You may recognize the username. I am here with a message

245  2014-07-16 by [deleted]

Hi! My name is not important, and I definitely don't want ANY attention so please don't ask. What is important is a story that I was asked by a friend to post. My friend owns this Reddit account, and believes that it got him where he is today. I cannot tell you how long I knew the guy because then they will come for me. But I promised him that when I got out I would put the story out. Please share this where appropriate.

My friend states that he found evidence of a nuclear coverup and posted it to this site a couple years ago. Shortly after it took off he got a knock on the door, and it was two federal agents with an unmarked cop car that had a cop car cage in it. They sat him in the back of the car, and searched his house. He tried to post to Reddit since they didnt search him, and refused to show a search warrant or what it was about.

They claimed that he did something with occupy that was construed as a "terrorist threat" and an issue of national security. He says this is bullshit, that is was all over the nuclear thing and they are trying to keep him quiet. They won't let him talk to a lawyer, and keep saying that they can hold him indefinitely until they decide on the charges. They told him the patriot act allows them to hold domestic terrorists without charge and without lawyer. He has no mail and his family might think he is dead (I will be emailing some of his family to fill them in).

The facility he is kept at has military people as guards. It is within a 3 to 4 hour bus ride from Indianapolis. The windows on the bus are blocked and you can't see where they take you until you are in a garage. When I was released, they used the same bus to drop me off at Greyhound in Indianapolis and it was about 3 to 4 hours of riding. I can not tell you how long ago this was because I dont want them to know who I am.

I will not reply to this. I have no more details to share. I had to learn to use TOR to post this just so I don't go back.


I knew that name looked familiar; what the fuck

edit: more

This comment is of particular interest, in my opinion.

How about this one?

BipolarBear0 -15 points 2 years ago

He's probably not in the back of a cop car, and he was probably never arrested. He's simply a sad human with incredibly dangerous delusions of self-importance. He needs psychological treatment.

Funny that BipolarBear0 would say that...

yep. Move along citizen , Nothing to concern yourself with here.

Soooo dude was completely debunked years ago and now he's back? Or did I miss something?

It was completely debunked. I remember this mess when it happened. He legit had reddit up in a panic that hundreds of thousands of people were about to die from radiation poisoning. Basically, the abnormal reading was from a single sensor operated by a private company not affiliated with any nuclear regulatory agency. When people called him out on that, he pulled some random data from the EPA's radiation system and deliberately misrepresented the totally unrelated data to make it appear as though the sensor was legit. People with degrees in nuclear engineering (as in, people actually qualified to interpret and analyze such data) explained in great detail why he was totally wrong in the original thread that was linked to. Trigger, obviously, totally ignored everyone telling him he had no idea how to interpret the data, and moved the discussion to his own subreddit so he could ban anyone who told him he was wrong.

He then claimed that he was in the back of a cop car and posted an AMA thread, claiming the cops didn't take his cell phone. Which, you know, is pretty much impossible, since searching a suspect and taking all their possessions is the first thing any cop and especially a federal agent would do. If the government thought he was a threat to national security and involved in terrorism, the last thing they're going to do is let him tip off his co-conspirators that he's been arrested, especially since this new post seems to make it sound like they were trying to disappear him.

He obviously has some serious mental disorders (he was awake for the entirety of the mass hysteria, which lasted more than 48 hours. He indicated that he doesn't need sleep and stays awake for weeks at a time, a very common feature of schizophrenia, and displays other classic symptoms such as delusions of grandeur and a belief that he is being persecuted by the government).

Speaking of people who have no idea how to interpret data, what are your qualifications to say with confidence " obviously he had some serious mental disorders"? Something tells me you are a charlatan, please prove me wrong.

claiming the cops didn't take his cell phone. Which, you know, is pretty much impossible, since searching a suspect and taking all their possessions is the first thing any cop and especially a federal agent would do.

I don't think you've ever been arrested. They don't take your stuff until they book you where you're going to be staying. They check for weapons, but they let you keep everything else on you.

claiming the cops didn't take his cell phone. Which, you know, is pretty much impossible, since searching a suspect and taking all their possessions is the first thing any cop and especially a federal agent would do.

Guns, knives, chains & tazers have been missed in the past. People got killed because of this.

Who debunked him?

Did you read the linked comment?

Truthfully no. The new reddit formatting (I think it's new) makes everything super grey when deleted and while some people might be able to read it I can't. My eyes aren't awesome and it looks like a blur of text to me. I wish they wouldn't have made that change. It's really fucking hard to try and read.

