Reddit's new bullshit 'no upvote/downvote' percentage system.

196  2014-06-18 by TheUltimateSalesman

Wow, what a surprise.


Death of the downvote? The reddit MSM circlejerk is complete!

Death of Reddit as a source of free information and open discussion.

And call it "Corporate Media" rather than "Mainstream". It's more descriptive.

Mainstream has been corporate since I want to say the later half of the 19th century, then it really kicked off with the use of spin in the early 20th.

If it's the death of the downvote won't that also mean it's the death of the downvote brigades that try to censor stories?

Have a read:

They've 'facebooked' it. It's gonna be a mass of nodding fools 'liking' sponsored content.

Oh I get it, now only those with thousands of sock puppet accounts or astroturfing bots make the front page.


No, it just means brigades will be harder to spot and easier for the admins to ignore.

0 points (67% like it)

They like it? What is this? Facebook?


"That's not how this works! That's not how any of this works!"

Marked as spam.

What? Are you being sarcastic? Because you obviously don't know what spam is.



shadow banned (joke)

Sent invite to play candy crush

Do you have a cow to send me?

Yeah, I was joking.

It's from a TV commercial.

I don't understand what the benefit of this new system is, and I can't make heads or tails of the big thread, it's a cluster fuck in there.

The benefit is that now they can brigade downvote invisibly, so they can keep the damaging topics off the front page.

Makes for more effective propaganda for their overlords.

Reddit is selling influence. Simple as that.

Precisely, it is underhanded censorship in the guise of political correctness.

It's mind-control -- making sure the public sees these stories, doesn't see those, all the while steering the narrative, telling us what to think. Most people are blind to it; just go along with it.

They do it on topics ranging from Ukraine to 9/11 to GMOs, and non-discerning readers form their opinions based on a guided set of false narratives. Same as corporate media, only more slippery -- and a bigger betrayal IMO, as most people expect the internet to be a free & open exchange of ideas. Nope.

Accurate post above.

Have an (?|?)!

We all knew Reddit was gone a year ago...but this seems to be the overt final nail in the coffin. Now anyone can brigade anything. An NSA/CIA super computer can vanquish any post, any idea that does not comply with the party line, from how I see it. Does that sound accurate? If so, this is pure totalitarianism guised as grass roots. We all saw the censorship, now it's fully institutionalized. The reddit ppl, meanwhile, get to "sell" influence, but we all really know they're only being allowed to on a leash.

Maybe it's a good thing. Instead of people venting on Reddit, we can truly get involved... trying to find the bright side here.

That's not a terrible bright side.

We've been through the meatgrinder on this topic before but i'll stab at it once more.

First and foremost; reddit should be a discussion board with a toolset that's conducive to productive discussion. When individuals abuse those tools and turn it into a shitty un-scientific opinion poll where they dont feel as if they need to type an intelligent response or engage in a discussion but merely systemize popular opinion, that's problematic. Thats one of reddits biggest obstacles with its tool set. It doesn't encourage discussion.

IDK what else they could try: Make the upvote & downvote buttons super tiny and make the reply box bigger? ... ?

Even that might not turn certain individuals into believing something other than the upvote/downvote button is an adequate response.

Well articulated post, though I'd add if you're insinuating their intent was to encourage discussion by demeaning down-votes, that's an obvious double-edged sword that, given their cynicism, I would assume to a trojan.

Yes, this is the "last nail" in Reddit's coffin.... not. More likely reddit was dying for other reasons other than "censorship," and this process simply continues with poor choices like this one.

I doubt Rupert Murdoch was consulting with the engineers at Reddit over this decision as a link in his chain to take over the world.

Perhaps I overreacted - Reddit's already been overtly dead, but to insinuate Rupert Murdoch is the only media devil is laughable. He's not even anywhere close to the least moral, controlling or prone to censorship. CNN, for example, is just a significantly more adept deceiver.

The most beautiful thing in all of this is that while the truth us shocking and sickening, it is discoverable by all who wish to seek. Just like we once discovered the man behind the curtain because we chose to investigate, so shall they. And more and more awake by the day. Their influence and ability to play the same old games and expect to win is fading quickly.

