Shower thought conspiracy. What do you guy's think of it?

42  2014-07-26 by [deleted]

So, before hitting the shower, I saw the video posted on here of ISIS destroying a mosque in Mosul. I remembered hearing that ISIS wants to destroy a bunch of "holy sites" around the area/ world, as far away as Rome. I also remembered hearing that ISIS wants to destroy "the rock" or w/e in Mecca. This is the holiest place for Muslims.

This got me thinking. Well, isn't the goal for Jews and Christians alike? To knock down the holy site to rebuild the temple. What if ISIS was created for this specific purpose by mossad and cia? This would be a biblical prophecy coming true. You know end of days type bullshit. Where they rebuild, I think Solomon's temple, and then that marks the end of days. Because the anti christ will then rein in Israel at the temple, blah, blah, religious prophecy, blah blah, end of days. What do you guys think?


What is worrying is that some people who believe in the biblical "end times" prophecies are actually in a position to catalyse and fulfil some of the "predictions".

Pope Francis made a veiled reference to the "end of the world" in his first speech as Pontiff - again, it seems to be part of an agenda.

Absolutely! I personally think TPTB are truly insane.

Pope Francis is another piece to this, and his history is very troubling in all of this. Not only do we have a radical sect of Islam (ISIS), which is clearly referencing Egyptian mythology. You have the first Jesuit pope in the history of the church. If you know anything about the Jesuits, you will know they are a radical sect of Christianity/ Catholicism. These two groups show up on the scene at the same time? I don't think that is a coincidence.

The Black Pope has been in the news lately too. He is supposed to be the top of the food chain. See here (

Apparently, he gave the "thumbs down" to Obama on bombing Syria. TPTB eat this bullshit up ... it's quite troubling.


The black pope is the top. The Vatican, I believe, is ordering all the genocide occurring in the world today.

The scary thing is, the black pope has black mail material on the pope. It has and will always have this. They do not call these people the "warriors of god" for no reason. I suggest everyone, look into this sect. They are fucking evil beyond words. So radical, that their friends may be ISIS. Look into what they believe and what the Jesuits believe. They are the same. Just look.


How does ISIS reference Egyptian mythology? "ISIS" is just an acronym and sometimes they are called ISIL.


of course I know that Isis is an Egyptian goddess. But ISIS is just an acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. And they are not even called that by everybody. Sometimes they are called ISIL: Islamic STate of Iraq and the Levant.

It is a coincidence.

Is there any other connection? If not than ISIS has nothing to do with Egyptian mythology.

I suppose it all depends on who you think they are and who created them. Isis was the mother of Horus, who's eye is thought to be on the USD.

That's a stretch.

Yea it is, but this is /r/conspiracy and many occult beliefs stem from ancient Egyptian mythology.

This /r/conspiracy so we grasp at straws and jump to to conclusions based on coincidence?

Eeh, it's fun to theorize, isn't it? You did find find some dots to connect. But you shouldn't talk about it like it a fact.

Um, I'm not saying it's a fact. I never said any of this is a fact. I admit I should have added (imho) to it about being an Egyptian reference. For that, my bad.

It's cool. I was taking it too seriously.

See you I the next thread : D

no worries mate, cheers!

duh indeed

Do they believe, or are they manipulating events to appear as though prophecy is being fulfilled as a form of controlling the populace? It's all part of the Great Plan.

Is there a difference? The prophecies include the angle you are talking about. They are the one's playing themselves. Judas syndrome.

Maybe there isn't. I don't consider myself an expert on biblical prophecy by any means, I really only know about it in broad terms. I'd be interested in knowing more about what exactly is predicted.

Well we have to remember that the visions are communicated by someone from 2000 years ago. The nomenclature and analogies available to that person were extremely different than today. What exactly is predicted requires someone with the same perspective as the guy who had the vision.. difficult but not impossible i guess! Peace!

If the cabal are a bunch of cultists, it makes sense.

Occultists, too.

Too many Occultists.

That is correct, I edited my comment. Thanks.

We have pretty good evidence the top people are cultists/occultists.

There's a cow breeder specifically trolling to birth a red in Israel. lawl

Pull the udder one.

"There's something in the way she moooos....."

Holy shit, that's odd.

The timing is interesting and i'm sure religious zealots from the major religions will have heard about it.

Right, there is no prophecy (imho), but there are some crazies out there trying to carry out a self fulfilling prophecy.

Very important point. Self fulfilling prophecy and not the only outcome. Thoughts become things, TPTB know that all too well.

Well, we're fucked. Nice knowing you guys.

load up on chips and beer, gonna be spectacular.

I wanna put a blanket on that calf so bad.

Short overview of the infamous Albert Pike Letters to Mazzini concerning three World Wars and how they would come about -

Thanks for posting this! I remember seeing a video before talking about it. It's a very chilling thought that all of this was planned by a few people, so many years ago.

Except there is no proof to suggest this letter ever existed.



Yea, I was thinking about it, and the Jews/Christians cannot be the one's responsible for the destruction. That would unite the Muslim world against the one's who destroyed it. Possibly causing WWIII. But.... if a radical sect destroyed it, win win.

Edit: a word

ISIS was trained by the CIA in Jordan.

When you mention Rome, I think how key it would be for a group like ISIS to take out the Vatican.

It'll be a hoot when all these power-mad, megalomaniac fundies manage to bring about these prophetic events and their god smites them for being a bunch of murderous criminals.

how can christ2.0 come and save us from the anti-christ if there never was a christ1.0?

There might have been a christ 1.0, but history was twisted so from a murdered social activist he was turned into a profitable immortal deity.

possibly. but how is a social worker going to defeat the anti-christ?

Idk the significance, I'm drunk, so I'm just gonna post this here!

Middle Eastern religions are mythology just like the 1000's of mythology's before them.

Civilization stems from where? All religions are based on mythology.

not sure what your point is

What is your point? You say all middle eastern religions are based on mythology. All religions are, your tag says buddha. Well where does civilization start? Who is buddha, and where does the inspiration come from? Your comment adds nothing to the conversation. Merely, you are saying "middle east" religions are inspired by mythology. Well so are far east religions. What is your point kind sir/ madam?

my comment was "Middle Eastern religions are mythology just like the 1000's of mythology's before them".

Scott Horton had a good interview on the 24th with Mitchell Prothero about ISIS and it's destruction of holy sites, I would recommend listening to it.

This got me thinking. Well, isn't the goal for Jews and Christians alike? To knock down the holy site to rebuild the temple.

Jews, Christians, Freemasons, Templars and Zionists...

We have pretty good evidence the top people are cultists/occultists.

Occultists, too.