EDIT: Maybe I shouldn't have even commented back but I really really hate this new grey out thing. It's super hard for some people to read. I guess I could copy it into Word but I don't feel like doing that for everything I want to read.

Get RES and use night mode. It's been a god send on my eyes.

Maybe highlighting it would help? I dunno...just a suggestion.

You can try to select/highlight the text?

Pretty much.

welll... if this isn't legit... then this would be a fear tactic, to us, to stop posting/commenting

notice the end, saying to use tor. if you look at u/PIArecruiter's history, it said to use tor and such

then... a snowden leak about how if you use/research tor, then youre targeted

if this isnt legit... its an attempt to scare and shut us up

this is more likely to be honest

Seeing that this went to top of reddit through r/politics makes me sad looking at the state of reddit today. Especially considering that there might be more to the story considering this new information.

It also makes me wonder if was this, and other events like it, made them realize they needed to take control of reddit.

Occam's Razor:

OP posts a reddit post about radiation, but for him the Men In Black show up and lock him up; a couple years later his friend is released from the secret prison, learns how to use Tor for the sole purpose of logging into reddit and telling us the story.


OP got busted for drugs and spent a couple years in jail.

except he disappeared immediatly after posting about this radiation leak. it was his last peice of activity on reddit and he was never seen again. Timing? or maybe you are one of those NSA Rats sent out to dismiss the argument that snowdens been talking about..?

Nope, i'm pretty sure I'm way too poor to be a mole.

Anyway, I was just referring to this:

UPDATE: According to some swift research done by "CivAndTrees," "sidewalkchalked" and "TPbandit," OCDTrigger is incarcerated. A department of corrections source has him cited for UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF SCHEDULED DRUG (D)- 3 counts. His earliest release date is 7/31/12, but he could be in there for approximately one year. A district court source from March has him incarcerated for "operating while license suspended or revoked" and "violating condition of release," so he does have a prior arrest record. However, before writing him off as a criminal, I'd like to remind you that he was arrested FOUR days after breaking the nuclear cover-up story.

Whatever you believe is up to you, but honestly the story he posted two years ago is a lot more interesting and important to me than this one. My guess is that he got out of jail, logged into reddit, saw the last post he made, and came up with a good wall of text. Reddit is notorious for censorship, yet he hasn't been shadowbanned and the original post hasn't been deleted- yet he was whisked off as a terrorist for posting it? It just makes no sense.

i know the story, I was one of the first people to correlate that he was no longer on reddit immediately after posting the nuke story. I had posts up asking of anyone knew what happened to him. And Ive always found it suspicious that right after posting something that could danger national security he is picked up on drugs to never be heard from again.

You know, come to think of it, "according to some swift research" isn't really proof of anything. Did those guys actually link anything? Because It's entirely possible that OCDTrigger was simply playing a long-game troll and stopped using that username.

We couldn't link. It was his real identity.

so you doxxed the guy without releasing the info. Did you follow up? Maybe try to contact him in jail? Check to see if / when he was released?

We contacted the people he owed loans to and gave them the info (they already had his real identity) to let them know they probably wouldn't be getting their money back and there wasn't much else to do. I believe the others contacted the mods. I checked back a few times but the state he lives in doesn't keep public records after release. After this long I honestly didn't think it was going to come up again. I'm just a curious human with people finding skills, not a stalker. Sorry.

Trollin? Or workin?


That isn't a good idea to send the info. I'm wondering if you could get in touch with /u/AvocatSavant and have them confirm with you here. That was another one of his lenders who had undeniable proof of his identity.

Edit: Shouldv'e look first, they are inactive as well. Damn.


The last bit wouldn't be too far of a stretch since his job a couple years ago was as a white hat hacker. I don't think serious members are into revealing themselves except this guy seems to have some issues in that respect. Narcassistic comes to mind.


He is either really stupid or doesn't care and thrives on the attention he is given made possible by keeping the info available.

that's possible, but both odd and unlikely. The idea that the government would never conspire to cover up something, especially to cover their own asses is almost laughable if not true

Don't get me wrong, I know the government covers things up all the time! But in this case, all the damning evidence is still sitting there in a 2 year old post for anyone to look at. What's the benefit of locking this guy up in a cage indefinitely but not deleting the post? That's what creates the doubt for me.

And seriously, the drama of it all! "I'm a friend of his and I was released" from a secret government facility? Really? And they're not monitoring your behavior to keep you from doing exactly what you're doing??

