The US government is banging the war drums again. Don't listen to the hype.

157  2014-07-29 by [deleted]

The US government is trying desperately to drum up public support for a war with Russia.

The USG is attempting to blame Russia for the downing of MH17, even though there is no solid proof of who downed the aircraft and how. All we have received so far are shoddy satellite pictures, which could have been misinterpreted, or doctored completely, as we saw during the pretense of the Iraq war.

Now the USG is dredging up an old charge against Russia for violating an international treaty by testing ground fired cruise missiles, despite the fact that the alleged events happened in 2008, despite the fact that the USG nullified it's own participation in the treaty in 2002, and despite the fact that testing new ground-fire cruise missiles is something the US military does on a regular basis.

Who knows what will come next from the spin machine called the US media?

Don't pay any attention to it. The US citizens have paid for enough murder already. If Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq have taught us anything, it's that the US should never participate in another war of aggression again.


This seemed obvious to me. Surprised by the number of Pavlovian, media brainslaves just want to "kick Putin's ass." Ignorant belligerence. An American tradition.

Damn that last sentence would make a great song lyric.

It almost kinda is. Listen at about 2:13. Whole song is pretty decent.

"Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."


Well, a separatist did post to VKontakte about shooting down what he thought was a Ukrainian military plane. Seems like proof enough to me as to who shot it down. And we all know who's supplying the separatists.

That of course, doesn't change the fact that the U.S. is beating the war drums.

Yes. Anything people say on social media is true. That link is complete proof. What about Carlos in the control tower contradicting and saying it was Kiev? Please.

Say... with pictures... cached within minutes of it happening...

I can't see anything. I don't know what that site is. Video won't play. Proves nothing. Kiev had a military plane tailing MH17, even if eastern rebels did shoot it down, they warned they would shoot down military aircraft. This is a complete false flag. It reeks of the Bush Blair memo and Russian radar, along with eyewitnesses, as well as Carlos in the tower all confirm military aircraft tailing MH17. Use your head. Quí bono?

I think you're reading a little too far into this... the plane really was accidentally shot down by separatists and not a false flag operation. The U.S. would be directly involved by now if it were.

You don't know that. How am I reading too much into it? I think you're on a conclusion that isn't necessarily logical to make at this point. Why won't Kiev release ATC audio? Malaysia did when MH370 went missing.

The government fabricated 9/11 and going to Iraq. They are still trying to find a way in to Syria too. Russia holds a huge piece of the global domination puzzle that the elite want.

Just look at Biden's son Hunter hanging out in the Ukraine. Very fishy!

They are using the "Order out of Chaos" as the reason.

I'm not so sure the USG fabricated 9/11. See this article:

Dude. Facts and evidence are forbidden on r/conspiracy and the government being responsible for 9/11 is a foregone conclusion.

Never again. More false flags will come. And we will call them out. War has NEVER benefited the people. It never will. Until my dying breath, I will publicly resist.

Yes, and you will be a minority within a minority. A person paying attention with brains.

Unfortunately, when this ship starts to sink, it will be because the unwashed masses of idiots leads us straight into the rocks. And we are on that ship.

You can always bail out of that ship and simply go somewhere else. Usually though a wife will put on the breaks of anything like that. The wives also stop a man with forsight from selling his home at a peak bubble. They are full of fear of the world and most will not leave. Between this fear then you have to contend with the fear of grandparents and everyone else in the tribe. Then on top of that to leave is to invalidate your friends and families life since they gain validity by having others to be like them. After returning home friends, family and random people would beg me to answer rhetorically if I was "happy to be home". They want to know that their life is alright and if you don't pander to their begging then they will resent you.

For me I must look at the positive aspect of this and I see it that so few Americans will ever want to leave due to their delusional fear of the world that the government will not need to clamp down on the borders for a very long time. I suspect that the borders will be closed in many regards in all but name at some point but that period will be very minimized in duration simply because not many would be trying to leave. They will likely be doing very strong resource checks at customs but that will be manageable if you have not so much wealth.

For me I see that it is far too late to change course and that they have pushed the accelerator all of the way forward to try and just crash up and over the rocks by creating huge wars in Euroasia. I very much agree with the Russian officials sentiments at the round table that the US has gained massively from each war in Europe and that this is the source of their economic miracle. So it stands to reason that they will try to do another one to gain some similar benefits. I'm not sure when I had this epiphany (possibly early in the Syria conflict) but I've been chewing on this for a while and now it seems rather obvious in fact.

