There are many who claim that the atomic bomb explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 alerted Earth's ET "watchers" and "protectors" that our technological advancement had exceeded our spiritual advancement and so they determined that the Earth was on a collision course with disaster...

13  2014-05-26 by SatyapriyaCC

They claim that these beings chose to break the 'non-interference with developing civilizations' rule to a certain degree in order to save Earth and assist with its ascension. How do you feel about this notion?


If I understand the concept, it wasn't the explosion as much as the explosion caused the Earth to ring like a bell. This sent out a wave that not only alerted other intelligent entities, but was able to tell them exactly where we are. It's sort of like seeing a ripple in water and using math to determine where the ripple originated from.

When they came here, which is believed to be about 1947 (two-years after atomic testing), they simply wanted to see what was happening, so they sent only a handful of ships. It's believed by some that what occurred then was the American military targeted these ships with a type of radar in an attempt to determine what it was, only to discover (by accident) that this radar caused the ships to loose control and crash.

So, the military decided to crank up the juice and bring as many of them down as possible. Through this, the military scored some advanced tech that they've been working on and reverse engineering in secret. It is also thought that there was a survivor from the crash, and when this survivor was interrogated it mostly spoke only on spiritual matters. What exactly these matters were is up to speculation, but whatever it was it must have been rather profound (or terrifying) as the alien was believed to be lying about everything.

It is also believed by some that even after all this, the aliens actually contacted our leaders and offered to help us in our spiritual growth, but we would first need to dismantle all nuclear weapons. We responded by firing at them.

This all is tied together by a conspiracy theory that our governments will use the advanced technology stolen from the aliens to stage a false flag attack to be blamed on the aliens to make sure that we stay under their control and not learn whatever spiritual secrets the aliens want to teach us.

It is also thought that there was a survivor from the crash, and when this survivor was interrogated it mostly spoke only on spiritual matters.

Fascinating. Do you happen to know of any reading on this particular part of the controversey?

There are several names in the ufology circle that speak of this. Most mention that the alien refused to answer anything and instead spoke to us of spiritual matters, but they don't go into what matters exactly.

There was a book released in the last...5-years (I think), that is allegedly the personal notes of the person that conducted the interview. Someone took the time to turn the book into an audio recording and post it on youtube. It's a rather entertaining piece.

The book claims that the alien tells us that we're living on a prison planet. That all religions are fake, and serve to trick us into "accepting the light", where it will erase our memory and stick us into another body.

It goes on to say that the original aliens that did this to us are now gone, but the system is still in place. As such, Earth has become a sort of universal dumping ground, which is where we're getting all these sociopaths. It does make sure to mention that most of us are actually pretty awesome, but we were condemned here by the old system because we fought against them, due to their fascist regime.

An interesting note; this story actually goes along with the Hopi Indian belief of our beginning.

Very cool thanks. I'll check out the youtube link when I get a chance.

No worries. The prison planet concept is starting to pick up steam ,at least, I seem to hear about it more and more. Recently a guy in England named Simon Parkes (he's got a few youtube vids) came forward and claims to have been in contact with aliens, and they told him the same thing; we're a prison planet and we're known as a prison planet. Earth, to other aliens, is considered the absolute worst place to be.

Another guy named Robert Morning Sky (he's American Indian), tells the Hopi story and it goes right along with this being a prison planet.

It seems aliens are a lot like us, being that each alien is an individual. Most couldn't care less about us, a few think we should just be wiped out, but a bunch really want to help us. Generally, we're considered to be rather insane, but the ones that are rooting for us think we've fantastic potential.

It's so interesting to think about, and the more you read the more you see connections in seeminly unrelated stories.

I'm watching Ancient Aliens and reading Fingerprint of the Gods and it's cool to see how many different stories and circumstances from accross great times and distances all seem to havevery similar threads.

Another guy to check out is Dr. Steven Greer. He says that the greys are actually human made. While this is a direct contrast to the Hopi belief, it does explain the abductions. How better to make people think aliens are evil creatures that want to stick things up your butt than using alien tech with cross-DNA clones?

