Alternatives to reddit?

80  2014-06-20 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

So now that this site is about as functional as digg after v4 (and, you know, the rampant corruption), I figure it would be useful to coagulate some alternatives for the subscribers here.

I know most of you are already starting to branch out, so share what you've found and let's see what looks like the best option.

So far I've seen;

Anything else?

Any thoughts on the sites listed above?


I don't think moving somewhere else is the answer. In fact, people that censor material would probably like it if you disbanded and moved to another site where your reach to other people is much smaller. In any case, the same thing would happen on another site as well. There's no point running away when you encounter a hurdle - stay and make people as aware as possible that it's happening and force change. I saw it on Digg, saw it on other smaller conspiracy sites and great communities were lost forever.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'll be staying here and monitoring content manipulation as I always have; but I do think that reddit will soon fade into obscurity as she becomes more and more corporate; and when that time comes having a good alternative in place is exactly what leads to the rise of the next aggregate in the cycle.

It pisses me off because it is exactly what people want. They want the base of mindless drones that copy and paste newspapers all day and circlejerk around the talking points. It makes me sad that people aren't willing to spend more time than it takes to skim over a news article because that's exactly how we land in the same place all the time.

That's not how people are. The ever-increasing control of the media is exactly because people are restless and want real information.

Hillary-Bush 2016!

Lol. I just cannot fucking believe some of the shit I read on this site, it's depressing.


You can't even call out Obama because of the tribal Democrat/Republican sides that feel protective of their own slave masters. I've been calling out the Neocons and Bush for days. If you mention Obama shielded them, you get attacked for being a Republican which makes no sense at all.

I come for the articles buy stay for the comments.

but I do think that reddit will soon fade into obscurity as she becomes more and more corporate

It's inevitable for any site that reaches sizes similar to reddit. The people running it have to make money somehow; they can't eat ever-growing costs. And you're right; when corporations step in so that you'll see ads between comments or between clicking a link and seeing the content, people will leave.

I do think that reddit will soon fade into obscurity as she becomes

IT, not she, holy fuck man, websites don't have genders and fuck every language that gives nouns genders like German, holy fuck gender words fuck der and die just use das, like the.

Fucking hell people, PROGRESS.

Progress, like the next thing is the better thing. Solid.

like the next thing is the better thing.

Not always, but most certainly in this case of nouns not needing gender assigned to them.

German is actually my second language, probably why I slipped that in there :)

I need to learn it, took German 1 and 2 in high school 7 years ago so yeah I can barely speak it.

Would be nice to know for when I go there to visit my friends.

I should be able to say more than "Can I have a hamburger" or "I will shoot you in the face", not quite sure I'll have to say that second one ever but so goes life lol.

I was the same way with Spanish; first thing I remembered how to say was "le fusilarte" lol.

Good point. Divide and conquer is pretty much what is happening to these communities.

Atco seems kinda busy on the whoaverse.

Purpose must overcome feelings. You should spread your information as far and wide as possible and not concern yourself with such irrelevant matters.

Http:// is an okay Facebook-like site for the conspiracy friendly.

I personally met a lot of interesting people there, but I've never tried any reddit-alternatives.

Awesome Site, Thank you :)

i don't know about 'digg2' but this change turns this place more into 'bury1' - submit any story or make comments anonymously if you want.

One does not simply move on from Reddit.

Whoaverse looks interesting but I see a lot of meme type posts and adviceanimals is there... doesn't look like it's going to be any different than reddit.

So now that this site is about as functional as digg

Uhhh, what?

Wow, fucking neckbeards. Making a big show out of "moving sites" in hopes that the admins will undo the changes.

If you really care that much about internet points, I'd suggest moving to an Internet Addiction Therapy website instead.

Um... were you there when Digg fell?