Hey Israel, you may be killing people and breaking shit...But you are LOSING!

70  2014-07-26 by [deleted]

I have had an internal struggle with the Israel issue for some time now. Unfortunately I can no longer ignore the atrocities. I now feel that soon the Star of David will be as much a symbol of peace as the Swastika and the Confederate flag. Netanyahu, the world is turning against you and if you are to stupid to see it, you should be eliminated just as you are doing to innocent civillians in the caged hunt you are conducting. I Think Galloway hit it right on the head (at least with me)... btw my wife is 1/2 jewish so don't try the "anti-Semite" bullshit with me! http://presstv.com/detail/2014/07/18/371798/israel-continues-violence-against-gaza/


I'm with you. I was born and raised Jewish and this is just gross.

Ditto. Jew here. I'm done with this. I can't believe I supported Israel for so long. Such shame I feel now.

I stopped being a active celebrating Jew years ago when I left. 3rd grade and got to think for my self instead of being private Jewish schooled. And haven't regretted it since. Now looking at what Israel is doing and how far their invisible grips on America and other nations are it's just descusting. They have done a great job at passifying others by hiding behind the deaths of ww2 so long people turn a blind eye

This is a huge part of the reason many people like you now longer support Israel since this round of bloodshed began: http://www.juancole.com/2014/07/israel-losing-social.html

is the current operation any worse than 'Cast Lead', to anybody that followed that outrage, it was obvious how nasty it was.

its likely that with 'Cast Lead' and the ship actions with the executions onboard that made the news, then the latest shooting fish in a barrel operation, the Israeli govt have seriously increased their pace, they are panicking.

they are in corner, if they talk to and/or appease the Palestinians, they alienate their own populace, the Likud govt will collapse.

so they do what they do, they know no better, its extreme short term brutality aimed at crippling the Palestinians and taking their govt and infrastructure down to the stone age.

and of course with the IDF being the hammer, everything they see is a nail, and they nail it proper.

the international fallout for Israel could be very bad.unofficial sanctions were starting to be implemented, if the civilian death gets too big for the Western MSM to ignore, then state sanctions might follow, then the collapse of Israel as we know it today is the logical conclusion. something will arise that might solve the problems.

they haven't really thought through the long term consequences of their actions.

but of course when you have extreme and fundie religious types either in or influencing 'govt', then chaos and stupidity is likely.

It is actually eerily similar to Cast Lead, both in duration, and casualties. 1400 in 22 days vs 1000 in 20 days. It seems that this is a measured and deliberate destruction.

I don't think being Anti-Israel is being Anti-Semite.

Zionism is Anti-Human.


Any time I tell this to people they instantly claim that I'm lying. Those of the Levant are Semites, all of em.

You haven't thrown this in their face? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people

more than several times

Are these people born with Teflon brains?

Too much Teflon these days, it seems.

But Judaism teaches that all BUT the Jews are inhuman, are lesser.

It also teaches them thst cheating, stealing, harming anyone that isn't jewish is okay

'Zionism' is simply the idea that the Jews, as an ethnicity, deserve a state somewhere.

And the Zionist Jews are human too.

And the Zionist Jews are human too.

Then maybe they should stop behaving like monsters then.

They should start to understand one simple thing.

Rights are for everyone and someone who disregards a right of someone else doesn't deserve it for himself.

Not just somewhere. Where another group of people live. And they don't exactly treat them like people.

In that human beings lived everywhere, yes. But prior to the British Mandate, there were proposals for a Zionic State in Alaska, Ethiopia and the Sudan. My point isn't about Israel- it's that you are abusing the term 'Zionist'. And the civilian casualties here are no different to Dresden, or Hiroshima, or Nagasaki- in fact, they are far more tame.

That's why they can vote and have equal rights? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arab_members_of_the_Knesset

How many Jews are in the leadership in Palestine?

The paradigm is shifting. This is a moment in time where people around the world are being heard, we should demand that people listen now. I have sensed a new awaking, a new dawn in the age of humans.


Consciousness shift.

This. We are on the verge of something big, so catostrophic that we can't even imagine what it will be like. It will be worse than any conspiracy theory or any movie.

You guys say this every single year.

Not sure when it will happen, but it certainly is happening.

But what's it based on?

People have always thought some kind of End Times are around the corner. I fail to see how civilian casualties in Gaza relate- its not as if the Holocaust caused a 'new awakening' and it was in every way worse.

Geopolitics, global financial markets, commoditys, derivatives, super-diseases, food shortages, climate change. It's not just one thing or one group of people, its a combination of groups and things that will lead to a major societal collapse. Most people here blame zionist jews for alot of things, and while they certainly are behind alot of conspiracys and wrong doings, they aren't the only ones.

You have no specific claims in this post that I can research, only vague mentionings.

Actually he's right about every aspect of it, especially from the economic stand point. We are in our longest running bull market and it will collapse soon and we will be in am economic down turn. The thing is, America cannot afford a bear market and if that occurs, it'll be catastrophic. Secondly, we know what the climate change is doing. Honey bees are dying, massive wild fires, natural disasters, food shortages, etc.

The fact of the matter is something big is happening. There is no saying what, but it is going to be big. Biggest thing this world has ever witnessed. I don't know whether it'll be war, famine, or what, but it'll be bad.

Yup...these markets are propped up on heroine QE funny money. Alot of those companies are 'zombies' and the SP500 is a bubble waiting to be popped. When it goes, expect the US dollar to collapse as well

Honey Bees are back. Lat massive disaster was the Gulf, and prior to that Katrina. The US produces a surplus of food.

