Is Reddit filled with PR trolls? What are the chances of Reddit users to detect a PR comments?

54  2014-08-07 by [deleted]


Thery are definitely active on every social media platform. Detecting them is going to be difficult... and shouldnt be the primary concern. Mostly because Ive been accused more than once of shilling for multiple causes, especially by users in this sub. I like it here but Im a hard facts kinda guy, or at least cant make giant jumps in logic to support my conclusion.

Facts should be able to stand on their own and well made arguments should be able to demonstrate what is going on. This is why if you can calmly and logically make your case it wouldnt matter if its the JDIF or paid marketing shills.


I do think most people are... mentally weak seems harsh, maybe polarized and ill informed which is why they stick to their guns in the face of common sense.

But yeah shills that rope you into a fight have won and that particular kind of polarization affects this sub. Which is why its important to stay calm and rational.

Areyou /u/willwheatonfan by chance?

I am a fan of Wil Wheaton but not that user.

Exactly what wilwheatonfan would say. /s

Not when your logical case is downvoted into oblivion by brigades. Humans are susceptible to several cognitive biases, including priming. If people see someone's logical comment drowned into negatives, they are more likely to dismiss it. If someone's illogical comment is highly upvoted, they are more likely to take it seriously.

it's very easy to find them. look for anyone using a strategy of tension and division, using the four D's.

I see advertisements and political messages posing as posts all the time. It's usually possible to be about 98% certain they are shill posts, but there's always a chance they were put up by a clueless subscriber.


yes, as is stated earlier, they can be easy to spot...but then they can also be subtle. I have read that something that reaches the front page of reddit gets more views than the top articles on big news websites, so you have got to understand that there is definitely a market for it.

Examples of possible recent ones: well anytime Arnold Shwarzengger(sp,i don't give a shit) comes on everyone just all of a sudden just worships him, i can't believe that all of that is real. You make a comment that is against him you get down voted massively.

Weird al... I hate that guy, he had some funny stuff years ago but all of the Weird al worship that i have seen lately is in no way legitimate

and then you can do some simple google searches and find stuff like this

Can someone tell me what PR stands for? I'm guessing this mean public relations.

As for the other part of the comment, it's not that hard. Just click on the user profile and check out their posting history. I've been able to id a few shills this way. Just look for a comments history that seems to be confined to one single kind of post.

Can someone tell me what PR stands for? I'm guessing this mean public relations.

Correct. Additionally "public relations" is, in fact, "public manipulation" or "propaganda".

reddit easily could add a layer of transparency so that we could see who votes, when, from where, and whether they even clicked thru to the article.

When wickedpedia published IP's of editors, a lot of gaming the system was exposed. Now it just goes on from the official corrupt Wickedpedia dysinfo employees.

You know what really helps me feel refreshed and cool after dealing with PR trolls? A nice cool crisp Coca-Cola. Yup nothing makes browsing the web better then a cool crisp one of a kind Coca-Cola

I've been saying this for years. What used to be the hive mind is now a tool to control the hive mind.

Haha oh helllll yes. How to detect, um.. Well they generally have gaping holes in their arguments, they smell bad, they are overly aggressive, they defend the established power bases and huge corporations, and they stink. Did I mention that last part?

PR guy here.

Although I can't speak for the more shady clients out there, the vast majority of organizations, even Fortune 500 types, don't do this for three reasons, in my opinion:

  1. Not enough return on investment. People cost money to employ, and people at a PR firm tend to be expensive. They have better, smarter things to be doing.

  2. Your company is going to get absolutely annihilated in the public eye for doing this. PR folks are notoriously cautious (to a fault) about a client's reputation, and this is something they won't do, on average.

  3. It's so stupid. Seriously. People like to investigate on the internet - all you'd need to do is check a person's comment history, account creation date, links, etc. The general public is smarter than most people think.

Exactly what a PR shill WOULD say...

Can someone tell me what PR stands for? I'm guessing this mean public relations.

Correct. Additionally "public relations" is, in fact, "public manipulation" or "propaganda".