When is Glenn Greenwald going to name names?

63  2014-06-10 by [deleted]

Why is it taking him so long?


He's waiting for the CIA to finish editing the list.


When his book sales drop off?

(I don't think he's a psyoperative marionette limited hangout etc, I think he's sincere - but for sure he knows there's nothing waiting for him when the Snowden leaks dry out)

...he was famous prior to Snowden. That's why Snowden contacted him. He's also an attorney.

Should I laugh now or later?

He's waiting for a lull in the news cycle. It's all guns guns guns, bergdahl, guns guns guns. When nothing is going on in the news to distract from it, he will release them

So never?

After his Oliver Stone movie comes out. Maybe.

It takes time to write stories and investigate the massive amount of information they have. Basically Greenwald is milking this cow for all it's worth and maximizing the impact by maintaining a steady stream of sustained releases.

Glenn Greenwald on Democracy Now! April 14, 2014:

AMY GOODMAN: Edward Snowden just warned that the U.S. government is surveilling human rights groups in the United States. Can you, any of you, address this, what you know about this, from the documents, and to U.S. just refusing to give Chancellor Merkel her NSA file?

GLENN GREENWALD: I’ll only break news on Democracy Now!, as you know, but not at press conferences. But, no, I mean, you know, as I said, I mean, I think some of the most significant stories are left to come, and it’s hard to preview them when they haven’t gone through the journalistic process and to talk about ones that we haven’t published. But obviously, Edward Snowden is aware of what’s in the material that he gave us. And so, when he describes what the surveillance state is doing, I think it should be deemed pretty reliable, since everything else that he said about that has proven to be true. And I believe that will, as well, without sort of talking about the reporting that we’re doing.

Transcript and interview this excerpt was taken from here.

I swear I post this at least once a day because people just don't pay attention and instead make up ignorant rumors and bullshit to fill the void.

I thought it was going to happen yesterday on the one year anniversary of the first release of documents. Guess not. I don't think any of us can definitely say when.

Whenever he pleases I guess.

I'll bet it'll be on independence day

He did say there will be fireworks.

The bombs bursting in airrrrrrrr

No shit, I want to see if my name is on the list.

Over a year later and he's still dangling the carrot, and the rabbits are still looking up expectantly at him in wide-eyed awe, and he still hasn't revealed anything that wasn't already known or suspected.

205 names.

he said that there will be another big announcement soon on the colbert report but i haven't heard anything yet. What gives???

When Omyidiar damn well tells him too. Lol

When they find Malaysian airliner flight 370.

Oy vey! The goyim are getting restless Glenn!

You mean, Glenn Beck, the guy who talked Ron Paul up, then proceeded to insinuate Ron Paul supporters are domestic terrorist? The guy who defrauded elderly and nieve listener by promoting the Goldline scam. The same man that ridiculed his co-host & wife on air because they just had a miscarriage... yeah, he's a piece of shit and you shouldn't listen to him.

That's not the Glenn being discussed here.

Glenn Beck is the Mormon demagogue, Glenn Greenwald is the sassy investigative journalist

Your heart is in the right place

Lol!! My mind wasn't I guess, for whatever reason I read Glenn Beck and thought this had to do with the mystery guy on his show the other day.

He's a fake psy op controlled opposition attention diverter.

I doubt it, read his salon.com articles going back a decade, he's been virtually the only loud voice with any legal knowledge arguing against this stuff.

If the rabbit hole goes that deep, that the deep state is the only one even criticizing itself, then all has been lost for a long while.

That's possible.

possible, but not at all likely.

What exactly would he be diverting attention from by releasing some of the most reliable, condemning information about the US Government we've seen in many years?

Impenetrable logic: if someone is known and taken to be adversarial, they are really a government shill