What is the truth about Fluoride?

50  2014-08-03 by [deleted]

I have a lot of cognitive dissonance on this topic. Are we actually being negatively effected by it? Does it damage our health and minds? What's the real truth? If it's bad why aren't any scientists speaking out against it?


many ppl now believe fluoride isn't beneficial to health, not only is it in tap water, but also naturally in foods:


you've no doubt heard how the population has been 'dumbed down'? many think it is because of the fluoride we have been ingesting (not realizing what it's doing) because we've been told it's "good" for dental health,

Harvard study fluoride & IQ http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/08/07/effects-of-fluoride-to-children.aspx

signs of fluoride poisoning http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002650.htm

decalcify the pineal gland http://consciouslifenews.com/five-health-tips-decalcify-pineal-gland/

in the end i think it makes sense to not to eat/drink chemicals, but that's my opinion - you can remove fluoride from your drinking water, the link below is one i purchased a water pitcher from, some ppl like the distilled water system, it really is a personal decision,


10 ways to remove fluoride from drinking water http://fluoridealert.org/content/top_ten/

in the end i think it makes sense to not to eat/drink chemicals

Everything you eat and drink is made of chemicals.

I think you know what he means - you're just being a nob

I'm a bit of a nob in real life. No joke.

But, that doesn't make me wrong. Vilifying "chemicals" simply because they are "chemicals" is ignorant and wrong.

good for you

Good for us, really.

true; but i drink a lot of water (no soda/other flavored crap anymore), altho' i am changing my diet albeit slowly, i prefer no fluoride.


My point was that fear mongering in the name of "chemicals" is wrong. You actually have to know about the substance itself.

Thanks though, for adding to the conversation in a productive way.


These "Scientists" should know that the dose makes the poison.

You can die from water intoxication if you drink enough of it.

Water is vital for life while flouride is not an essential substance.

Water is vital, and so is food, which is made up of any myriad of chemical components.

Again, the dose makes the poison, not the substance itself. Vitamin C, Calcium, and a host of other helpful chemicals are also vital to life, but deadly in certain dosages.

Fluoride is not necessary for human life therefore is not necessary in any dose.

At any dose fluoride acts as a poison on the human body.

Protein is not necassary for human life either, but almost everyone consumes it. That is not valid point against fluoride.

At any dose fluoride acts as a poison on the human body.

Just look at chemotherapy for cancer. Chemo is literally poison, but it kills cancer faster then a human, so we use it as a way to extend life.

Fluoride in no way is beneficial to humans

[Citation needed]


Fluoride is not considered to be an essential nutrient.

Thanks for providing a link. Despite our beliefs, you are trying to help me. That goes a long way.

More to the point, flouride treatment is recommended and used by every dentist, and also every doctor or health professional with any knowledge of teeth.

Do we think we are smarter then all of them? Honest question, I'm average brains at best.

Are you referring to only in the United States?

Let's say that I am, my original question still stands...

Are we smarter then all the dentists and doctors who recommend flouride?

Because one is an expert in a specific field to which they made no medical breakthroughs themselves does not necessarily make them smarter than you or me.

Being experts in their field would make them smarter then both of us, by definition!

Unless you are a dentist or doctor. In which case I'm very wrong.

You're wrong in all cases thus far.

[Citation needed]

Fluoride is vital to life not water. Down vote for you! S/

the only people you will find defending it in this sub are known shills - you do the math

I am not an expert, by any means. But, there has to be a reason that it is banned in the water of several Countries. There has to be something to the rumors/studies we have seen. I don't use it anymore, I use organic toothpaste and filter my water. If it is bad for us, it could be that this topic has been treated like several others, where doctors are basically brainwashed into believing something is good or not dangerous to people. Then, later it is discovered that the conspiracy 'nuts' were right and it is bad. Biggest idea is to follow the money, who stands to gain from fluoride being in everything? Who is profiting from it? Johnson & Johnson or one of the other conglomerates? They have their own set of lobbyists pushing fluoride products. I don't know, this is a difficult and highly argued subject.

Fluorosylicilic acid is a waste product from fertilizer production. Fertilizer companies researched ways to efficiently dispose of or utilize it. They were interested in previous research which evidenced fluorides as beneficial to tooth enamel when applied TOPICALY. They cited naturally occuring fluorides in a few water supplies as evidence that all water supplies could be safely fluoridated.

TLDR1: Fertilizer companies had a financial interest. They arrived at a false conclusion that drinking fluorides was safe and beneficial to tooth enamel. Drinking fluorides has been shown in the following decades to have no measurable beneficial impact on tooth enamel.

And so, fertilizer companies began efforts to lobby for water fluoridation, in an attempt to sell their fluorosylicilic acid waste to municipal water facilities.

Even still, water fluoridation may not have come to be. But then came the Manhattan Project, accidentally leaking fluoride waste into New Jersey lakes and water supplies, killing off many species of fish. There was likely to be a controversy of nuclear proportions. They scrambled for a solution, and found one in the research and lobbying of fertilizer companies. They championed water fluoridation as a modern health miracle, and streamlined the start of nationwide water fluoridation. Fluorine became a celebriy overnight, and suddenly the story of fluorides polluting New Jersey's water supplies (at a level now "shown" to be safe and even BENEFICIAL) became a joke and disappeared.