I find that Russia is currently the only large power that is routinely speaking any sense on these issues and of course this can change at any moment. I'm currently in L'viv, Ukraine and this place has fairly strong anti-Russian sentiments so I definitely feel that I've heard all of that angle but it just doesn't resonate with me as much as the Russian position. I agree with the Russian official that Kiev is basically a puppet state of the IMF and US. I just don't believe that Ukraine in general is mature enough to handle their own stuff and their anti-Russian sentiment is just a tool to be used in yet another exploitation. They haven't kept up with the times that Russia is not the same that it was 50-100 years ago and neither is the US. Some people see a place for where it will be in five years and others for what it was in their grandfathers days.

They are drilling holes in the ship and playing in the very water that is sinking us.

Not true. Speaking the truth with all, having solid arguments and points changes minds. Changes hearts. I will never give up.

You are making the mistake of projecting yourself onto the masses.

It doesn't work that way.

You are not alone!

Thanks. Though I'd prefer R. Kelly's "I believe I can fly...(whoop)" but MJ works too. Just with less piss.

Dude Nuclear powers like us will not go to war with Russia or China. Neither will they with us.

If not, doesn't that make the war talk even more silly?

You only say that because you're know it can happen and you're scared

Nah because I spent most of my life as a Marine who has seen death. The rich are the ones who make conventual war but nukes. No way as they would lose all their wealth to be kings in their respective countries I mentioned

Support the US invasion, occupation, and dissolution of isreal.

Fuck that. The removal of all military and financial aid, then let them do whatever they wish on their own dime. With their own soldiers dying. Not Americans.

I was being flippant. You're right, though.


No worries.

And lose my job?

Will I dare? Oh dear. Will I dare?

If that is so, you do not have a job at all; you have a master.

yea. i dared :<< plz dont hurt me.

Well, yeah. In a lot of ways it is I suppose.

Be smart about it.

I was being flippant as well based on the post earlier that someone was fired for supporting an anti-israel view point on facebook. :)

The whole article is being used to scare people into silence. Very few will be fired if they don't say something stupid.

The very fact that you can be fired from something you say on your own time in private is rather frightening in and of itself. And this isn't new. Students have been arrested for things said on face book and my nephew was expelled for suggesting the Principle needed to "take a long walk off a short pier" for "threatening language". Its not scare tactics. There are real penalties for facebook comment in real life now.

All the more reason not to involve yourself in these institutions and find another line of work/education.

Some weeks ago someone flattered me that my writing reads like a professors work and that I should be teaching in a university. For these reasons above I think not.

LOL. We cant solve problems on the same level they were created. If you involve yourself in this these institutions you are playing there game, just like the current political system.

Those are fair points, and no one should be fired for personal beliefs. But, once again, be smart about it.

It's not fair, but that's how it works in reality as of right now.

post stories and facts not opinion, let the story generate the opinions

I honestly dont think the average US citizen is up for another war. We have been at war since 2001 and have doubled our national debt in doing so. With Obama and Congress's approval ratings in the shitter I really dont think they could survive declaring war on Russia without significant political fallout. Plus we are doing massive reduction in forces through all 5 branches right now. We dont need another war.

War with Russia would mean the end of a lot of things, including US.

UN would break up the war and be the world government (that was the plan from the start)

I think you're on to something there. Order out of chaos. The New Order.

At the moment we have Rothschild controlled Israel dropping bombs on Rothschild Controlled United Nations shelters in Gaza. They want us to get really mad with Israel and with wars in general, so as then when the Rothschild UN and their peacekeepers come along to bring 'peace' we will beg them to save us and to take control of our lives, taking away our freedoms 'For Our Own Good!'

I agree that they are purposefully building anti-Israeli sentiment to be used in some manner. On one hand I think that this was in the cards but they do appear to be trying to dampen it as well. I think that people know that anti-Israeli sentiment will reach a fever pitch but they want to be able to harness that somehow.

The first two world wars were designed and put into practice, in part, to create a global government with public momentum and support, like the League of Nations after WWI, then the U.N. after WWII. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers were the key players in the League of Nations and the U.N.

