Little girl supposedly kicked out of KFC, PROVEN HOAX!!!!!!

33  2014-06-24 by YoureAllRobots

Finally, the veil begins to drop. A little girl who was reported to have been asked to leave a KFC because her appearance was disturbing customers was never actually in the KFC.

How many of the stories you see on TV are nothing but hoaxes like this?


I was saying it all last week. People love to get angry. I am sure most of them will never hear about this and just move on to the next terrible tragedy they can be upset over.

I am guessing KFC know this before they gave the money. Now they can let her keep it and look like fucking gold.

That is exactly what has happened. KFC is, in fact, letting her keep the money.

Can we not post this tabloid bullshit.

It was national news herpa derp.

Obviously the little girl has suffered, so hopefully with the money and Dr. she can be fixed up and live a normal life. And with any luck, this farce will allow the girl to end up with some people around her that actually care for her. I say the conspiracy here is KFC. What did they know and when did they know it? Maybe it is good marketing or maybe they set this family up. I am sure the lawyer will get the blame pretty soon.

According to the report KFC discovered the truth while investigating the story internally. They checked their in store cameras and found the girl was never inside the location claimed to be the offender.

For stuff like this, I like, they occasionally have a story on all the BS news stories.

The first I heard of this type of event is from Ed Chiarini at, who also reveals all the crisis actors used for these "stories". His research is not 100% correct (how could it be), but a good deal of it is eye opening and downright shocking. I promise you that if you look at his research with an open mind you will never look at the world the same again.

"Research" such as showing two pictures and saying David Icke is actually Richard Branson.

Oh no, he might be wrong about one of these people? You have to be shitting me! How could I have been so wrong about my life and the world around me? /s

Douchenozzle alert.

Why so defensive? I'm just pointing out that the guy makes patently ridiculous claims on a regular basis.

Actually, a lot of his work makes sense and provides a solid jumping off point for changing the world. But I'm sure you have looked into and hypothesized about it more than I have....

Too all the idiots who jumped to donate to this family... In the words of Nelson Mund "HA HA".

Muntz. It is spelled Muntz.

None the less, Grandmas new boyfriend is going to like his new pickup truck I bet.

The most important correction ever given to me on Reddit. Thanks.

I disagree. The little girl does need a lot of expensive plastic surgery. The Las Vegas doctor who donated his services for the surgery is doing a good thing that has nothing to do with the little girl's horrible family.

This the typical MO in all of these hoax stories, which Ed often points out. It is one of the more useful methods for paying their actors. Look at how much Jeff Bauman (sp?) made off the Boston Firecracker.


Nope, but it is straight out of the conspiracy playbook. How many news stories are actually just elaborate hoaxes meant to provoke a certain response? Far more than most people would guess, is the answer.


I didn't call this an elaborate hoax. I will call Sandy Hoax, Boston Firecracker, and Aurora Theater that though.

Story was probably fabricated by Ronald McDonald.

Story was in many papers and on the Today Show, today.

Wait. You can make $30k for lying on the internet? I've been doing this all wrong.

Wait till I tell my mangled daughter, who found a toe in her taco loco value meal, and the words " fat, ugly, lesbian" scrawled on her receipt.

Kind of reminds me of the story where the Red Lobster waitress claimed a customer gave her no tip and wrote "None, Ni**er" in the tip section of his credit card receipt. She got all sorts of sympathy and (I think) even some money out of it all.

The customer lashed out saying he had not written it, and handwriting analysis proved he didn't write it.


Please stop posting this mindless tabloid shit.

Talk about appealing to the lowest common denominator.

People are faking news stories and it is being exposed. I would call that a pretty important conspiracy, but since you're the conspiracy expert I guess we should all concede to your opinion.

Talk about a pathetic attempt to obfuscate.

its pretty simple, oh frustrated one.

the lady faked her childs harassment by KFC. media picks up scent that a major food chain harassed a partially blind girl, as usual, they dont back-check the story. they release the case as 'news', its not until the story is aired that KFC is asked for a comment, they dont, until they investigate. KFC finds have no wrong-doing on their part, but other media outlets have picked up & spread the story, also not back-checking to see if it is in fact, accurate.

This is nothing new, what rock have you been under.

Talk about a pathetic attempt to obfuscate.

Is that what i am doing? why would i do that? do you know me? Fox news is hardly a reputable news source, but in this case, i dont think it was a conspiracy that was planned here, i think it was a case of "i want to be the first to break this case so im not going to fact-check it and just run it" dont insult me by saying im trying to obfuscate, you have no grounds and no reason to say that. none at all. you just dont have anything better to rebutt it with, so you dont really say anything at all except using a term you heard on the Alex Jones Show.

What does Bill Hicks have to do with this?

Are you the full dollar? Stupid me expected a proper reply.

You accused me of watching Alex Jones, outing yourself as someone who does not spend much time in this sub searching for the truth. I wrote what I did because it is the answer anyone mentioning Jones would get from me. Anyone who has spent any decent amount of time in this sub would know this.

You just outted yourself.

Yep. I really outted myself. Keep wasting your time with tabloids buddy. Or keep "studying" this shit. Whatever makes you happy. Your obfuscating yourself from looking into proper conspiracies, but then again, we don't need name-calling people labellers that have no argument or rebuttal. What a waste of time you are. And you have the gall to accuse me stupid shit like that. Well done. Your a frickin plebian.

Sandy hook.

Such a conspiracy. This sub is hitting it hardcore. /s

Are you the full dollar? Stupid me expected a proper reply.