"How Reddit Was Destroyed". When I made this post back in the day, it disappeared somehow and ended up in the spam filter. Only to reappear after this subreddit caused an uproar. So here is a reminder.

167  2014-05-28 by [deleted]

1) The first thing they did was take away r/reddit.com

This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/all. Taking that away was the first step.

2) The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones. There was a power grab to become moderators of these subreddits.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul. I am not even a RP supporter, but that was definitely orchestrated, and NOT by some kids trying to be funny.

3) Once the subreddits were controlled, drastic changes began to occur.

I remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved".

4) The appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent.

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

5) Now we have blatant censorship on r/news, r/worldnews etc... saying that X site is not allowed.

What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

6) All of the proper "checks and balances" are now in place.

So now we are being fed an anti-Muslim/Islam/Russian/India smear campaign weekly. The amount of stories that demonize these groups is sickening to witness. And with minimal research you can see that most of them are hyperbole, sensationalized, and sometimes outright fiction.

But thats okay, when something goes against the "US is good" narrative, every detail is examined and the slightest inconsistency is used to dismiss the entire story. But that diligence disappears when the story is bashing somewhere else. And those who point it out are downvoted out of sight.

And people will say "What are you talking about, people are constantly bashing the US in every thread".

Yes that is absolutely true. Because those people have decided to even out the score. When you have hundreds of fake accounts moving the narrative in a certain direction, then it is essential for people to come out and loudly counter-balance the propaganda.

It wasn't always like this. A few years ago, there were just as many disagreements and differences of opinion on reddit, but they were REAL. And the site was still a democracy. People voted and things swung from side to side, everybody learned in the end.

Now we have a completely one-sided mess that pretends to be democratic but is quickly becoming the Fox News of the internet.

And I believe this can essentially be boiled down to greed. Reddit gets billions of views. The people who run reddit are not the "cool bloggers" they try to portray themselves as. There is a head running things, and it is sinister and they are making A LOT of money, and have A LOT of power, and A LOT of influence.

And they know it. You should too.



The only people who would deny the possibility of shills existing on this site, in light of all of the evidence, almost have to be shills themselves.

Nah. Many people are simply willfully ignorant (not shills).

I like your comment but I don't think people are willfully ignorant.I can't remember where it was done or who did it but I do remember reading about an experiment - It was 3 groups, all shown different pictures of teeth, the first group were shown normal teeth and they cleaned their teeth as they always had, the 2nd group were shown mildly fucked up teeth and cleaned more often, the 3rd group were shown fucked up teeth and cleaned less than before.

If people are presented with a harsh truth they will switch off to cope, if you were to inform someone who has a home loan and works long hours for a corporation in hope of promotion so they can buy more 'stuff' for their family they hardly see due to work commitments.I'd assume they would dismiss what you tell them because they can't deal with the idea that their life is based on a lie.

People will often dismiss truth, not out of ignorance but out of fear, it is more convenient for most people to begrudgingly accept this construct of life than to deal with truth and be afraid of being dismissed and put in the 'crazy corner' as some on this sub have to deal with.

A better way forward is to offer more compassion and understanding, if you want to show someone that their life is based on a lie - Let them down gently or they will reject it, if someone gets dismissed as a 'sheeple' or a 'dumb cunt' I doubt they will listen to what is said, I'd assume they would be more likely to insult someone back rather than listening to what they have to say.

If someone feels insulted their pride, ego, and fear based programming will be front and centre.If people here want to make real change it will not be due to the ego and self righteousness of the members, it will be by kindly showing the non-corrupt how they work for them and how they can get by without them, it will be a struggle because how can we compete against media/advertising?, once we understand people operate on emotion and justify with logic we have a chance to offer something better than media/advertising can.

Sorry to the person I'm replying to, I did start with a reply and then started going on about other things, I hope you don't mind and I hope someone will read this and understand what I'm on about.I just want better for humans and earth and hope to empower positive change.

You see that in Monsanto posts.

I don't understand how it is possible that there are SO many people that actually support monsanto and bioengineering.

Oh yea, Reddit has 110 million monthly users - CNN.com only has 64 million.

So we all know what that means - Reddit is 100% controlled, as people have commented before it would be naive to think that there are no games being played on this website.

What percentage of the 110 million users would actually need to be controlled to steer conversation in the desired direction? Look at all the front page items. Most only have 2-3 thousand upvotes....

Exactly, it's sure evidence of a shill at work

It makes a lot more sense when you realize that reddit is important, as the largest open international forum for political discussion that has ever existed.

reddit Important

I'm sorry, but reddit isn't important nor is it a forum solely dedicated to political discussion.

Can you think of a bigger political forum? I can't. If that's not enough to convince that reddit is important then you must dismiss the inherent value of political discourse as well.

You cannot look just at unique visitors. How many actually read the comments? How many actually vote and respond? I'd guess it's only in the thousands out of millions of unique monthly views. This does not make reddit the single most powerful political force, especially if most of the conversation is controlled. Twitter is probably more important.

