Just wanted to tell you guys you were right and you have a new sub

212  2014-07-15 by LukeTheFisher

I was always one of those that kind of accepted the common reddit opinion that this place was full of nutjobs and never bothered to visit the place. Not saying /r/conspiracy is always right but I'd rather be paranoid than hear someone say "well shit turns out /r/conspiracy was right all along" for the 50th time. Perhaps the 50th time will be the time that it becomes too late to do anything about it. Or maybe it was too late 49 times ago.

Tl;dr: you were right. I'm joining your ranks


It's funny, right now I'm reading A Song of Ice and Fire and so much of "the game of thrones" played by the kings and lords and whisperers reminds me of how I've seen international politics since I was 16. So many strings being pulled that the base level issues essentially mean nothing in the end game.

Of course, I can't "prove" anything about this comparison, but I found it interesting and humorous.

Try traveling, you'll learn a lot about world history - you'll learn EVERY stupid conflict, war or political fight is exactly the same: Different century, different locale, same exact bullshit.

Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.

Perfectly placed Who reference!

everyone i know is begging me to watch game of thrones, they keep saying they KNOW i'll like it, yet i cant get past the first episode each time. i realize there are power structures that get into power struggles but there is just something about the fantasy genre i cannot immerse myself into. i do like the wire, house of cards, and even veep has some elements of power struggles in it.

To each his own, I didn't think I would be able to get into fantasy but I haven't stopped reading them since I picked up the first. I actually found it more difficult to get into the show than into the books, but that might be because it's somewhat easier to make sense of all the characters and different happenings and lore when it's all in text.

I highly encourage reading at least the first book, if you enjoy reading!

that's a good idea i didnt think about the books first, i'll give those a shot!

I think you should. GRRM is a masterful (albeit slow) writer. If you can read the first book and can put the series down, I will literally eat my shoe.

I wholeheartedly agree. GRRM loves to take his time with details, and he favors a slow pace. The only time this has caused an issue for me was about a third of the way through "A Clash of Kings." Once it picked up I was fine with it, ended up being pretty damn good!!

upvoted for the shoe

if you like the US version of 'House of Cards', try watching the UK original version from 1990, its interesting and different from US politics.

There's got to be some grey area, somewhere

If you can see the grey area then you escape the trap, the problem is that the mass can't see it.

There's no such thing as a dilemma when it comes to running our artificial systems, every circumstance could have limitless possible outcomes if we could dismiss this mindless fanboy attitude.

The taint.

You will never understand the truth of how the world works if you refuse to accept that people work together not just within the law but also outside of the law. That's what a conspiracy is - two or more people working together in ways which are both within and outside of the law. If you can accept that people break the law all the time and get away with it, then you must accept that people work together outside the law all the time and get away with it. And when they do, that's a conspiracy.

This. A conspiracy is whenever two or more persons plot in secrecy. Planning with your neighbors to throw your sister a surprise birthday party is a conspiracy. Conspiracies are not always evil and sinister.

Edit: I'm so wrong on this, it's not funny. Goes to show what happens when you're lazy and don't look stuff up before opening your cakehole. I'm not deleting the comment so it can serve as an example of what not to do in this sub. You're all welcome to hurl rotten fruit at my face.

Planning (and carrying out) your sister's surprise birthday is not a conspiracy unless you and at least one other person are somehow outside of the law with the plan.

Secrecy can often involve simply not broadcasting, not admitting, or even lying what you intend to do, or what you did. Zionists achieve what they think is secrecy by denying what they're doing, or lying about it. The Israeli attack on Gaza, taking place right now, is a conspiracy, a very big one, because according to International Law, collective punishment is a war crime.

"Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful"

This does not include surprise birthday parties...

well.... unless they turn on the lights, yell "surprise!" then everyone shivs you in the neck.

Hate when that happens.

like worst birthday ever...

You're right. I'm retarded.

secret planning and carrying out by more than one person.

Which also means prosecutors are just conspiracy theorists.

The time I was indicted by the grand jury the judge dismissed it before pre-trial because the district attorney had behaved in a way that was not lawful.

Intriguing. More info?

