Was George W. Bush Grandfather: Aleister Crowley?

48  2014-05-06 by [deleted]

the rumor: that Barbara Bush's real father is Aleister Crowley, infamous satanist, she does look like him (same nose)

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJGlxCLqGxM

excuse wall of text, but let me tell u something: truth is being revealed, slowly, but surely, can u feel it? 'the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they turn' i had read that this century will be the time of 'revelation' i.e., truth exposed, not biblical (at least i hope not)


"...Aleister Crowley was so wicked in fact that Mussolini kicked him out of Italy when a young man in his care committed suicide in a particularly atrocious manner. Without any money, Crowley went to Paris where he was put up by a man named Frank Harris and his female partner at the time Nellie O’Hare. O’Hare had a friend, Pauline Pierce, a mother of two from the United States and something of a bohemian. O’Hare, Pierce, Frank Harris and Aleister Crowley all lived in the same home in Paris at precisely the same time.

During Crowley’s stay at the Harris household he was working to complete a higher degree of evil by performing rituals which would make him eligible to receive a new grade in the occult order he helped found: the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). In order to achieve this new grade of “Ipsissimus” Crowley was to complete a very specific magical ritual that he referred to as the “Supreme Ordeal.”

He was, with some assistance, supposed to exhaust himself sexually until he entered a state of waking sleep, at which time he would end the ceremonies with a marathon-bout of coitus. It is speculated by many that Harris, O’Hare and Pauline Pierce were his partners in this ceremony.

Harris was no stranger to sex – he had written extensively about his various sexual encounters and the majority of Harris’s written work concerned his active sex life, which was the fashion for writers living on the continent in those inter-war years.

In fact it was during this time that Crowley began to rub elbows with some of the literary avant-garde of the time, including Henry Miller, Ernest Hemingway and others. If nothing else, this is at least a scandalous place for a married mother of two to be spending her holiday, even if she had nothing to do with any magical Satanic rituals. (i put in italics)

Pauline Pierce returned to the United States in October of 1924 and eight months later, in June of 1925 she gave birth to one Barbara Pierce, who would go on to marry a young politician and soon-to-be CIA director named George Herbert Walker Bush."


Crowley wasn't a satanist...gotta get your cults correct first.


many things, OTO and thelemist and general man of the occult. Satanist are mainly just DND nerds with no real guidance.....satanism is kind of a joke.

Going to Google would be faster and easier than asking…………….

"great minds think alike": i saw it too ~ : )

Here is a picture of Crowley, Bush, and her alleged father: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread333028/pg5

Why was Bob Hope wearing a wig?

First I heard of this about his maternal grandfather. But it doesn't take much of a search to find that his paternal grandfather, Prescott Bush, continued contributing to the Nazis after WWII and ran an oil company using slave labor from Auschwitz.

Funny that you posted this exactly as I was watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax6P_TI2Gmg

No, this was just Joseph Cannons [unsourced] April Fools prank from 2006. If you search the internet, you won't find an older source. Uncritical fools have picked up that story and now think that this story is true.


In the early 40s, aleister Crowley had two mentees in cali who collaberated on an thelematic invokation ritual, called babalon working, to conjure the scarlet woman. A woman came between then and one was robbed by the other of his life saving before being killed in a laboratory explosion years later.

The one who died was jack parsons, founder of the jet propulsion laboratory at pasadena. After being routed from his position due to being a suspected communist under mcarthyism- he went to work for israel's new rocket program.

Jack parson's ritual magik partner went on to start his own religion- scientology.


That is his grandfather

Nope. If you want to know his origins then simply look into it. Not to mention, Crowley was despised by the Grand Lodge of Masonry (Which I firmly believe was the reason for all his negative press) because he was revealing secrets in his writings. This is why Crowley had to go to Mexico to learn about Masonry and complete all the degree's (Which he did with a remarkable speed).

Uh, what?

" Uh, What? "..Here's an idea, rebut my comment with facts instead of posting a weak response intended to discredit those with knowledge so that it cannot be dispersed to those seeking it. If you are a pawn, you're not very good at it.

Because I said uh, what, I must be a pawn. Get the fuck out of here you nut. Maybe it's because I didn't understand what you were posting.

Your offensive response only further demonstrates to the rest of this board (who are intelligent enough to know) that your childish banter is the poorest response for the man with no argument.

I had no argument idiot. I said "Uh, what?" Because I didn't understand what the hell you were talking about. After all you had no sources.

I will no longer respond to remarks that are completely meaningless.

Was reading a book on the bushes which surprised me when it said barbara had been estranged from her mother and didnt even go to her own mother's funeral.

Crowley wasn't a Satanist, he was an Occultist.

Yes he is.

This is one of my favorite conspiracys!!! It makes so much sense in so many ways....


Mr. Crowley - do what you want as long as it harms no one else

Bush family fuckshits - money, kill, money

True or not, it's funny.

Uh, what?