Obama Backs Away From Net Neutrality Campaign Promises After FCC Vote

75  2014-05-16 by [deleted]

Link to the article.

This sums up how I feel about Obama. Just more proof that the gov't that the public hears from is bought and paid for and controlled by subversive entities.

Barack Obama was crystal clear during the 2008 campaign about his commitment to ensuring equal treatment of all online content over American broadband lines. “I will take a backseat to no one in my commitment to network neutrality,” Obama told a crowd at Google in 2008. “Because once providers start to privilege some applications or websites over others then the smaller voices get squeezed out and we all lose.”

What a crock of shit.


Ummm, we've known Obama is a crock of shit for years now. He's "the man's" man.

All control, all resources, all power is now in the hands of the .001%... they've successfully destroyed democracy and taken control of the country.

As time goes on it will get more and more evident to average citizens as they start implementing things that affect their day to day lives. Slower web pages will be the least of everyone's problems.

It really just goes to show how far ahead in thinking and strategy the true rulers and oligarchs of this country are in their skill and understanding of the voting population.

Obama was always an insider but shallow marketing and lack of deeper curiosity from his base of voters (who can't see anything more than R/D) convinced tens of millions of people that he was different, that things were going to radically change. It was well into his second term when I've seen supporters actively saying they regret voting for him.

It's amazing to me because Obama was basically elevated and put into presidential office by unseen and unpublicized forces. He was a freshmen Senator, albeit charismatic and well spoken (as long as he has a teleprompter). The powers that be knew he would be seen as a unique product, an intelligent, successful black man. Surely he won't do what the typical evil white politicians will do! He's so much better than Bush! (despite continuing, defending and expanding many of Bush's policies)

And here we are, Obama is the same as Bush on so many different things. We have had a Bush or Clinton involved in every election for the last three decades.

We're being duped, time and time again. But there are so many people who are not savvy to this deception and continue to play the us versus them sports mentality game the powers that be want them to play. Ignore boring domestic and foreign politics and economics all you need to know is whether they have an R or D next to their name!

The toughest thing for people to see is that the game was lost a long time ago. We don't have a democracy anymore, we have a plutocracy (one that is morphing into a global plutocracy). Corporations and dirty politicians rule everything at this point... and once you get that stranglehold it becomes almost impossible to reverse things (which is why countries fall into violent revolutions).

The only question is whether people will revolt or simply accept that their future is one of servitude. You would think that the would revolt... but you look around the world and there are billions of people who live in poverty and never unite against the ones keeping them in poverty.

I suspect the same will be the case here. If the people haven't woken up yet after everything that has gone on, they never will.

Uncle Tom

Shills will tell you that Obama means well, but unfortunately is powerless to stop the Republicans. In every case.

Shills are too stupid to understand why that is obvious bullshit.

The whole machine is broken, it isn't just one part.

they just read the soundbites, quote the debunk sites and follow the flowchart.


Even after the Democrats have taken over Congress and the Executive, they will still blame everything on the Republicans.

Just as a general practice, I find it helpful whenever Obama says anything, to assume the opposite to be true. I mean this policy works for most politicians, however it seems the president is completely incapable of speaking the truth about anything... except for occasions like the correspondent's dinner, where he lampooned his mistakes in office, anyone have any examples that might prove me wrong?

Literally, take what he says turn it upside-down to hear the truth.

Magicians call this slight of hand or something close to that. Basically saying one thing and doing the complete opposite.

Umm... name a "promise", campaign or otherwise, that he's kept...

What, no executive order for the net? Damn it, had the internet entered this country illegally though...

Obama is a constitutional lawyer, couldn't have picked a better suited man to kill it.

What's this got to do with constitutional law?

What nobody here is saying:

The FCC vote was a party line vote, 3-2. Three Republicans voted against 2 Democrats. The Republicans are anti-Net Neutrality.

The Question: Why is Obama going with the Republicans? Because "all parties are the same"? Or because Obama is a Republican mole, and has been, all along?

Or because Obama is a Republican mole

Yup, the Republicans are pure evil and the heavenly Democrats got tricked by a black double agent.

I'm rolling my eyes are hard as I can.

Who voted against Net Neutrality? Are you denying that the Republicans are against it, and the Democrats voted for it?

Nixon was to the LEFT of Obama on every single issue except gay marriage. Keep rolling your eyes ... to the right. Because "they're all the same" as we keep moving to the right-wing.

Both parties are one in the same. Absolutely. There really is no question about it.

Captain Doublespeak