U.S. government seeking to test Ebola vaccine on humans: reports

28  2014-08-02 by [deleted]

(Reuters) - The U.S. government will begin testing on people an experimental Ebola vaccine as early as September, after seeing positive results from tests on primates, according to media reports on Thursday.

The National Institutes of Health's infectious disease unit is working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to put the vaccine into trial as quickly as possible, according to CNN and USA Today. The director of that unit could not be reached for comment.


It is a little ironic...giant Ebola outbreak, bring infected patient stateside, get everyone frightened as fuck, come out with vaccine. What else is in the vaccine? Who gives a fuck...everyone will rush to take it, because, well, do you want fucking Ebola? Nah, didn't think so...

Flu vaccine sales were abysmal last year, too. They had all the local TV and newspapers spun up trying to scare-monger well into May to try to get those things sold. Don't need to work that hard to scare us about Ebola.

I know it's not a good way to think about this... but whenever I get the flu vaccine, I get the flu that year- whenever I skip out on it, I don't get sick.

I've stopped taking them, too, as I can't get anyone to explain to me--if I have 27 antibodies hanging out, and I get a new, novel flu, what happens? How does my body choose which weapon to pull? Studies that found people who'd had the flu shot the year swine flu appeared had more virulent swine flu symptoms makes me wonder if maybe no one wants to answer me for a reason. :)

But I could be possibly compelled in the future to get another flu shot based on circumstance and ingredient list. HOWEVER, stay away from the live virus FluMist things, even for the kids (though you have little chance of this is kids at school get it, kids share snot like no one's business). We experienced a rash of what I believe to be neuritis in my family members after being exposed (and I have a low body temp, so I just got full-blown sick). Those who get the FluMist live flu virus shed virus for up to 24 days, so it doesn't even matter if you don't get it yourself, if someone around you gets it, you get it. Lots of virii can cause neuritis (flu, chicken pox, rotavirus, herpes) and it is no joke. Vestibular makes you dizzy, optic can cause you to lose partial vision, vagal can screw with you in a thousand different ways (that nerve controls your breathing, heart, and gastointestinal system), all of them scary because it can mimic heart attack. I don't even want to know the amount of money my family has spent on medical tests that proved nothing, not to mention the stress and anxiety of it all.

The biggest classic indicator of neuritis is panic attack - which, as you can imagine, does not help get good care from a doctor in the least. I really wish doctors would read up on virus-induced neuritis and understand that panic attacks are a symptom of nerve damage, not the sole cause of the other crazy symptoms. In good news, if they give you a tranquilizer to relax, that does help, as sleep helps nerves heal. If they give you a benzo, that's bad, because that can mess with your heart rhythms even worse (a problem if you're experiencing vagal neuritis). But still may not bring the sight back. :(

You can for sure experience post-viral neuritis in the years following other viruses you're exposed to, but why purposely expose yourself to a live virus if you don't have to? Screw FluMist.

What else would be in the vaccine and why?

If the goal is population control, why release a vaccine?

Population control doesn't have to mean population elimination...it can also be a reduction strategy; here and abroad. It may be as subtle as eugenics through sterilization methods (found in the potential vaccines we would all rush to take), or as vast as letting entire regions systematically disappear (by not providing said vaccines). Is this an idea or something I completely believe to be plausible? Well, not entirely, though, could I imagine (and I use the word imagine quite literally) that by looking at past historical events, current power struggles and/or agendas -as well as the finite global resources that a handful of individuals wish to maintain control of...it might seem that by eliminating factors deemed as non essential, non productive, or non desired; it would make controlling the rest of us, the ones left remaining, a whole lot easier. Again...I'm less of a conspiracy theorist; and more of an overly anxious individual -who tends not to trust simply because I'm told to.

Oh good, the government wants to provide both the disease AND the cure.

Sounds legit.

U.S. owns the patent on the current strain of Ebola. http://www.google.com/patents/CA2741523A1?cl=en

This is in no way the same thing as a patent on say a car. Grossly misrepresented information is grossly misrepresented.

Obviously the logistics of owning a patent on a disease might differ than that of a car, or whatever, but when it comes down to owning the rights of something, how different can it be? Both are equally legally binding, so in all honesty what is the difference?

In no way is it the same, you sound so uneducated making those claims. They own exclusive rights TO RESEARCH A CURE. For the duration of the patent, other groups may not research that strain, FOR A CURE (this way they are guaranteed profits from producing said cure).