"I had to learn how to use tor to do this" Is that so? Because you know, there's this.

Let's just think about it for a minute. This mystery cell mate promises OCDTrigger not to go to the press, or contact his family, or 100 other things that may actually help him, he promises to log in with OCDTrigger's username and password to post a single text to a handful of subs and then make a point to say that he's not going to respond to anything. So why bother learning to use Tor?? You could have just gone to any friggin library, posted the thread and left. It's just all so spy-novel. And what good does posting here to? Is /r/conspiracy going to rally up and save him? He'd be better off posting on 4chan tbh. Maybe anon would help him.



the voice of treason

Well, that's a reasonable statement.

Except there is literally nothing to cover up. The entire story he made 2 years ago was a complete fabrication.

thankyou comrad

Long-game trolls are next leveling us all, and they're called politicians.

he didnt disappear immediately after. He mades tons of other posts to /r/wtf, /r/trees, /r/pics, /r/funny. Dude was on reddit for days straight with no sleep.


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Do you really think anyone will see the totally obvious answer. No we will all get all up on arms about how America is literally a police state/run by the jewluminati or some shit.

Welp, judging by up/downvotes relative to your comment, I'm going to go with 'yes.'

What's the up vote down vote distribution? I don't have RES.

I don't know what RES is, but as of this moment my comment is at 11 and yours is at 0. FWIW, you'll do better by just calling it the "illuminati" and leaving the jews out of it. The Illuminati may actually all be jews, but it's not the jewyness that makes them evil. It's the fact that they're the fucking Illuminati!

*edit: I'm aware that a lot of people here are literally jew haters, and well, who can blame you, with what's going on right now! But I don't blame religions, tribes or races, I blame people.

For a good time, try evangelizing to a jew. You want to see someone's true colors, they come out quick. They are not very receptive to Jesus, to say the least.

You evangelize to Jews?

Not on purpose. Years ago I was debating Christians from the POV of an atheist, and it occured to me to ask Jews why they rejected Jesus, being as how Jesus was a Jew and Jews probably would have known him best...

It made sense to me why an atheist would reject Jesus, but why would Jews reject Jesus? So I asked....

Needless to say, the Jews I asked were not very receptive to my inquiry, probably because they assumed I was trying to evangelize to them... which is how I accidentally discovered that they really, really dont like that.... so if you want to get under someone's skin, now you know how.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

the only jew haters on this sub are the 'tards who come here. the only racist/bigoted posts I ever see here are 'tards trying to be funny or stir up trouble.

They are posting this submission in multiple subreddits. If anything, it's interesting.

The /r/askreddit post was deleted

Looks like by mods, not by OP.


This thread is the target of a possible downvote brigade from /r/PanicHistorysubmission linked

Submission Title:

  • 7/16/14 /u/OCDtrigger, chief reporter of the Great Reddit Nuclear Disaster Panic of 2012 is back. Or his "friend" is. "[The feds] claimed that he did something with occupy that was construed as a 'terrorist threat' and an issue of national security" and now is being held in a military jail. +66

Members of /r/PanicHistory involved in this thread:list updated every 5 minutes for 8 hours

Just as Charles Darwin explains that species are not immutable, and that they possess a past, a present and a future, changing and evolving, so Marx and Engels explain that a given social system is not something eternally fixed. That is the illusion of every epoch. --alan woods

|bot twitter feed|

I questioned this when it happened and everyone's response was STFU, nothing to see here....

I remember this too, I was there when it went down. This is either the most elaborate troll in /r/conspiracy history, or the most real shit that's ever happened in /r/conspiracy history. The leak was real and it came out in the news later after OCDTrigger had posted the thread.

Nothing more fun that nuclear coverups in your own state.

I can not tell you how long ago this was because I dont want them to know who I am.

Well you fucked up by admitting you were there, with the owner of this account. If him being detained had to do with this account, they will track you in 3 moves.

Well, this is at least worth looking into. What did this account originally post about? Was he the Fukushima radiation over Michigan guy?

Okay, so he's not implying Fukushima like I previously thought. I confabulated the two events. I believe he's saying that he suspects solar radiation or possibly a pole flip? He has a ton of evidence that points to a huge release of radioactive material, from entirely reputable sources. So that much is very clear.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

I remember the posts but it's all a bit murky. There is this story from fairly recently though about russians managing to detonate a nuclear weapon on US soil.

as if the Russians would want to start WW3.

this is an act of war, theres ONLY one country stupid enough to possibly do this, and they wouldn't do it openly and without help in covering up, and they are BFF to the US.