It was a business issue, $8,000 owed to me on a previous debt by one of two business partners. The other business partner, was not aware that the first business partner owed me the money for a previous debt, thought that he had paid for some new equipment. Not getting the true story from his own business partner, decided to take up his lost money with his friend, the county sheriff, and instead of taking up his gripe in civil court, got his friend, the sheriff, to go to the grand jury and get an indictment for grand larceny of the amount paid to me. When the judge heard that the district attorney was in on this he dismissed the charge and accused the DA of merely using the grand jury as a rubber stamp for the sheriff and his friends. I successfully sued the sheriff and DA for false arrest and damage to my reputation. That's about it.

Sounds like those bastards should be facing criminal charges. I am a firm believer that lawyers and police should be held to the highest levels of integrity, and when they exhibit dishonesty they should be severely punished.

Abuse of office is a very big deal, I agree.

Mr. Carlin told us so. We should have made him king.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


What pushed you down the rabbit hole, if i may ask?

A few things. But still the hivemind kind of drove me to disregard it. Then that article on the front page last night made me realise the hivemind was indeed being controlled. I'd rather make the decision on whether or not to believe something myself

See guys? This is why reddit censoring the front page is such a big deal. Guys like this are the ones we are trying to affect by posting these stories all the time and if they never hit the front page they will never be seen by the people who need to see them the most.

And Luke, some advice from me would be to read as much as you can and don't make your mind up about anything. You will find so much conflicting information about conspiracies that sometimes your head will spin. Just realize that you are better off being aware of and understanding all of the potential truths than you are sticking your head in the sand and pretending like they could never happen. So even if you find yourself overwhelmed don't give up, fill yourself with as much knowledge as you can.

Thanks :)

Welcome :) Here are a few tips:

Beware of the Conspiratard brigade.

Keep an open mind and do your own research.

Don't trust everything posted here. Conspiratards are known to post disinformation as well as blatant BS here in an attempt to discredit this sub.

Most importantly, take a deep breath, relax, and hold on tight. Once you take the red pill there is no going back. The rabbit hole is deep.

Very deeep.

You'll never hit the bottom in any 1 lifetime.

And the road is very lonely..

Though it's been getting less lonely recently.

Good for you then.Im alone,everyone just laughs about what i tell in a 250km radius around me.

I'm sorry for you. It's by far not that bad for me. Although I do live in densely populated country (Germany). I even have several personal friends who agree with me.

I should move i know.A nice island in middle of nowhere sounds better then ever.

Stay tough man. Imagine being David Icke or Alex Jones in the 90s when this stuff starting coming out. Ain't easy..im right there with you. (not that they started it, but..are pretty vocal in the present)

Treat everything with caution and have a high expectation of evidence. Conspiracy fact and theory are very different. Do not confuse them.

Yep, we've all at some point fell for bullshit, possibly even posted crap, I'm not ashamed to delete all out shit, but its sometimes good to leave it up so everyone can learn the truth of it. I find more truth here than anywhere. Its usually in the comments. Sometimes OP gets lucky, when the OP scores you know because.

  1. It gets downvoted hard and fast.

  2. It gets linked to r/conspiratard.

3.Goon brigade.

4.logical fallacies, sliding/discourse driven off topic


If I missed anything please, let me know. Its great when they show their cards.

And Luke, some advice from me would be to read as much as you can and don't make your mind up about anything.

I can't agree with this enough. I've probably spent hundreds of hours researching 9/11. I find one path to go down and don't stop until I've researched everything I can find about it. If I find conflicting information I keep digging and digging until I can form an opinion about something.

You will never receive the answer directly. You will be able to formulate an educated thought about things if you research it enough.

Have you heard the conspiracy theory about 9/11 being a control nuclear demolition? If so, what are your opinions? This theory really intrigues me, and I'm leaning towards that possible explanation. Mainly because the whole structure literally turned to dust.

I haven't seen enough supporting evidence to give that theory much weight. They wouldn't need to use nuclear devices to bring the towers down. Standard demolition explosives would work just fine.

theres evidence of big melted holes in the basements, the 'meteorite' as they call the big lump of fused steel and concrete and X.

and nuclear demo charges are not nuclear bombs, a lot smaller and modern ones prob don't even go boom. maybe just a massive monstrous release of heat and energy.

its possible that both thermite/thermate and small nukes were used, thermate to tear the towers apart, nukes to make voids for the debris to fall into.

So should we try to break through to the censored subreddits to get more people to defect? Or what? All my posts in /r/worldnews have been getting removed under the "internal news" premise.

agreed. there is a lot of misinformation out there. It is important to remain critical of everything you hear. I think a lot of the theories out there are made to sound absolutely crazy so that the public will think all of us are just a bunch of nutjobs.

