorists hold society back" which is honestly such a fucked up thing to say they count on there being no response due to the asininity of the proposition.

Lastly it's that they are either Israeli firsters/nationalists, or just think that Israel represents Jewish people worldwide, & therefore any criticisms of Israel is antisemitic despite Israels behavior, & not because people can freely oppose war, oppression & Zionism.

Why would anybody spend their time trying to knock down ideas unless they felt threatened by those ideas?

Head, meet nail.

Some of the shills are issue-specific. There are lots of them who come out of the woodwork on Sandy Hook threads - which is coincidentally a conspiracy which clearly involves quite a number of people (who may be quite nervous about their scam being revealed).

Do you find it curious that no one from any side seems to be pushing the State to obtain Lanza's medical records and autopsy results? He's dead, why should they be kept quiet? No one seems the least bit curious about it. Even the warrants they did release had redacted spots that no one questioned. I guess because instead of black lines, they put blank spots. Ugh.

In the threads, you see two opposing factions: "don't even talk about it, shut up, kids died, have some respect" and "nothing happened, no one died, it's an elaborate hoax with crisis actors" but no middle ground or anyone actually trying to get the State to release real information about what caused this. You'd think that releasing information would be of utmost importance to at least the hoax-theory pushers. Or gun proponents. Or gun opponents. Or the community itself. The entire case is filled-to-the-brim with FUD.

Lanza's medical records

most likely none to recover, as Adam became Ryan at age 16.

the police scanner records have cops describing 18 kids and one teacher dead in the school kitchen, that version of the story never made it to the official one.

The authorities are stonewalling on releasing any information about Lanza or the children, because they don't have any information!

The media have run this show, and they are prepared to make anything up, but the authorities (eg the Connecticut State Attorney) are drawing the line at fabricating death certificates.

Adam was always a troubled kid and was interested in Japanese techno music


This is meme worthy.

I think its funny how people blindly believe the government and reported news which they think is perfectly OK. The same goes for any major corporation that wants your children to sit in front of a TV.


Left field comment!

Name calling is a perfect example of a disinformation comment. Nice try!

5 points out of 10.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Message me here. I don't read PMs!

I think I will start posting constantly in reddits I have no belief whatsoever in. Seems strange to do that.

Another poster here said this a while back and I got a laugh, "It's like how I spend a couple hours each day telling the people at /r/bigfoot that they're all retarded."

A lot of what you see from that crowd is a violent reaction to ideas that make them uncomfortable. It's basically cognitive dissonance given a home, complete with a peer group to pat you on the ass when you keep the evil spectre of uncomfortable questions and viewpoints away from their fragile worldview.

That being said a bunch of dumb stuff does get posted here, but the best and most logical solution is to ignore it or downvote it if you so wish.


Please give 3 examples in the last 10 years of things that you felt were "legitimate" conspiracy theories. Something tells me you have an uncanny ability to swallow propaganda hook, line and sinker.

I lurk on this subreddit even though I think almost all of the theories are not true. I think it's important to have other view points on my news feed to contrast the rest of news I get from reddit. Even if reading the post makes me instantly think about how bs it is, at least I thought about it.

The blood splatter on his pants didnt wash itself off.


Hey what does BPD stand for on his coat? Why would BPD allow him to carry her into the street instead of rendering aid?

Rep Steve Lynch had to step up and cover-up a lie about him running the Boston Marathon


Hey what does BPD stand for on his coat?


Boston Fire Department.

As far as being the only sub with a "dedicated sub that exists only to mock it" I can't recall the exact name of the sub, but their was an anti-Ron Paul sub that existed for the sole purpose of mocking /r/ronpaul

Disinfo. Deluded ideologues. Silly people who simply know no better.

I can now identify when a person believes their own bullshit.

None of it works on me.

Haters in the sub? Whatever.

Do you want the real answer? Not the 'they're threatened, ideas are dangerous, they're shills' circlejerk answers. At least, my real answer.

The real answer is that I was a person who grew up believing many conspiracy theories, and it wasn't until I was in my late twenties that I really realized how and why they were wrong, I made an idiot out of myself many times. I lost friends who tried to argue with me. I would help others avoid my fate.

I don't ridicule however. I argue to help expose the truth, and often just get downvoted or called a shill/ disruptor of topics.

The sub has lost its appeal. At its best, there is an unsolved mystery being discussed, and people take artfully attempts to theorize explanations. They also pour over details and find eerie coincidences and things that don't make sense.

