About the Ebola Dr.

0  2014-08-04 by Zenof

I honestly do not believe that the Dr. had Ebola to begin with.

If you do not share this idea and think I need to be educated about this "secret serum" that cured him... then please tell me what's up...


What are your suspicions based on?

I would think speculation. From some of his comments, he doesn't seem understand the difference between a serum and a vaccine.

I really don't want to live on 'Ebola Drive'.

Maybe some relevant info, its made by this company Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc


info from 2007 regarding their Ebola research


Why do you think the Dr. didnt have Ebola?

Why do you think the Dr. didnt have Ebola?

Isn't this a new strain of Ebola? If so, how did they get a "vaccine" Serium (omg I used the wrong word, when you knew fucking well what I was talking about...) so quickly

it's not a vaccine. Vaccine's prevent infection, which in this Dr's case is already too late. It's a serum which are used to prevent healthy cells from getting sick by releasing antibodies into the blood to fight the infection.

Vaccines are the actual virus given to trigger antibody production. A serum is the antibody itself.

Dunno. Ask /r/science. Doesnt necessarily make it a conspiracy if you dont understand the mechanisms.

It's not a vaccine.

I believe he did have Ebola. It is possible that he was taken to Atlanta to test this serum, so that they can get mass funding for a working cure. Though, I distrust big pharma heavily, so I am suspicious of this nonetheless. Create a problem (I.e. Ebola outbreak) present a solution (this so called secret serum) so that you can make a shit ton of profits. That's the MO here, imo.

But why do you believe he didn't contract Ebola? Any specific reason? Or are you just skeptical?

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So essentially you believe this because the dude could walk and he got better after he started treatment.

Thanks for providing that.

I still don't support your claim, even in light of those two points. I just don't see it as enough to support. I get your suspiciousness, however. I get it. And, this whole secret serum shit truely is suspicious. I mean, for decades they had said there is no cure and they haven't been able to find one yet. Then, some American catches it and wham! All of a sudden they pull out this secret serum shit out there ass? It takes a long time to make something like that for the first time. That is what I am suspicious of.

Why would you think he would not have Ebola? He was in an Ebola outbreak and handled people vomiting and shitting blood for days. Under those circumstances the amazing thing is that more don't catch it.

What is your alternative explanation?

My thinking:

He was able to walk by himself even though he was so far along

12 hour cure time where he ends up at 100% healthy


It just defies logic, I am willing to accept science, but it just seems to convenient

Your level of knowledge about virology is what exactly?

Now that's uncalled for, I don't ask you your level of architectual ability, or your level of intelligence gathering skills do I?

Edit: do we not come here to be skeptical?

I never once said this is a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy, Big Brother, shadow government.

all I said was it seems impossible from what we have been told about Ebola

It's uncalled for when you are advancing bizarre theories about a virus?

So, so, so sorry if I ask questions. I'll shut up and go watch CNN now. Yes, Mr. Obama, I will vote for you a third time. What's that Mr. police man? Of coarse you are in control.

Get bent, quit trying to pick a fight...

Look at your comments and mine and ask yourself who is really trying to pick a fight. I guess you answered the question regarding your education.

Or deployed in some sort of aerosol, either wet or dry. There is some concern Boko Haram may try a blood aerosol or Ebola bomb attack of some sort but I don't think they are bright enough. During the Cold War the soviets had weaponized Ebola in warheads ready to be put on ICBMs.

Yeah ok... Who is the nut now. Did you know the firey explosion of a bomb would exterminate the Ebola virus

Yeah ok... Who is the nut now. Did you know the explosion would exterminate the Ebola virus

You're a funny guy. No, they were not launched along with nuclear warheads, they were special warheads designed to be used in refrigerated missiles and dispersed in bomblets to release a vapor cloud upwind of a target city.

What's your point?

look at what he does, I linked it there and at that specific time for a reason

Anyway to just answer your original question, when you are deathly ill with a virus like that, your body is full of white cells, but diseases like Ebola do what they do because they are able to somehow spoof the immune system. When a MAB or monoclonal antibody drug is injected, the immune system suddenly realizes what to do and all those white cells begin destroying virus and infected cells.

I don't find this all that out of line. It's a little unusual but not all that extraordinary.