Ebola: Qui Bono?
44 2014-08-11 by JohnReggae
This is probably going to get down-voted, but I don't really give a shit.
There are many deep thinkers and solid theorists on this sub; simultaneously, there are many fuckwits. Amongst the latter are the random trolls, shills, and astroturfers, that litter reddit as a whole. This quick post is geared towards the former: the deep thinkers and theorists who continue to draw me to this sub.
The fear that surrounds the Ebola virus, and the resultant latch-on to the notion that it is airborne, spreads through casual contact, proximity, and so on, serves a specific type of discourse. This discourse is that same rhetoric which surrounded the H1N1 virus, yet the potential for the abuse of Ebola's surrounding rhetoric is much worse.
As we have all been witnessing, the primary imperialistic power which is currently in place, the US, has seen a trajectory of increasing militarization. While it could be argued that the US was intended as the seat of Western empire since its inception, and hence has always been a militarized nation-state, the democracy-veiled imperialistic leanings of the empire have become increasingly visible since 9/11. And with increasing militarization comes increasing dissent.
Ebola, I would posit, could possibly serve the government of the US in the crushing of dissent. To support my position, take some of these facts into consideration: Ebola has infected, since 1976, 4,184 people. Of this 4,184, it has killed 2,539. While the yearly percentages vary, and can be seen here, the average mortality rate of Ebola, over time, is 60 percent. To offer something of a control, I would like to compare these 2,539 deaths to the (on average) 41,400 deaths caused by influenza, per year, since 1979. This comes out to a total of something like 1,449,000 deaths caused by influenza since 1979. Compare this to the 2,539 deaths caused by Ebola, and you might begin to see why I am led to begin to think of the Ebola media hype as hyperbole.
Without rehashing what we have all been seeing on this sub for weeks, the trend is generally similar to this: Ebola was brought to the US by the US; Ebola is airborne; be afraid; Ebola is here; Ebola is inevitable; et cetera, ad nauseum. But I would posit that this very rhetoric is fomented and fostered by public relations arms of the US, and others. This fear hype sells the story—it hammers it home with fear, never mind the minuscule death numbers in comparison to influenza. The fear hype sells vaccines and cures, the latter of which is, interestingly, being fast-tracked through the FDA. And which, also interestingly, is derived from tobacco. The fear allows for the possibility of Ebola being used as a reason to segregate populations—in a worst case scenario—to quarantine some, to isolate others, to force-vaccinate, and to keep in fear.
Ebola's symptoms, notwithstanding the hemorrhage which may occur, are those of influenza's: its symptomology is ambiguous. Many people exhibit symptoms of both Ebola and influenza without having the afflicting virus; are we to trust rhetoric which would whip up a state of fear around a situation which might allow an imperialistic nation to separate, segregate, and quarantine its citizens?
Cui Bono? Who Benefits? A militarized, imperialist government benefits, when the Ebola discourse allows it to utilize the treatment of a disease as a tool to crush dissent; industry benefits, when it profits from the sale and manufacture of disease treatment which may be applied to a large swath of the population, exhibiting symptoms of the flu; and fascist discourse ultimately benefits, when state sponsored media pushes a rhetoric which benefits both government and industry.
Edit: Cui Bono. Sorry for the obvious fuck-up: my Latin is rusty.
8 Kamicolo 2014-08-11
Interesting. I hope this threat is simply benign hyperbole in an effort to sell pharmaceuticals to the masses. One could hope.
As far as forced quarantines and using the fear of infection to quell dissent; I only see that working if it's a visible, clear and present danger to the people. Americans are some of the most apathetic people on the planet. Until it's at their doorstep, most probably won't notice, or even care.
However, one could postulate that certain interests might want to help this pathogen propagate, and possibly even mutate.
Hey, at least it's good to know the Elite will be safe.
At this stage in the game, one can only guess.
2 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Great points. I, too, hope that the rhetoric is only hyperbole, and nothing more: a simple public relations trick to sell more pharmaceuticals, or, at worst, rhetoric to completely profit off of an actual cure.
I agree with your analysis of apathy. My position regarding the utilization of disease rhetoric as a control tactic presupposes certain conditions, indeed. I see the rolling threat of diseases, hearkening to the H1N1 rhetoric, setting in place certain types of rolling operating systems for governmental control. The public, under these operating systems, still need to play their part and actually dissent.
The crushing of dissent is useless without actual dissent. But, maybe it is just this crushing of dissent--in the form of the preventive hyperbole of disease and war--which prevents dissent. Hard to say.
