Texas Governor to send national guard to U.S./Mexico border

51  2014-07-21 by strokethekitty


Its nice to see that some politicians understand the gravity of the situation. What do you guys think about this?


I think it will be pretty useless but very expensive. The immigrants crossing the border aren't hiding or running from the Border Patrol. They are crossing the border and turning themselves over to BP. The National Guard isn't allowed to just open fire on these people so they can't do anything that the BP isn't already doing.

Useless AND expensive

I was wondering how long this would take since they beefed up the amount of N.G. armories in the Valley(the Border). As far as placing one in the center of town not but 5 miles from the border or less.

Well, you make a good point. Though i would doubt that their intentions are to just open fire. Thatd be wrong on so many levels.

But the national guard is a part of the constitutional militia (the "organized portion of the states' militias) and their mission is to protect the constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. Their duty is to uphold the law.

So, the way i see it, while the BP take their orders from king obama and friends like holder, the national guards top boss is the governor of the state in which that guard resides. So, if the governor of texas says to their guard not to let any illegals into the country, they have complete and utter constitutional authority to carry out such orders, especially against the unconsitutional orders the BP follow from their top boss.

The constitution trumps illegal orders. In this case, i feel that the guard would have more autbority than the BP, in that they would actually be enforcing the laws that the federal government put in place, which is their duty, rather than ignore it as the BP have been illegally instructed to do.

For these reasonings, i foresee a clash between the BP and the Texas National Guard...

Yeah but how do they stop people from coming in? They can't cross the border into Mexico to keep them out and they can't just gun them down. Once the person crosses the border into the US we still need to figure out what to do with them. Calling in the National Guard is more of a show than a solution. A very expensive show.

Why is it an issue? Why can't we just put them on a bus and ship them back across the border? Seriously asking. I'm Mexican-American and grew up thinking this was the case. Granted, growing up on Born in East LA influenced my impression of crossing the border. So just asking why we can't just drive them back across the border? Does Mexico not allow us to return their citizens? If not, why would we not do the same in return?

Are you referring to the issue of the unaccompanied minors? There is a law that if they are from a country that does not border us, I think most of them are from Guatemala and Honduras, they cannot be immediately deported.

And so the plot thickens. I guess if I have more questions I can look it up online.

Another good point. Im not sure haha.

I guess if enough of the guard just stands there with arms, (btw, the "unorganized militias" are gearing up to go to the border as well) that they could physically prevent illegals from crossing. No shots required. Unless, of course, for defensive purposes only (i.e. they were shot at first, etc...)

Regardless, i still foresee a squabble between the border patrol and the national guard...

The churches are all for the immigrants so I think they need to step up and start using their untaxed money to fund all the expenses accrued involving this situation. That's what Jesus would do, after all.

Haha. Good one. Everyone knows that church donations go to fancier churches rather than helping the needy...

That was a half-joke, btw. Sorry if it was in bad taste...

No it wasn't in bad taste and it was pretty true. The Catholic Church spends more money on paying off the families of the kids the priests raped and sending missionaries to Africa to warn the villagers that they aren't allowed to wear condoms and thus the AIDS epidemic gets worse and worse over there. It's about time they use the money on some shit that might actually be for the greater good.

Lol. No. National guards top boss is still Obama.

The national guards units answer under an adjutant general who answers under thr governor of the state in which that national guard unit is residing. Not the president.

The only hierarchy he belongs in is under the "national guard bureau", which oversees Federal Funding of that states national guard program. Obama is not part of the actual units hierarchy. That top dude is the governor.

It explains alot in the constitution and other documents. It is the states militia. The union was formed on the agreement that the states reserve the right to form their own militias. The national guard in each state is a part of that militia. The guard represents one part of the "organized" militia, along with (in virginia) the virginia defense league. The unorganized militia is (again, this is also in virginia) every abled body ages 16-65.

However, i know the president may call up the national guard in extreme circumstances, amd in such a case im not sure who has constitutional authority of that guard unit when both the governor and the president tries to command that particular states national guard...

Btw. There's a clear precedent for you question, hence my response.

Source: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/jfk-faces-down-defiant-governor

Thanks for this btw. I meant to say that yesterday...

Anyhow, i did look into that event a little bit, and all i keep finding is kennedy called the guard but the governor did not. This is also when kennedy signed executive order 11111 (i think that was formerly calling up the guard...)

