no wonder they're hiding votes to make reddit look more positive aka digg style sellout

93  2014-06-24 by [deleted]



post it on whoaverse if you get a chance, no shadowbans there

Shadow banned twice for linking it on reddit, the video that is

thanks, that's ridiculous

Shadowbanner strikes again. You never know where he will be next!

am I sb?

Not yet.

thanks for clearing that up.

I never heard of that shit before..crazy


They seem really indoctrinated across the pond.

Holy fuck.

What a joke.


  1. I dont beleive that your getting shadowbanned for posting a simple video link.

  2. What the fuck britain?


And also, their scripts are almost always written by MI6.

I'm not against media outlets having their own subs but I really doubt it can happen without somehow influencing the integrity of the site.

This is a bad move and really goes against what reddit was about, for me at least.

Alexis and Erik Martin setting up a PR firm sealed the fate of this website.

Details? haven't heard of this

uhh what the hell....that's some weird shit

Gonna make the Reddit Corruption Scandal that much bigger...

Have you noticed how 'america' things have gotten, it's pathetic

Left a little snarky comment there. Let's see if they have a sense of humor.

Top comment right now: 'Amazing job with the CSS on this subreddit. Really works well with the theme and feel of BBC. When I opened this, I almost thought I was back on' Oh boy... :/

I don't see the problem. If you don't like it, don't subscribe.

Propaganda is the problems. They use media to control our thoughts and poison in the food supply to dumb us down.

Propaganda is the problems. They use media to control our thoughts and poison in the food supply to dumb us down.