TLDR2: The Manhattan Project accidentally spilled fluorides into water supplies in New Jersey. When looking for solutions, they discovered flawed research that claimed fluoride wastes in water was a safe and beneficial situation, so they endorsed it to makebtheir own mistake wash away.

As it turns out, Grand Rapids, Michigan was not the site of the onset of a breakthrough in dental health. The Lancet Journal has recently redefined fluorosylicilic acid as a neurotoxin.

Fluoride is a "by product" or "waste product" of several industrial processes, mainly aluminium production. The distinction is key. If it's a waste product it'll be a huge blow to the industry as they'll have to deal with disposal, however if it's a by-product that they can sell they'll make even more money. The industrialists were very powerful with deep pockets and they hired an expert at PR.

The addition of fluoride to the American water supply was implemented by the master propogandist Bernays. Look him up, his career resume includes campaigns to get more women to smoke cigarettes and to overthrow the democratically elected government of Guatemala for the united fruit company, clearly the guy would have no ethical qualms about doing something harmful.

As for the medical effects, the effect of fluoride on teeth was first seen in areas contaminated by Aluminium waste. These areas were correlated with reduced cavities, but also the effects of fluoride toxicity. Bernays and his team were successful at pitching the idea that cavities could be reduced by municipalities buying fluoride. Like his advocacy of cigarettes, the harmful effected of fluoride were ignored.

I think that's the most reasonable explanation for why so many places fluoridated their water. There is strong evidence now that flouride can decrease IQ, and calcifies the pineal gland.

In short, YES!

I always like to go back to the tube of toothpaste for reference. Something about calling a poison control center in the case of accidental ingestion and particularly babies are more sensitive to it. Obviously it makes perfect sense to put it in the drinking water.

Hydrogen is also in drinking water.

What are the recommended steps to deal with pure hydrogen? I'll give you a hint, if you're a smoker, you will likely will explode!


I just read the information provided on the box. You apparently feel this information is sensational but perhaps you out to go read your tube of toothpaste with a clear mind and see if it sound like the kind of compound you ought to be ingesting. Don't let me tell you what to do.

Calcium is good for bone growth, but too much can cause kidney stones.

Botulism has the power to kill the entire human race, very quickly, but in low concentrations is used in the faces of "past their prime" Hollywood stars.

The dose makes the poison, not the chemical itself, I don't know how I could be any clearer on that.

You have no idea what you're talking about...

About Calcium or Botulism?

If you utter catch phrases instead of facts, in a scientific discussion, you can't possibly interested in the truth.

I had to re-read your replies to make sure, but shouldn't you at least offer something to the discussion? I've at least offered something for you to try and rebut, and yet I get nothing back.

The only thing you have done is say that I'm wrong. You could at the very least rebut, other than...

You have no idea what you're talking about...

If you utter catch phrases instead of facts, in a scientific discussion, you can't possibly interested in the truth.

Are there any facts or evidence in those two replies?

A study in 1997 concluded sodium-fluoride exposure has i'll effects on rodents.

From the study

Sodium–fluoride administerd to rats cause alterations in neuronal and cerebrovascular integrity. Rats administered with 0.5 ppm (or .5 mg per liter) of fluoride exhibited a greater susceptibility to illness and had a higher mortality rate after 52 weeks of exposure.

These animals revealed a significant reduction in the neuronal density (number of cells) in the hippocampus on the left hemisphere in the brain. Lowered IQ is a result of this.


Also the EPA allows up to 4mg of fluoride per liter. Much of the toothpaste sold in the United States has 1 mg of sodium fluoride. These are considerably higher doses than what was given to rats that were affected by a very low dose.


We need to avoid Fluoride for sure

Fluoride levels are subject to routine monitoring in water supplies and is only added when naturally occurring levels are below the target range. I'm not sold on worrying.

Look on the label of toothpaste tube.. it says to call Poison if swallowed.

You often hear of local governments who have to 'cut costs' by reducing maintenance on roads or infrastructure, reduction of police or emergency services, library services and so forth.

I never hear of them stopping the addition of fluoride to their water supply (the cities that have it) There always seems to be money for that.

Also, fluoride is in toothpaste which advises not to swallow. Toxic.

Anything is toxic with a high enough concentration.


hydrogen and oxygen - trust me - oxygen oxidises stuff and hydrogen is explosible.

Something to be aware of:

There are two types of fluoride that can be in your water.

Sodium fluoride is a toxic byproduct of several industries and is added to many municipal water supplies in the United States. Sodium fluoride is hazardous to your health.

Calcium fluoride occurs naturally in many water sources and is not hazardous to your health.

You'll never be the same after 1 year drinking Fluoridated water

I just read the information provided on the box. You apparently feel this information is sensational but perhaps you out to go read your tube of toothpaste with a clear mind and see if it sound like the kind of compound you ought to be ingesting. Don't let me tell you what to do.

Protein is not necassary for human life either, but almost everyone consumes it. That is not valid point against fluoride.

At any dose fluoride acts as a poison on the human body.

Just look at chemotherapy for cancer. Chemo is literally poison, but it kills cancer faster then a human, so we use it as a way to extend life.

Thanks for providing a link. Despite our beliefs, you are trying to help me. That goes a long way.

More to the point, flouride treatment is recommended and used by every dentist, and also every doctor or health professional with any knowledge of teeth.

Do we think we are smarter then all of them? Honest question, I'm average brains at best.