Why does the term "chemtrail" get down voted in here so quickly?

29  2014-06-09 by dieyoung

It seems like, for some reason, most people don't believe in or understand what chemtrails are. First, chemtrail is the layman's term for cloud seeding. Yes, there is some evidence that there are heavy metals in some of the cloud seeding rain samples, but not in all cases. Cloud seeding is the more general term.

Second, there are private companies that offer rain production services on a daily basis. Just visit www.weathermodification.com to see for yourself (sorry for no link, on mobile).

So why is it that this sub seems to hate discussion about chemtrails? Is it that the word has a pejorative connotation and automatically turns some people off? Or is it that people don't believe it even actually exists?


Because it's a buzzword that notifies "worker bees" to respond.

Do we have a compilation of these buzzwords?

Well the usual stuff that attracts unwanted attention (There are threads asking this question a few times a month). Best to change the words/letters up in the post title to slip it by.

Indeed. Posting a list would just give the shills the info they need to adjust their tactics.


for the same reason "global warming" or "climate change" topics get infested within seconds

I know some people are weary about topics being discussed to discredit this sub, maybe a lot of people here view Chemtrails as a "distraction".

Personally I don't down vote often, I'm usually more interested in the discussion than the topic. If that makes any sense.

I'll upvote posts about subjects that I am highly skeptical of if they seem well written or bring up something that looks like it might be interesting just because I know there are others around here that want to see and talk about it. Just because it is a conspiracy I am not a huge fan of does not mean it isn't worthy of discussion here.


Here are some old photos for you.

There are shills here censoring the most important topics, that's the reason for the downvotes

I downvoted because chemtrails are contrails, not because I'm a shill.

The US government used cloud seeding (chemtrails) in Vietnam causing heavy rainfall that disrupted the Vietnamese supply lines. There is a difference between contrails and chemtrails in spite of the fact that they may look similar from the ground.

Why are you so anxious to associate the word chemtrails with geo-engineering? Nobody ever described the Vietnam "extended monsoon" as chemtrails. The 'chemtrails' criss-crossing the sky which I'm told I have to "look up" at have nothing to do with any geo-engineering project in existence. Apart from trapping a bit of heat, they are harmless.

I wouldn't call it anxious but the overwhelming majority of people in the world have zero knowledge of the fact that we were actually manipulating the weather in Vietnam. I'm sure there are quite a few people who think that sort of technology is relegated to science fiction. Had there been knowledge back then of what was going on, seeing as the clouds were seeded with chemicals, we can't say they wouldn't have called them chemtrails then. I think the argument at hand has more to do with a general mistrust for the government, which causes people to worry about the things they don't understand. I don't think demonizing the term chemtrail necessarily fixes anything.

useful idiots are often stealth shills


Contrails are no longer than your pinky finger

Damn right - check it out: http://i.imgur.com/DjPtlNQ.gif

I don't believe that for a Second, you are here to censor


It's better to control the direction of the discussion than to try to prevent it. Not only does it avoid looking like censorship, but it helps to implant approved messages in the public.

Spot on!

Check out the long lasting-ness of these southern fried contrails:



No it's not. Chemtrails in the conspiracy circle is exactly cloud seeding. People who pretend its mind control gas are usually shills poisoning the well.

Wikipedia removed their page on proven conspiracies, you think they will be an unbiased source of information regarding conspiracy theories?


aerosol, aircraft distributed geo-engineering and weather modification are very real, these are FACTS. the stuff they spray when conducting these operations is harmful to nature and to us, these are FACTS.

if all those trails you see in the sky every sunny day these days are geo-engineering or weather modification or contrails is the only thing up for debate in this "conspiracy theory". and can be checked with flight path data from your local airport/s and various websites along with analysis of water, soil and air samples.

Yep, I see geo-engineering in the sky almost every day

Cloud Seeding and chemtrails are exactly the same.

It's such a dirty secret, so many people being killed by controlling the weather with Chemtrails/HAARP i.e. droughts, floods etc, chemtrails and weather control are part of a crime against humanity, that is why the military automatically downvotes chemtrail threads here, it's all about censorship.

Anyone notice thats theres a lot more chemtrails Recently?

My front yard a month or two ago


Normally a few flights a week go overhead, not 10 in one hour...