I'd rather make the decision on whether or not to believe something myself

Yea, thats pretty much how it is for a lot of us. Of course, there is a ton of diagreement even within our own community, but at least the majority are openminded enough to get ideas, sources, and information to start your own journey.

Personally, i dont subscribe to most of the theories here. But, i like to know about them because theories are just like myths and legends--theres usually some kernel of truth tied in.

Yup I feel the same way. I'm not going to start entertaining lizard man theories even if I'll listen to them. But I don't wanna overlook what might be a very plausible theory too just because I'm not listening.

Reptilians are my favorite, it's fun but it's not true. What the folks on /r/conspiracy focus on is uncovering the truth. the US govt. is lying about 911, Israelis are the real terrorists, the CIA created AL Qaeda, the US funds terrorism. These things are true. That's really how the world is working right now. As a society We need to dig up the truth and not just laugh it off and trust the crooks.

Edited to be less sensational.

Reptilians are my favorite, it's fun but it's not true.

Yet, in the quantum reality we inhabit anything is possible.

That's what makes it so awesome! The ever-so-slim chance of it being real : D

I have a feeling that the idea of a reptilian consciousness being here isn't crazy anymore...quantum reality could be the science we need to prove other forms consciousness exist.

Reptilians are my favorite, it's fun but it's not true.

a meme, a metaphor.

google the Triune brain if you dare to be enlightened..

I already know about that. Humans contain traces of all the creatures we evolved from within our DNA. I recommend a documentary that can be found on pbs.org called Your Inner Fish. It is a three-part series, the second one is Your Inner Reptile. It's fascinating!!!! (I'd link it but I'm on my phone)

This is why people diss /r/conspiracy. It's when conspiratards say "my conspiracy theory is 100% definitely true" when it's more like, "there's a tiny possibility that this might be true."

9/11 was definitely an inside job? Nah man.

Well, the US government is definitely lying about 911 and refusing to investigate it properly. It kinda implies involvement. I'll change my original statement.

Out of curiosity, what subjects are you interested in? 9/11, JFK, UFOs, GMOs, the FED, ... All of the above?

FED? And all of the above and more. I used to be heavily into conspiracy theories when I was younger. I "grew out of it" in a way but it was because of my approach to them in general. I don't mean grow out of as in think they're stupid it's just I stopped listening because it took me a while to realise that you can listen to an argument without having to believe what the other person is saying. You should be able to do your own research and think critically yourself and make the right decision. So lately I've been reading up on them a bit more. Sure most of the time I find myself going: meeeeh that's bullshit but when something truly intriguing pops up it makes me thirst for the truth

FED - Federal Reserve. Non government agency. The saying goes - they're about as "federal" as Federal Express. Look into it. It is the root of many of the issues we face today. Definitely a conspiracy, and it's not a theory.

Which article on the front page are you talking about?

Yes I'd like to know what article OP is talking about too

Just a heads up, you should put a "np." in front of links to other reddit threads, and don't vote in the links. They consider that vote-brigading.

Ah right thanks. I'll remember that for next time. Nobody's really following those links this late into the thread.

I was working last night, which article was it? Welcome to the sub.

Sorry for the late response. I haven't checked if it's still up (on mobile) but I wouldn't be surprised if it's been taken down given /r/worldnews' track record: http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/2ap1pv/documents_leaked_by_edward_snowden_reveal_gchq/.json


You might want to check out the No Agenda Show Podcast. It's a free biweekly analysis of the media's bias. It's really entertaining but informative too. Available at www.NoAgendaShow.com or www.curry.com They also have their own subreddit /r/InTheMorning

Thanks. Somebody already suggested it and I'll definitely give it a shot

Can you specify that article?



