Let's get real: passenger planes (aluminum tubes) cannot slice through steel and concrete like a hot knife through butter! And no I'm not counterintel!

4  2014-08-08 by [deleted]


Edit: A useful image to consider: law of equal and opposite reaction. Imagine instead of the plane approaching the building at 500 mph, imagine the building approaching a stationary plane at 500 mph. Clearly, it would not "absorb" the plane, but rather obliterate it into smithereens. Yet "absorption" of the planes was precisely what the videos show.

Edit 2: Before inane responses such as "a bananner could penetrate steel at the right speed!"--keep in mind that computer models have PROVEN that the plane would lose 25 % of its energy upon impact and that at the very least the wings and tail sections would have snapped off and fell to the ground...the entire plane, wings and all, being absorbed into the buildings with NO DECELERATION or resistanceand only THEN exploding has been proven to be literally physically impossible.

Release the trolls...


Erm yes it can. In fact a fucking banana could cut through steel if it's travelling fast enough. You can get extremely powerful water jets that cut through steel. The material becomes irrelevant past a certain energy threshold.

Yes, but 500 mph is NOT fast enough to achieve this!

I'm studying aeronautical engineering and I agree with you completely

This banana analogy is absurd and betrays your own lack of physics knowledge. Why? Because a bananas mass (momentum is mass multiplied by velocity) is EXTREMELY concentrated while that of a hollow aluminum plane is distributed over a vast area. A more appropriate one would be an aluminum soda can, empty. And of course 500 mph is absolutely not an adequate velocity for an aluminum can to penetrate steel and concrete. The can would simply get crushed, accordion style, leaving at most a small chip/dent in the most superficial layer of the building. You see, its not about the volumetric size of the object, but the density of the object. And...of course this still doesn't even address the impossibility of the plane even flying straight at that altitude.

But the jet fuel is what the media said caused it to collapse... And the media wouldn't lie to us.... /sarcasm

the jet fuel burned off in the fireball in the first couple of seconds. there was no jet fuel. just a lazy ass office fire "we can knock down with 2 or 3 lines!"

I'm not a structural engineer but I was certain the heat couldn't get that hot for that long to collapse the towers.

no, not a chance. do not forget all that steel acts just like a heatsink, like the one on your cpu, drawing heat away and distributing it.


There are so many part of the story that just don't add up.

Well you said it yourself: you're not a structural engineer.

What's there to discuss? You've started your post with a very hyperbolic statement that's easily shown to be demonstrably false.

So...demonstrate it.

Just view 9/11 footage. I think your error was in no specifying thickness of concrete and steel. Obviously a plane can fly through a 1/8" concrete slab, but not a 1,000 ft one. You should be more specific if you want a real discussion.

Just view the footage? The footage is what betrays the anomalous physics! Not very scientific of you to stop at footage that was clearly doctored.

The footage is what betrays the anomalous physics!

Care to explain this line of reasoning?

lets get real: you never took any physics classes

Try again. I was a Physics TA, straight As in physics, so on and so forth. What's your answer now?

appeal2authority? well its one up from ad hominem at least.

Now youre seriously trolling...seeing as youre the one that brought that up. Seriously dumb response, as I did not refer to my academic experience with physics in the original post. You solicited an appeal to authority, so direct your criticism at yourself...its the only way youd be making any sense here.

Let's just assume for a moment that the passenger planes can actually be flown at that altitude with that density of air at that speed (500mph or higher), which they can't. But, again, assuming for the sake of argument they can, that still doesn't explain was was seen on the videos, as the plane would of course still, in effect, "crumple." Not just slide in! Come on. We have an intelligent community here, let's get real. Either the videos are fake or something else is going on here!

something else is going on, you are a troll.

Who is the one trolling here? You provide no adequate response. You pretend to be a physics expert, but apparently think that A) Passenger jets can travel straight at 500 mph at that altitude, B) A speed of 500 mph somehow is enough energy momentum (it is not) to make hollow aluminum somehow act like a steel rod.


highlighting a troll is a public service, go back and play with the 'tards. your pathetic points require no response from anyone with even a quarter of a brain.


you are right.... see the smithereens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q35xHzjxB0

It's almost like there are different types of concrete and construction methods...

Is this sarcasm? If so...not that this is NOT what happened in the 911 videos. Indeed this aircraft, non-passenger mind you, simply disintegrates, as opposed to being absorbed...clarify your reasoning for posting this video?

sorry. no sarcasm. seemed like similar to the 911 situation

Ok in that case I see your point! Just hard to be sure sometimes, forgive my negative assumption.

Just view 9/11 footage. I think your error was in no specifying thickness of concrete and steel. Obviously a plane can fly through a 1/8" concrete slab, but not a 1,000 ft one. You should be more specific if you want a real discussion.