I'm no an Econimist, say I can't say whether we 're headed towards market collapse. By so what if we are? It's not as if its the first we've ever experienced. Are there issues ahead? Sure. Corporations run smock, the wealth gap, the refs it, etc- but there have always been issues ahead.

Agreed, and ndaa for when people do riot



As someone who used to study the Judeo-Christian interpretation of end times I have to say that the Anti-Israel sentiment was something that's been predicted long ago. What no one really imagined is that they would back themselves into a corner. I can't really speak any more on the situation because I don't live out there and I'm not experiencing it first hand. And I know better than to believe every sensationalized headline that comes out.

You won't get any "anti-semite" bullshit from me. Anyone who knows what's happening knows that it needs to end. I stand on the side of ending this genocide!

Good for you! The people need to wake up to facts on the ground in Gaza.

I'm surprised the Arab world doesn't stand up against Israel.

Israel has nukes, none in the middle east can match their fire power. Not to mention papa bear, USA, will step in. The Palestinians are just going to launch thousand dollar rockets and have the zionists spend 20 grand to shoot down each of them. Israel will go bankrupt and the Palestinians will outlast.

I always worry about nuclear terrorists here in the US, I bet they do to.

Israel is way closer to the Nazi end of the scale than the CSA ever was.

How is that? I would say it makes more sense to bomb civilian population centers to get attacking rocket sites (morally troubling though it is) then literally enslaving an entire race of people...

Umm, I don't want to be the one to tell you.. But uh, it wasn't a mass enslavement. The enslavement camps were usually temporary until death was ready for them

Are you implying the Palestinians are enslaved? Because I don't see them picking cotton or making cheap shoes for an Israeli Corporation.

And to whom do you refer about 'enalavement camps'? Nazis? The Death Camps were actually slave labor camps- they had of course been executing undesirables throughout the Holocaust, but it was only as the Reds and Americans began encroaching that the Germans began to quickly execute.

lol. holy shit. read my comment again.

Umm, I don't want to be the one to tell you.. But uh, it wasn't a mass enslavement. The enslavement camps were usually temporary until death was ready for them

Read again. What am I missing?

Israel is worse for the reason that the nazis persecuted their people and they still do it to others. Which means all those people killed in the holocaust don't mean shit so long as Israel is bombing the shit out of civilian targets to get "terrorist" aka resistance fighters.

They've made us believe that religion and color dictates who you are and who we are, to eachother. When shit starts snowballing even more, that is the time that the entire world will have to be united. Not just the 'Land of the Free'.

More and more people are awakening.

Netanyahu's gig is up.

The victim narrative is no longer working.

Galloway really needs to stop equating israel to Nazi Germany. He sounds like a fool. He barely knows what he's talking about with regards to Germany. Hitler is the face of evil that was invented by the people he's now attacking. Stop validating them. israel is its own monster and if you want to pound a name into people's heads, let it be Netanyahu. Hitler is a cheap trick. Stay on topic.


Unless you're Mr. Galloway, I wasn't referring to you.

I also like Galloway and agree that those turning points are cognitive. I also understand that he's trying to make people see israel as evil but he's doing it in a propagandizing way using the propaganda of the sect he's arguing against which isn't necessary. He needs to put a new face on evil, not an old, tired one.

I have never understood why "we" just gave Palestine to the Jews, even though there were Palestinians living there. Why didn't we give them say Texas if we wanted them to have land so bad? Or why didn't Canada give them part of a providence?

It's like we took over a Country and gave it to someone else and said "Deal with it".

I have never understood United States support of Israel. I am no longer acknowledging the Country of Israel. It's just Palestine continuing to be occupied.


Yeah... you are right, but we have a history of stealing indigenous people's land or we wouldn't have our own Country. We are kind of land stealing bastards at the end of the day.

Who cares? Europe will need natual gas for heating their homes. It's perfect timing because Ukraine will not be able to provide a steady flow of gas to Europe in the next years. So, come on Netan... hurry up with the genocide. There is big business for all your corrupt politicians one you destroy Gaza and claim it as your own. As long as Europeans will have cheap gas, I'm all for it. Lets all take the popcorn and cheer the knock, knocks.

Actually, the Swastika was literally a sign of peace. Yep.

It was earlier used by Buddhists and Hindus, but now, it has such a bad reputation no one knows it's actually meaning or symbolism.

Anyone have a good documentary or anything related to showing the difference between Zionism and Judaism? I think it would be great for the current situation.

Don't bring down the star of David, it has much more important spiritual and scientific power than you could ever imagine. It is the fundamental fractal shape of the entire holographic universe.... call it the Merkaba or Star Tetrahedron if you have to, but this symbol will not be taken from us.


I understand, but I don't think we're going to let this symbol slip this time in the age of the internet.

Fuck Hamas

This post has nothing to do with Hamas

Now it does.

It does in that Hamas is related to the larger Israel issue.

No, it's not. Prior to Hamas, there was a conflict. Prior to Israel, there was no issue.

It is now.

And it's not as if Israel declared war on surrounding nations- the British carved them out a state in the Holy Land, they were attacked, and they won land.

the British carved them out a state in the Holy Land

What do you say to those who would call that an act of war?

That the Trans-Jordan was British? And th Palestinian Ethnicity did no yet exist?

I understand, but I don't think we're going to let this symbol slip this time in the age of the internet.