I remember at the time of the initial Snowden leaks and even before and after how everybody on /r/conspiracy was retarded for entertaining the notion that someone could be putting time and effort into swaying public opinion on Internet forums and such and how anyone who believed it was delusional and paranoid. The "conspiracy theorist" community didn't really help its case by screaming "jidf please go" every time someone disagreed with them but that doesn't mean we should have dismissed the notion entirely. I was one of the people dismissing everyone who entertained the notion as paranoid and I feel damn foolish for falling for their propaganda techniques. Thankfully I'm not one of those stubborn people who are just screaming back going: "yeah well you got lucky this one time. You're still paranoid and you weren't even that right." That argument can only work so many times. If your broken clock is right more than 2 twice a day then you have to ask yourself if it is indeed entirely broken

What many anti conspiracy theorists can't understand is people with a deeper acceptance of the influence may not be spending their time trying to convince people who choose ignorance. You can't phone a person on the frontline of a war and demand proof they are being fired on... and expect politeness and an intellectual debate. No one owes you anything. The threat is real and many are trying to save themselves after banging their heads against the wall. It's so much worse than what appears on the front page of reddit. The average reddit user is living in a virtual crib tended by the NSA.

I've never seen any JIDF involvement outside instances where Israel is being called out/shit talked upon for their Apartheid Genocide.

Welcome aboard,

Being a conspiracy theorist isn't about religiously believing in lizard people, or that sandy hook was a hoax, or that 9-11 was an inside job. There is nothing wrong with believing those things either and I'm sure there are people here that do. My point is that you aren't required to believe every conspiracy theory, to be a "conspiracy theorist". And more importantly, being a conspiracy theorist doesn't mean that you believe in lizard people, it doesn't mean that you believe every conspiracy theory every proposed. It doesn't mean you agree with the racism some people push, it doesn't mean you are anti American and it doesn't mean you are a paranoid schizophrenic.

Being a conspiracy theorist doesn't really mean anything at all. It only demonstrates that you're willing to think for yourself and not blindly believe the lies that people of influence and power will tell you to cover up their crimes.

I'm a very patriotic person but I hate the government. Love of your country doesn't mean submitting to its authority, especially when your country was founded because its mother country was abusing its authority.

Believe what your own mind tells you is probable and don't let anyone tell you what to believe, it doesn't matter if that person is me, some other conspiracy theorist or CNN.

Everyone lies, and even if they aren't lying they might have the wrong idea about something.

So right. And /r/conspiracy isn't a coherent contintinuum. Different people believe different things around here and it has it's own peculiar little hive mind which will defend itself like a rabid dog. I love this sub though. Always interesting angles to think about, and usually there is news that is miles away better than anything else you can find in the mainstream, you just have to carry a lot of salt and not be afraid to think for yourself.


Carry a lot of salt, think for yourself and when you see people trying to lump you in with racists or lizard people then you know you've hit a sore spot.

Same here. I fucking love America but hate the government. I love all the ideals the founding fathers fought for and would have died for to create this great country.

Glad to have you here. The thing that conspiracy theorists do is ask questions. Lots and lots of questions... and search for the truth. That pisses people off. If asking questions is nuts then I'll admit that I'm a nut job. In the modern world you're supposed to accept what they tell you and enjoy the bread and circuses.

Just a quick, legit question for those all telling me I've made a shit choice (I'm not trying to be a dick I swear): why are you on this sub in the first place? How did you come to this link to comment on my post if you really think the community in this sub is crazy? Again don't read the tone wrong I'm just curious as to how a lot of the people who hate this sub came to comment on this post.

I'm just curious as to how a lot of the people who hate this sub came to comment on this post.

I'm not sure if you'll have too many takers for this one, but you're absolutely right - a significant number of commenters are relentlessly "denialist" about conspiracy theories.

Don't get me wrong, anybody who has genuine evidence or a convincing argument to rebut a conspiracy theory is an asset to /r/conspiracy. However, most of the disbelievers or "skeptics" work on the basis that the official, media-driven story is true until proven false. I think it safer to presume nothing and subject the official narrative to strict scrutiny. If it doesn't hold together, then it's fair game for analysis.

In fact most of the theories on this subreddit arise from inconsistencies or implausibilities within the official story or the with behavior of key individuals in the story (before, during and after the event).

However, from what you have said, you have the absolutely right the attitude and you'll make a good contribution to the sub. My best practical advice is to download RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) if you don't use it already - after doing some due diligence of course! There's a thread here discussing it.

RES keeps an automatic tally of how you have rated other users' comments (by counting your up and down votes). It also allows you to tag other users who make a comment you particularly agree or disagree with. It's a very useful tool, in my view.

I think a lot of people come here just to stir up shit. Don't pay them any mind, they don't matter.

It's so refreshing to see clearly... One show that has brought me so much sanity is No Agenda. They speak the language and it's funny.

