IRS-Lost key Lerner Emails; But there is "not even a smidgen of corruption" in the IRS.

34  2014-06-15 by strokethekitty

Man. I am at a lost. It seems like everyday we find more and more evidence that children are at the top of our government. They get caught red handedly, deny deny deny, downplay the scandal at every turn (as obamas quote that there isnt even a smidgen of corruption:

Which is obviously utter bullshit).

Then, when an investigation and inquires are ordered by congress, it just so happens that the IRS loses key emails to and from a key official who was at the top of the scandal, and would provide valuable information as to who else knew and contributed. Lost. Gone. How convenient?

Yet, at any given moment any given citizen can be called up for one of those awesome IRS audits about trivial information from five years ago.

Its sick. This government.

The worst part? It looks like they are going to get away with this. Just like everything else, this will be forgotten, apathetic citizens will submit to the anal raping that are IRS audits willfully, and nothing will be done about this or other scandals.

Corruption has eaten through the foundation. Personally, i feel the only prescription thatll remedy this is to pour another foundation from scratch.


Something that just clicked with me on this one.

Didn't they make new laws on the way government documents had to be backed up and stored after 9/11?

I would imagine they have off site back ups of emails exchanged on a government server.

Why have no IT professionals called BS on this one from the start?

IT guy here, this is highly suspicious, and not likely to happen accidentally, but here are some scenarios that this could potentially happen by accident:

  1. Backups were set up but not automated, so they ran only once.
  2. Backups were not configured correctly and were unable to complete.
  3. Backups had run and overwrote good backups with bad/corrupt data.
  4. Backups suffer similar catastrophic failure.

So, it's possible, but highly highly unlikely. They likely had or intended to have backups. If this is foul play, they obviously would have removed the data from the backups, or just not report that they have backups.


Those are less common in practice. I left them out because backup MX servers only serve when primary MX servers are temporarily down. They will not typically host the same information that primary MX servers will, unless configured to do so, which introduces its own set of problems.

Many places do not host their MX and exchange servers together. Exchange servers tend to be used for scheduling purposes only. I use them as little as possible, as do most of the companies I have come in contact with.

Basically, yeah, they could play a part, but are more distant outliers that I didn't care to touch on.

Corruption at the IRS? That's unpossible!!!

If they are "losing stuff" it seems that they suck at their "jobs" and should be fired without their pensions.

Just like the NBA and NFL; despite the billions of dollars involved, not a single game has ever been fixed. Certain American institutions are truly exceptional.

Uhm. Im sorry it wasnt very clear as to your opinion about this.

First of all, i wouldve presumed the nba and nfl had games that were fixed, and i thought some were proven in the past to have been fixed. But, i dont care for sports as much, and therefore im quite ignorant of them, and if im wrong about that then, well, my bad.

But its really your first clause that confuses me. Were you indicating that your beliefs are in alignment with obamas words about there "being not even a smidgen of corruption within the irs"? (Or as you put it, "not a single game has been fixed?")

Or were you being sarcastic?

I honestly couldnt figure it out and i dont wanna be a dick and assume you meant one way or the other. So, im just asking for a little clarification before i pursue any further discourse...

I was, in fact, being sarcastic.

Gotcha. Sorry, my ignorance of the affairs of national level sports hindered my ability to catch on to your sarcasm. My bad.

Now that weve cleared that away, good one, sir. Good one.