I think you actually meant the US...

Are you hinting at who I think you are hinting at?

As in, they are not a predominantly muslim country?????

Oh no you didn't. finger snap

you rang?

and I definitely don't want ANY attention so please don't ask.

yea.. you probably want attention, alot of attention

They told him the patriot act allows them to hold domestic terrorists without charge and without lawyer. He has no mail and his family might think he is dead (I will be emailing some of his family to fill them in).

yea, who cares about his family! lets get on reddit

I remember the ocdtrigger incident it was like he was not sleeping and indeed obsessed with the issue, it created quite a storm on reddit and was reported on from outside too. Last thing heard was indeed him in the back of a police car and then crickets.

Obvious shill...

Are you kidding me? The sole statement gives it away.

'I can not tell you how long ago this was because I dont want them to know who I am.'

Are you that fucking stupid that youd use the SAME username as you did before you and your buddy got caught? Who cares about TOR at that point. Anyone who believes this, is just as moronic as the guy trying to scare people with this post.

I mean really?

THINK FOR YOURSELVES. No wonder the government has controlled this country for so long.

OCDTrigger is the creator and mod of r/astonishing, and was very active two years ago with the Fukushima news.

possible his account was idle for two years, somebody official may have borrowed it to do some psy-ops here.

as they have done with some of the five year idle names.

or this is true, he/she is locked up in some nameless prison or detention center.

the two faced bear is busy here rubbishing OCDTrigger's claims, that in itself should raise alarm bells.

they deleted his text but left the thread as a trophy and a reminder to the rest of us.

the shills were out in force doing what shills do.

Has to be...I dont get how people can be so quick to believe this guy when the proof is right in front of us.

Especially when the TOP POST(depicting the obvious proof), is on the side of OCDTrigger. How much more blind could one possibly be...

I guess it was a good laugh while it lasted.

2 years is a long time if this is some elaborate ruse.

John Titor?

The account has been deleted.

I remember this.

I can not tell you how long ago this was because I dont want them to know who I am.

Dumb fuck, if you are conveying the message of a guy picked up because he posted about a nuclear coverup on Reddit, then will know who you are. They will know the names of the people who hung out with this person.

This is a fake post. It's too coherent. That indicates that it was composed, as a literary exercise. This guy is trying to jerk our chains.

He's saying he can't tell you how long ago he was locked up himself, not when the event happened. The date of the post is when it happened. Geez, read a little bit more.

Can anyone please give me a quick rundown? Is this guy a troll or what?

Can't we just stop for a second to consider what the point of this post is?

I mean why would you go to such trouble to get a message out? What's the point? To scare people? I mean it's not to let them know that you need help.. because no help was asked for, or information given. I mean if this situation were actually happening the way is described, you would think this would be the whole point, and the community could help by verifying all of these claims, and using our collective talents and occupations to make a change... but no.

So.. what is the point? Can you think of any reason why you wouldn't ask for help in this situation?

So what's the point? Your just bringing up the past with no suggestions or advice on what needs to be done next...

Can someone explain to me why he got incarcerated? From what I've read he was just talking about a lot of radiation getting detected in the Michigan-Indiana Border.

Drug charges, likely unrelated to reddit,except perhaps drugs making him paranoid, fueling the whole nuclear meltdown investigation.

OK thanks

You guys are fucking loony as shit

Even if what he said was true, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference. George Bush could prove and verify an account on here, post proof he flew the planes into the towers and openly talk about it, yet this whole subreddit would be saying "Shill" "Troll" so whats the point?

We just like to sit on our lazy entitled arses and say anything posted is a lie, a shill or a troll because thats easier then admitting you are sitting there with your cock in your hand doing NOTHING about it. Bravo once again reddit.

Check this post he made about nuclear shit 2 years ago

either this is some super sad desperate troll trying to get some kind of recognition(considered all of the mention of his name LOL) or its some kind of truth to it, who knows zzzzzz doubt it

I never forgot! Woke up to two messages after I sent him multiple messages. This is incredible.

I'd like to point out something. From the first portion of the post:

My friend states that he found evidence of a nuclear coverup and posted it to this site a couple years ago.

And from the end of the post:

When I was released, they used the same bus to drop me off at Greyhound in Indianapolis and it was about 3 to 4 hours of riding.

"My friend states." "When I was released." So is the guy writing this the friend, or the account owner? This is a troll, and one who doesn't know how to copy edit their posts.