But, what i was specifically asking is, what if the governor calls up the guard, and then afterwards the president calls up that same detail. Whos orders do they follow? Do you have any links to historical precedence for that type of thing?

I really did appreciate that link, and i have been looking into this. I havent come to a solid conclusion yet, but it is looking like you might be the one whos right. Im just looking for more info ;-)

I can't think of any situations where that's happened. I know the Kennedy situation was pretty groundbreaking. But I'd assume if the Alabama governor was really the top dog, then he could have just told them to ignore the executive order.

What the consequences of that would be I have no idea.

What the consequences of that would be I have no idea.

Neither do i. However, maybe he chose not to do so. In that link you gave me, it stated that he was waiting for kennedy to call up the guard so he can be all like, "see! Kennedy is a tyrant!" in order to gain support. So maybe he decided not to call the guard, in a gambit of sorts, to do this? (Which ultimately backfired on him.)

At any rate, i woukd like to know what would happen if the governor calls the guard, and then afterwards the president nationalizes that same unit. At the very least i could foresee some shit going down with states rights proponents vs the feds. Lemme know if you find anything in regards to that type of situation. Im still looking but havent been successful yet.

Either way, the state would ultimately lose. They don't really have a leg to stand on. The idea of a state militia is a thing of the past. National guard is entirely reliant on support from the big army and I imagine they just do what they're told.

I already answered that question for you. The president. Lol.

The Federal government governs over state laws and must abide by them regardless.

Gravity? More like the inflated politicization of immigration. Everyone acts like these people cross into the US with nefarious mindsets, not to mention the fact that immigration to the US takes place from all over the world, not just Mexico. So are we gonna focus on just those dirty ones from South of the border or practice what we preach and keep every immigrant from coming here as well?

The problem i personally have with the issue is that potus is not enforcing the laws like hes supposed to... like he swore he would. He has no right to pick and choose which laws he wants to enforce. It is his job as chief executive to execute the laws. That is thr issue i take with this.

And regardless of the mindset of these illegals, there mere precence of the massive amount of undocumented illegals or visa overstay illegals places a huge amount of financial burden, amd paid for out of taxpayers pockets. Not to mention the overtaxing of personnel in the judiciary process to send them back home or to process them.

These are real issues. And its only getting worse because of presidential inaction.

enforcing the laws like hes supposed to... like he swore he would

While I agree, we should all know by now, that this happens selectively. Politicians lie. Repeatedly. Swore to enforce the law? After the mass marketing of Hope and Changeā„¢ and its subsequent anything-but, we should all be wiser to the bullshit.

huge amount of financial burden, amd paid for out of taxpayers pockets.

Yes, nevermind these endless and expensive technologically based wars that are based in half-truth at best and that are doing nothing but making corporations richer and the everyman poorer.

I see your points, don't get me wrong. But everything, everything has become so polarized these days, it's hard to see through to the core of an issue. Immigration to the US is going to continue, as it has for many generations. This twat putting boots on the border is borne of little more than paranoia and xenophobia, and will likely showcase yet another way American leadership finds ways to waste money.

Your first point is true. Actually, we agree on alot. But, just because a certain leader or politician always lies and stuff doesnt make it okay, you know? Therr are probably a million reasons to be upset with said people. This immigration is but one of those reasons.

Your second point is much like the first. Those wars and stuff, yes those are monumental wastes of money as well. But, that doesnt allow for the discrediting of this immigration crisis. As before, this immigration thing is but one huge waste of money. There are certainly more, but for the sake of this post, im only really discussing the immigration issue.

Like i said, we agree on most things here. Where we differ seems to be our opinions on whether or not it is a waste of money. I view it as a governor doing his duty to protect our borders while the executive in chief pretends its not his duty to do the same. I feel you see it more as a knee jerk reaction type thing. Maybe you are right? Maybe i am. Perhaps we both are?

Either way, im just upset at the repeated attempts of mr. Obama to pick and choose which laws apply to him and his presidency, and which ones hell ignore. That is not american. It is not honest, nor respectable behavior. This immigration thing is just another proverbial feather atop this camels back...

Immigration is an issue, this is true. But it's been going on for a lonnggg time. I think it's only a 'crisis' because of the extra attention paid it through politicization. As to our dear leader, it's really no shock that an American politician fooled people yet again into believing that their best interests were at heart. And sadly the next figurehead will do the exact same thing.

