what is a conspiracy theory that has actually been proven to be true?

0  2014-07-14 by [deleted]

there is a lot of shit out there, Chem-trails, Nibiru, Reptiles in government. but what is was a conspiracy theory that turned out to be true.


U.S.S. Liberty

Forced Sterilizations.

Syphilis to Black Men.

Spying on US Citizens.

i tried wikipedia on the U.S.S liberty thing and looked at unresolved issues, but it is pretty long. Considering you thought of it off the top of your head, what was the conspiracy?

First of all the term conspiracy theorist was coined in the 1960's. The CIA worked very hard to give it a negative connotation. IF you just need one conspiracy that they have admitted to try the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

The 1993 WTC bombing was a false flag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M8QtYTplyk

i stopped watching at "according to a source, close to the case..." i went on to look at the channel's other videos, with one detailing what orbs are but give no evidence whatsoever, this trash

as well as that, there is another video that strings together what random people claim but give no evidence that Lyndon B. Johnson was behind the plot to kill JFK, this other trash

it is as if that channel can't decide what it wants to be. a ghost/demon place, an alien hangout, or a conspiritard get-together

Dude. That is an FBI agent on tape admitting that they played a role in the bombing lol. Ad hominem is a weak argument.

You didn't even listen long enough to get to the real tape did you? They play the actual phone conversation between the FBI agent and one of the bombers.

after your comment, i decided to watch. why did Reuters not make a big deal out of it? and, why is the newspaper article not shown to confirm its existence. And WBAI? my search for it shows it is a listener supported radio station, and this nsfw link of a topless woman talking about censorship this guy criticizing capitalism

this where they say they were in the occupy wall-street movement

and this. i don't normally trust wikipedia, but i don't see why anyone would alter anything in the summary. the station has progressive/leftist programming, which most of those who frequent r/conspiracy don't like

The Reichstag fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, the attack on the USS Liberty, Operation Gladio, MK-ULTRA

MKULTRA, Government spraying of chemicals / live agents in US Cities (SanFran, Minneapolis), Iran Contra, CIA Selling Crack to inner city youths.

There are more, but lack of coffee confounds my memory.

mk ultra is whacked out. i once saw this video about an arcade game that caused insomnia, nightmares, memory loss, and even suicide. i didn't really pay attention to it, as soon afterwords i forgot about it. but, after seeing a bit of the game-play, that night i did have really bad nightmares. when i woke up, i realized it could have been this video.

the night after seeing the video, i had very bad insomnia, and experienced terrible paranoia for no reason. but the night after, thankfully, it stopped

but, what proof is there of chem-trails?

I heard about it from someone who lived during the time and got sick, though it was probably something minor. They sprayed something and used the hospital visits as their demographic data set.

But I found this link.


For what it's worth.

that site gave no evidence though. not even a citation


the vatican, the mafia, and the CIA.

i watched some of it, but that guy gave no evidence. i would have liked to see some leaked tapes, documents, charts, graphs, anything. But, all he did was talk

Did you know that the BBC reported that the Solomon Brothers Building (WTC 7) had collapsed 20 minutes! before it actually fell. How did they know it was going to fall? This is a reporter standing in front of WTC 7 while it's still standing and she says it's collapsed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mxFRigYD3s#t=185

maybe the times got mixed up, maybe they wanted to make the story more interesting and didn't know it would actually happen.

also, if this was an american plot, made by the government, why would a BBC reporter be informed of the plot?

maybe the times got mixed up,

The "times got mixed up"? What does that mean? There was a terrorist attack and the BBC reported 3 towers went down when only 2 had. How did they know the third one was going to fall?

maybe they wanted to make the story more interesting and didn't know it would actually happen.

Ahh gotcha. In the middle of the biggest terror attack of all time, the BBC decides to make up a lie to "make it more exciting". 20 minutes later that "lie" comes true. That makes sense. I guess that's what happened.

i can't quite explain it, but still, why would a BBC reporter be informed of a secret american plot?

why would a BBC reporter be informed of a secret american plot?

