1 of 10 working age adult death due to excessive alcohol consumption

28  2014-06-28 by strokethekitty


But marijuana is sooooo dangerous so it must remain illegal...



I've smoked so much pot in one night that if you tried to equate it to a number of drinks, I would have been in the ER or dead. What happened to me? I woke up with a dry mouth and was hungry for breakfast. Marijuana is possibly the safest recreational drug there is.

In vivo studies have shown that even combusting the plant is not deleterious to your health or lungs. There really is a consensus out there in the scientific community on marijuana but because of politics and the lack of constituents fighting for better representatives we are going to live in a world where even scientific consensus for an apocalyptic issue like climate change will go unheeded.

The problem is the system. I would call my senators and reps. if there would be enough people to join me but it always seems like these things just end up being nice Facebook pages without any change at all.

In vivo studies have shown that even combusting the plant is not deleterious to your health or lungs

Do you have the studies? Because that sounds like B.S., ingesting a hot carbon into your lungs is going to cause minor problems at the very least.

Conclusion Occasional and low cumulative marijuana use was not associated with adverse effects on pulmonary function.

So if you smoke the same amount of matter as say an average tobacco smoker, you might experience

a significant decline in FEV1 at more than 20 episodes of marijuana use per month (−3.2 mL/episode [95% CI, −5.8 to −0.6], P = .02). Although net associations with FEV1 became negative at very high exposure levels (>40 joint-years or >25 episodes/mo)

Being a bit nitpicky but to say it have no adverse effects at all isn't the truth.

See, I am very suspect about their recent change in heart to legalize pot in some states. They don't do anything unless they can profit.

These people are getting fucked somehow.


I bet we'll see a major rise in lung cancer.

Who says you have to smoke it? I had crippling back pain after seriously fucking my back up a couple years back. Got a prop card, got medical MJ. As an ex-smoker I didn't want to mess with smoking, so I stuck to THC pills. Worked great, I was able to rest and function (was on medical leave, so no driving or office time required) and after the pain went away after 3 months, so did the need for the weed. I'm not a recreational user (nor am I much of a drinker, shit makes cig cravings come back hard), but if I ever have a major pain issue again, I'd go back on THC pills in a heartbeat over codeine or any other pharma-shit.

Wow i feel like all the people who downvoted you misunderstood you...

gotta remember people can drink heavily to cope with other problems, not just because they like being drunk 24/7 or all their spare time.

back pain, arthritis, cancer and even maybe heart conditions, emotional problems, the aging process and a persons looming mortality.

and of course to feel good.

many reasons why people drink heavily and suffer the delayed consequences.

maybe some are making the right choice, drink be happy and go early, and avoid lingering pain and misery in the declining years..

and example of social pressures, over in Britain up to the 90s maybe, there was this lingering old school puritan mindset, partly social, partly BBC and other media and partly medical and social service types.

they were of the comfortable middle class opinion that drink (and drugs) and enjoying oneself was bad for you, morally wrong and would cost the taxpayer millions in NHS costs, lots and lots of public service announcements and BBC TV moralizing on good behavior and how the the poor were miserable irresponsible layabouts who drank too much and didn't look after themselves.

of course the well off types can afford to be smug and live the uptight good life (in public at least) they don't have to worry about unemployment and poverty and shite housings, finding money every week to feed and clothe their families.

and of course this social programming is hard to break out from, it peculates and influences whole generations.

If drinking is a "pressure relief valve", which it may be - stopping people drinking is just going to increase stress.... and a stressed society is worse overall.

drink for a lot of people is absolutely a pressure relief thing.

a lot of people are on legal prescribed doctor meds for stress, then theres the illegal weed and simialr, then theres the drinking crowd.

the true percentage figure for the percentage of teen/adult peoples on meds/weed/booze for social stress, 90% maybe !?

its prob abnormal not to be on something these days. cola, nicotine, tea and coffee prob count too...

I am sure people here know alcohol is a toxic poison that destroys the liver, but even deeper...