Very interesting. Definitely coincides with what is claimed in the Ra material (Law of One). It claims that a group of malevolent ETs called the Orion group came here long ago and influenced world religions like Christianity and Islam to suppress rather than liberate the human spirit and enslave us through fear. I'm still trying to figure out if this is legit...

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. The biggest problem is piecing together the whole story. What I did was look for simulates. The audio book I linked you to speaks of the original aliens as "the old empire", but mentions that they practiced cannibalism. The Hopi beliefs was our original slave-,masters also practiced cannibalism.

There is some debate over grey aliens. The Hopi believe that they are reptilian hybrids left here to keep us enslaved until the masters come back. The masters are the reptillians, but our original slave-masters were a dog-like humaniod. that worked for the reptilians.

According to the book, a new race stepped in, kicked out the dogs, and took over this area of space. They plan to eventually fully occupy this area of space and free us, but that won't be for another 10,000 years. In the meantime, they are concerned that we will destroy this planet. To them, they own our planet.

This actually makes a bit of sense, when you consider that lately the military has had problems with UFO's attacking shuttles, rockets, and deactivating nuclear weapons.

This is the first I've ever heard of a 'dog-like humanoid'... Is this from the Hopi mythology? Are there any good documentaries that cover this or short videos (or articles) you can link me to?

Sorry, it's not short, but it is entertaining. Robert Morning Sky tells the entire story...

Great, thank you :) I'll give it a listen soon.

Halfway through the youtube link you gave.. it's very interesting but my main concern is that it seems like the only things that are mentioned that are verifiable are things we had already discovered prior to this transcript being discovered.

For example if we had found out that the 4 shafts in the great pyramid point to specific starts from this transcript it would lend a lot of credibility to it. As far as I know this came out after that theory was posulated. If Airil was really giving us this informaiton there'd surely be at least one verifiable piece of data in there.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

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There have been larger explosions than those bombs. Were the alien watchers alerted by the larger explosives too?

Off world civilizations were most definitely alerted by those other explosions as well, but 1) the bombs cited in the OP have been about the largest direct targets to other human beings that have ever been detonated (as opposed to test detonations in the middle of the ocean or desert, for example, which are alarming enough, but were not directly used to kill people), and 2) off world beings have most definitely made their presence known on various occasions to military installments and detonation test sites, etc since that time by directly disabling bombs and nuclear warheads - sometimes mid-flight/in the middle of their being launched. As such, yes, they were alerted by other explosions and have been shown to absolutely react and have a response to certain bomb tests.

Listen buddy-- many claim it! Ok?!

My only question is how do we get off this prison planet?

We find the amnesia device (in the Himalayas or Mars) or somewhere. And destroy it

Ever heard of boriska ( that martian boy) could it be behind the ear of the sphinx?

I just don't understand why we are imprisoned, makes no sense.

Earth. Is a prison planet. So anyone who the "old empire" saw as a threat was sentenced to life on Earth. Of course not all of us are bad but sadly were mixed in with sociopaths and other bad people.

This sounds about right enough (though I imagine it's quite a bit more complicated than that).


I agree.

Have you seen a documentary called "Everything You Know is Wrong" by Lloyd Pye? Or read up about the Lemurians? If you're asking questions like this, I highly encourage more reading.

No I haven't. Sounds interesting... Is this it?:

I can't access youtube atm but I do believe that doc is on there. So probably yes.

What happened to the Lizard Men?

I feel that less LCD would do good for so many people.


Yes LEDs hurt my eyes.

I used to work with an old lady who was told by her son that she needed a new tv, and that she should get an LCD tv.

She went to the retailers and asked for an LSD tv, after much laughter, the clerk gave her a discount and free delivery of her new LSD tv.

Now that is a type of tv that I would watch!

Ask, and ye shall recieve

Didn't expect to see Off The Air posted here. Have an upvote.

It's so interesting to think about, and the more you read the more you see connections in seeminly unrelated stories.

I'm watching Ancient Aliens and reading Fingerprint of the Gods and it's cool to see how many different stories and circumstances from accross great times and distances all seem to havevery similar threads.