And you are completely correct. Only time will tell. All we can ever do is watch and analyze.
5 FutzBucket 2014-08-11
Great post.
I completely agree that Ebola would make a fantastic tool to quell dissent. I am under the suspicion that we've always had it here in labs, but why is the media making such a big deal about it now? Perhaps they will be in need of it.
The questions now come; what will cause the dissent, when will it start, and where will it start. They have been in the process of slowly preparing almost every major area by conditioning the people there to accept martial law. Oklahoma City, Boston, New York, LA, Dallas, and that's just off the top of my head.
Now, if someone knew of an event that would cause dissent in a heavily populated area, that someone might consider dropping some Ebola into that area before hand as to infect a number large enough to warrant a lock-down before the event, so to prevent the people from ever having the option of dissent.
Considering the primary targets, I would place my money on Chicago. There are a few reasons why I pick Chicago, of which I'll explain further, but a lot of it has to do with "what will cause the dissent?"
I believe we're facing a total, economic collapse. 1 out of 5 adults are on some sort of goverment funding to survive, and 1 out of 4 children. When the bottom drops, and it will, all these programs will be cut, causing millions to suddenly begin to starve. Millions more will be struck to poverty. This will cause areas of mass populations to explode in panic and anger. A large city is the absolute worst place to be in during this time.
Chicago, with it's population of 2.715 million, is one of the very few of the major cites left that haven't been a victim of a false flag to condition the people to accept martial law. Chicago is also where Obama came from (politically speaking), so there people there are loyal to him. In the event of a plague, Obama would have a great shot at convincing the people to go along with martial law if masked as a quarantine. All he would have to do is ask. Infect 100,000, and the rest will be too worried about Ebola to even care about the economy.
Chicago also offers a wonderful method to spread it. Chicago's main type of public transportation is it's famous El-Train system that ten's-of-thousands use on a daily bases. This method also allows them some control on a targeted group of people, say, for example, a large group of the very people that would be hurt the most from an economic collapse that would cut off their funding, such as the poor. Chicago recently moved a large number of their poor out of the main city and added a new rail line that goes directly into the area they moved them to.
So, this now brings us to when. Well, they will release it shortly before they crash the economy. I believe they are waiting on defeating Palestine, making that area 100% Israel. To explain why I believe this, please read...
2 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Thank you kindly.
Your analysis mirrors my own--great response, man. I almost hate to jump to these conclusions, and I try to keep myself as much in the present and past as possible--without rolling too much forward into the future--but at times it can't be helped. And when it does, it sounds a lot like your hypothesis.
The Chicago possibility will be one to keep an eye on. The fortuitous (?) timing of Israel alongside Ebola is disconcerting, and is also what lends my vote to the utilization of disease pandemics as tools of control.
I will go check out your link. Thanks for the comment.
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3 VancouverSucks 2014-08-11
cui bono.
2 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Thank you. How embarrassing; I am not sure how I fucked that one up.
3 strokethekitty 2014-08-11
Well, there are two possibilities here. The first being this is a completely natural outbreak that is unfortunately the worst Ebola has accomplished thus far. The second being this is an engineered outbreak , either via facilitation of the transmission of the natural form of the virus, or it is a manipulated form of the virus.
In either case, we can assume either our leaders are truely trying to help us, or they are trying to harm us. Seeing the comparison to influenza, it does seem that it would be the latter, as fear can be harmful to our liberties. Just look at 9/11.
And they are certainly selling that fear. What's worse, is if fear is incited enough, martial law on medical basis is certainly in the cards.
But honestly, I do not think this is going to happen. Not yet. To those who have been paying attention lately, they can see that there are many different fronts for this covert war on freedom. Ebola is just one of those fronts. It can serve to provide justification for medical based martial law via quarentines and so forth.
The southern border crisis is another front. It can be said that this front is to serve to provide justification for national identification cards, similar to the mark of the beast.
The economy is a front to further justify economic enslavement. Healthcare reforms like the affordable care act further this front.
The wars and bullshit over in the middle east serve to provide justification for spending on the military-industrial complex, and to further the militarization of the DHS and local law enforcement, who get the hand-me-downs from the military.
There are plenty of racial issues circulating the msm, all to serve to divide the populace. To pit the population against itself is to hinder their ability to unify as one dissenting force. So long as their attention is soaked with hatred of the color of another's skin, they will remain blind to the other fronts of this war.