The irony is that things like this, which are designed to keep people in the dark, actually make many start to question things a bit more and lead to their seeking to get to the bottom of the rabbit hole. "The Streisand effect", I believe it's called.

Reddit is quite likely the worst place on the Internet to attempt that. You can literally have your front page consist of only /r/conspiracy and whatever specific views you want.

The Jews have been doing this for many decades now. The reason Jews control the media is because, through the media, they control us. They control what we discuss between ourselves, what we think about social topics, and most important, what topics are taboo and are never to be talked about (like this one). It was inevitable -- INEVITABLE -- that Jews should control Reddit, as they now do. It was INEVITABLE that they should start to shape the debates within Reddit to match the controlled debate they have created in the rest of the mainstream media. These things could be foreseen, they were foreseen, and they have happened.

Dude sometimes the Jews arent responsible for every little thing...

Exactly. It's the aliens.

They don't even need to brigade, when coke pays for a top position of r/videos they will just have an acceptable number. Voting only did something in early reddit, now it's just a mechanism to make you believe you have a voice.

Voting only did something in early reddit, now it's just a mechanism to make you believe you have a voice.

Replace "reddit" with "America" and you still have a perfectly valid statement. Funny how the progression (regression, rather) of the internet almost perfectly mirrors that of real life.

There really can not be another reason.

thank you that puts it into a lot clearer terms.

yep they can hide who doesn't like shit

First they had to fuzz tallies to make it less obvious. Now they do away with that all together.

It only benefits big subs where people aren't voting the way they want.

So. Hear me out.

Is it that /r/undelete was becoming too popular? This was bad news for the reddit staff. Undelete shows deleted submissions. This can help find censorship. So alright, how do we get past not being able to censor submissions by deletion? Find a way to downvote them easier. Censor them that way.


I think that's only part of it. Some of us will remember a few months ago when this subreddit got slammed with downvotes, but eventually the brigades let up a little. It's still bad but not as bad as it was. It's possible the brigading was curtailed because it was too obvious, so many people have RES. Now it will be even more difficult to spot brigading.

It's not just this sub obviously. As the PTB have been losing control of the narrative, vote manipulation becomes more and more necessary

As much as I would like to think it was because of the popularity of undelete (or that one post I made that got really popular on /r/undelete) the bot has already been fixed to account for the changes. It shouldn't affect the functioning of that subreddit.

However, this does open up a whole new era of accountability-free vote brigading. This is a boon for companies/organizations who wish to censor or feature content.

Hell, eventually you might not even need mods to delete anything anymore. You can just sick the vote brigade on a post and downvote it to oblivion, and no one would be the wiser.

I'm sure that's a big part of it - too many people were starting to notice the obvious manipulation and censorship. Something had to be done, and this was the best option reddit, inc. could come up with. Ironically, though, I think they may have taken it a bit too far with this step and may end up with a lot more users being aware of what's going on than there were before.

No. This shouldn't do much of anything really. They use a thing called fuzzing anyway. Those numbers weren't right to begin with.

Has anyone actually proved they fuzzed anything?

No, that's just the rhetoric being told to us by the same people who concocted that bullshit explanation today.

It's also a pretty basic anti spam measure used by most websites

How does it effectively thwart spammers, exactly? It seems like it wouldnt be much of a problem for them at all.

+6032 l -2 .... 99% downvote

Back in the day it was very common that all stories would have 67% like to dislike. People started asking questions so the admins admitted they fuzzed the voting to stop down vote bots from burying stories.

I still don't understand how that stops a bot from burying a story.

It doesn't. It's like they think if they just vaguely allude to "oh, vote fuzzing, etc." that it will shut people up.

"Oh, the votes are fuzzed? I get it now - nothing to see here. Better luck next time bots!"

So how long until someone makes a new website we can move to?

Reddit's codebase is opensource:

TIL: Reddit is a flask app, and I know flask/python pretty well

Last time I heard they said Reddit was made with the Pyramid framework?


Meaning anyone can launch their own version of reddit if they want to.

Well why doesn't anyone?

The hard part is building the community. It would be a significant undertaking.

