The Caffeine Conspiracy?
1 2014-08-14 by ct_warlock
Hi guys. I normally avoid anything like caffeine, but someone at work bought a spare coffee and pushed it at me this morning, and stupidly I drank it, on account of feeling tired after a poor night's sleep.
Getting terrible symptoms right now. How do people drink this stuff on a daily basis? I mean okay, you can get used to it, but it must be causing all sorts of bodily upsets and modern society practically runs on the stuff!
Is anyone aware of any deeper manipulation that goes on when it specifically comes to caffeine? It's not something I've really looked into with my research, but would welcome any knowledge from people who have perhaps read up on it more than me, or know more about bodily chemistry.
4 SergeantForbin 2014-08-14
coffee is the nectar of the gods...I am pretty sure I could give up all liquid aside from water if I could have coffee.
But caffeine is a drug...some people just can't handle their drugs
3 MeowYouveDoneIt 2014-08-14
Me and my friend used to drink two cans of monster a day- this lasted like 3 years
He has ulcerative colitis, and I have tumors on my thyroid that fuck with literally every system in my body
Bad juju man
4 SergeantForbin 2014-08-14
that is because monster has mad chemicals....not just caffeine
1 shadowofashadow 2014-08-14
Yeah I think you'd get the same result from drinking any soda that often for that long. I've actually known a few people who had this happen and who deal with daily GI issues as a result.
3 [deleted] 2014-08-14
Hi guys. I normally avoid anything like alcohol, but someone at work bought a spare 40 oz. and pushed it at me once our shift ended, and stupidly I drank it, on account of us finishing a major project.
Getting terrible symptoms right now. How do people drink this stuff on a daily basis? I mean okay, you can get used to it, but it must be causing all sorts of bodily upsets and modern society practically runs on the stuff!
-4 ct_warlock 2014-08-14
Thanks for your passive aggressive contribution. I hope it made you feel better about yourself.
3 [deleted] 2014-08-14
Its not passive aggressive. If there were a conspiracy about caffeine, it would be meaningless next to the same idea of a conspiracy about alcohol.
The latter causes countless deaths, murders, and tragedies.
But everybody ignores it because they like to drink. And the reason they like to drink is because at some point in their lives, society and peer-pressure forced the habit upon them.
3 Rockran 2014-08-14
Pleasurable taste and effects aren't a factor?
1 [deleted] 2014-08-14
I was talking about why people start drinking.
2 Rockran 2014-08-14
And I repeat my comment.
Consider one of the most popular mixed drinks - Bourbon and coke. Tastes great, easy to consume many drinks for a quick noticeable effect.
1 [deleted] 2014-08-14
Little teenagers don't start drinking bourbon and cokes, and they certainly don't start drinking because they like the taste. And puking your brains out isn't exactly the best argument for liking the "effects".
The reality is that people start drinking because of peer-pressure and because society has forced the narrative on people that if you don't drink then there is something wrong with you.
2 Rockran 2014-08-14
Maybe not 13/14. But certainly 16/17.
Yet adults still do the same lol. Hangovers suck but adults still enjoy getting wasted, late-teens even more so.
The great thing about coke and bourbon is that you can effectively mask the taste of bourbon if you add enough coke. Or replace the bourbon with vodka if the smell of bourbon bothers you and you want it to be a bit stronger whilst still hiding the taste.
If you enjoy softdrink, you can enjoy a shot mixed in with it. And teens sure love softdrink.
2 [deleted] 2014-08-14
I drank bourbon and cokes pretty early...and I drank because I had a better shot at getting laid after drinking, this was due to my poor social skills and inability to communicate with others without getting rid of inhibitions. There is no denying I got more action after drinking...empirical evidence was strong.
1 [deleted] 2014-08-14
And all of this is related to the fact that society deems drinking normal. So of course it is easier to get laid while drunk, the chick is drunk too. Of course it is easier to have social skills when drunk, everyone else is drunk.
All of this is related to what I said. Peer-pressure and society causes people to drink, and then drinking becomes normal, and then people benefit from this group-think. Its like mirrors reflecting on mirrors.
1 [deleted] 2014-08-14
ya. I agree with all that.
But I did drink bourbon and coke as a teenager. You were wrong about that one part.
I do get the feeling that the government wants nothing more than to have all it's subjects drinking bud light and watching football each day after work and on the weekends.
1 [deleted] 2014-08-14
To be honest, you have said bourbon and coke so many times that I've had a really strong desire to drink a few since we started this conversation.
