Body Armor Being Marketed To The Public

25  2014-07-02 by [deleted]

I was watching a YouTube video of some old Country classics and an advert came up between songs. It was a video that was advertising body armor in what seemed to be a setting of an uprising.

A news anchor reports, "Thieves are now killing for food-" when suddenly a man, clearly in a home (since he was watching this on television) quickly dons his military attire and grabs his assault rifle and then heads into the woods. Shots are fired at an unknown, unshown assailant and our (supposed) protagonist is shot. The narrator, assuming to be the same individual, offers up the following: "Ceramic body armor is rated to stop 6 hits, what about the 7th? Infidel Body Armor is rated to stop hundreds of rifle rounds, from .223, to AK's and has even stopped 338. Made by Patriots, for patriots. Infidel Body Armor just wont quit."

This quickly struck a dissonant chord with me. If the military supplies its warriors with gear, who is this armor being marketed to? What is the advertisement's scenario trying to portray by showing this kind of gunfight in a residential setting? The video claims that the scenario is a mock of a "post-economic collapse", but is is their whole marketing campaign's success attributed to a 'what if the economy fails' point of view?

Check out the video and discuss this with me. Maybe I just dont understand.


Just another product aimed at the "prepper" market.

What if the customer list is sent to the gov or the company is forced to send it to the gov, lotsa people will be raided i'm sure of that.

Those commercials are marketed towards you. You were probably watching prepper or survivalist videos and/or had cookies from those types of sites stored on your computer.

I remember a friend who was widely thought to be a closeted homosexual who would complain about how facebook always had ads for gay lifestyle products and websites. I just told him, if you are looking at gay websites, expect gay advertisements when you're being monitored at all times.

It's for armchair commandos, nothing more.

Besides, since you can buy XM855 anywhere anymore, body armor doesn't stand a chance against that.

Apparently 855 isn't enough to go through some hardcore body armor. Thanks guys. My first point still stands though

XM855 ammo is not strong enough to penetrate AR500 armor as depicted in multiple test videos. Infidel body armor is advertised as being made from AR500 steel. The only thing XM855 is good for is penetrating concrete walls and soft body armor (the stuff police normally wear).

The AR500 armor is strong enough to withstand even up to 7.62x54r ammo with a steel core (penetrating version).

Steel core is not the same as armor piercing ammo, which has a hardened steel core (much like the hardened steel AR500 plates vs normal steel plates) and may or may not be capable of going through AR500 steel plate.

Hmmm, TIL. Thanks for that I guess.

You're surely joking.... it's a mild steel perpetrator. Sure it will zip through IIIa soft armor but not a III or IV

Just wait a few more years and you will see why it's needed.

Fuck surviving and having to rebuild. To much damn work. I hope to go out first.

Its fear mongering on the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the acceptance of the Bank of International Settlements new global currency the SDR. The reason the police are arming so heavily is that Americans are total blank slates with regards to internal political affairs, that and the de-dollarizaiton will cause anger, confusions and ultimately riots. That and Obama might've tried a another 9/11 nuke attack on Charleston to bring the American military to Iraq so as to secure the oil market there before the SDRs kick in, as mineral resources will be a major deciding factor in determining a country's currency.

For more info and context on how the SDR is impacting international affairs check out JC Collins work, its lengthy and informative.

My brother and I have cermaic chest an back plates. Didn't pay for me but a buddy of ours grabbed us some when he left the military. Pretty cool to have but well probably never use them.


lol. Are you selling body armor?

I saw the mythbusters episode where they made a plate out of bathroom tile and it seems to me that you're charging way too much for a product i can make myself.

the expensive thing in most ceramic body armor is the Kevlar layers behind the ceramic to stop penetration. the ceramic is there for energy dispersion

I'm actually quite familiar. I was just trolling because the post really does seem like thinly veiled marketing.

oh haha sorry man didn't catch it. Guess im just as naive as everyone else today

I tend to see things where they may not be. I would argue that for certain consumers, the blast protection offered by "mythbusters" DIY armor is probably sufficient. These companies really should diversify their product lines to account for Non-Alpha-Male types. Guaranteed women would drop a few hundred on hand held mini-shields for their kids or a penetration proof backpack to hold an infant.

I know a guy who bought some level IIIa soft plates and put them in his kids backpack where a laptop would go. Taught the kids in case of an active shooter to grab their bag and hold it in front of them. Wont stop and ar15 but will stop most handgun rounds. Only weighs a couple lbs too.


Products based on children's school accessories are basically fearmongering as Actives aren't as likely as the media wants you to think. Unless the hiccup happens after the advent of mobile particle weapons, which it won't unfortunately, a healthy market for kinetic protection makes a lot of sense. I don't see how OP could possibly be surprised.

Wow $270 for a backpack with an 80$ plate. You could buy a decent north face backpack with a laptop sleeve and the plate for like $150

Are you seriously fucking accusing me of marketing this shit? You're too goddamn paranoid, dude. You should take a break from this subreddit.

Says the guy who wants to become a Freemason. Try not to stick your dick in any children you fucking dirtbag.

If you think Freemasonry is immoral in any way, you're a fucking idiot.

And "stick my dick in kids"? You've been reported for such vulgarity.

It's AR500 and wayy to heavy to be practical.

AR500 plates are about 7lbs each so 14lbs total front and back. The ceramic plates the military wear are between 4-8lbs per plate. So its right on with par with what our military wears.