Hell of a front yard

Where I'm based they used to go insane with them, they've actually calmed down the last year, now they've sent them to where you live

First, chemtrail is the layman's term for cloud seeding.

There are some that believe it's a malicious chemical for the purposes of poisoning or dumbing down the population.

Second, there are private companies that offer rain production services on a daily basis

Those planes they use aren't commercial airliners. They're specially designed small planes. The conspiracy claims that commercial airliners are spraying.

So why is it that this sub seems to hate discussion about chemtrails?

Because people keep linking to images or vids of contrails or other such nonsense

I find it weird that be engineering has been confirmed and no one bats an eye, but you mention chemtrails, which is what geo engineering is, and everyone spouts off at you that you're crazy. This world is fucked man.

People take geo-engineering very seriously, but so-called chemtrails are not part of any geo-engineering project or plan. Solar Radiation Management (SRM) involves some general ideas: Very high-level spraying to act as a solar reflector; mid-level removal of cirrus clouds (Cirrus Stripping) to prevent heat being trapped underneath them; and Maritime Cloud Brightening to increase low-level cloud cover.

SRM involves spraying sulphides or reflective materials into the stratosphere at about 80,000 feet – way above the 50,000 foot ceiling of commercial airliners or military tankers.

Cirrus stripping involves removing clouds from the upper troposphere between 40,000 and 60,000 feet. Aircraft leaving contrails are actually making this problem worse. That is what contrails really are – artificial cirrus clouds.

Maritime Cloud Brightening only takes place in the bottom few thousand feet of the atmosphere and uses ships to pump seawater into a spray which will form the low-level clouds.

Commercial airliners leaving contrails are flying at between 25,000 feet and 40,000 feet – too high for MCB and too low for SRM. So explain to me how aircraft leaving ordinary contrails are part of geo-engineering.

Stop repeating your lies. I have pointed out to you before that SRM involves any technique meant to reflect sunlight. There is no reason that SRM can occur at only above 80,000 feet. It can even occur at ground level. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_radiation_management#Cool_roof

And I have pointed out to you that none of the proposed techniques involves spraying anything at the height airliners fly at. You just proved it by showing me a list of solar radiation management techniques which suggest spraying in the stratosphere and spraying at low level. Go away and find something which proves spraying taking place out of airliners at 20,000 to 40,000 feet.

And I have pointed out to you that none of the proposed techniques involves spraying anything at the height airliners fly at.

That's just bullshit. It can occur at any height. In fact, regular contrails themselves without anything added are a form of SRM as they reduce temperature.

What, precisely, can occur at any height? And don't just answer "geoengineering". What PART of geoengineering do you think causes white trails hundreds of miles long at between 25,000 and 40,000 feet, which sometimes cover the entire sky with a white haze?

Don't forget, this is NOT Stratospheric Aerosol Spraying and it's not Maritime Cluos Brightening, and it's obviously not Cirrus Stripping, so what is it?

But you are right. Even persistent contrails are a serious threat to the balance of the ecology - hence the idea of Cirrus Stripping to get rid of the clouds and the contrails. But HOW they will achieve that is another matter. Every geo project that's been suggested comes with a list of reasons why it could go wrong.

Edit: I just noticed you said that contrails reduce temperatures. You don't know much, do you? Why do you even bother coming into a debate like this without doing some basic research. If you look at Cirrus Stripping you'll find that high-level Cirrus cloud actually traps heat. Sunlight can easily penetrate it and warm the Earth, but the infrared which Earth normally emits straight out into space gets trapped by the underside of the cloud layer and adds to global warming.

I just noticed you said that contrails reduce temperatures. You don't know much, do you?

Sorry, bitch, but is you that doesn't know much.

"Another study that took advantage of the grounding gave striking evidence of what contrails can do. David Travis of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and two colleagues measured the difference, over those three contrail-free days, between the highest daytime temperature and the lowest nighttime temperature across the continental U.S. They compared those data with the average range in day-night temperatures for the period 1971-2000, again across the contiguous 48 states. Travis's team discovered that from roughly midday September 11 to midday September 14, the days had become warmer and the nights cooler, with the overall range greater by about two degrees Fahrenheit."


tl;dr for your dumb ass - for three days after 9/11 there were no contrails in the sky, and this was determined to be the cause of the increased temperatures.