Dude named Ben, checking in.

In the morning, to ya ;P

'First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.'

The hot and popular place for news changes with the seasons. We'll see how long this place lasts.

But welcome to the land of the thinking.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an thought without accepting it.


Paying attention and taking care has been maligned by the CIA as being something bad that they call conspiracy theories.

Being careful not to let tyranny be normalized is not paranoia. It's prudence.

Calling it that and making the term a pariah designation is just a tactic originally designed to keep people from questioning the Warren Commission's whitewash of the Kennedy assassination.

Don't let propaganda and name calling stop you from doing the right thing.

The origin of the term 'conspiracy theory'.


Question Everything, Trust No One, Fight Evil.

I'd rather be paranoid than hear someone say "well shit turns out /r/conspiracy was right all along"

I'd rather be informed than paranoid, but I guess that's just me.

I don't think they're mutually exclusive. But yes. Well informed and healthily skeptical and critical more than paranoid. I just used that wording since that's how everyone refers to most users here.

Just realize that this is r/conspiracy. Every post here HAS to be a conspiracy (whether it is or isn't), because otherwise it's not suitable for this sub. So if everything is automatically a conspiracy, that means "I need to push my ideology" rather than "I'm looking for the truth".

For proof, just look at the bottom of most posts. You'll find users with rational rebuttals to the often unsourced claims of the original post. Those rebuttals are downvoted many, many times and a lot of as hominem attacks are hurled at the user (despite it being against the sub's rules). Any responses by the user that's under attack are censored if they use similar language and they're banned under the guise of "attacking the subreddit or its users".

It's actually been going on for awhile, which only strengthens the echo chamber that's been constructed here.

Like I said I'm not implying the sub is always right. It's just everyone disregards the opinions and claims of anyone here. How many times has someone gone: oh he posts to /r/conspiracy so he's wrong. And to clarify on mutual exclusivity I meant that you can be well informed and jump to illogical conclusions based on the facts at hand. I'm not saying I'm going to start believing everything here, just that I'll stop instantly disregarding it because "le crazies are all here". If someone had a theory but it was well documented even though it's still a conspiracy, where would the user post it? We shouldn't cover all posts with the same umbrella

Well, we definitely shouldn't judge others by their history. I always try to hear someone out and go by evidence. I think the rest of reddit is tied of all the doomsday talk here that never comes to pass, the false flags that are never proven, the anti-Semitism and the blatant vote-brigading. Plus the penchant of a lot of users here to scream "WE WERE RIGHT!" when, in reality, they had made unsubstantiated claims that were only tangentially related to what was shown to be true.

Mhm but I'd still rather look at the evidence presented by both parties (the heavily downvoted and upvoted) than have everything disregarded because the hivemind says so.

But when all one side has on a consistent basis is hearsay and prove unable to provide their own thoughts and ideas (essentially parroting what others say), you can see why r/conspiracy is brushed aside by most everyone.

Fucking shill. /s

Lol. Almost had to report you! Jk. That rule is ridiculous.

ironic you're being downvoted. I approve and agree.

The truth hurts.

You'll find users with rational rebuttals to the often unsourced claims of the original post. Those rebuttals are downvoted many, many times and a lot of as hominem attacks are hurled at the user (despite it being against the sub's rules).

Been here a long time. Haven't seen that. Do you have any links? I'm guessing you don't.

Haven't seen that.

Well, what's your threshold set to? Maybe you're having those comments blocked? Or maybe you don't scroll down to the bottom of threads to do with 9/11, Sandy Hook, etc?

Do you have any links?

You're commenting in one ;)

rational rebuttals

yeah right, and its not about rebuttals its about discussion, weighing up the pros and cons of an idea or a theory.

This sub is supposed to be an echo chamber for crazy ideas.

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Is that why you showed up? Do you hear your own echo yet?

The first step to becoming informed is to be paranoid. Content people don't subvert the accepted to look up information.

Not "paranoid". Skeptical. There's a huge difference.

paranoid people live longer than skeptical people.

a paranoid person will politely decline the cattle truck ride,

a skeptical person will ask where its going and will there be icecream...


he is saying that most skeptics are too close minded for their own good. They will cut off their nose to spite their face.

Then they're not skeptic, by definition.

