/r/conspiracy is DELETING posts calling out /r/Worldnews moderators for censoring posts about Israel

101  2014-07-14 by [deleted]


The /r/Worldnews mods are destroying all user submitted posts about Israel and openly only allowing 'balanced' aka pro-Zionist posts to make it onto the front page.

/r/Worldnews has six million subscribers and MORE TRAFFIC than CNN so this is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. Like Glenn Greenwald said it's censorship plain and simple.

So why isn't r/conspiracy discussing this? Earlier today there were TWO posts about this on the front page. Now there are NONE. Why isn't /r/conspiracy covering censorship of this scale? Maybe because ONE OF THE WORLDNEWS MODS IS ALSO A MOD HERE

I'm not gonna say who because the last user to point out the conflict of interest WAS BANNED FROM REDDIT but just look at the modlist for /r/worldnews and the modlist for /r/conspiracy and you'll see who it is.

I fully expect to be banned for this post but it's important to get the truth out. This website gets more traffic than CNN so it's important that we discuss the blatant pro-Zionist censorship taking place here. It's disturbing that a censoring mod is also a mod here. This place is doomed.



Mods, is this true?

Not exactly. I deleted my own post on this subject earlier today when I noticed someone had beat me to it.

OP probably noticed that and got concerned.

Makes sense. I don't really know the mods such as yourself but in my time here I have seen the type of integrity I would hope to see in all reddit moderators. Generally there is little moderator intervention except when someone starts harassing or trying to disrupt discussions. How it should be IMO.

Nope, not sure what this user is talking about,

There is a submission discussing the sticky at number 23 on the front page right now...

If he has a specific link that he wants me to look into I'm happy to do that, but I just checked the mod logs and nothing has been removed.

I expected as much, would be nice if he could be more specific about what he is talking about. Possibly something a user posted and then later removed?

/u/axolotl_peyotl did say he had deleted his own thread that he created on the topic

I'll delete the thread I just made about this, I didn't realize there already was one.

I'd very much like to find out more about what the OP is suggesting here, as I've reviewed the modlog twice now and nothing has been removed surrounding the sticky topic; in fact at worldnews we were actively encouraging feedback on the experiment as we wanted to figure out what users thought of it...

My thoughts on the sticky are that it does counter some of the briagding that people were reporting to the modmail, but it also doesn't really allow stories to get coverage in /r/all.

That said I am pretty apathetic as to whether it should continue or not. if you have any feedback on the sticky idea by all means share it here and I can forward it along to the other mods at worldnews or you're welcome to message the worldnews modmail.

You are apathetic about whether worldnews buries the biggest story of the day in a shitty sticky? It's blatant, heavy-handed censorship. And it only "counters" brigaiders by giving them exactly what they want - hiding the story. This is a joke and I hope it leads to /r/worldnews losing default status.

Did you notice that /r/uncensorship is not updating (last 3 months)

I go to /r/remove

I'd very much like to find out more about what the OP is suggesting here


I'm not gonna say who because the last user to point out the conflict of interest WAS BANNED FROM REDDIT

It's from this I take it OP is likely referring to /u/Jagula_Sector.

For anyone who missed it:



Would you agree OP is referring to that or have I missed something?

I mean:

It's disturbing that a censoring mod is also a mod here. This place is doomed.

That last remark just sounds so familiar, and OP is clearly implicating you. That's just my input.

Would you agree OP is referring to that or have I missed something?

He might have been referring to that I suppose, but that user was only shadowbanned for using alts to briagde that comment. Which, if I may say so, was an absolutely false string of accusations designed to do nothing but stir up drama in some strange attempt to teach me that the conspiracy userbase can be easily riled up by falsehoods against mods. There does seem to be some sort of conspiracy going on in that regard; and I wouldn't be surprised if certain snoonet channels were behind it.

That last remark just sounds so familiar, and OP is clearly implicating you. That's just my input.

I understand that he's trying to implicate me, but he is either misinformed or being intentionally dishonest; as no submissions on the worldnews sticky have been removed and there was even one sitting at number 23 on the front page when he made his submission...

was an absolutely false string of accusations designed to do nothing but stir up drama in some strange attempt to teach me that the conspiracy userbase can be easily riled up by falsehoods against mods.


I wouldn't be surprised if certain snoonet channels were behind it.

Nor would I, since we've seen the things that are shared on those IRCs it stands to reason that it's feasible. I just wonder if the Admins have looked into it.

either misinformed or being intentionally dishonest [...] there was even one sitting at number 23 on the front page when he made his submission

Which is why I'm inclined to assume the latter,* as harsh as that may seem, I just can't believe they'd miss it.

If they shared some insight in these comments I'd have less reason for suspicion. But the account is at least a month old.


Wait a minute if the admins confirmed jagula was from an IRC that means it's pretty much guaranteed the 'r/edping crew' followed him from the same place...

Ain't nobody got time fo' dat...

I just wonder if the Admins have looked into it.

They have indeed and that's what earned jagula his shadowban from that first comment.

The issue here is that there is a group intent on using /r/conspiracy's "paranoia" (their words) to smear people they don't like. And that group is absolutely using irc to make posts just like this one in an attempt to discredit people who oppose them.

Hmm, I'd like to say why can't they stop it, but I'm guessing they have no way to effect Snoonet? Perhaps the best way would be to raise awareness among the community.

But such a thing couldn't emanate from you yourselves because this "group" would likely exploit it in some way and make matters worse. How to solve this problem...

I think this is what OP noticed and is going on about.

I made a thread this morning when I had a post removed from /r/worldnews. When I noticed there already was an identical submission in the top 10, I figured it would be silly to have two threads so I deleted my post.

The first one is still up and currently on the 2nd page of /r/conspiracy (it's 15 hours old).

If OP is concerned about having a discussion about the /r/worldnews sticky experiment, he should make another post on that subject.

Yes it is true. A dingo stole your baby.

is it AutoModerator? D:

There have been zero posts removed...

This one is sitting at number 23 on the front page of /r/conspiracy right now and I'm not sure which other one you're talking about. Do you have a link that I can look into?

As to our sticky experiment in worldnews, we actually wanted to try that due to heavy vote brigading going on from both sides and now our one day experiment has run it's course.


Here or there, not both. It makes you look guilty of something.

edit spelling

Grab the pitchforks, Gents! We're gonna burn ourselves a witch!