I didn't say that reddit is the single most important political force, I just said it's important. The political discussions in university classrooms are important too, the political discussions on TV are a joke, but they're still important.

You're right, don't let the downvotes fool anyone.

Oh reddit isn't important? I wonder why the president and hundreds of celebrities and politicians have answered questions here, if it isn't important at all.

Fair enough. Didn't mean to be confrontational.

So because I don't believe reddit is important I must not believe political discourse is important right? That's some great logic right there bud.

As for another political forum there's always 4chan's /pol/ board, I'm sure a lot of the users of /r/conspiracy would feel at home with the rampant anti-Semitism

You haven't disputed my claim that reddit is the largest place for political discourse. If you think discourse is important doesn't that mean that... Oh never mind.

Forums for free speech are important. Reddit is important because of that.


Where's my prize?

Do you not know of how many millions of unique/first time visitors reddit alone gets a month?!

I think the last time you posted this you ended up editing in a bit.ly link and the spam filter ate the submission. I got an admin to comment on it somewhere the last time this came up (it was before I was a mod so I was convinced something nefarious was going on).

I don't see why people keep insisting /r/reddit.com was so powerful. It was crap. People were constantly spamming content from /r/pics, /r/funny, and /r/politics, so it was the worst of the worst subreddits combined. Never have i seen it be used to discuss reddit itself.

Word. I've only been using reddit for maybe a few years and maybe been registered for a year. Its awful even r/all is all the same crap rarely anything new or even something old that's a repost that is any good. I feel your pain.

I've been here long enough to know reposts have always been a part of reddit, that part hasn't changed at all.

karma whores gonna karma whore

Excellent post! Now we see McDonalds Memes, Boring and Repetitive Pro-Vaccine Propaganda, Anti-Russian Propaganda regularly being voted to the top of the front page; it's so obvious this place is manipulated, even the average hive-mind Redditor seems to be picking up on this as it's now so extreme and unrealistic.

If the average redditor was picking up on this, these posts wouldn't be constantly making the front page day after day.

It's vote manipulation which takes them to the front page

I think its worth noting the demise of digg was entirely planned as a consolidation effort. The same consolidation of power that happens to corporate media is happening on the internet:

  • blog = spam (removing your voice)
  • valid sources = 5 media conglomerates
  • profit motive = disqualified source (youtube vid with ads, person sells books, etc)

The internet is shrinking.

This is an excellent post. We need more writing like this.

And this is why "voting" and usernames destroy talk about opinions. I hate to say it but 4chan is right. Anon users and strength of argument rule the day.

Ths real reason reddit.com was dedtroyed was people who wanted to join forces and hear about corruption in all politics congregated and posted there exposing the rebpicrzts and democans as a fraudule t sideshow.

They needed people broken up i factions and hearing and approving only their preconceived notions and never allowing broadder posts to be seen. It took them decades to fracture americans so the elites could steal while they squabbled.

They werent about to let them stay united against the elites.

You must be either conservatives or progressives. United against the corruption of the true elites is not allowed and must be shutdown.

Reddit was Detroit

Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog.

This is starting to worry me. And even on TV there are constant military movies. (Not to mention TV show after TV show deifying surveillance, the CIA, FBI, etc, and torture, like 24.) This makes me wonder if they are planning another war and are trying to prime us for it. Certainly if they remove most troops from Iraq and Afghanistan they will want some place else to send them, some other justification for the huge military spending to go into the pockets of the wealthy. Like ... Boze-Allen, who Snowden worked for. Why wasn't he working for the government directly. They only do this contracting thing so some rich bastard can get most of the money for doing none of the work and so they can easily fire the workers and give them fewer benefits.

But they probably want a war to distract us from our real problem, the wealthy and the corrupt system called capitalism and rule of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. So they want a war in Syria and the Ukraine. It won't be their blood split, or their treasure spent, so they WANT WAR! War is always an excuse for repression.

I remember when you were a much more mainstream poster. No offense intended by that at all. You were active and participated in lots of discussions and eventually ended up gravitating from r/politics to r/conspiracy, because the truth eventually gets to people.

This is precisely why information is so vigorously controlled on reddit. Plenty of people assume 9/11 was done by some foreign terrorist organization; no one who has examined the evidence thinks that. The very survival of the state hinges on information being contained.

I have always posted on /r/conspiracy but I have even more karma on /r/politics. I stopped posting and eventually unsubscribed, not because I lost interest in politics but because the sub became all about censorship. Most of the leftist (or even liberal) websites I submitted articles from were blocked on /r/politics. Now it's just a feeder site for corporate media, probably a paid feeder site. It's not worth reading and whenever I try to post a submission they find a reason to remove it.

We need a new Reddit.

Plenty of people assume 9/11 was done by some foreign terrorist organization; no one who has examined the evidence thinks that.

Not to turn this into a 9/11 debate, but I don't agree with this line. I have looked at both sides of the argument and the OS seems more plausible to me.