So many things are going on that pisses everyone off, it's ridiculous. But it is also effective. Our potus has been circumventing the seperation of powers and the constitution, and has successfully transcended the law of the land on several accounts. But, no body can really get upset about it because "Ebola!" And "ISIS!" And "enter distraction, organic or manufactured, here".
That's how I feel about all this. It's all distractions. Meant to take away our power of focus to hurt our ability to unify as one People. This is the doorstop that allows the draft in.
2 [deleted] 2014-08-11
Incredible post; thank you!
Echoing what I've been saying...awesome.
1 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Thank you, friend!
2 megansublime 2014-08-11
amazing post. you got your point across, well done.
2 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Thank you kindly. Now, if I could only figure out how to spell the blatantly misspelled title...
2 [deleted] 2014-08-11
2 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Excellent point. Time will tell if it will come to that.
1 [deleted] 2014-08-11
2 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Great use of Nietzsche. Science is indeed not the end all, and it is baffling to see it clung to like some sort of religion.
We are all fucked in the sense that we will all die--this is inescapable. But I refuse to believe that it will all end in fire. This kind of shit has been going on as far back as there have been city states and hominid groups. The Ṛgveda, for example, is full of genocide, death, and what might be considered the imperial aggression mentality. I believe that we might find our niche and pursue our own self realization.
Not that this path is fraught with roses. Self realization is indeed the only logical choice, in that it is the only one which provides any real respite.
2 thetom 2014-08-11
Its all a power grab. China has investing heavily in the African continent, whilst the West has neglected it aside from our interests in their natural resources (oil, precious metals, diamonds, etc.)
This Ebola outbreak is just a reminder to these African countries that they they need the US to protect them and bring stability to the continent. The outbreak was also very well timed to happen just before this
extortion conferenceUS-Africa summit.The West just want a bigger piece of the pie before China can grab more influence. The supposed missing Nigerian girls and threats from "Al Qaeda in Magreb, Boko Haram, and Kony weren't scaring Africans enough (as well as reactionary American citizens), so they went with a hemorrhagic fever virus produced at Ft. Detrick in the 1970s.
2 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Very interesting point. I completely agree with you that things of this nature are utilized as a power grab to further exert the influence of imperialism, in the case of the US.
2 Autocoprophage 2014-08-11
I think you're on the right track, OP. Here's a really interesting question, meant to be considered in that same light: what things have changed between 2009 and now that would allow the threat of ebola virus to serve this purpose, but which would also explain the threat of H1N1 not being utilized in like manner?
2 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Exactly. Excellent question. My position is that these pandemics are utilized every so often as an alternative means to control populations, and to sell treatment. I would not be so bold as to speculate upon the origins of Ebola, although they are suspect (as with the Spanish Flu).
I think we have the tendency to mythologize the present, in lieu of widening our scope to the breadth of history; but, that being said, current events do seem to point to certain conclusions--some of which might make it very convenient to have the alleged pandemic of Ebola whipping up the hype.
2 Ambiguously_Ironic 2014-08-11
I agree. I haven't seen anything at all so far to convince me that the "ebola scare" is anything more than fear mongering with a very specific agenda (or agendas) behind it.
"Step right up to get your free ebola vaccine. And no, you can't opt out - the vaccine is mandatory. But it's for your benefit, just trust us."
1 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Exactly. The strangeness lies in the media attention. We know that the (mainstream) media chooses its focus based upon the directives and whims of its sponsors--be they government or private.
And how convenient :
2 Island-pass 2014-08-11
Wonder if there are supposed to be correlations with the Simpsons movie and a tv series in which both have to do with being trapped under a dome (quarantine) to sudden States of Emergency? Just a thought, not trying to reach:
1 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
While it is probably not a purposeful correlation, it seems that we do have some kind of mass species consciousness that tends to dwell upon pandemics--e.g., the popularity of the zombie apocalypse, etc. I wonder about the historical underpinnings of this, as in species or cultural-level reminiscing surrounding historical events such as the Black Plague.
1 Island-pass 2014-08-11
I've always kept this in consideration as well. Some sort of glorified death wish seems obsessive by humans, whether it be by plague, an apocalypse, or something resembling "End Times", to the point many would care to bring it about themselves.
1 JohnReggae 2014-08-11
Absolutely. I think you hit the nail on the head with the end times analogy. Not that I have anything against it, but the majority of the world is Christian. End times play huge in the future-mythos of Christianity (as well as Judiasm and Islam). The cycles of time acknowledged by these faiths aren't as grand and sweeping in scope as Hindu orthodoxy, and other traditions which acknowledge grand scales of cyclical time.