Families of the Global Elite, such as the Rothschilds were known to fund nations for wars, often to both parties.

They're all in cahoots.

And Russia.


Nobody is ever "up" for another war.

People are manipulated into war.

That is a fact. And OP's post hits the nail on the head.

I agree, every major war has had behind the scenes strings pulled into getting it started. The Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, Oil take overs in Kuwait, 9/11... The list goes on.

I'm in L'viv, Ukraine and is was rather disheartening to hear otherwise intelligent Ukrainians refer to people being bombed in Southeast Ukraine as terrorists. Its like Ukrainians can't do anything to Russia directly so they will take out their infantile frustration on Russians in their own country.

Its insane what people can be made to think.

Now seeing this I absolutely side with Russia in annexing Crimea and you'll notice that only three people died in that process and Russia does not need to drop bombs on those people to get them to play nicely. I was drinking in a real shit hole dive bar (now turned somewhat Nazi-esque) in L'viv days before news was big about Russia in Crimea and the guys fresh back from Maidan were talking about what to do to stop Russia. So I see it that Russia was right to protect these people and also gain the resources. The Kiev government was no longer going to be a proper steward of these lands and I see it as completely legitimate that they were relieved of them. Seeing how people were talking I believe that they were beginning to plan to go down to Crimea for some trouble. I find it likely that small groups had already done so but that more likely it was days to weeks in the making and Russia just jumped on it at the opportune moment.

Now Ukrainians are engaged in an infantile frustration based ethnic cleansing on the Southeast of Ukraine and really it is the IMF paying for all of it. Kiev is broke and the IMF is giving them money for this war and you can bet that if the IMF didn't want the war then they would change conditions. They are trying to completely bomb out an economy that is strictly tied to Russia and either way they figure that they will win. If Russia enters this main land territory then the hundreds of articles that are prewritten will be published in a non-stop frenzy and Russia will lose big time. If Russia does nothing then basically part of their economy will be crippled. Meanwhile "Ukrainians" all want to have their one big country but also the right to cleanse any particular region at their whim. They want to be all one big country but they despise the people living the in Southeast. They believe that they are culturally inferior, etc.

So only with propaganda can you get people to ethnically cleanse people in their own country under the guise of saving them from an external enemy. That is some fucked up shit when you think about it.

I honestly dont think the average US citizen is up for another war.

Seeing the response to Syria makes me think you are right, but the level of hatred in American culture for Russia makes me think that this one may be succesful. You can see it all over the internet, jokes about Russia and how drunk, stupid and corrupt they are are the norm.

People felt nothing about Syria so they didn't want to intervene, but people actually think negatively of Russia and think they are a threat to the US. It will be a much easier bridge to sell.

My grandparents hate Russia. People in my generation didnt grow up during the Cold War. I personally dont care one way or another. I'm to the point where I believe we shouldnt get involved with anything other than DIRECT threats to America. Pretty much everybody hates us yet comes to us for money and other BS. If I had my way the US would take a major step back in world affairs, just do some solid infrastructure and economic build up here in America. We need new roads, bridges, clean energy, education programs.

I believe we shouldnt get involved with anything other than DIRECT threats to America

That's where the false flags come in and we all scream "oh no, they hate us because because of our freedoms!" And we support bills that take away our rights and send our troops out before the dust settles.... deja vu?

Haha, touche....

I'm with you though, enough of this world police bullshit.

Makes us look like assholes

comes to us for money

Its because we print infinite amounts of the worlds reserve currency. It would be akin to going to the neighborhood ATM that was able to print unlimited amounts of money. All you had to do was promise your soul in return.

*technically its not infinite.

They may not be infinite, but they are persistent though. Those promises usually last longer than the careers of those that make them.

They are most frequently issued at the expense of future generations wealth and freedoms.

According to the Federal Reserve we can. They dont give two fucks.

We more than doubled the national debt, obama doubled it since hes been in, anyways I dont think the people are for another war, no matter how they feel about Russia. Think about it we were screaming for war back in 2001, I havent heard even the slightest peep about going to war with Russia

There re bigger problems tha the Russians who probably shot down an air liner that only had 1 america who had dual citizenship.