Care to attempt to justify some - any - few parts of the silly official story?

Sure. Which bit would you like me to try and justify?

  1. You can start with airline fuel either melting heat-conducting steel frames covered with fireproofing, or not melting the heat-conducting steel frames and the absence of any 10, or 50-storey, high tangle of unmelted steel framework (Pretending that the beams were not welded is a lie, not an answer.) Varying, changing, claims about this minuscule amount of airline fuel melting, or not melting the buildings' steel are a central assertion of the official conspiracy theory.

  2. How a propaganda believer would account for the ejection of materials from WTC2, or the opposite - the collapse of WTC7 at free-fall speed through the path of maximum resistance - has always interested me. The film footage of the demolitions forms part of the official story.

  3. WTC7 and not the in-between, actually-damaged and later demolished WTC 6. Always silence on these also. WTC7 "of course" is part of the official story.

  4. The complete and utter worthlessness of the US of A's military might against attacks that it was, at the time of planes hitting the buildings, running drills against. The hopelessness of the Airforce against these "novel" attacks (that, at that time, the Airforce was running drills to practice defending against) is part of the official story.

The core of the official story:

  1. The absolute centre of the official story is the sure-to-appeal claim that the planes were piloted by 18 (boo) Muslims (boo), [armed with non-insurance policy violating box-cutters, etc, etc] all of whom it was later found were alive. Ignoring that they didn't have tickets for the flights (which is not part of the official story), as the official story bends to claim that their passports were stolen, how do you justify the wonderfully, racist-ly convenient official claim that the actual 18 were actually (boo) Muslims (boo) ? You probably don't know, but only two pieces of claimed footage of any of these people boarding the flights were ever released: from which no identiication has been possible of who these people are, and the footage is from different times of the day.

The list is endless, both of the sillynesses of the official story, and of the observed and recorded features that don't fit the official story, and I haven't even mentioned the 6 walls of the Pentagon being punctured by the flimsy nose-section of some plane on the morning of the Pentagon's 60th birthday.

Government employees are far more expensive than contractors. They have unions, pensions, and all kinds of insanely expensive benefits.

Contractors get crap. At the end of the day, it costs $120/hr to staff a contractor in a $30/hr seat; while a Fed costs $30/hr plus $200/hr worth of benefits. When you excise a Fed's position, you can't really terminate them in most cases: the Federal Employment Act causes a lot of trouble with that.

The only real way to manage the Federal workforce without spending $8 trillion per year is by hiring contractors.

Well when u put people in charge instead of voting, you get to see the persons (mod) political view. God forbid if you go to science and post results on global warming that are disproving the social norm.

Did a CTRL-F search for 'conde nast.' Nobody has used it here so far. Read: let's get real; Reddit is mainstream.

They were preparing the way for the new generation users like me who are in on the Illuminati's conspiracy and are sympathetic to the Jews. Our leader is coming. The conspiracy is only scary if you are on the outside looking in.

Well said. Funny how Americans think it is all of the "other" countries that get served propaganda, and all Americans get is the truth.

Unfortunately I'm yet to be convinced by any serious alternative.

Even the big conspiracy sites swarming with obvious shills

Shills took over /r/politics BEFORE they took away /r/reddit.com. In fact, I betcha the default shill mods complained that /r/reddit.com could be use to expose them.

And before the /r/politics treasonous pigs, there was Democratic Underground, where a mod staff of clowns, pigs, and a few unfortunate humans practiced abusing interested voters until the site finished circling the drain.

Long Live Reddit!

I did my best to counter propaganda in r/worldnews and r/news but I was banned without explanation. I was recently banned from r/news and the mods wouldn't even message me with a reason. They just shadow ban people at will.

If you were unjustly banned from /r/worldnews let me know and I'll look in to it. Can't do anything about Bpb's /r/news though.

Also, be aware that a mod shadowban is different from a ban. A mod shadowban entails your account being put into the automoderator wiki and all your comments will go directly into the spamfilter.

A ban prevents you from commenting or posting at all.

These are also both distinct from a sitewide shadowban; wherein your user account page is deleted to all users but yourself.

Oh. Then I believe I was simply banned. I'm unable to comment. To be honest, I don't remember why I was banned from worldnews because it was so long ago. It was most likely a comment that was opposed to israel. That's the reason I was banned from r/news as well. Nothing inflammatory, just a simple opposition. I've had some fun times on this site for any view that doesn't fit the israeli lobby. I've even been stalked by what I can only assume to be members of NUIS and other scholarship funded brigades.

Those "feel good" military posts always get me.

When you go and shoot innocent people in a foreign country that is not doing anything to us, you are NOT DEFENDING FREEDOM!

I don't care if your whole family is in the military, step back and LOOK at what is happening in other countries, imagine if there were soldiers on our streets and drones bombing our houses.

What percentage of the 110 million users would actually need to be controlled to steer conversation in the desired direction? Look at all the front page items. Most only have 2-3 thousand upvotes....