Why is it that you can't say anything that isn't demonstrably wrong?

These results suggest that contrails can suppress both daytime highs (by reflecting sunlight back to space) and nighttime lows (by trapping radiated heat). That is, they can be both cooling and warming clouds. But what is the net effect? Do they cool more than they warm, or vice versa? "Well, the assumption is a net warming," Travis says, "but there is a lot of argument still going on about how much of a warming effect they produce."

From the article:

This is of particular concern in well-traveled air corridors, where contrails by the hundreds can spread into man-made cirrus clouds that can both block sunlight from reaching the Earth and trap radiated heat from escaping to space.

Whether contrails cause a net cooling or a net warming, even whether their effect is something to worry about within the greater general concern about climate change, remains unclear.

So, we may both be correct on this one; the jury is out. Incidentally, why do you think you have a right to talk to me like I'm a piece of shit? Do you think it adds weight to your argument if you treat the other person with contempt? Just wondering; I don't give a shit. Personal attacks are always a sign that the other person has run out of ideas.

edit: You switched the bait a bit quickly there, almost got away with avoiding the question: What PART of geoengineering do you think causes white trails hundreds of miles long at between 25,000 and 40,000 feet, which sometimes cover the entire sky with a white haze?

So, we may both be correct on this one; the jury is out. Incidentally, why do you think you have a right to talk to me like I'm a piece of shit?

Like you weren't speaking with contempt towards me.

Do you think it adds weight to your argument if you treat the other person with contempt?

Of course I don't. I just get frustrated that people like you seem to think that geoengineering is some crazy whacked out idea that only lunatics entertain, when in reality it is discussed by the IPCC and Nobel Prize winners like Paul Crutzen.

Personal attacks are always a sign that the other person has run out of ideas.

No, they aren't. For what it's worth I was going to remove the insult. I apologize.

So, I've answered your questions. Now I have one for you - how old are you?

Apology accepted. But I am not "people like me", I am Me and I have a post history you are welcome to go through. The reason I debunk chemtrails is because they are part of a deliberate or accidental disinformation paradigm. The white trails in the sky are just clouds of ice crystals.

But all the time people are telling me to look up at the harmless contrails I may be missing what is going on under my very nose. Geo-engineering poses a real and serious threat to the survival of the planet. There is supposed to be a ban on any major schemes, but there is a loophole which allows small-scale experiments and local Cloud busting. So you can be sure that the military are experimenting the hell out of it. Check out Kristen Meghan on YouTube to find out the sorts of things the military are doing.

But they are not doing it by creating hundred mile long plumes of white cloud across clear blue skies. For a start, there isn't an aircraft built which could carry that amount of any substance to that altitude and create a cloud that big. Some of those persistent contrails must contain thousands of tons of ice. Secondly, if you were an evil government wanting to secretly spray chemicals on your people, don't you think you'd find a slightly more subtle way of doing it?

I don't know where you get the idea that I am a geo-engineering denier. I'm not. I'm a chemtrail debunker, and for good reason. All the while the loony tunes tinfoil hat brigade convinces people that contrails are the enemy, they'll give the real culprit a clean pass.

Oh, and I'm 60.

edit: You still haven't answered the question: What PART of geoengineering do you think causes white trails hundreds of miles long at between 25,000 and 40,000 feet, which sometimes cover the entire sky with a white haze?

The white trails in the sky are just clouds of ice crystals.

These aren't simply white trails. They start out as white trails that more or less look like contrails, but spread out to cover the entire sky in a white haze that is identical to what would occur with some types of geoengineering - look up for example Al Gore's interview with Ellen Degeneres when they discuss chemtrails - he says one thing he doesn't like about them is that we would no longer have the blue sky we are accustomed too - this is precisely what I am already seeing. Airplanes turning the whole sky white is a new phenomenon that I didn't see a single time more then ten years ago.

You still haven't answered the question: What PART of geoengineering do you think causes white trails hundreds of miles long at between 25,000 and 40,000 feet, which sometimes cover the entire sky with a white haze?

They are using some kind of cloud condensation nuclei.

Listen sir, in my opinion, if you want to fight geoengineering, I suggest that you wrap your head around the fact that they are already doing it. They think that the solution to pollution is more pollution, and quite frankly it is a fucking horror to me that these people think this way.