Maybe that plane that went down in Pennsylvania was supposed to hit WTC 7. The releases were prepared beforehand and things didn't follow the script exactly.

the WTC7 went down seven hours after twin towers, according to this BBC source and also in it is the way it went down.

according to this CNN article the plane went down at 10:02

and this CNN article gives the timeline of events. so, flight 93 goes down way before the WTC 7 collapses. without a plane, they would not have blown any apparent 'bombs', and why do it 7 hours later?

wikipedia isn't a reliable source because anyone can change the info.

and still, that guy had nothing with him but his mouth

i don't understand, are you directing that at the guy from the video, or me? i can't see how you thought it would be relevant to the conversation if it is directed at me.

i'm guessing you don't even see the fnords then.


so a fnord was a word used in a movie that satirizes the illuminati. i guess you are trolling now

Movie? you really are oblivious

i was just talking with my brother about the dawn of the planet of the apes movie i just saw while i was typing the comment

9/11 as an inside job has been proven many, many times.

Or are you looking for an official admission of guilt?

almost every 9/11 truther out there has been influenced by films like "Loose Change 9/11."

what they seem to not notice is that people make money off this stuff. that film is on Netflix! they are trying to sell to you a fake truth to make money.

also, i am hoping my question will keep people's imaginations in check.

9/11 as an inside job is known the world over. The only people questioning it are the ones who did it and the people whose news they control. If you don't know this yet, you've got a lot of work to do.

I don't want to sound like a dick, but what are your news sources? I haven't seen extensive debunking presentations/videos/ or papers done on the subject, but my earlier comment about the Loose Change film money making is enough for me

By this logic we shouldn't trust any documentary at all. Trust your instincts, research, research, research. No one is going to hand you the whole truth on a silver platter, you've gotta sleuth it out!

it is more about the wild claim that attracts audiences, then they get money from people simply viewing it because the idea is interesting. also, i have some knowledge now. how stuff works from the science channel explains it well

read the 4 page explanation

I actually figured it out circumstantially -- I was over near Ukraine when the coup went down and saw how western corporate news reported it as Russian aggression, an obvious lie. My brain started clicking, and it quickly became obvious 9/11 was a false flag.

I never watched Loose Change, but this one is good: September 11 - the New Pearl Harbor

Russian aggression? absolutely no one saw it as that. i have never even heard the words Russian and September 11th in the same sentence.

in the Loose change film, it gives parallels to the pearl harbor situation, how FDR knew of the coming attack, and used the incident to go to war.

but, from what i remember of Loose change, it claimed that 9/11 was/is used to convince people to take away rights, but what rights were taken away? sure the NSA spying is whacked out, but barely anybody supports them. other than the NSA, what else is there?

No, no, no... The annexation of Crimea was portrayed by corporate media as Russian aggression. Anybody watching independent news knew it was anything but. Seeing corporate media lie so blatantly to paint Russia in a bad light forced me to reconsider their portrayal of previous events, 9/11 being one example. JFK is another. Sandy Hook. Aurora. I'm not buying their bullshit anymore and neither should you.

And I'm sure you know this, but 9/11 was used to justify invading and destroying 2 sovereign nations and killing at least 500,000 civilians.

Starting to feel like this is a troll post...

vice news has a great series on the whole ukraine situation. that is what i have watched. and to me it does seem to me that the annexation of crimea was an injustice, but that is another topic altogether.

what would be the reasoning behind using the 9/11 attacks, when you are claiming the government did it? if they could pull such a thing off, surely they can convince the nation to go to the middle east without such an attack. i think the real reason to go to Iraq was to topple Saddam Hussein, and open the oil to the west. according to this cnn article and this about.com american history piece as well as this Forbes article

destroying 2 nations? how?

Vice is shill media masquerading as an edgy liberal rag. They're pretty subtle, but they slip in key talking points. Vice's series on Ukraine was pure propaganda, subtly making the argument that Russia was invading rather than EU was staging a coup of Ukraine.

The rest.. nah, you've gotta be a troll. Nobody is that dense.

the ukraine series gives no comment. they just report what is happening.

I wouldn't normally counteract by calling someone else a troll, but i suspect you are the troll. you are a troll because you did answer my question about how they destroyed 2 nations. so please, enlighten me.

that site gave no evidence though. not even a citation