Alcohol is natures way to euthanize starving creatures. The fruit on the ground rots & in nature alcohol/rotting fruit smells not often [if ever] pleasant, but creatures that had been eating the fruit before it stopped falling sometimes if hungry enough then return & eat the foul fruit as a last resort in attempt to stave off hunger. Sometimes this is due to other diseases & an animal may be seeking to end pain or suffering, but most often it is likely due to hunger & starvation that an animal resorts to eating the rotting ground fruit mash [often full of bugs too]. If they do not die & find some healthy food to last another year sometimes they eat the rotting fruit even if not starving due to the "spirits" of the dead calling them to it from the vibrations in the odors interacting with brain cells. I once lived for many years feral in an area with mango & other fruit trees that dropped tons of fruit seasonally & I have witnessed what I write about first hand with birds mice rats cats & goats.


elephants merrily eat fermented rotted fruit, as seen on one of the famous wildlife documentaries (BBC etc).

they have a merry time, and are no worse for it later except for hangovers.

MSM BBC likely shows one heavily scripted edited &/or staged scene. I am wise enough to comprehend that is how most documentaries are done & not to trust the BBC too much or any MSM or outside source without doing my own legwork.

elephants merrily eat fermented rotted fruit, as seen on one of the famous wildlife documentaries (BBC etc).

A link to the scene would be helpful as this chain wanker BBS type BS I found seems ill of truth.

they have a merry time, and are no worse for it later except for hangovers.

Hangover? seems your BBC TV <---o_0 implanted non reality. Could you provide a source for the hangovers in elephants?

Because facts I find seem to indicate elephants are too large to receive much an alcoholic effect @ all from rotting fruit to make them merry apparently according to the non film makers BBC I found here:

In South Africa, local legend has it that the elephants like to get drunk.

The non bushmen locals are often ignorant & ill educated alike sometimes people who shit on the words of out of the box thinkers who cared enough to share intelligence & deeper insights than are often provided by MSM programming based BBC slime box ooze BS ignorance.

As for the elephants, the science is pretty clear. The animals are so massive that it would take a tremendous amount of the marula fruit to become intoxicated. Physiologists Steve Morris, David Humphreys, and Dan Reynolds of the University of Bristol first heard the rumours of the drunk elephants while in South Africa for a scientific conference, so they set about determining whether the legends might reflect some truth. A search of the scientific literature supported the notion that elephants could at least become drunk. A 1984 study showed that they were happy to drink up a 7% alcohol solution, and several drank enough to alter their behaviour. While they didn't "act drunk", in human terms, they decreased the time spent feeding, drinking, bathing, and exploring, and became more lethargic. Several displayed behaviours that indicated they were uncomfortable, or perhaps slightly ill. Drunk trunk? But just because elephants can become intoxicated doesn't mean that they do it in the wild routinely enough to inspire all the marula tree legends. A 3,000kg (6,600lb) elephant would have to drink between 10 and 27 litres of a 7% alcohol solution in a relatively short amount of time to experience any overt behavioural changes. Even if marula fruit contained 3% ethanol (a generous estimate) an elephant eating only marula fruits at a normal pace would barely consume half the alcohol necessary in a single day to become drunk. If it wanted to get drunk, given the constraints of its anatomy and physiology, an elephant would have to eat marula fruit at 400% its normal feeding rate while also eschewing all additional water intake. "On our analysis," the researchers conclude, "this seems extremely unlikely." Still, something must explain the unusual behaviour of elephants around marula trees. Morris, Humphreys, and Reynolds offer two possible explanations. First, their unusually aggressive behaviour may simply reflect the fruit's status as a highly prized food item. A second, more intriguing hypothesis, is that there's another intoxicant that they're consuming. In addition to the fruits, elephants also sometimes eat the tree’s bark. This often contains beetle pupae, which contain a substance that local Africans historically used to poison their arrow tips. If they were ingesting the beetle toxin, perhaps that could explain the unusual antics of the pachyderms.

On the occasions they do get drunk from humans alcohol they are not seemingly merry:

killed 6 humans

caused them commit suicide

killed 4 destroyed a village

All from the BBC it seems that if elephants get a taste of alcohol enough to produce a hangover they would most often likely rampage kill others & suicide as opposed to act merry. The fact that they drew an electrocution suicidal death speaks volumes to as what spirits they had tapped into known to the wise as the spirits of the lonely hungry dead seeking to draw company to their realm of ill sad suffering nature snuffed souls.


of course an infotainment BBC documentary on drinking elephants.

wise not to trust the BBC much.

years back when Simon King was the darling of the new generation of wildlife documentary producers, his show on the swans, they had a beaut of a continuity error with the adult swans and their cygnets (numbers), likely two different families of swans on the/a river.

but to the half watching viewer the footage was good enough.