Does "Saudi 9/11 involvement" really mean Bush family involvement? Is it just another coincidence that this is leaking out after Bandar was just assassinated?

75  2014-08-11 by [deleted]

It appears that this all started really bubbling to the surface late last year. It was reported at the time that Saudi royals were getting special treatment in the aftermath of 9/11.

More recently, the call for more information on the Saudi connections has been increasing.

The 28 pages are widely believed to implicate Saudi officials or describe support from Saudi intelligence for the 9/11 attackers, 15 of whom were Saudi citizens.

Former Senator Bob Graham of Florida, who co-chaired the congressional investigation, said the declassified section describes the funding of the attacks, calling the redactions a “cover-up.”

On April 15th, the head of Saudi intelligence, Bandar Bin Sultan, known more commonly as Bandar Bush, was fired from his position.

In June, Bandar Bush was assassinated.

Saudi Arabia's spymaster Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz has been injected with an incurable poison, a Lebanese media report says.

Some Lebanese media outlets quoted Saudi sources as saying that the prince was injected with an unknown kind of poison.

Bandar slipped into a coma and was rushed to Morocco and the United States for treatment, the report added.

Bush, via the CIA and their corporate partners, created the Saudi intelligence services and armies to protect their oil interests and operate covertly in areas that would be too high risk to orchestrate domestically.,_House_of_Saud

House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties is a 2004 book by Craig Unger that explores the relationship between the Saudi Royal Family and the Bush extended political family. Unger asserts that the groundwork for today's terrorist movements and the modern wars that have sprung up about them was unintentionally laid more than 30 years ago with a series of business deals between the ruling Saudis and the powerful Bush family. The Saudis received investments and military protection in exchange for cooperation on lucrative oil deals. The author claims that the result has been a shady alliance between "the world's two most powerful dynasties." Unger writes, "Never before has an American president been so closely tied to a foreign power that harbors and supports our country's mortal enemies."

So why, then, is the press only reporting it as the "Saudis" when, in fact, they are so closely tied with the Bush family that they are inextricably linked?

It's amazing how people surrounding controversial events that involve the Bush family always seem to die.


Wtf! I didn't even hear that Bandar Bush had died. Usually when a US presidential family member dies its all over the news.

yeah i was like wtf really, makes sense though tie up the loose ends before they can be incriminated and possibly squeel about who was pulling his strings

Yes. You are on the right track OP

Haven't seen any confirmation that Bandar is dead.

Bandar isn't dead. Wiki

Bandar met with Putin in July. There are pics.he's not dead, this is ridiculous.

All the reports of his death are sourced from Saudi sources, how could you doubt a police state like Saudi Arabia? They have no reason to lie about mass-murdering secret-police chief Bandar, let's keep upvoting this totally realistic and believable news item. It's soooo believable.

Lol, you believe pics? You must be driving a clown-car.

I googled quickly and couldn't confirm that Bandar Bush was dead, but this leak has been going around for a while now. Maybe even a year, so I'm not sure you can connect the two. Unless its only being allwed out now that he's dead. The story was pretty much DOA until last week.


The original post is a PressTV report which only claims he has been poisoned. it does not state that he has died. The claim seems dubious.

Sorry, missed that link to the Bandar Bush thing. If it's true it looks like it might be being surpressed because a cursory google search makes it appear as if it's only rumors and no solid info seems to be available.

Anyways, I do agree. I was on top of this 28 classified pages story several months ago and it went away and now all of a sudden it's the big story again, yet there doesn't seem to be any real development.

You're right as far as I can tell. I searched google and didnt find confirmation either-it would ne nice to see him get a 'spymasters retitement'

Pshaw, next you're going to try to convince me that the hijackers themselves were Saudi, or that radical Wahhabist Islam is Saudi. What rubbish!

there was a whole slew of Saudi VIP deaths following 9/11, some sort of house clearing exercise, revenge maybe by hands unknown.

Or silencing anyone enjoying "leverage" over the leadership.

the map of "greater israel" includes the top 33% of saudi arabia, you do the math.

I having some doubt about

describe support from Saudi intelligence for the 9/11 attackers, 15 of whom were Saudi citizens.

Because they were basically imported, rather then exported, from Saudi Arabia.

If Bandar Bush was dead, it would have appeared in Western press such as the BBC and NYTimes.

There is zero benefit to the Saudis/Bandar for such news to be "suppressed".

There is, however, Saudi/Bandar benefit if the world thinks "Maybe that secret-police chief who armed the Syrian rebels & probably ISIS is probably dead, move along, nothing to see here".


Bandar Bush was a high-profile Saudi. Even Western "governmemt-sponsored" Mockingbird sources would have reported his death.

It's been widely reported on

Widely reported by Debka and second-hand reports from Zero Hedge. Widely reported.

In fact, it was reported in 2012 that Bandar was killed by a bomb. Then he turned up in Syria in 2013. Now you want us to believe he's dead again. But you have nothing but rumor-mill links.

I guess you're the naive one. Or maybe you know exactly what you're doing?

Perhaps he's determined he will live longer if most folks think he's dead. Would he be the first spy type to fake his own death?


So your only source is a third-hand report quoting a Lebanese report quoting Saudi sources.

So you want us to believe Saudi sources. And if we don't, then you call us naive.

Saudi and american relations have been frosty the last few years. Trying to call with Iran mass things worse.

The middle east is a hornets nest of nonsense. But it all could down to money and control. Saudis have the sacred sites. Which they control. Real power seat. ISIS (rebranded alqaeda/alnursara/"Syrian rebels") was supposed to wreck Syria to allow Qatar's lgn pipeline to go through. They knew Russia would threaten gas supply when they were provoked. It was planned a long time ago. They needed a viable alternative. That hasn't happened. The "Syrian rebels" were sponsored by numerous nations: including the us, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. They were given training, weapons, money, assorted resources and propaganda.

Saudi relations, in the meantime, have soured.

With Bandar getting fingered as the man behind the chem attack in Syria, and then possibly getting clipped, seems like taking care of loose ends. Saudis are getting a little too cranky apparently. Because now we have "ISIS" off the Syrian leash and setting up an "Islamic state"; which happens to be in direct conflict with the type that the Saudis control. See here

Could be trying to get rid of the people over there that know something that could be problematic for TPTB in the US government/involved organizations.

Edit: I also must mention that the death reports are pure hearsay. There's quite a few going back to at least 2012. See here.