It amazes me that people can watch the first episode of Season 2 of House of Cards, think that the show represents how things really work in Washington, and then STILL think that Michael Hastings's death was an accident.

36  2014-06-29 by [deleted]

Just a thought, for those of you who have seen the second season opener of House of Cards.


It amazes me that people expect any truth at all out of the shit-box.

Does anyone familiar with Hastings' death really think it was an accident though? Seems to me that believe in an accident is inversely proportionate to knowledge of the case.

*so... the downvote brigade is here, eh?

Fuck, the main line directly afterwards where that new cars don't have kill switches. The process was confirmed, and yet because of the initial doubt, people still ignore the confirmation that the practice could have been used.

Such bullshit mind games they play with our supposed media. So happy they are losing to other sources and smaller outfits.

You don't need to believe in conspiracies to know he was murdered. He allegedly crashed into a tree, but his car's engine was like 15 meters away, because the explosion made it fly. WRECKS DON'T DO THAT.

I don't watch TV. Can you give me a synopsis as it relates to Hastings? Thanks!

SPOILER: From what I remember, Kevin Spacey's character throws this reporter in front of an oncoming train because she believes he (Kevin Spacey) murdered another political candidate.

Thank you.

How does this equate to the Hastings assassination? I fail to see the connection.

Just the whole murdering journalists when they start asking the wrong questions bit.

I understand that part, as it's been going on forever. Guess I expected it to be an electronic car hacking not a Metro Transit.

No the connection is not directly related by the means of death. I'm saying that Kevin Spacey plays a powerful figure in D.C. who is being investigated for criminal wrongdoing by a reporter. And when he discovers what that reporter knows and what her intentions are, he kills her and makes it looks like an accident. Drawing parallels.

Yeah, not so sure about that connection. I just watch House of Cards and think Hastings was probably murdered.

While you're on Netflix, watch Kelsey Grammer's 'Boss', which covers a similar idea extraordinarily well.

Agreed, Boss was very good. Depressing as hell, but very good.

Did you see Season One of The Bridge on FX?

HofC is a very entertaining show with masterful photography, ambience, and a few quite great actors.

But it is a TV show, just that. Yes, it shows an unflattering view of Washington and politics but nothing any semi-informed viewer doesn't knows.

And when it comes to the plausibility of the plot... come on. Adding a few topical events & characters (the hacking frame up and the black hat doing it because he has no choice, the blackmailing energy companies, sexual scandals) doesn't change the fact it is a fantasy, an unreal tale of how TWO persons manage to manipulate, fool and play the entire political system to suit their needs. Spacey is a great actor, but unless it's revealed that he's the Antichrist in season 03, it is all too unbelievable.

I thought it'd be interesting, what with the cover and all, but I watched the first fifteen minutes of it and was like nopenopenope.

What's your favorite TV show?

I don't really have one, honestly. I usually turn on Netflix when I'm bored out of my mind and a documentary doesn't seem entertaining. Its more of my girlfriends thing. I suppose I did enjoy breaking bad and GoT, but I wouldn't call them my favorite. I was just entertained by it.

I think what one sees on the screen is similar to what one sees when viewing or evaluating any art, such as a painting or a sculpture; what you experience depends on your personal frame.

I agree with you, its just hard to get into the drama. I'm like hyper aware that it was all planned out and written up by script writers with actors playing the parts of characters (usually) designed to appeal to a certain archetype of person, so the audience can relate and enjoy the show more. Since were in r/conspiracy, I also think that certain values are slipped in to sort of program the mind.

So, all in all, I try to avoid them, but I enjoy some. I'm also a terrible person to take to the movies, lol

You don't need to believe in conspiracies to know he was murdered. He allegedly crashed into a tree, but his car's engine was like 15 meters away, because the explosion made it fly. WRECKS DON'T DO THAT.