Sure, there might be some black ops lab somewhere making bioweapons. But that is not this. They wouldn't take out a patent.

Wow, you made me realize that which is obtuse is in fact obtuse. Thank you.

Oddly enough, they had one sitting right there in the barn. Might as well put a saddle on that pale horse.

Maybe because a) it can only tested on humans during an epidemic, and b) it's already been tested on some animals, because a cure for ebola is a pressing issue.

Don't be a dumbass.

U.S. owns the patent on the current strain of Ebola. http://www.google.com/patents/CA2741523A1?cl=en

They get 17 years to work with the virus and find a cure, while no one else is allowed to(unless they get an extension on it). I think it's a pretty dumb concept(Lets patent this thing we found in nature!) but it's not a rare practice. I personally think it limits the speed at which we can find effective cures by only letting one group research it.

This doesn't mean if you get ebola they'll sue you.

But if we get it, can our families sue them? ;)

Not only that, but the one with the patent makes alllll the profits. And we all know this is about profits and power.

Good advice, I hope you find it possible to not be a dumbass as well. I hope.

Anyone else worried about this?




US Licensing LIVE Rabies Based EBOLA Vaccine, Preps Pandemic Quarantine Stations & Injury Fund https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQbZcGXfyFA

And why rabies??? Zombie apocalypse that's why.

Holy shit.. You get the biting nature of rabies along with the deadly body fluid method of infection of Ebola.. And down goes humanity

As long as it is not airborne, it not not a major threat. Just look at SARS. Containment was the key, not a cure.

Sending sick all over the world is not containment.

It is as long as it is contained, and not spread amongst new carriers. It's about victims, not their geographical locations.

The more you draw something out, the bigger chance of human error. Which most people seem to forget exists because noone takes responsibility for their own actions anymore. A geographical location would be an exact location being stated. My comment is pointed towards travel over not staying put.

That makes more sense then my first thoughts. I viewed as number of victims as a whole, not the potential effect it might have.

I think the correct word to use to cover all of this is isolation. Isolate and do not move. That is key to dealing with something like this, especially being the most brutal virus in existence.

The CDC keeps making statements about how 100% they are and how they never make mistakes. They're willing to test that theory with Ebola? They are fucking insane, but I think they know exactly what they're doing to us. All it takes is one...

'Each patient will be cared for by two nurses as well as infectious disease doctors and other specialists.'

Source: http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-ebola-atlanta-20140802-story.html

2 nurses, and at least 1 disease specialist, but lets be realistic here. This is the first patient EVER in US history to bring Ebola into the states. You better believe this guy is going to have a dozen or more doctors on this case. Id shoot for the 'or more'.

That being said, these doctors were suited up in full body suits with no skin touching the air when they were treating patients in Liberia. Guess what though, they caught it. Now we have CDC saying its a 100% done deal with isolation at Emory Hospital.

For every nurse or specialist working on this guy, theres that more of a chance for infection. Whos to say one of them catches it, and noone knows for 7-12 days(incubation period being 2-12 days, so they say). Now lets leave the doctors alone and forget about their stories and move onto the next.

You're sitting in your living room and the you pop on the news, or read an article online(as Im more likely to read an article than watch the news on tv, and I know Im not the only one like that). You see a blurp on how a citizen of the US has died from Ebola in Utah(strictly for an example). In order for that disease to have made it there, you better believe there were multiple contacts. But every time it branches off, that extra person is running off and coughing or sneezing it onto other people or around in the environment.

By the time we notice that FIRST one die from Ebola outside of Atlanta, there are so many others that have it, you better pray it hasnt made it to you yet and take precautions for yourself. Maybe the specialist or nurse shows symptoms of having Ebola around the same time or before the civilian death. Its all about hosts and time periods. This is a pandemic waiting to happen. If they tell you itll all be okay after the first unsuspecting person dies, thats when you worry.

As for now, I hope they really do have good intentions. But the way I see it, I feel like Im dreaming with how this is going to end. I am in no way a fear-mongerer. Im just a realist who does not enjoy the suffering of others by the hand of the people who are supposed to protect us from the things we cannot defend against(ie: actual international problems, not a curtain show for money and power).

They suppress free-thinking in the general populace. I dont care how many people downvote any of my posts. If I can open up the minds of a few on the way, thats what matters. Just be ready when it happens is all. These guys arent as 100% as they claim.