Here's how the JIDF works on /r/worldnews

153  2014-07-21 by [deleted]

1) Some JIDF members are agent provocateurs. They post controversial stuff in order to root out the members they should downvote

2) They have scouts or "tracer bullet" shooters, who try to extract opinion from neutral members.

3) When they detect someone who is not pro Israel, that user is placed in some software list. I find it funny how comments made days ago get downvoted - this is a sign that it's not human.

Here's one example of a scout:

The up/downvote brigades are invisible. Only the scouts and provocateurs are visible, but some of them rotate accounts on a frequent basis, it's hard to pin them down.

After you chat with him, you'll be either placed on a pro Israel list or a "black list". For instance, I think I've been placed on a black list. Now every comment of mine is getting downvoted, about 3 to 4 downvotes per hour.

If, for some reason, the upvotes on my comments beat 3 to 4 downvotes per hour, the comment escapes the JIDF net. Otherwise you get buried.

In this system, they're able to censor a good percentage of comments. Of course if half of America comes in upvoting some comment, it escapes the JIDF censor net and gets seen. But a large large percentage of comments get buried before they exit the /r/worldnews/new page.

That's how they work: one guy provokes, another guy extracts info and shoots tracer bullets, the gang comes in up or downvoting accordingly. They're gaming Reddit systematically and very efficiently I must say.


14 minutes after you posted it JIDF already shared it on his twitter feed.

OP is a four day old account.

Every single comment and submission of OPs is related to Gaza.

I'm calling this exhibit A of (1) "Some JIDF members are agent provocateurs"

Actually, isn't it more likely that the JIDF has been monitoring /r/conspiracy and saw the link? I'd be willing to bet they're planting agent provocateurs into the community to make blatant anti-semitic comments in an attempt to discredit this community's stance on Israeli military operations.

And if we find them we will ban them summarily. We had an oversight with our good friend bear and his snoonet trolling. We will do our best to make sure it doesnt happen again.

Bull fucking shit. Jidf owns worldnews.

Some of my most on-point comments were taken Down by admins in worldnews because of jidf shills.

I was talking about on /r/conspiracy...

From what I understand worldnews has not been subject to a snoonet raid of the kind initiated by bear and friends; although it is certainly more likely that organized groups are working harder to manipulate worldnews than they are to manipulate /r/conspiracy due to readership. We have simply not found the backroom evidence as of yet; nor have the admins. Although we have asked them many times to keep an eye out.

In this regard the admins have many more tools at their disposal than mods. They can see when there's a blank referrer on votes. They can see when someone is voting with alts and or amassing armies of their friends to vote on things in subreddits they despise by organizing on snoonet, etc, etc, etc.

Whether the admins chose to act on this is their prerogative though, and I have no insight into the inner workings of "reddits executive branch".

Some of my most on-point comments were taken Down by admins in worldnews because of jidf shills.

You can always message the modmail of worldnews if you feel your comments are taken down unfairly and then the entire modteam has the opportunity to weigh in on the action and debate its merit.

I was talking about on /r/conspiracy...

My apologies then. I didn't mean to jump down your throat, at least in reference to /r/conspiracy.

My point still stands. JIDF shills won't be called out on /r/worldnews.

It's bad for the 'populace.'

Edit: example

Why the hell were the kids playing in the beach in the middle of a bombardment? In Israel, all kids stay inside because of Hamas rockets. The kids are not to blame of course, but their parents are clearly irresponsible. Would you let your kids play outside, if your city was being bombed?

This is a pro Israeli poster, /u/drboomkin, giving us the truth, over and over again...

JIDF is rampant in /r/worldnews

If there is any evidence that organized groups are working off site to manipulate worldnews I need it brought to the forefront sooner rather than later.

With regards the recent incidents in occupied Palestine, I have personally seen huge swings in upvote tallies for pro-Palestinians comments and stories in unnatural swaths.

organized groups are working off site

That's the problem. You've chosen to ignore on-site manipulation.


Two distinct puzzles imo...