I think Rick Perry is an asshole. Period.

I'm kinda pissed about the toll road thing. =/

Which part?

The fact we paid them off already and he gave the booths to some company.

I thought you were talking about the increase in rates. Anyways, well Rick Perry is corrupt. We all know that. That shit with Boone Pickens' "water district"...

We could start heftily fining corporations that hire illegals (say, a percentage of earnings), which would work, and would be a lot cheaper, but the reality is that neither the Dems or GOP really want to deprive big business or big ag of their cheap labor supply.

I thought there were already laws on the books that did that? Correct me if im wrong, but i always assumed it was just another one of those things that dont go enforced, justifying the proponents of bigger government to pass more laws and stuff....?

At least they aren't going to shoot up Colorado again. :)

I think they are going to come over anyway. I say we allow them and make them all citizens. That way, we can tax them.

Or better yet, open the boarder for all able bodied, enlist them, form an army, and take Mexico. Why do they come here? Because living in Mexico sucks. It sucks, because their entire government is corrupt and inept. Instead of taking care of them, let's use them to take their country, so they can go back and live well.

I disagree. I dont see anything in mexico worth conquest. I say we need to tax illegals regardless of their citizen status. I dont believe in conscription, either. But, in order to facilitate the nationalization process and possibly expedite it, i coukd support a community service type program for interested folks in order to become nationalized.

And, just to point out, mexicos government isnt the only one thay reeks of corruption. But im sure i didnt have to tell you that ;-)

Brother, you don't have to tell me. Still our corruption is nothing compared to the corruption in Mexico.

Mexico offers land. Fertile land ripe for crops. Also, it's a step closer to S. America, which is rich in gold and oil.

Of course, the CIA will have to find a new excuse to explain them bringing drugs into the country. looks at Canada

Hahahaha hit the nail on the head.

Still our corruption is nothing compared to the corruption in Mexico.

Good point. Although i would make an argument towards our governments more covert corruptions vs mexicos, which if was calculable, id posit that it is more than enough to tips the scales unfortunately towards the U.S.

Your second point was good too. Now that you mentioned it, i am reminded of an article i read last week or so about monsanto patenting a specific type off cannabis meant for industrial medicinal use of cannabis, centered in some s. American country. Fertile land, popular drug and the controversies they can profit from it, as well as influence (basic economics) within that country, this kind of makes sense now.

Have you seen the cost of Tequila? Lets take Mexico and drive down the cost of Tequila!

hahaha seriously? you telling us that we are corrupt??. Fuck off men, seriously. Your border patrol are colluded with the narcos since a long ass time, also the DEA, do you ever wonder why the terrorists didn't enter as illegals?? who do you think really "protects" your border.

Keep living in Murica land. Reality is far more different, and far more complex.

Im not quite sure what you were trying to accomplish with that statement.

Im not even sure if you understood what i said... Ill help you by emphasizing a certain part of my comment that i feel you missed:

And, just to point out, mexicos government isnt the only one thay reeks of corruption

"Isnt" is a contraction of two words: "is" and "not", as in, "is not."

I hope that helped your ability to comprehend my comment and the statements contained therein. Id suggest keeping emotional outbursts to yourself.

Oh look how logical you want to sound, regardless of your xenophobic remarks and pathetically constructed arguments. You have every right to express your racism or make arguments about the state of my country.

And it's my right to tell you how much bullshit your arguments are. They are just so overly cliche, antillectual that I'm surprised you're not a robot made in southern mississippi.

GROW UP and explore the world, don't be afraid of it.

Mhmm. Again with the emotional outbursts huh?

Look if i offended you by telling you that your country (mexico) is corrupt, then im sorry the truth hurts. America is also corrupt. I understand that, and if someone else points it out i wouldnt get all butt hurt about it.

Now, since you want to talk about "growing up", why dont you stop your little tantrum and discuss the things that have obviously offended you? You know, like how adults do. If not, you can kindly stfu.

Btw, nothing i said was racist or xenophobic. If you feel differently you can always (politely) refer me to those comments you felt were racist and/or xenophobic. Also, it would quite hypocritical for an immigrant (i am a dual citizen) to be afraid of or to hate foreigners.

So, once again, kindly refer me to the comments that got you all upset.




escaping criminals?

Which part?