2 [deleted] 2014-08-14
I am going to drink beer with co workers soon. I already got permission from my wife and everything. I have been a conspiracy nut for years and yesterday my wife sprung it on me that she doesn't believe in the moon landing any more!! was very good news...she still has no idea about all the other stuff, but pretty cool nonetheless.
enjoy the night
0 ct_warlock 2014-08-14
Okay, I like this answer better. I just wish you'd said that in the first place!
2 caffeinetruth 2014-08-14
Check this out -
1 ct_warlock 2014-08-14
A great link. I just wish you'd popped by 5 months ago!
You might want to submit that yourself, actually.
2 quantifiably_godlike 2014-08-14
Take pure caffeine pills along with L-theanine. 2 to 1 ratio. My usual is maybe 3 times a week I take a 100mg caffeine pill (8oz cup o coffees worth), then 200mg of L-theanine. Pure awesome. No need for coffee (I've had maybe 15 cups my entire life), control the dosage exactly, no fillers, no dairy or sugar. Just the L-theanine which unlocks the potential awesome from caffeine. The 2 work together to diminish the negative side effects of each & enhance each other's strengths. L-t is a simple green-tea amino acid, completely harmless. I think it's by far the best & least impacting method of using caffeine as a stimulant.
**Edit-Found this mention over at r/nootropics:
"Which cognitive enhancer would you recommend most?
L-theanine and caffeine.
L-theanine appears to be both very safe and effective. It has a long history of use, an LD50 estimated to be over 1000 times larger than a standard therapeutic dose and no known contraindications with any food or drug. It may well be health-promoting. ref ref ref
The science behind the L-theanine-caffeine combination seems almost equally compelling. L-theanine seems to mitigate the negative aspects of caffeine, such as anxiety, increased blood pressure and diminished sleep quality, while improving upon the positive aspects. Its ability to enhance attention, over and above that of caffeine alone, has been repeatedly verified.
For beginners without a caffeine tolerance it's recommended to start with 50mg caffeine and 100mg of L-theanine. Once in the morning and once around noon."
3 ct_warlock 2014-08-14
/r/nootropics seems really fascinating. Thanks for that!
1 WadeWilsonforPope 2014-08-14
Theres mold in coffee. Now before anyone gets worried most people can handle this with no issue, you eat and drink mold on a regular basis.
Some people have more difficulties and are more sensitive to these molds, now again this isnt everyone. Personally Im pretty sure I would die if I didnt drink coffee daily.
Opposite end of the spectrum, just my belief that some people are sensitive to this. My recommendation would to be try some caffeinated tea and see if you feel the same way.
1 ct_warlock 2014-08-14
Mould? God, I'd never even heard of that before.
3 WadeWilsonforPope 2014-08-14
There are varying levels of mo(u)ld on everything you eat.
Now literally 99.9% of people have absolutely no problem with this, some people are far more sensitive to it.
1 shadowofashadow 2014-08-14
Humans have been using substances like caffeine for literally thousands of years. I don't think there is some conspiracy just because you had a bad reaction.
Also those kinds of substances usually take a few tries before you enjoy them. Most people don't like the first cigarette they smoke...
1 xxCRM114xx 2014-08-14
The deeper manipulation is to make you a good little worker. Graham Hancock mentions this societies love of alcohol and caffeine in his war on consciousness ted talk.
1 ct_warlock 2014-08-14
This is what I was wondering about - People work 24 hours a day now, and would that be really plausible if they weren't all taking stimulants?
1 xxCRM114xx 2014-08-14
Yes if we were all healthy. I have no problem staying alert and active for two days without food or sleep. No problem. But we eat synthetic chemicals, drink neurotoxins, poision, watch a hypnosis box that alters our metabolism and fires opioid receptors all while propagating fear mongering of drugs that have you sit back and wonder what its all for. The stimulants are necessary because people are destroying their bodies ability to function properly.
0 Juancoblanco 2014-08-14
Look up the chemical formula for cafine, in the middle somewhere is something labeled " meth"!
3 [deleted] 2014-08-14
Its not passive aggressive. If there were a conspiracy about caffeine, it would be meaningless next to the same idea of a conspiracy about alcohol.
The latter causes countless deaths, murders, and tragedies.
But everybody ignores it because they like to drink. And the reason they like to drink is because at some point in their lives, society and peer-pressure forced the habit upon them.
1 xxCRM114xx 2014-08-14
Yes if we were all healthy. I have no problem staying alert and active for two days without food or sleep. No problem. But we eat synthetic chemicals, drink neurotoxins, poision, watch a hypnosis box that alters our metabolism and fires opioid receptors all while propagating fear mongering of drugs that have you sit back and wonder what its all for. The stimulants are necessary because people are destroying their bodies ability to function properly.