DoD accessing my Reddit Account?

27  2014-07-13 by fastrx

So i just so happen to be clicking around reddit and i click my account history link. I see three known login's and two of which are from known ip address'. Then i see I google it which brings me to this

DoD Network Information Center

Are these guys really accessing my account?


Nope, it's probably you, accessing your account on a mobile device. The DoD sublease some of "their" IPs - they own a lot more than they need, while the civilian network is painfully short of IPs - to mobile carriers, particularly Sprint.

This is an actual answer. Thank you.

This was never proven definitely. From your source, it says "as another MT.Net visitor theorized" which would, if 100% true and accurate, would then hinge on OP using said network.

[Shrug] If you want further discussion, Google "mobile DOD ip addresses" or whatever. What'll you get out of it probably depends on your knowledge of networking (I'm no expert!), but it seems entirely credible to me.

I called Tmobile and spoke with L3 support and indeed they're using 10.x.x.x but also 25.x.x.x and 26.x.x.x for handing out IP addresses - it depends on the device/feature in use.


I think anyone on the web is have this done to them. But with bots like the ones subs and mods use. Kind of sucks.

where do you find the account history link?

it is under recently viewed link on your home page.

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So funny I can't stop laughing


I literally don't understand how you go from a screenshot of a DoD IP address to this shit

You need a refined Jewish sense of 'humor'.


I'm not sure there is even a way to see the ip addresses of who logged into your reddit account...

Translation: 'I'm too fucking stupid to figure it out, therefore it does not exist.'

Well I dunno. What did you do to make them hit your account? We could be paranoid. Or we could be targeted.

i basically browse reddit, wikipedia, theverge, facebook, gmail, and play bf4

they see everything. they know everything..... what did you do? it could be anything from a white lie, to cheating on a test, to lying to your mother, to a serious crime..... it could also be a most evil infiltration of your body.... have you violated your body recently? or it could possibly be an item of power that attracts them....

or they could really like you and be protecting you....

time to be honest.... you can hide things from me.... but they will know... and they might just tell me.

If you find the time coincides with your mobile usage, /u/SkeptiConspiracist's answer would appear most probably.

If you do not use reddit on a mobile device, or did not log in at the times indicated, I would consider it likely someone, whether a hacker, troll or government bot, may have compromised your account.

Either way, consider changing your password as a precaution.

3 comments but I only see two,besides this one. Man i see this a lot now is everyone getting shadow banded. And what do you have to do to get shadow band?

they see everything. they know everything..... what did you do? it could be anything from a white lie, to cheating on a test, to lying to your mother, to a serious crime..... it could also be a most evil infiltration of your body.... have you violated your body recently? or it could possibly be an item of power that attracts them....

or they could really like you and be protecting you....

time to be honest.... you can hide things from me.... but they will know... and they might just tell me.