At its worst, it is attacked by political "news" sites.

I guess, just because I'm interested in some conspiracies doesn't mean I believe in the same ones as you. They may be here for the content, but still feel certain ideas are idiotic

But then they would say so in their posts. " I believe in some conspiracy theories but this one is ludicrous because XYZ, here is a reason your theory has been disproven...etc"

The ones OP means are generalising and usually calling names to absolutely everyone. "Dunno why I am still on here, all you tinfoil hats, this sub sucks, you are all morons...."

See the difference?

Great point OP. I often thought about this. There are people that live to bash this sub. I think part of it is ironically a conspiracy of people, companies and government agencies trying to keep a lid on us - yes, I said conspiracy.

I really don't understand it...there are SOME ridiculous articles but half the time I see a news-type headline I think "is it conspiracy or worldnews?".

not only that,they seem to do a lot of research for someone who claims to not like conspiracies.

Is like saying I hate baseball and be posting on /r/baseball commenting every play.

From what I know /r/conspiratard is there to mock the most ridiculous of the conspiracy theories and point out racism. Yes I do go there from time to time. Yes they take it too far fairly often but then again...so does this sub. Oops I might get banned for telling the truf.

People are capable of believing in some conspiracies, yet not all; the truth is largely irrelevant.

Someone who believes vaccines effective could be concerned about GMO, someone who believes in the moon landing could have doubts about sandy hook theories.

I'd like to plug my new circle-jerk-ish subreddit /r/conspiracycrossfire: a place to gripe about the type of hype some members work themselves into on this and our ever-so-friendly sister-sub /r/conspiratard.

Please, come and enjoy a false feeling of intellectual superiority to both groups by helping contribute to my fledgling sub!

For the same reason I hang around creationist forums; I perceive it serves as a breeding ground for fringe ideologies that, if widely adopted, will have negative repercussions for society.

If /r/planes had a significant user base trying to claim planes work because gravity isn't real, I'd be there too.

Do you believe that WTC owner Larry Silverstein watched WTC7 collapse in a manner indistinguishable from a controlled demolotion because the building was weakened by fire?

Talk about negative repercussions on society! Our kids are slipping in math and science but the adults dont care because they are illiterate themselves

"Dont worry about that math test, son, I was never very good at math either"

Except it didn't fall in a manner indistinguishable from a controlled demolition; it took about ~40% longer than free fall.

I'm an applied mathematician, so I really don't know what you're getting at toward the end there.

I'm an applied mathematician

really? bet you can't solve this one: http://friendfeed.com/groups/search?q=Cicada3301 #Cicada3301

also, please #JoinUs for #OpMath @ #FriendFeed http://friendfeed.com/opmath

Your premise is full of fallacies, making it difficult to answer.

  1. People don't hate and ridicule "all the common topics" discussed here. You are making a broad generalization that you can't back up with fact. Using "all" is a common tactic of someone unwilling to look at the issue in detail. People have differing opinions on multiple subjects. I agree with posts here, and disagree with others. That is the common state for members of this subreddit. You saying "all" is a clear attempt to limit discussion of the real issue.

  2. This subreddit makes the effort to attack/challenge many different areas of people's lives, unlike /r/planes. The comparison makes no sense. This subreddit is here to create controversy. It makes no sense to be surprised that is does what it is designed to do.

  3. That other subreddit doesn't exist just to mock this subreddit. Based on your claim, I went over there for the second time ever. There are only a few submissions referencing this subreddit. So, again, you are making an assertion not based on fact. A fallacious appeal.

Why would anyone spend their time knocking down ideas? That is what this subreddit does all day, every day. The real question is why are you so upset that people might have an opinion that differs from yours?

this reddit is here to create controversy

That sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory. Do you have links to any credible sources that can help collaborate your wild-eyed allegations?

Also, if I claim that your silly ideas have been debunked a thousand times, that means they have actually been debunked, right? Thats how debunking works?

Maybe cause some of us are fed up with kooks in the movement

Why can't we just do real work - like the left and the right does

Its always a competition for who can come up with the wackiest idea or theory.

Fact get shot down as the get in the way of this.

C-theorists love the free market in ideas way more than they love at getting the truth.

As for me all i want is truth

I think you need to define your use of "we" in your first sentence. You're painting with broad strokes.

You may be ready for /r/actualconspiracies

/r/conspiracycrossfire would love to hear your complaints!

Then I address the next point they raise.

If they don't raise any further points, then there's nothing more to say.