The Discussion We Should Be Having

33  2014-06-12 by ronintetsuro

Good morning. WARNING! No TL;DR here, better suit up.

America is under siege by an enemy more nefarious than any the world has ever known. To quote John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

"[...] we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match."

We see the results of this machine both at home and abroad. Yet we do not discuss it, for fear of public mockery, led by the media jackals who have abandoned their posts in the fourth estate to aid and abet those who would align against us.

Even now, they work day and night to convince you that the violence in our streets is the result of another tool. This is an old but effective trick they've employed many times against the public. Depending on your age, you might remember it as the shrill calls to take up public arms against Terrorism, Video Games, Rap Music, Drugs, Heavy Metal, Communism, and Rock And Roll.

You see, the indicator that takes the blame for State sponsored violence isn't as important as what We the People allow to be done to and in our names as a result. In every single case of a national call to defeat a great social ill, the result is more restrictive legislation stripping civilians of their rights. Setting precedents for enforcement that violate the social contract. Eliminating your ability to choose for yourself outside of the framing of the ruling class. Creating a legal underclass to exploit for profit.

The current great social ill according to the gospel of Television is Guns. What are we to do about guns? Doesn't America care? What about the children? All canards screamed from atop antennas for the past 100 years. The result is always the same, because the goal from the outset is always the same.

Think about how you felt when Columbine happened. Think about how you felt when Aurora happened. Think about how you felt when Sandy Hook happened. Now think about how you felt when you found out there have been multiple shootings this week. Do you not see? Do you not see how the frequency of these incidents has risen exponentially over a space of a year? That is unmatched in our history. Guns have always been available in this country, relatively freely. So what is causing an exponential rise in mass shootings?

The Media tells you the fault lies with Guns. The Media also tells you that it's quite okay for police departments to militarize while glossing over the amount of innocent civilians the police are shooting these days. The Media questions your fealty to the Sanctity Of Life banner, while informing you that Dear Leader continues a drone program that (without any doubts what so ever) murders people, children in the light of day at all times.

Worst of all, the Media tells you to distrust your neighbor, while the Media lauds praise on the biggest liars to ever grace the public American stage.

America, the Discussion We Should Be Having is the elephant in the room. For decades, we've been trained to displace the fault of our problems on easily framed scapegoats. We crave instant gratification, even in the arena of justice. There is no glory in calm, logical examination. But I beg you: See the fjnords in front of you. See how these agendas slot into place. Understand your Government is a crook that is trying to bait you into robbing yourself in the name of efficiency. See the lies, the lies, the lies they bathe you in every single day you exist on this planet.

Our enemies depend on your inability to step outside of the illusory world they create for you. Show them that you believe in the America you know and not the America they want.

“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guildmaster and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, that each time ended, either in the revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.”

― Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto


+/u/dogetipbot 250 doge

System refuses to work with us? We need to refuse to work with the system. There is no salvaging the trust lost to our bankers and government. They simply cannot be trusted with being allowed to screw with monetary policy, or private communication... or a slew of other things... but first, money.

It's just a construct, cloth with ink. Crypto is better, it's harder to counterfeit.

Crypto still has humans involved, so crypto can still be gamed.

The problem is bigger than money.

EDIT: And thanks for the tip!

You're welcome!

I totally agree that crypto currency is not a magic solution to everything that ails the world. But, by working towards refusing to acknowledge fiat currency we can, at least temporarily, shut down the war machine and rattle our wallets to make a larger racket than any army's sabers.


Now, this part is satire: We, the people, could show definitively that our money is more powerful than a corporation's political contributions. We just need to give them the money in the right way. See, due to the laws of physics, money on paper, or written on a check has far less potential for change than a similar sum of money delivered as change. Just think what would happen if we could all donate just a few dollars I really believe that we could reach a kinetic trend that would break down the walls between rich and poor. Essentially, I want to scientifically verify how much money is too much to drop on a politician all at once before it adversely affects their ability to do their job. :-D

To what end? It seems like you're kicking the can down the road, to me.

I understand the temptation (and the need!) to try and introduce reform via the monetary system, but even if you succeed, there remains institutional anomalies that can easily lead you back to the same place we are at now.

Your valid point aside, I am talking about the most necessary change humanity needs to make to change the course of our fate right now. And that's changing how they think about themselves, other people, and this reality in general.

I agree. Which is why the crypto currency I chose is light, funny, community driven, and the goal is to get to the moon. It started as a joke.

All of these things are the opposite of fiat.