Skeptical is one thing, but if you are a passive skeptic, then you probably aren't informed. You passively accept that things are against you or are untrue but you do nothing to inform yourself. When I hear skeptical, that's what I think. Paranoid people will look into information they are handed. Most people are probably skeptical but they are not informed.

Paranoid people will look into information they are handed

You used the word "paranoid" when you meant "skeptical". Check out a dictionary and get back to me. No offense.

I think what you're doing is taking a characteristic that some paranoid individuals posses (skepticism), and using it as a replacement definition for paranoia.


Thank you!

Gooble gobble!

What does that mean, Axol?

Aw shit you've been shadowbanned, friend. You've been one of my favorite redditors for years =/

As for gooble gobble, it's from the movie Freaks but is referenced a lot (like south park).

Shame you couldn't visit this place a year or 2 ago before it became overrun by shills...

I just got into this place a few months ago. I didn't really think about how the world.works. but after I got into politics 6 months ago my worldview changed and I startsd researching conspiracies. The world makes a ton more sense now. It's fucking scary though and sometimes I think when you know what's going on in the world everything else is.so trivial.

Welcome friend this is one of my gave subs

You are not alone.

R/altnewz is a sub many of us use as an alternative to the heavily moderated default filter bubble subs.

For me, conspiracy theories are different ideas about a suspicious event. I don't believe in a single theory, but will point out all the facts surrounding the event and question the official theory. For instance, the Norway Spiral, I find it hard to believe the explenation that the spiral was a fail missile test. The reason are as follows, doesn't look like a missile for how slow it was going, but more importantly Russian denied they were testing a missile for a couple of days right after it happened. The biggest aspect for me to question it is the spiral happened the day before Obama was to receive his Nobel Prize in Norway. Think about that, The POTUS is about to get an award and russian fires a missile test over that country the day before. That's huge international news, but no cared, because it was an excuse after the fact.

Now that I question an event, there are tons of theories abouy what it could have been. It could of been HAARP, could have been a worm hole, a test of some weapon un-known at the moment, or maybe it was a failed missile test and I'm completely wrong, who know? I certainly don't, and I not going to act as though I do, but the whole situation makes me question what happened.

Same goes with Osama's death, 9/11, boston bombing, the stock market, bilderberg, Bohimian grove, the fed, and so on.

Edit: It ultimately boils down to keeping an open mind about the various out comes or reasons something happened.

a failing missile would likely spiral

better late than never

That was a very nice gesture, and if you are to join the ranks, start spreading information as far and wide as possible

I too, am proud to be a new member of r/conspiracy after reading last night's article and the comments. I am looking forward to learning and sharing information that "they" don't want us to know.

A lot of theories aren't fully formed, or as controlled as they appear; but there's a lot of collusion between those in power with enough resources to rig the game. Support the 28th amendment & get money out of politics is a good first step

Welcome, my friend.

People lash out at this sub because they are terrified that we are right. However, there are nutjobs here...the ones that talk about a hollow earth, etc. You will find ridiculous things here. You just have to learn how to ignore them like anything else.

"interests converge" - George Carlin

It's kinda funny. I've always felt pretty sure that our texts and online activities were being recorded. I had no proof so I wasn't going around telling everyone and being all weird about it, but I'd casually throw it out there sometimes in conversations. I questioned myself a lot as I was making decisions based on my paranoia; ie. being careful about what I text people and say on fb etc... When the Snowden leaks started showing up, I was like "Holy shit, I was right about that." It was a weird mix of emotions.

Welcome awakened brother, the Forex and Libor rate scandals prove most of what we say but wait til you see how deep the rabbit hole really goes. Better than any sci-fi movie.

Through all the darkness you should find a brilliant and magnificent light.

And understand the ramifications of QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT and QUANTUM SUPERPOSITION regardless of scientific aptitude. But, "Believe Nothing..." unless you have proven it for yourself.

One awakened soul is more powerful than millions still asleep.

'bout fuicking time

Rolingstone did a story. The basic theme was conspiracy nuts were right. It's all rigged.


Well welcome to the rabbit hole full of corporate shills and cognitive dissonance trolls.


If you ask me, the sub has a pretty poor batting average.

Sandy Hook is a US false flag Boston Bombing is a US false flag 9/11 is a US false flag Apollo was impossible HAARP is being used to control the weather There is an organized chemtrail program

If you think about it, /r/conspiracy has more faith in the US government than anybody, giving them credit for so many successfully executed improbable conspiracies.

