Just a friendly reminder from central command.

26  2014-06-10 by Flytape

Often you hear people talking about their "fears" that some conspiracy theorist is going to radicalize and start shooting people.

Reality is that 99.9% of conspiracy theorist here in the USA are pro constitution, pro civil rights, pro freedom, thus they are pro America.

The reality is that we have a constitution that is so powerful that it allowed us to break away from the biggest empire in earth's history and then allowed us to become the biggest superpower in earth's history. That is a powerful document.

Reality is that radicals are trying to take that document away from us piece by piece. They want to take our freedoms and take our rights. They want to take everything that gives this great country power.

The people who we should be afraid of radicalizing are the gun grabbers and the professionally offended. The people who are working some angle of some tragedy to try and "secure" us. They don't want to make us more secure, they want to make us less confident and more afraid. They want our power.

We are not the radicals. We are the patriots.

The radicals are the ones shooting american citizens for "resisting" the radicals are the ones who are calling in police reports on upstanding citizens, accusing them of masturbating in public, because they are videotaping corrupt police. The radicals are the ones shouting racism at every person who doesn't support their agenda.

They are attacking our system of government with two party political rule.

They are attacking our children with the war on drugs. Our soldiers with endless wars in worthless corners of the 3rd world. Our parents with government mismanaged healthcare, our businesses with untenable regulations, our families with careerless jobs where we get thrown away before they have to pay out for a life time dedication to a company.

They pretend like we are the ones that are attacking our way of life. They are attacking us.

You don't have to believe in shit to know what I'm talking about. 9-11, sandy hook, Aurora... fuck all that noise. It doesn't matter who did it, what matters is what we do.

Vote out the 2 party system. Support local businesses, and pay yourself first. Fuck debt of all kinds.


Well said.


Hey, tbf bombs cost a lot of money.

They'll drop your tax dollars right back on top off, with extreme prejudice

"You don't have to believe in shit to know what I'm talking about. 9-11, sandy hook, Aurora... fuck all that noise. It doesn't matter who did it, what matters is what we do."

Nice! This should be hammered in to the mind!

Vote out the 2 party system.

You had me until this. LOL the whole fucking system is rigged. Voting doesn't accomplish dick. You know that, so I don't understand why you wrote this.

Because there isn't 1 answer. The answer is to reject them every chance you get.

Reject their phony political parties.

Reject their debt.

Reject their encroachment on our civil liberties.

Reject their fear mongering.

Reject them as visibly as possible every chance you get.

Libertarians are legit, the only party that actually represents U.S. citizens then the degenerate Rothschild minions of the present two party system.

When you refer to places in the 3rd world as "worthless", you are no better than the people you despise.

What I said was "worthless corners of the 3rd world" I didn't imply that entire 3rd world is worthless.

You know there are worthless corners of the 1st world as well. We use those corners as test range for bombs.

Have a great day.