I think the issue at hand is the result of off site stuff. I think the onsite stuff is more subtle and probably centered around advertising more than narrative writing. Maybe I'm naive.

No, I'm more naive on subjects of online manipulation.

But I can feel the tide on each Palestine/Israel post, and it always has the plastered stink of JIDF.

Fool me once, but fuck man. It's kind of obvious....every single day...over and over...this is pro Israel propaganda, pure and simple.

Where it comes from is not the issue.

Why it won't be stopped is the issue.

Edit: currently I've got a pro Israeli commenter giving others a free reign to down vote me to shit. WTF man. I take shills on and you're feeding me bullshit. Do your job man.

Edit: np switch

What about this weird "is r/conspiracy racist?" sub? I got a friendly alert from some bot called reddit alerts or mention tracker that these people are talking about what I said on r/conspiracy. Man it is weird. They also falsely say the mods here approve of racism...

This is what it linked to

If there is any evidence that organized groups are working off site to manipulate worldnews I need it brought to the forefront sooner rather than later.

Are you saying you have not noticed a shift in the recent months to an anti-Russian stand (or anti-Gaza more recently)? If you have hundreds of people at hand each clicking from their own ip, admins, as white as they might be (i do not believe that for a second), have no way to discriminate.

You guys finally got rid of /u/bipolarbear0?!

He ban evades occasionally, we keep an eye out.

You're doing Odin's work, son.


"Definitely" guys. I'm legit.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

That's kind of hilarious honestly. I bet they get a kick out of seeing the paranoid people who think every upvote and downvote on reddit come from the JIDF.

If they had nothing to fear, they would simply ignore it. Instead, they attempt to subvert it through mockery. If it's reasoned well enough to gain significant support, they'll actively fight it with an array of canned retorts coupled with brigading...


Yes, but surely interested in stifling a trending shift in public opinion.

maybe it's not that big a deal to shutdown even an insignificant discussion like this? with the help of algorithms and such, it's pretty easy.

..just playing devil's advocate, don't necessarily subscribe to any of this

I always blame NUIS. They are, in my eyes, the face of internet stupidity.


Just read the "new" pages, and set your account to see all posts -- get rid of the threshold. Then it's impossible for any group to make any post invisible.

They don't care about the informed, it's the masses they target.

the problem w/ this approach is that you would have to be on reddit ALL DAY 24/7 to get just get the truth.


Do you know what preceded the Holocaust? People growing increasingly accepting of complex conspiracies against Jews.

I'd say it's more about money, politics, and power than the ethnic/religious identity of "Judaism." Most people I've seen assert they have no problem with Judaism, just Zionism. My problem with Zionism should be pretty obvious, as it's a blanket problem with all money in politics and foreign policy. The problem I have with wealthy Jews is a problem I have with ALL MONEY and ALL POWER. It just happens that 1/2 of reform Jews make over 100,000 a year. But I assure you, I don't discriminate between a wealthy, cold-blooded white Christian or a wealthy, cold-blooded Jew.

1. I don't want my government supporting a foreign government that pisses a lot of people off. Israel has been around for 70 years. If Israel can't defend itself after 70 years and make peace in the region after 70 years, maybe it's time we give Israel an ultimatum to find a new home if they want our continued support. I'd be appalled if we did it overnight, but how about a 5 year plan? A 10 year plan? We did it in Vietnam. We did it with other refugees. How long do we have to continue paying for their military?

2. I didn't support the Iraqi war. I'd have supported pulling out of Vietnam. Why have I not ever been called an Iraqi-racist for not supporting the Iraqi war? But, if I don't support Israel I'm literally worse than Hitler. I'd prefer we be an isolationist country and let the rest of the world shit on each other, if they so choose. We have a natural boundary of water.

3. If Israel falls, ISRAELIS ARE FREE TO COME TO THE US IN MY BOOKS. Please, join us like any other refugees have in the past. I don't believe in special treatment. I shouldn't have to protect your stronghold in the middle of a perpetual warzone. We didn't support Laos or Vietnam when they fell. We sent the native Americans to fucking Oklahoma and don't feel guilty about that. I'm sure we can find somewhere in the US that we could buy and develop for a hell of a lot cheaper than Israel's military funding. You're welcome here, just like I welcome every other people. Including the Mexicans that I think we should nationalize.