How many current users does it have? Who is the Admin team?

I just came across it today so it's about as new to me as it is to you but apparently it's the work of just one person, /u/dt3ft. He's been asking for help with development/design/administration going forward since, obviously, it's a huge undertaking to create a reddit replacement.

I don't know much about developing a website so I can't help much with that but I can help with trying to get the word out. It's an actual, tangible alternative that already exists and just needs a little help to get up and running.

It's in alpha and meant to be a side project for a college student.

people have made a couple, but none of them have really taken off - and they still suffer from the underlying problems of reddit. There should be a decentralized version.

You could fork it and spin up your own Reddit instance.

Great rationale. ಠ_ಠ

Didn't know it was open source. Praise Aaron.

What would be awesome is if you could start a subreddit as easy as wordpress on your own server, and other people could run aggregators, so the whole system was much more decentralized.

Great idea. Let's get this shit started. I have a WordPress site, though I haven't published anything recently, but I am game to start.

I'll be honest, setting up a flask server isn't exactly difficult, especially when they provide ubuntu install scripts...

Also aggregators are easy... there's this thing called RSS feeds that have been around since the end of the 90s

I mean, sure, you have to be slightly competent on the command line, but, a 12 year old who gave a fuck could figure it out in a day

Actually, cryptocurrency would be used for that instead of aggregators. Namecoin, Torcoin, Curecoin, Archivecoin (?) and others uses the block chain to process information as well as make transactions. By making a coin to be used for purchases, it act as a means to link the separate blogs, subreddits, whatever together in a decentralized way to ensure transparency.

There are a lot of them already. The hard part is getting traffic.

What would that matter when these people who make these sites just sell them to the wealthy fucks anyways?

Because the open source community totally just gives away all their secrets because they're money grubbing...

Software is the one frontier greed logic doesn't apply until companies are corporation level.

I've been monitoring /u/deimorz, the reddit employee who posted the change. He's been downloaded to hell, yet his overall comment Karma keeps on growing. Almost like the downvotes he recieves are being converted to upvotes.

Being an admin I'm sure he is immune to bad karma

He's had over 2000 upvotes in the last 7 hours, and only maybe a thousand negatives. He's had almost 6000 upvotes in the first page of his post history alone.

Nothing drastic but surprising nevertheless. Don't mind the green/red colours I've used, they don't indicate anything different. I'm not saying that there is something malicious here but if they wanted to fix something on that website this kind of discrepancy would have been more important than hidding votes. look

you do realize that he's a REDDIT EMPLOYEE.

Auto moderator & the censor creator asshat are ill tools.


Clearly a way to allow for more vote brigading. They probably got paid to implement this change so certain organizations could more easily cover their tracks.

The last glorious bastion of free speech on the interwebs.

Come home.

I'm not sure if you're serious or not. Regardless, aren't a lot of users on /pol/ complaining of shill and stuff there, too?

Think my post got removed because I didn't use the stupid NP link.

Have you checked out this admin's comments?

From this post:

I realize that this probably feels like a very major change to the site to many of you, but since the data was actually misleading (or outright false in many cases), the usefulness of being able to see it was actually mostly an illusion. Please give it a chance for a few days and see if things "feel" better without being able to see the specific up/down counts.

So he's implying that if we don't like it after a few days, they'll change it back?

There's not really any point in me yelling into the storm in /r/announcements. This wasn't a change that we made lightly, and it's not going to be reverted due to the (completely expected) knee-jerk reaction to it. We're reading the feedback about it, and some things may end up being changed eventually, but not immediately.

His justification is essentially "Once everyone stops complaining about the changes we made, they'll like it."

And he says

This change may also have some unexpected side-effects on third-party extensions/apps/etc. that display or otherwise use the specific up/down numbers. We've tried to take various precautions to make the transition smoother, but please let us know if you notice anything going horribly wrong due to it.

But in another post

If it's any consolation, I fucked all of my own bots as well and just finished scrambling around editing PRAW in about 20 different places.

So you tried to make the transition smoother, but had to scramble to fix your own bots? Sounds to me like this change was a "knee jerk reaction".

I just have to say, I fucking called it.