Something tells me they're just going to ramp up to bigger and bigger false flags till they do get people screaming for war. Remember the "Russian digital bomb" they were hyping a little while back? Imagine if it resulted in frozen bank accounts and/or sent stock prices into freefall. If anyone was on the fence about going to war with Russia that alone might sway them.

And if that doesn't do it, they'll just keep running more false flags till they get their way. They're desperate at this point. The dollar can't be propped up much longer and they need someone to blame for its' inevitable collapse.

I know I will be downvoted to the depths of Hell for my opinion..........but I have a feeling that Mossad shot down that jet. Think about who would benefit the most from an attack?

It happens the same exact day the Israeli's happen to decide to go in and slaughter thousands of helpless Palestinians in Gaza? What dominated the news that day? The airliner that got blown up.

When you think of who is the biggest ally of Iran, Israels true regional threat? Russia. Look at the corporate interests involved in Ukraine. Who is backing the leadership there? Corporations who are led by an awful lot of men with Hebrew sounding names.

Plus it gives the US a reason to rally it's allies and sanction the shit out of Russia. Plus we have to keep up the Russian boogeyman stuff

they got their boogie man. Time to start counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drum.

Nice APC reference :)

One of my favorite songs too :)

Who knows what will come next from the spin machine called the US media?

more bullshit and doublespeak. of that much we can be sure.

A nuke is going to be used and Russia will be blamed. If it comes to losing hegemony and possible world control, all the stops will come out.

I just hope the white hats and those against this cabal can stop them in time.

This is a very good prediction. It lines up perfectly with my assessment as well. It is scary to think that all of this propaganda is ramping up to something big like that. And it would make perfect sense.

Something explodes in the US, killing everyone, (and probably some part of the region that the government already wanted to get rid of: see WTC7), and then the finger is pointed at Russia and EVERYONE blindly believes it.

Do we really need any more proof that the people will believe anything the government says at this point?

Wasn't it Darth Cheney who predicted or had us imagine if a nuke was detonated in DC off the beltway?

Something along those lines.

That would be my other fear: something regarding a nuclear device detonated here in USA to not only WWIII with Russia, but to complete the overhaul of the American system.

TPTB are quite good at using one rock for a flock of birds.

He predicted that before the end of this decade, there would be an attack "bigger than 9/11" on American soil. But I'm sure since he and others have that information they're doing all that they can to prevent it.

Yes but he specifically mentioned a nuke.... At least I am fairly certain...

I feel like the nuke part was implied (what else could be bigger than flying a plane into a gigantic tower full of people) but you could be right. Either way I'm sure that's what he meant. I guess we just get to wait and see.

So you watched Sum of All Fears as well, Holy shit this subreddit is full of retards.

No, I have no idea what that is, a documentary?

I know its so melodramatic........

i know, but i'm ignoring it, anti war drums will be loudest ever this time

It's not just the US, over here in the UK with our lap dog government and state media they're trying to do the same thing.

It was obvious from day one, shamelessly using that plane crash.

I'm not saying Russia didn't down the plane. No one has seen any reputable evidence to prove it though.

Also I don't think Russia (or the rebels) has any motive in shooting down a passenger jet, but that's also just speculation.

Ukraine does.......

Who knows what will come next from the spin machine called the US media?

I stopped listening to Qatari news Al-Jazeera as well. I just don't see much in the Saudi and Qatar perspective that is enlightening. Ocassionally a good story will come through them but its pretty rare in my experience.

Also just by the sheer quantity of articles written in the US MSM there are bound to be some good stories and I usually just figure that someone lost their job over printing it.

Then if I read RT then I'm a fool for believing Kremlin news and if I visit Prison Planet then I'm a fear junkie.

Maybe some third party is duping the US and Russia into war, a la call of duty modern warfare.

I always think of this song when this subject matter is brought up.

I'm sorry but you're living in a fantasy world if you think the US wants war with Russia. It ain't gonna happen. This is pure paranoia.

You aren't very aware, are you?

Aware of what? I'm pretty smart if I do say so myself. if you seriously believe the us wants war with Russia then you're mental. It's guaranteed to be one thing that the US do not want. Fuck it I'd place my life savings on it I'm that confident in that statement.

The "controlling elite" in the United States don't care what ordinary Americans think, and the elite are behaving very much as if they do want a war, and frankly any war will do.