Here is how the Nobel Prize winning Paul Crutzen ended his paper Albedo Enhancement by Stratospheric Sulfur Injections: "Finally, I repeat: the very best would be if emissions of the greenhouse gases could be reduced so much that the stratospheric sulfur release experiment would not need to take place. Currently, this looks like a pious wish."

He is saying that if we don't reduce greenhouse gas emissions are only recourse will be to alter the environment through geoengineering.

They are using some kind of cloud condensation nuclei.

What's that? Who is 'they'? Where can I find the information you used to draw that conclusion? I am well aware of Al Gore's position, but he has never (to my knowledge) used the word 'chemtrails' or made any claim that they are anything but contrails. There has been much talk about the weather altering effects of contrails, but that's a different thing.

Cloud Condensation Nuclei? Look it up. Honestly, how the hell can you be attempting to debunk this without ever having heard of what cloud condensation nuclei are. You should at least familiarize yourself with the science of sulfur aerosols, etc.

Who is they? Whoever is spraying this stuff that anyone with two eyes can see. I'm assuming it is a combination of research and military.

I am well aware of Al Gore's position, but he has never (to my knowledge) used the word 'chemtrails' or made any claim that they are anything but contrails. There has been much talk about the weather altering effects of contrails, but that's a different thing.

No, what Al Gore said is that one of the major drawbacks of geoengineering the sky (aka chemtrails) is that the sky would no longer be blue when you do this. Anyone can see that this is already taking place. Again, airplanes 10 years ago used to leave contrails - these would usually disappear rather quickly, if not more or less immediately. Now airplanes will often leave something behind that looks initially like a contrail, but it persists, and eventually spreads out and covers the entire sky with a white haze. This never used to happen. This is a phenomenon which anyone can observe for themselves.

Look it up

Only kidding. I know exactly what you mean. Did you know that the most common chemical used in cloud busting is common builders cement? It's true. [Here](<http://englishrussia.com/2013/05/13/moving-clouds-away/) are some pictures of geo-engineering in practice.

anyone with two eyes can see

Ah, the appeal to obvious. Sorry, that one doesn't work on me. I was an investigative reporter and I long ago learned not to always trust what I see with my own two eyes, let alone take what you think is obvious as fact. You see what you want to see. I see contrails because I have taken every chemtrail argument and deconstructed it, and found there is a simple logical explanation for every phenomena you claim is part of a conspiracy.

And when I challenge you to provide specifics, you resort to generalised allegations that "they" are up to something. You cling to the belief that "they" are trying to poison you without any evidence for a motive, a method, or an opportunity.

Persistent contrails are a serious problem that is getting worse as the number of aircraft in the sky increases. Most established air corridors and now running at capacity and new ones are having to be opened up all the time. The number of aircraft flying has risen by seven percent per year or more, every year, since the 1970s. Where once there was a single contrail, now there are dozens which merge to form a fine haze of Cirrus which is affecting the weather.

Meanwhile, military scientists and corporate vultures are itching to use the stratospheric weather control technologies they have developed, and governments squabble about carbon credits while shovelling disasters like Fukushima under the carpet.

There is just so much REAL shit going down that people need to get angry about, so why do you have to invent a phantom menace that doesn't actually exist?

But just go on staring at the contrails, why don't you. I'm done here.

I see contrails because I have taken every chemtrail argument and deconstructed it, and found there is a simple logical explanation for every phenomena you claim is part of a conspiracy.

Nah, it's actually just you seeing what you want to see. There is no "conspiracy."

And when I challenge you to provide specifics, you resort to generalised allegations that "they" are up to something.

No, I didn't. I said they are using cloud condensation nuclei.

You cling to the belief that "they" are trying to poison you without any evidence for a motive, a method, or an opportunity.

I never said once they are trying to poison me. I said they are geoengineering to combat the effects of greenhouse gases.

The number of aircraft flying has risen by seven percent per year or more, every year, since the 1970s.


Where once there was a single contrail, now there are dozens which merge to form a fine haze of Cirrus which is affecting the weather.

You just got done saying I was imagining this haze of cirrus clouds.

Meanwhile, military scientists and corporate vultures are itching to use the stratospheric weather control technologies they have developed, and governments squabble about carbon credits while shovelling disasters like Fukushima under the carpet.