They werent succesful because we know about them. The evidence of their decit is out there for those willing so search.

I'd rather be presented with all the details and choose not to believe it than risk not listening to anything said here by default. I'm not saying believe everything but just take a listen and decide for yourself. The one time you overlook something entirely could be the one time that that issue has a significant impact on you personally. And by then you'll be too fucked to do anything about it.

I'd rather be presented with all the details and choose not to believe it than risk not listening to anything said here by default. I'm not saying believe everything but just take a listen and decide for yourself.


Not sure why that concept is so hard for people to understand.

You have the exact right attitude for this sub. Welcome aboard.

the only one out of that I believe wholeheartedly is 9/11. sandy hook and boston bombing are sketchy for sure... and I think its wrong to close the investigation.

Since false flag is the new buzzword Ill just call SH what it was ..staged, why? only the planners know.

911 was 100% false flag

boston bombing - staged, no doubt (you don't live very long with 2 blown off legs and a loose tourniquet)

Apollo - not sure about it all, I think there were embellishments at the very least

HAARP - as a by product it does alter the weather, thats fact not theory

So thats almost 100% of your examples ... got anymore?

All you've done here is made claims. You might believe what you're saying, but you haven't made a convincing argument. Nobody has for those conspiracy theories.


This analogy is getting a bit convoluted now but I'll roll along with it lol. Surely not. But the equivalent of that would be coming here to find all my news. I'm not doing that. I'm just not disregarding everything posted here before listening to the argument made.

So... how many stories, on average, do you believe in this subreddit? One in five? One in ten? One in twenty? There's gotta be some point where you just give up trying to find good stories.

Most sources that make it to this subreddit are not credible. You are much better off going to, for example, /r/worldnews (even if it's full of trolls and Russian propaganda right now).

Actually established newspapers who have the resources to get viable information are much better sources than the ones in /r/conspiracy links to.


Please no personal attacks.

Warning! We have rules!

Sorry, my bad.

They get downvoted to hell when they make it to the front-page, that's why you don't see it.

You're a complete fucking moron

This is why reddit dislikes you. You are rude to everyone who disagrees with you.

credible sources? like what? wikileaks, snowden?

you should look at what you believe. I guarantee you've swallowed some whoppers..

Those are alright, but that's only 1% of this subreddit. The rest is: 9/11 is an inside job, the banking elite is out to get us, vaccines cause autism, immigrants want to destroy America, Israel and the Jews are controlling everything, GMO's and Monsanto are evil, water fluoridation and subliminal messages in the media are meant to control the masses, etc.

Also, infowars is not a credible source. Alex Jones just wants to make money from you.

you might be aware that the poisoning of subs like this is part of the JTRIG program..

it seems to have worked on you.

I've never heard of the JTRIG program. I forgot to include one: reddit is not out to get you. There are rules who will get you in trouble, but those rules are for everyone.

This subreddit seems to be doing group-think, rejection outside opinions because "they are just wrong". If you want to find the truth, this is not the best way to do it.

Also, not everything that you post here is a secret like you would like to believe. For example, there is this one post implying that US election are rigged. Yes, they are. But it's no secret. It's called electoral college and gerrymandering.

you are making assumptions and unfairly collectivizing. many like me use the scientific method to debunk official conspiracy theories, like that of the saudi hijackers, the boston drills, or the chris dorner story for example.

they feed us the stories, and we knock them down with logic and science.

US elections rigged? there were stories for years about diebold, and even the testimony of an employee claiming every election was rigged. we saw demonstrations of rigged voting machines. but it's not mainstream and won't be.

you really ought to read the JTRIG slides, they are outdated now, but they explain pretty clearly what has being going on here and elsewhere for more than a decade now.

Don't forget electronic voting machines with no paper trail.

Source? A credible one for a change.

The problem with these conspiracies is that they are too big. It would involve too many people and it wouldn't last. How are they (whoever they are) able to pull off such massive conspiracies without anyone denouncing them from the inside?

the US congressional hearings on voting machines.

is that authentic enough for you !?

How are they (whoever they are) able to pull off such massive conspiracies without anyone denouncing them from the inside?

Ralph Gonzalez and David Abrami

Michael Connell

these two incidences are just the events connected to the Diebold and the Ohio vote rigging. 2007 and it was uncertain who or what would be the next POTUS, there were fears in the GOP that some serious investigaions might happen.

luckily the Dems won and Obama carried on as normal with Bushco's illegalities.