Enjoy the collapse! It's gonna be a mess.

Here's a link to the announcement thread. Look at the comments, absolutely no one likes this change.

Yet they're going full speed ahead with it, despite their entire userbase being vehemently against it. Very telling.

Yup, agreed. They must be motivated by something else. It's got to be money.

next they should hide usernames and then they can have a complete circle jerk..

no no no, next they'll tie your email to your username publicly. then, when ppl start posting their own profile pictures, reddit will roll-out a whole system where you can show off your profile! you can make statements to your new friend group, the entire listening internet!

No. They shouldn't show any thing for voting. No percentages, no points, nothing. You vote and that is that.

I wouldn't mind that. It'd give a lot more importance to the message, not the messager.

This affects the comment section the most. You can still use the % liked and vote total to calculate up and down votes for posts. The comment section, however, has it's votes completely hidden. The only info you see for comments are the total sum points beside the username.

Manipulation of the comment section with vote brigades can now be done unseen.

Here is an example:

I make a comment that is popular with lots of people of a subreddit but unpopular with a particular group that wants to limit discusion. The group then vote my comment down till it has very few points. Yet all I can see is that my comment has very few points. I have no clue if it has been downvoted or if no one has voted on it at all.

Good god we need to design a new reddit that is incorruptible.

I'm pretty much done with this site. I'll be hitting back here in conspiracy (obviously WAAAY down the page, even further than normal), but yeah, this probably marks the end of my reddit days. A pity. This site was decent for a while. Any suggestions?

Gold boycott is in order.

From /r/AdviceAnimals:

Also, I recommend you guys have a browse of that subreddit. Normalisation is already well under way. The main argument being pushed is that only RES users are affected/will care... 'No big deal', 'get a life', etc.

lmfao @ get a life from people on reddit

Same old story, just in a website this time.

You know, I figured they'd at least change tactics from time to time.

Corporate masters : "OK Reddit, Time to suppress the truth!"

Reddit: "Yes oh corporate giants"

the idiots are running this fucking shit.

Can't we set this subreddit to show them? Is that an option?

From my understanding not any more.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

Surprise! r/conspiratard members are happy with reddit for new update

Speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Yep. Just further confirmation of what most of us already know/suspect.

Holy ?|? that is messed up!TM

New Title "Reddit is Bullshit."

Maybe we can get a bounty going for some kind of chrome extension fix? This is such bullshit

Not possible as those numbers aren't available anywhere now. Nothing a chrome extension could do.

Hahahahaha what a fucking conspiracy we have here

who cares?

Which do you prefer seeing on the front page: stories chosen by popular and transparently tallied vote, or stories chosen by a black box?

Really the decent change if they're worried about gaming should be to make all votes public.

Theowners of reddit arent WORRIED about gaming. They are worried that they the owners of reddit cant game as well anymore becuase users are catching on that reddit is not really user controlled much at all anymore.

Quite possible. Have an ?.

I thought secret voting was a good thing in a democracy

Not when there are bots voting.

Never thought of that, good point

It'd be secret enough. How do you retaliate against Mr Acid Glee and Necazian?

its pictures of cats.... again, who cares?

Look at the Reddit front page. It is mostly not cats. Right now, there are no cats. There is, however, "T-Mobile's CEO Went Off Last Night And Said AT&T And Verizon Are 'Fuckers' That Are 'Raping You'" and "Dick Cheney Should be Rotting in The Hague, Not Writing Editorials", and a picture of a puppy.

Precisely, it is underhanded censorship in the guise of political correctness.

They don't even need to brigade, when coke pays for a top position of r/videos they will just have an acceptable number. Voting only did something in early reddit, now it's just a mechanism to make you believe you have a voice.

thank you that puts it into a lot clearer terms.

yep they can hide who doesn't like shit

No, that's just the rhetoric being told to us by the same people who concocted that bullshit explanation today.

Back in the day it was very common that all stories would have 67% like to dislike. People started asking questions so the admins admitted they fuzzed the voting to stop down vote bots from burying stories.

There really can not be another reason.

First they had to fuzz tallies to make it less obvious. Now they do away with that all together.

Quite possible. Have an ?.