In the last 12 years, the US has threatened, fomented, supported or initiated (inc drone attacks) a conflict in the following countries (off the top of my head): Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran, North Korea, Yemen, Algeria, Somalia, Gaza, Ukraine.

The US elite is not afraid of a war with Russia, it will simply leave them richer and more powerful, and they don't care how many other people, including Americans, die in the process.

Please don't bet your life savings on the US administration behaving in a way that YOU think is rational.

wouldn't it be funny if the war started and palaces, castles and yacht marina's all over europe got nuked in the first wave. and switzerland.

But what you fail to see is a war with Russia would also fuck over the "elite" as you call them. They would not fuck over their own interests, they're not stupid.

Yeah because it would be so terrible when they're selling munitions, bombs, countries taking loans to fund wars. Yeah it would be terrible for them.

Has globalisation never occurred to you? The world is not the same as it was.

Just because they're American and live here doesn't mean they give a fuck about this country or people.

I didn't say American, I'm not American. A lot of these companies aren't American. They are global. An American war with Russia would cost more than anyone could possibly make.

Again, you are not thinking like these people think. Globalisation is more easily achievable with a smaller population. The elite everywhere will survive a global conflagration because they are controlling what happens and have contingencies.

There really are some people who think that humanity should be limited to 500,000,000 and they genuinely don't care that 7 billion humans would need to vanish off the face of the earth to get to this "sustainable" population figure.

You seriously believe that? That's mental.

You seriously believe that? That's mental.

Again, you clearly have no idea what drives these people. They are "mental", and so are you for thinking they aren't.

I never said George Bush wasn't mental either.

Obama (who is both sane and intelligent) is much more dangerous than Bush.


The rich only get richer when it comes to war. I'm not sold on the idea that they're after Russia but with the way all the bullshit propaganda has been portraying Russia as the bogeyman to the east, it wouldn't shock me. Cheney and the like make a killing (quite literally) in times of war.

But on this sub, people believe the Russia today propaganda! I'm all for questioning all of it, analysing it but here there's so much disinformation posted it's insane. I came here originally to find out when people were suppressing reports or hiding shady shit, but all it ever is now is anti American sentiment. If you believe the stuff you read here, Gay Muslim Jews are trying to bring down America, who are oppressed unlike Russia. Which obviously isn't true. I'm classed as mentally ill, and sometimes I come here and thank fuck that I'm not that kind of mentally ill.

These "radical 'Muslims'" would not have existed if it were not for the atrocities committed by the US and Israel, and the US and Israel creating the main terrorist groups. Iraq used to be a secular state, until the US went and fucked that up with the first invasion of Iraq and the US installing a dictator for their new president (as they have done with many countries). Why did the US invade Iraq again in 2003? Iraq had no involvement with 9/11 and the official reason for the 2003 invasion was that they had WMDs (Weapons of Mass Desteuction) which we all know now that they were not used and did not exist. The president of Iraq until 2003 probably stopped bending-over-backwards for the US. The US wanted Iraq's oil/gas, gold, and to instal a private central bank to control the currency of Iraq. Dick Cheney's Halliburton has made $39 500 000 000 USD off of the 2003 Iraq war. Conflict of interest much?!

As you may know, the worlds Big Banking families want to control all central banks in the world. They are in control of very many of them and also control the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) (the central bank of central banks).

Relevant book (or lectures, interviews, summaries by the books author on YouTube): "Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man" by John Perkins


Regarding Iraq and ISIS:

The Fall of Iraq - What You Aren't Being Told

Shocking 1994 Video Of Dick Cheney Predicting Everything About The Crisis In Iraq

Iraq Veterans Against the War: The U.S. Intentionally Created and Agitated Sectarian Divisions in Iraq

ISIS “Made in USA”. Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region

Graphic – Mass Execution of Iraqi Soldiers & Civilians by US Sponsored ISIS Terrorists

The ISIL or DAISH Caliphate in Iraq and Syria is a US Project

ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal

Top Ex Al Qeada does interview and says exactly what some of us already knew. ISIS is 100% creation of U.S. Ayman Zawahri released from prison and given 20-30 million to create three ISIS groups

Gay Muslim Jews are trying to bring down America

I must have missed that thread, have a link?