If you haven't even heard of JTRIG, maybe you should hold onto your criticisms of this sub and try educating yourself a bit more.

Or antique jetpack apparently...

I'm not gonna get into any of those hot topics except... you really think Monsanto is ok?? How can ANYONE research that company and not want to vomit?

I do think food patents are bad, but that not Monsanto's problem, it's the problem of the US government. And no, it's not a conspiracy, it's just stupidity on the part of US politicians.

If there is an ongoing partnership between US politicians and Monsanto and it's happening behind the public's back, then, by definition, that is absolutely a conspiracy.

Also, infowars is not a credible source. Alex Jones just wants to make money from you.

That right there shows that you don't hang out in /r/conspiracy enough to know what the fuck you're talking about.

This sub makes fun of Alex Jones more than the kids in your neighborhood make fun of you.

Hosestly, if you are going to run around making blanket statements about entire subs, at least get the basics right.

Now you look like a complete fucking idiot.

I hear CNN donates all its profits to 3rd world children who don't even have clean drinking water...

And MSNBC spends all of its profit on colonizing mars.

Really if you go down the list of news sources available you can clearly see that Alex Jones is the only one that wishes to make a profit and is willing to use fear mongering to do so.

Every other news source is run by purely benevolent beings from outer space (Christians call them angels).

CNN and MSNBC are credible sources. They have biasis because they select which news to report, but (almost) all the segments they do are accurate.

Alex Jones lies in every segment he does. The only people that I could compare, and very very little, are Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh (and they are already bad).

Alex Jones is not news, it's conspiracy bullshit.


They are polished sources which aren't always credible. They use fear mongering and racism just as much as Alex Jones.

I think your bias is clear in that you only listed right wing political sources as somewhat comparable to Alex Jones.

The left has its fair share of political activists lying and fear mongering to the herd.

Man, you drank the cool aid, didn't you?

Alex Jones and David Icke is what is called controlled opposition. AJ is the 'king of conspiracy theorist', which is why he is allowed on TV to shout and make a fool of not only himself, but other "conspiracy theorists" and the cause itself obviously.

Here is 5 hours of him being close to insane. But if you discredit some conspiracies or all conspiracies all together because of David Icke and Alex Jones, sorry, but you've fallen into their trap. The "duality" trap.

And if you think CNN and MSNBC is even close to credible sources, well, you're just hurting yourself. Forget the talking heads and the big 5 companies that own 90% of what you hear, read and see through the media. They are designed to keep people from thinking outside of the box, plain and simple. It's not about what they're reporting, it's about what they're not reporting! I.e CNN and the 730 airplane they milked for like 50 days. 50 days with nothing but bullshit speculation and conspiracy theories on 'who dun it', including ailien theories. AND YOU CALL THEM CREDIBLE!?

They don't report of actual conspiracies, making them nonexistent in million of peoples minds, but they jump on board with pure speculation on some tragedy with a missing plane that is going nowhere. And they won't let go for weeks, giving them plenty of bullshit to talk about instead of actual news on how multinational corporations are looting America. I wonder why that is...

It seems like you know there's a lot of people full of bullshit, but I'm sorry to say you are only halfway there. Know yourself and then trust yourself, in that order.

Do you think that George Zimmerman was news worthy?

Yes. He wasn't arrested right away and it was Treyvon who got drug tested, not him.

But NBCs editing of the 9-11 tapes was in no way sensational and all of these "credible sources" running around the clock news coverage is not suspect to you in any way?

Get out of here with that shit. Infowars is as credible as any source, if you ask me. If you actually read an infowars article, you'll see there are links to every claim that is made. Get away from the Alex Jones hate. He's one guy with a huge team around him that are all working around the clock to get as much verifiable information out there as they possibly can. They're reaching millions of people every day.

Google these things, and come back with your findings:

Harvard Study Fluoride

Additives in vaccines

Monsanto lawsuits

Fast and Furious Eric Holder

There's so much more, but that's a start.

Thank you!

They get downvoted to hell when they make it to the front-page, that's why you don't see it.

You're a complete fucking moron

This is why reddit dislikes you. You are rude to everyone who disagrees with you.

Please no personal attacks.

Warning! We have rules!

Lol. Almost had to report you! Jk. That rule is ridiculous.