Sandy Hook

50  2014-08-16 by Azzure16

Newton Connecticut is the hometown of Josh Sugarman who founded the gun control advocacy group The Violence Policy Center ("VPC") in 1988. VPC is funded by the shadowy Joyce Foundation. Valerie Jarrett , an Iranian Jew who is one of the powers behind Obama's throne, sits on the Joyce Foundation's Board and a host of political and economic luminaries have been associated with The firm. May mean nothing, but amazing coincidence.


You know you hit a nerve when the trolls immediately gang up on you!

Also fun for the pedophile ring conspiracists, Obama's grandfather's friend is mentioned as a "self-disclosed pederast".

Also fun for the pedophile ring conspiracists

It's a dark place. Nothing fun at all.

I am completely willing to accept the Sandy Hook story as it stands now, if they produced one photo of the shooter and a few of the destruction that was wreaked. I'm talking Columbine level of disclosure. Instead the entire school was demolished.

I don't get it.

kind of like how the steel girders from the WTC were sent to China for"recycling" about 15 mins after the buildings came down. funny how that works.

Valerie Jarrett is Obama's Bernard Baruch.

or Kissinger, or Mandell House, or etc.

Great info, and certainly relevant to the Sandy Hook puzzle.

Good find OP. Dont let the shills get to you

I don't know what you're talking about

Haha :)

Not sure if folks asking for sources or evidence are referring to the original post. In any event, this info is not secret or drawn from some obscure conspiracy site. It's right on Josh Sugarman's Wikipedia page. That he is the founder and leader of VPC is also easily confirmed by a google search. As to VPC's relationship to the Joyce Foundation and Valerie Jarrett's board membership see: and

Those alluding to anti-semitism have lost me. I don't understand what is anti-Semitic about anything said here.

You have to have use sources, sry, I can't really take anything seriously in this reddit without it

Look it up yourself, Dumbass.

So is everyone on this sub an anti-Semite, or is just a select few of you assholes?

In what way is this post anti semitic? I've certainly seen such here before, but not this post.

I'm missing the conspiracy here? The founder came from newton, someone in the the Obama admin sits on the board of the group? So your theory is the decided to stage a massacre of school children in the founders hometown? Thats ridiculous.

I'm just saying its an amazing coincidence. This is a big country. And here we have little out of the way Newton -which happens to be the hometown of the NRA's nemesis - serving as the backdrop for an event which - before the smoke even clears - is immediately seized upon in orchestrated fashion as the pretext for more gun control.

If the implication of your post is - our leaders would never do such a thing - I'm sad to say that history proves you wrong. In their minds, it's all for the greater good. Whether we are talking about the more than 400 children just killed in Gaza, those burned alive at Waco, or the thousands of children incinerated at Dresden or Hiroshima. It's all to make the world a safer place!

Guess I'll do what I always do and waist my time trying to give first hand accounts of what happened from the perspective of someone who lost a dear friend in this heinous act. My name is Ben and Rachel one of the adults shot was a good friend of mine for about 17 years.

Edit:hit submit before I was done typing ( using mobile device )

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

first hand accounts of what happened

The first-hand account and only witness to "Adam Lanza" at the school is "custodian Rick Thorne". It's impossible to find this guy or locate any proof he actually exists (existed) in human form.

Other than the nefarious citing of him in "official" AP reports as the key witness immediately after the event, he has all but disappeared from the face of the planet, or actually never existed in the first place. Any references to him in subsequent articles DO NOT exist. And as average_shill correctly asserts:

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Another SH conspiracy "debunker" come all the way over from, big surprise, r/gaming.

Lets be fair, this is the internet, anyone can make such a claim.

Proof please

just an fyi but groundless appeals to authority don't fly here

so are you pissed off that somebody (not Adam Lanza) murdered your friend !?

so are you pissed off that the powers that be made up a fantasy story to cover up the weird happenings there !?

this heinous act...

Well, we can agree on that.

Would you agree that if more than one person was involved in "this heinous act" they deserve long prison sentences at the very least? That would include anyone conspiring to hide the truth of what actually happened before, during and after the event.

Think carefully before you answer.

No, an amazing coincidence is when you enter a room and someone's wearing an incredibly similar outfit. This is just so obvious that it's questionable.

It's like this; you're with someone else and you witness a flying sauser. What are you going to say to the person with you?

"Do you see this too?"

How old are you, twelve?


All you ever do is post meaningless shit and never back anything you say up at all

Why are you getting mad of this?

No, I also love you. You really need to stop denying that about us.

Youre the worst shill of them all.


Also a musical project featuring Paul Rodgers and Jimmy Page!

Pile on and downvote... Hate is contagious.

I've got my downvotes set to stun