He's a friend who had been locked up before, and said they used the same bus to drop him off from jail, that brought his friend to jail. Either one of two things it sounds like he's trying to say. He was arrested in the past for some similar bs charge, and he remembers the bus that eventually released him looks just like the one that picked up his friend. Or possibly he was in holding with this guy, became friends with him, learned his story, was released, and got his password and is telling us this now. Because it's scary when you're locked up for something you know isn't true, hence the use of Tor, which this guy may not be up on, but Tor very likely may still be compromised.

And the fact that he posted this to three other subs over the course of about 30 minutes? One of which is a default sub? If he's trying to hide, that's a REALLY fucking bad way of doing it.

I'm sorry, but this whole thing just stinks of some kid in a basement playing people along. If he was actually detained for posting something about this, don't you think that the original post would have been removed by now? It's still there in his post history, as is all the stuff he wrote in the sub he moderates, /r/astonishing. Do you really think that the government would go to the trouble of arresting the kid for what he wrote on reddit, and not remove what he wrote? If it was that dangerous, they'd snag it as soon as they could so as few people as possible would read it.

He's not trying to hide, he went on Tor, and posted it as much as possible and got out. I'm not saying he's legit, but this is what he's trying to portray to us. And the argument that they would just remove it is null and void, because there are caches of everything on the internet everywhere, and removing it would just create more suspicion. I do think the government would do just that, because it discredits anything and everything he had or has to say, problem completely solved in the easiest manner. Oh, he's just a druggy, look at this, he asked about loans before, likely he is a crackhead. People have been killed going back to the 60's and 70's for trying to reveal such events, so to say they wouldn't go to such lengths, I'm guessing you haven't read all the info about how paid shills are everywhere, including here, trying to manipulate internet opinion. Why the Government is active in the business of misinformation of its own people is really beyond me, unless there is so much corruption and cronyism that it became such a necessity.

I saw that too

How does this have 78% upvoted? Have some respect for yourself r/conspiracy!

This shit is half the fun of this sub.

Ha, no shit it's called learning. Apparently people hate it. I learned that this guy is probably on meth or something and almost got reddit as a whole into their own tin foil hat. That's fucking genius in my opinion. I may have different values then some, but fuck, he should get some kind of trophy. I imagine even some of those tards were checking the online radiation detection centers days later. This kind of thing is all part of the human experience, it's what makes life interesting. He was a modern day Orson Welles. I don't hate him.

One thing I want to mention is that OCDtrigger seems to have had some issues on reddit regarding loans. That would tie in (imho) someone with a drug problem.

Because only drug addicts are in debt?

I don't think that's what he's saying. But evidence can be linked together: He was a drug-user. Certain drugs can cause paranoia in high use and be mentally addicting. Addicts tend to spend lots of money on drugs and their paranoid obsessions.

Is it not conceivable that these factors are linked?

Sounds to me like: Dude smoked a lot of pot, made him paranoid, so he got obsessed with reddit/this nuclear thing while going into debt for more drugs. His frequency in postings in that time period suggests he was unemployed. He wasn't sleeping, by his own admission, which severely fucks up your decision-making abilities. He got busted for drugs, went to jail. Now, is trolling/delusional/just plain lying for karma or attention.

I'm gonna go with: HAARP

I will not reply to this. I have no more details to share.

"But since no one responded here on conspiracy, I'll try a few more subs. I'm a little irritated that my patience didn't pay off in trolling you guys."

Patient troll is patient. Beat it, fwappa.

For a good time, try evangelizing to a jew. You want to see someone's true colors, they come out quick. They are not very receptive to Jesus, to say the least.

Speaking of people who have no idea how to interpret data, what are your qualifications to say with confidence " obviously he had some serious mental disorders"? Something tells me you are a charlatan, please prove me wrong.

claiming the cops didn't take his cell phone. Which, you know, is pretty much impossible, since searching a suspect and taking all their possessions is the first thing any cop and especially a federal agent would do.

I don't think you've ever been arrested. They don't take your stuff until they book you where you're going to be staying. They check for weapons, but they let you keep everything else on you.

claiming the cops didn't take his cell phone. Which, you know, is pretty much impossible, since searching a suspect and taking all their possessions is the first thing any cop and especially a federal agent would do.

Guns, knives, chains & tazers have been missed in the past. People got killed because of this.

the only jew haters on this sub are the 'tards who come here. the only racist/bigoted posts I ever see here are 'tards trying to be funny or stir up trouble.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.