Fuck the Mods I know how this works.

46  2014-05-08 by [deleted]


They leave this thread open long enough to get everyone who is gonna comment on it to comment. THEN they delete it knowing if it comes back into the front page the comment section will be shit cause all the good conversations already happened.


Funny how the "jews have to register" bs article a few weeks ago didn't get any of this mod flair...

Very Misleading Title | Title Not From Article

I spent a good portion of today in here and I have to say, this place is infested with the very people we are rallying against from my observations. Oh, that is from r/news. You're hanging out in the wrong sub if you're looking for honest discussion OP.

I was talking about /r/news and the flair they gave that story

But yeah, i also agree that this place is overrun, has been for awhile. And it's admin supported.

/r/news is run by transexual Filipino ladyboys who love Zionist mass murderers more than news and honest or fair opinion.

give /r/USANews a shot.

Ive dated trans girls before, no need to give them a bad name :(

Stop right there

/r/USANews run by Conspiritard the same as /r/news? I don't think so.

It is a much more worthy task to 'evangelize the heathen' so to speak than to 'preach to the choir'.

I went to the article in question yesterday and engaged them and beat their counter arguments just before the deletion.

I gave them the old what, when where, compare links I've posted here a couple of times and a reply asked me 'What about the picture of Tsarnaev dropping the bomb next to the kid that died?' along with this link.


I told him that the picture showed Tsarnaev passing by, not dropping anything and that the black and white object in the picture could not be identified as the bomb along with these images .

"If the bag doesn't match, your case is down the hatch."



The vote turned in my favor and the article was removed.

Naturally. God forbid anyone use ancient relics like facts and logic.

The point I took home was that in the face of so much proof against their Tsarnaev conspiracy theory they decided to let Tsarnaev go on a technicality (instead of allowing potential proof of innocence in court and thus the proof of a false flag operation) and then tell the gullible public that "See you can't prosecute terrorists in the U.S . court system".

Wait, what? They let him go???

The article and several others were about that possibility.

Check the comment section from that R/news article, its good stuff. A lot of common ground and people talking civil.

It was a misleading title. No surprise it was removed.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

Respect the rules of reddit: don't vote or comment on linked threads. Questions? Message me here.

misleading title

Well yeah. They have to protect the status quo of "off with his head".

Mod are gods... if you feel powerless next to them, it's because you are.

Reddit isn't perfect, but it ain't bad. I feel chill about it all now, but I get pissed everytime a mod deletes my shit or my account gets shadowbanned.

I like to think that people who get banned and deleted by mods frequently are the cool kids. But maybe I'm just fucked out. I say with some level of seriousness that the goal of going out to bars/clubs drinking is to get kicked out. Or maybe that's just what I tell myself to justify my actions after the fact.

Stop right there