We need a 2nd Revolution!

6  2014-07-24 by [deleted]



its even more cause for a revolution

And OP disappears in T-25 minutes. NSA done got another.

The NSA can suck my balls

They very well may. Nasty evil fucks.

The NSA can stop us all

The NSA can stop us all

Can't. You meant can't...right?

If so, then I absolutely 100% agree with that.

Ok! You first!

I'll go first, do you swear to be behind me?

snstrmstch and his/her type won't...but I will. Hell, if you say you're going, I'll go in front of you.

I'm ready for this. Our government is just getting worse. Our ability to influence them politically was either taken away or it never existed.

Still though, we need to be smart about this. Some planning is going to be needed.

Honestly I think the best way to rebel is to stop paying taxes and live with a good community sustainably. It's basically anti-consumerism.

If we get enough people doing that then the government will aggress against us. They will go on the offensive because their corporate masters will make them. Then it's time to fight.

Our government is just getting worse. Our ability to influence them politically was either taken away or it never existed.

These two sentences are both very correct, unfortunately.

I feel that as much as I think a violent revolution is warranted enough, however, a non violent mass revolution on the part of the ENTIRE citizenry simply not complying with the shitty system would be the thing that could work even more. Unfortunately, I don't think we as a citizenry are smart or strong enough to do this. Again I say unfortunately because if we COULD all come together as one people and do this - engage in noncompliance with the system and support each other independent of TPTB, etc - we would absolutely be able to do away with this global manipulation without having to have anywhere near as many casualties as we would if we had an armed uprising.

Still though, we need to be smart about this. Some planning is going to be needed.

Honestly I think the best way to rebel is to stop paying taxes and live with a good community sustainably. It's basically anti-consumerism.

Very good to see we're actually on the same page on this end.

If we get enough people doing that then the government will aggress against us. They will go on the offensive because their corporate masters will make them. Then it's time to fight.

Yes. That's one plan. The following might seem almost impossibly difficult to do for many of us, but another possibility to fighting aggressively is fighting in the way that Gandhi did: Stand our ground bravely and face TPTB with discipline and quiet fortitude even if they begin mowing us down. The more the rest of the world sees them doing this, the more likely it is that more around the world will rise up against them, and they will eventually lose with that strategy.

I fully understand this way is extremely brave and difficult for the vast majority of humans to employ, but I also know that the only way an armed rebellion will work is if we first have a very strong, united front where we are all in accord as one unit...and if OWS was any indication (which I was an active part and supporter of), it doesn't seem that this will be all too easy to accomplish.

Gandhi did: Stand our ground bravely and face TPTB with discipline and quiet fortitude even if they begin mowing us down. The more the rest of the world sees them doing this, the more likely it is that more around the world will rise up against them, and they will eventually lose with that strategy.

I don't like this idea. I realize it is a very brave thing. But I know that I won't be able to stand the kind of aggression the government is likely to use without retaliating, and that viciously.

Furthermore, look at India now. Do you think that Ghandi's dream of indian unity came to be? It doesn't look like it.

Going forward I really believe we need to set up a whole new society. We need to create a whole new country. And we can do it without maps and without a currency. We can create a country in people's minds. But first we have to make it real on the ground, at least in certain places so that people know their is an alternative to the control system put in places by TPTB.

Once that idea gets out and gains ground along with constant exposition of the control systems flaws and crimes, they will try to fight us. And I don't see Ghandi'ing through that as the way to continue a new state.

Ghandi was fighting a foreign imperial power. We are fighting a domestic imperial power. We are going to have to use different tactics. The US government can make claims of sovereignty that a lot of people will take very seriously because it is custom and tradition. Those of us who deny that sovereignty are isolated and scattered around the US and even the world. We need to be together and working on things together and building an alternative. We need a dream to actually fight for and I don't believe that dream is rampant consumerism and a big mcmansion all crowded into a suburb surrounded by other other mcmansions with 10 foot of yard.

I see and don't disagree with your overall points. My only concern is that we make sure and fight intelligently if we are to use armed conflict so that we give ourselves the best chance of not ultimately being undermined by tptb.

The Revolution will not be Televised...

It will be Redditized!

the Reddit revolution


Welp its already diluted so I guess that works.

All right; fair enough. But start where you are; ask yourself what you are doing to revolutionize your life right now. Maybe you can't buy precious metals or farmland, but you can plant a vegetable garden; maybe you can't plant a vegetable garden, but you can buy at a farmer's market; etc.

This is the revolution needed. Not some stupid armed revolt, which most probably will only put another corrupt group into power.