Yeah, a lot of shit in this sub is crazy so take it with a grain of salt. That doesn't necessarily mean it's unreliable. When I read stuff on here I do it more for a big picture perspective. Yes the shooting down of MH17 is suspicious but watch the other hand when shit like that happens. I can assure you that the biggest story on any given day is not the one you see headlining the nightly news.

Oh I know this. But this sub upvotes images with text that fit the narrative they want to hear, which usually under scrutiny falls apart, yet it's still upvotes to the top.

Oh and with regards to my quote, I was obviously being facetious.

I think you're at least not one of the people who I'm talking about. The main steam news isn't as bad as this sub makes out, especially once you cross reference different outlets. That way you can usually figure out a believable version of events.

Most MSM, especially Western MSM has influence and control by the CIA and many are owned by (political/Rothschild) Zionists. Most MSM in the US are all owned by only six corporations. US News sources are not legally abliged to tell any truth at all.


CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1975)

Should The Washington Post Have To Disclose Their Owner Has a $600 Million Dollar Contract With CIA?

I don't think the USG wants a military conflict against Russia, but I also think they want Russia removed from the world political scene completely. Russia is the only legitimate challenge to the US in world politics.

I think they would like to get a good hold of the Ukraine's strategic location and natural resources. If they can provoke a larger fight between the Ukraine and Russia, they have a good chance of achieving this.

For fucks sake that's deluded. Honestly, ask yourself "Why?". The US has no need to piss off the only other nation in the world with as much nuclear firepower as they do. That's something not even a six year old child would think was a good idea. The only war these two will have is of words.

I agree. But a proxy war via Ukraine, that's serious enough to sell their weapons and destabilise Ukrainian business would yield a good return financially and strategically.

there is no profit in a war of words.

I've known that since I was 10 years old. There will be no war between the US and Russia. Any learned person will arrive to that conclusion.

you didn't learned at the right places.

You are inhabiting a 1970s mindset - the current US elite no longer think this way. MAD is no longer a deterrent to these people.

So they will kill themselves to get rich? That's ridiculous, if these people are elite, then they surely know that MAD is not a desired outcome. To believe otherwise is folly.

You are an idealist, not a rationalist. I used to think like you, so I am going to stick my neck out and guess you are under 20? An older you will look back and marvel at your lack of objective cynicism.

Hahaha. Idealist. That gave me a good laugh. I'm almost 32. An idealist thinks the world can be saved. Or even that it needs saving.

Bad call on my part - you're clearly just young at heart. I'd gladly wind the clock back to being 20.

Just step back and look at what's happening in Eastern Ukraine (US special forces are heavily involved there) and the rhetoric that is coming out of the US media. The US is trying to catalyse, to antagonise something which is a local conflict into something

The US failed to secure international consent for their plans to bomb Syria and Iran, so they have switched tack and are going "all in" trying to conjure up a ground war in Ukraine between NATO and Russia.

The first two world wars were designed and put into practice, in part, to create a global government with public momentum and support, like the League of Nations after WWI, then the U.N. after WWII. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers were the key players in the League of Nations and the U.N.

Families of the Global Elite, such as the Rothschilds were known to fund nations for wars, often to both parties.

You aren't very aware, are you?

Yes, and you will be a minority within a minority. A person paying attention with brains.

Unfortunately, when this ship starts to sink, it will be because the unwashed masses of idiots leads us straight into the rocks. And we are on that ship.

I think they would like to get a good hold of the Ukraine's strategic location and natural resources. If they can provoke a larger fight between the Ukraine and Russia, they have a good chance of achieving this.

I don't think the USG wants a military conflict against Russia, but I also think they want Russia removed from the world political scene completely. Russia is the only legitimate challenge to the US in world politics.

You are not alone!

The first two world wars were designed and put into practice, in part, to create a global government with public momentum and support, like the League of Nations after WWI, then the U.N. after WWII. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers were the key players in the League of Nations and the U.N.

Families of the Global Elite, such as the Rothschilds were known to fund nations for wars, often to both parties.

Nah because I spent most of my life as a Marine who has seen death. The rich are the ones who make conventual war but nukes. No way as they would lose all their wealth to be kings in their respective countries I mentioned

Some weeks ago someone flattered me that my writing reads like a professors work and that I should be teaching in a university. For these reasons above I think not.