Yup. The only place where you and I differ apparently is I think they already are implementing weather control technologies, whereas you seem to think they "are itching" to do it but haven't yet started. Really not that much difference as far as I am concerned.

There is just so much REAL shit going down that people need to get angry about, so why do you have to invent a phantom menace that doesn't actually exist?

Again, you just got done saying that "corporate vultures are itching to use the stratospheric weather control technologies they have developed" - you admit that this is a real problem. I think they already are doing this - yet for some bizarre reason you think I am delusional even though we both agree that this is a real problem.

But just go on staring at the contrails, why don't you. I'm done here.

The thing is you are the one that is delusional, not me. They are already doing the thing that you yourself has admitted it is a problem. Just bury your head in the sand more and tell yourself that these "cirrus clouds" that you and I have both seen airplanes making isn't intentional. You are part of the problem.

This describes you perfectly:


There are many issues which get downvoted quickly - the majority who vote here know what they like, and it's vanilla. So generic posts tend to do quite well because they appeal to the lowest common denominator, whereas conspiracy-specific posts tend to have many detractors.

chemtrail is the layman's term for cloud seeding

No it's not. The layman's term for cloud seeding is 'cloudbusting'. So-called 'chemtrails' are the white lines criss-crossing the sky which we're told to "Look up" at and be scared of, and which can be dispersed in minutes by spraying vinegar at them, and so on.

Two aircraft flying at very different altitudes in obvious differences of humidity. One produces a persistent contrail, and the other produces one which dissipates almost immediately. All this video proves is that atmospheric conditions vary. Both white lines in the sky can be adequately explained by physics and meteorology.

If that is so the contrail should be much wider, because it's flying lower (and dissapears quicker due to higher temperatures). One can ofcourse say the chemtrail had time to spread to explain that it is wider but that disregards the fact that it cannot be as dense as the chemtrail shown here.

Jet fuel is very similar to paraffin (kerosene); it is a hydrocarbon. When it burns in air the carbon part combines with oxygen to expand into carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and the hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water (Dihydrogen Monoxide, H2O). These two reactions give off a great deal of heat energy. 1 kilo of aviation fuel combines with oxygen to produce about 1.2 kilos of water which boils instantly into 1,600 litres of superheated steam. It is these rapidly expanding hot gases which push the aircraft forward. At high altitudes the steam will freeze into tiny ice crystals almost instantly. If the air is already saturated with water vapour then these crystals will grow many times in size into snowflakes through a process called deposition and can last for hours or even days in a distinct formation. This is a contrail. It does not require any sinister chemicals to make it form. How long a contrail lasts depends on temperature, pressure, and humidity, and nothing else.

Also, you should really learn a bit about meteorology before spouting off what you think "should* happen. Whereever you are in the world, the air temperature will drop below freezing at two miles altitude. At the altitude airliners fly at, the temperature is about -50 degrees centigrade.

I am fully aware of the fact that commercial airliners fly at hights where water freezes what I am saying is that a contrail cannot behave in the way the chemtrail is behaving.

Why can't it behave in what way?

Speaking of douches .

The douche comment was directed to your vinegar vigilante. I have seen on YouTube & thought it was hilarious.

cool :)

Are you calling me a douche?

and which can be dispersed in minutes by spraying vinegar at them,


Oh yes. There are fuckwits out there who run into the garden with a hand sprayer full of vinegar every time they see a contrail in the sky. They believe that a couple of puffs of vinegar into the air can disperse a 50 mile long 'Chemtrail' that's 8 miles up in the atmosphere within minutes. There is one person who posts here who proudly tells us that he sprays his children with vinegar whenever a contrail appears.

Is that really a thing? Vinegar? Poor kids. Thats only gonna make them smell bad.

There were at least three threads in this sub last year about using vinegar to defeat chemtrails.

He was also complaining about how his children ended up with persistent coughs whenever 'They' were spraying. I've no doubt he was on another forum complaining about his lawn and flower beds going brown and being killed off by the evil chemtrails.

Speaking of douches .

and which can be dispersed in minutes by spraying vinegar at them,


It's better to control the direction of the discussion than to try to prevent it. Not only does it avoid looking like censorship, but it helps to implant approved messages in the public.