4. Israel provokes Iran. See: Stuxnet. If we're already supporting Israel's protection, then fuck Israel if they're willing to make shit more messy.

5. If any ethnic group started fucking lobbying all politicians on both sides, I'd see that as a flat out BRIBES. Stay the fuck out of my elections, Israel. Plus: 61 percent of U.S. respondents said they believed the U.S. should not take either side. AIPAC makes me hate Israel, just like I hate the Koch brothers, oil money, or any other money to bribe politics. Israel's money pisses me off even more, because at least the Koch money/oil money DOES stay in this country.

Now for my problems with the upper class:

1. 55% of Reform Jews make over $100,000. 18% over $1 million. If 50% of Reform Jews are high earners, odds are I hate 1/2 Reform Jews. Why? Because I dislike the upper class for their control in politics and business. It's not that I hate Jews disparagingly, it's that I hate wealth. I don't hate wealthy Jews any more than I hate wealthy white people. My problem with WEALTH is that most high-earning jobs are professional or financial positions that purposely aim for production and efficiency. Humans are worked to death with production goals - so fuck the wealthy for diminishing the quality of life. That leads to suffering and lower quality of life in the middle class. IN ADDITION, most of the wealthy are participants in the stock market, which dictates corporate strategy. FUCK YES I'll hate 1/2 reform Jews if 1/2 of reform Jews are willing participants in the same corporate strategy that cost my fellow man their jobs and life in 2007.

2. Orthodox Jews, poor/middle class Jews, and the other 1/2 of the Reform Jews? Fucking fine in my book. As a matter of fact, I wish they'd be more willing to mingle with our culture. The Orthodox Jews? FUCK YES BROTHERS. I dislike this culture of violence and immorality and think they're a beautiful religion and culture.

How's that for an answer?

Mmm not so much. what did allow it to happen was that for the preceeding thousand years it was socially acceptable to displace, kill, torture, and rape people of different religions/social groups. that isn't the case anymore, and god willing NEVER will be again

This may be the funniest comment I've ever seen on reddit. OP you are literally ushering in a second holocaust.



This is not cool, i wonder what other sites do they attack? I think i am on their black list too.

There out in full force on 4chan.

I've looked up your comment history, and it seems like the only comment that was attacked by the JIDF shadow bots is this one:

I honestly think this site would be better without the downvote button.

This sounds like a reasonable request, has this been tried yet?

I know /r/circlejerk does it.

Some subreddits disable the downvote arrow but this is easily bypassed via res. For it to work properly Reddits entire karma system would need to be recoded I think, and I can't see that happening anytime soon.

No doubt I'm on a black list. They just don't like it when I call the JIDF the New Hitler Youth.

that would make for an amusing song/video for Utube.

it would be banned PDQ, but would amuse the few who saw it before it vanished.

i think i finally made the list with "foreskinless monstrosities" ... was talking specifically about the tank crews that bombed the hospital.

From 2009: Hasbara spam alert

Saw this posted earlier. Well worth a read.

If you notice any off-site groups telling their members to engage in voting on reddit for the love of god let the admins know and show them your documented evidence.

I do agree this is a huge problem and users are always coming to the world news mods asking us to remedy this problem. All we can do is say message the admins.

I have no skin in this game, but reddit has proven over and over again that they wouldn't do anything about it. There are entire subreddit who's goal is vote brigading and admins do nothing. SRS exists only to vote brigade and have doxxed people without repercussions, and when some of their members were doxxed in retaliation, admins struck the second group hard.

It's true. I think SRS/SA was rewarded for doxxgate as they setup /r/preteengirls, filled it with cp, emailed cooper about it then deployed the predditors tumblr to nuke VA to solve reddit inc's little "free speech problem".