The revolution needs to be inside each one of us. Call it spiritual or humanistic. A society less based on consumerism and more of well-being. The American Dream has been dead for quite some time, substituted with some get-rich-or-die-trying mentality, which culminated in this disastrous situation. Unions dismantled and the rich fomenting class wars between the 57% makers (themselves included of course) against the 43% takers (the poor living off our taxpayers' hard work).

And this is why I find Russell Brand's call for revolution so appealing.

I've thought about this a lot. Honestly, all the leaders in a second revolution, in this day and age, will be dead by the time (if) the revolution succeeds. It's a straight suicide mission which is why it scares me.

At the same time, people are waking up. Hell, we have 241,000 subscribers here. The government is obviously terrified of what Americans, united, could do to them. There are so many things wrong in this world? Where do you even begin?

If a revolution were to occur, it would need a ruthless leader to stand in front of everyone. Lets learn from occupy's mistakes. We need a clear leader that everyone knows as opposed to an ideal we all stand by. We would need to wake up the masses very quickly, lest we be killed. And make change quickly.

Anyways, I'm interested. Count me in. I have many more thoughts. Although I am picturing a bunch of redditors riding up to the White House on a pirate ship and commandeering it right now. If that happens, remind me to bring a parrot. I've always wanted to die with a parrot on my shoulder...

Edit: I forgot to say hello to the kind government workers who will probably read this considering how many trigger words I used in this post! Hello! I really hope you're having a lovely day. Although I don't agree with what you are doing, I understand you probably think it's a good thing and a good idea for this day and age. Anyways, I promise to never bring a parrot on my shoulder to the White House, okay? I believe in non-violent change (as if that's possible) so if I ever do visit the White House, it'll be to see the White House as the average tourist. No more, no less. Anyways, have a good night stalking people on the Internet!

I agree, the revolution needs a leader. That's why the elite are so quick to attack and poison the character of anyone who looks as if he might be rising in the public awareness.

People seem not to remember that after the first American revolution, the U.S. operated under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

A violent revolution (which is what I belive the poster is alluding to) wasn't required to transition to the U.S. Constitution.

non violent civil disobedience gives the tptb a headache. but true revolutions will be humanistic and spiritual. that being said we dont need a revolution, its so far beyond that, a revolution would just restart cycles of old. all is fine and all is well, and perfect even. when u come to that realization the revolution will be old news. live well everyway you can. we all deserve to enjoy life, even the evil cunts. their time is over for now, but until we become aware of duality can we call ourselves free.

The Powers that Be want us to "revolt" with guns blazing, with hate in our hearts. They are prepared for such. They have weapons we only think exist in sci fi movies, and Fema camps are open for business. I am sure they have simulations on computer models that "predict" our behaviour and made necessary arrangements for a "2nd Revolution" that incorporates violence.
I am agreeing with the need for a revolution, however its more with the mind and more importantly the heart. Why do you think we have Autism and substrates of the like (Autism spectrum) and foods and chemicals that destroy the human mind? Then we have pesticides that carry developmental disabilities for future generations. ( I just read an article on this subreddit a few days ago) TPTB also have been murdering indigenous peoples(Amazon, African, Native Americans, etc...) for the reason that they are connected to the earth and still hold powerful cellular memories that pose a threat to thier world domination plans. Ones that food ,chemicals, technology, and the English language hasnt poisoned yet. You see, even the English language has been created with deliberate Imperialism modus operandi. (Universal language remember? ) Its a revolution of the mind and heart that will defeat them. It has to be mind and HEART. TPTB are very smart indeed and drink "Smart water and use Smart phones"lol..but without the wisdom of the heart, filled with authentic love for all mankind (and all sentient life) we will just continue the road we are on, creating more strife thus allowing them to impose even greater control over us. Ferdinand the Bull is a great example of this. He rose above the game. He loved smelling flowers and resting in his pasture. He remained "Authentic" to himself despite the crowd wanting to see bloodlust of a bullfight. His willful non compliance transformed the masses, which in turn he was returned to his flowers and pasture for the rest of his days. We can rise above the game as well. We are all connected, our collective consciousness reaches beyond measure, and the Powers that Be know this. Thats why they have to be Cheaters and poison us with all sorts of weapons. Its actually sad really when you contemplate it. Set aside the anger for just a moment and see that THEY are the desperate ones. The love a mother has for her child, a stranger helping another stranger on the street, a kind word said in passing, these are the weapons we have!!!!!!....The humanity that was and IS our God given right, cannot be taken way unless we CHOOSE to surrender it. So YES...a revolution is needed, to reclaim our authentic selves and rise above the illusion they created.

Well put.