It has been said often that money is the root of all evil. It's what we do with money that is evil. I want to see dogecoin surpass the USD, because it will prove how ridiculous we all are for arranging our lives around numbers, and those numbers decide whether we are stressed or happy, hungry or full.

Because even the silly internet meme money works on a system that is less corruptible than USD. You cannot lend more doge than you own. And you cannot be owed more coins than are in existence. Using these coins should bring people to better understand the concept of money, and how absurd the current system is. That what started as a joke on the internet is a better wheel than the one that has carried us away from the gold standard.. A better design that took a few people a matter of weeks to get sorted out pretty well.

We aren't going to get rid of money over night. The withdrawals would be bad, we would end up trading finger bones or some shit. We have to start treating money for what it is for a great many people, a drug. They hoard it like the most addictive substance on earth, because it is. IT can buy ALL the vices, even more of itself, and there is nothing quite like using money to make more money out of nothing.

Anyhow. That's the logic behind my tactic. It being entirely non-violent, non-confrontational, and a bit silly, means that there should be much less negative effect than the current fractional reserve system. And in the case of publicity or government going after the commodity for tax purposes... well, I might actually enjoy reading those depositions.

So, not a solution, but a good start. You need to knock the heavy dirt off before you can shine something without scratching the shit out of it.

I practice non-violent, non-compliant resistance. I take my chips off the table. Last year, we had world record American Silver Eagle sales, and NOBODY talked about it. This year, we're on track to outdo last year by a long shot.

Ron Paul talked about sound money. It's about time we took our money back.

find out more at /r/silverbugs

Why should I buy American made precious metal coins, versus just getting the metal not put into coins? Honest question.

No good reason, buy ALL the silver!

Thanks for the honest question, of course I should mention that silver is down 65% from it's recent 2011 high and not everyone's stomach is as okay for volatility as mine is. I've bought in the $18/oz to $36/oz range.

Why is the government selling for 100% more than current market?


Also what is the difference in buying uncirculated versus in circulation? Is that detail even relevant?

I don't consider myself to be a coin expert, so I couldn't tell you the difference. You might want to redirect your questions to the silverbugs, they'd know much more as an entity.


a coin may be trusted more than a hallmarked bar, harder to mess with, harder to forge, real currency, albeit not "1 dollar"

We need to try to educate as many as possible with SOUND and well formed arguments. If enough people understand and recognize this, public discussion will be possible. People only think this idea is crazy because they have never learned the facts about it. They are instead presented with information that is completely devoid of the notion such an enemy even exists, mostly by the MSM.

As much as we need to change minds, we also need to change our own.

Things that make sense to researchers in some cases only make sense because of years of study into the backstory. We have to be able to point to demonstrable evidence of the forces aligned against HUMANITY. Be willing to accept that you are sharing information, not changing minds.

well. lets start this discussion with the following question *ok, the systems fucked. how do we fix it? what policys need to be changed? and what should we change them to?

I for one like the Jefferson system of voting which allows nearly every person to have their voices heard

What was his system?

not an expert but basicly for a example you have 100 seats up for election. you run the vote.

party a gets 50% of the popular vote so the top 50 most popular politicians get 50 seats

party B gets 25 percent. they get 25 seats C gets 10% they get 10 seats D gets 5% and 5 seats E gets 3% and 3 seats F gets 2% and 2 seats

The state of things is terrible, from the State's standpoint. In reality, there is less violence than ever and more 'rich' people than in history. We're on the verge of the old system dying off and a new system being implemented. The new system will incorporate openness and transparency in leadership because that is what has been missing.

It will happen - and no matter what metaphorical phrasing is used (light and dark, good and evil, etc...) the fact is and remains that our current system of operation, as humanity in its whole, is non-sustainable. Period.

We simply cannot, CANNOT, stay on the same course. And if you ask me, thats what is happening on a large scale: they're losing. It is the final death throes of the organism being destroyed out of existence.

Can it come back and infect the new system? You betcha. It's going to take diligence, fairness, equality, openness, and participation to make it proper.

What other subs could you post this too?

I meant of the larger subs.

Everyone, including the mentally ill, has readily available access to deadly weapons and you wonder why people end up getting shot? The United States is the only developed nation that has violence on this scale. You're only exacerbating the problem by claiming gun violence is a tool of the powerful, and claiming totalitarianism whenever common sense gun legislation is proposed.

Somebody knows neither about 1) the ubiquitous manipulation by a covert elite that is responsible for a great deal of false flag violence and shooting designed to repeal the 2nd amendment and take away the right of the citizenry of the United States to bear arms, or 2) about history itself.