The question, beyond bad publicity for reddit, was why did they chose to nuke VA by allowing him to be doxxed by the goons from something awful, even though that lead to a mod revolt and saw gawker banned site-wide by mods in the biggest act of protest the mod community has ever attempted. And I think the answer was he knew things about how the backroom of reddit operates that he should not have know, or perhaps could not be trusted with.

I keep asking the admins how bestof works when brigading is against the rules but they never answer me.

So who reads -news, -politics, or -worldnews anymore? They're all AIPAC/JIDF hives of scum and villany. Let 'em talk to each other.

those being defaults makes it a problem

They're just as removable as the others. I literally haven't seen them on "my front page" in years. RES is your friend.

Im pretty sure they are using tools maybe bots for voting. These are not individuals with individual accounts.

I can instantly recognise them as soon as I open a post since their logic is pretty much repetitive.

The key is not to post or even vote. Just ignore them. They measure their results in how much attention they receive.

I can instantly recognise them as soon as I open a post since their logic is pretty much repetitive.

that suggests machine aided posts, ie they are not writing the bulk of the posts themselves, they might be just entering key details and some program makes up a post or response.

or they strictly follow key points on guides when posting or responding.

some of the shills are dumb as a bag of rocks, their 'normal' posts betray this, you can also tell this by their failure to grasp (or refusal to) details.

reddit: hasbara heaven.

Try posting something pro Israel, to test your theory.

Or maybe you just post speculative things, and people go out of their way to downvote you, just to see this sub explode with rage.

Only 3-4 downvotes an HOUR? That's so slow! A unit designated for making a country look good and they do less downvoting than any one of us could (alt accounts) if we felt like it.

I'd say they do more downvoting; whatever amount to keep it at -3/-4.

I for one appreciate news like this, we jump from "irrelevant crazy conspiracy theorists cesspool" to "relevant and clear headed History writers that need dealt with".

3) When they detect someone who is not pro Israel, that user is placed in some software list. I find it funny how comments made days ago get downvoted - this is a sign that it's not human.

The up/downvote brigades are invisible. Only the scouts and provocateurs are visible, but some of them rotate accounts on a frequent basis, it's hard to pin them down.

His name literally gets added to this "scout" list:

Bots and hasbara rats then sytematcally downvote everything he posts.

In fact, just now I downvoted a comment to -1 which I suspected to be from a cybertrooper. it immediately went back to 0 in few seconds. magic!

Whether shills operate as you suggest is up for further research and debate, but what irks me the most about the comments in this thread is the complete lack of initiative.

If you believe they work in this manner, then fucking do something about it. The JIDF doesn't have access to tools that you all don't (software to develop voting bots, analytical software, etc.)

Instead of anecdotal "OMG MY COMMENTS GOT DOWNVOTED TOO WHAT THE HELL MAN"... build an analytics service that can determine, empirically, whether there is anything fishy going on. Present those analytics to reddit mods/admins as evidence of misconduct.

So much talk and no walk in this subreddit.


But you don't provide any evidence, or means, to test your theory.

I'll help out:

  1. Post 150 posts, 50 pro-Israel, 50 anti-Israel, 50 neutral (a control group)
  2. Run analytics on the resulting data
  3. Test data against your hypothesis

See what I mean?


This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Fallacious Ad hominem reasoning is normally categorized as an informal fallacy, more precisely as a genetic fallacy, a subcategory of fallacies of irrelevance. Ad hominem reasoning is not always fallacious, for example, when it relates to the credibility of statements of fact.

Ad hominem arguments are the converse of appeals to authority, and may be used in response to such appeals.

Yoh anti-semite! /s

I was talking about on /r/conspiracy...

My apologies then. I didn't mean to jump down your throat, at least in reference to /r/conspiracy.

My point still stands. JIDF shills won't be called out on /r/worldnews.

It's bad for the 'populace.'

Edit: example

Why the hell were the kids playing in the beach in the middle of a bombardment? In Israel, all kids stay inside because of Hamas rockets. The kids are not to blame of course, but their parents are clearly irresponsible. Would you let your kids play outside, if your city was being bombed?

This is a pro Israeli poster, /u/drboomkin, giving us the truth, over and over again...

JIDF is rampant in /r/worldnews