Posts here are so crazy...

36  2014-08-18 by conzorz

If I didn't already know the depth of lies of politicians and the mainstream media at large ("They definitely have weapons of mass destruction, it's only fair that we kill them... OK sorry, maybe maybe maybe not, but they're dead now anyway."; CNN: no tear gas used in Ferguson? Clear lies...) I would almost dismiss many comments here and could see why others might do just that - imagine telling people in a conversation eg "this Ferguson thing is a psy op," people have no idea what that even means.

But it generally, honestly contains the most interesting stuff I read. Keep up the good work everyone.


Black teenagers are shot by the dozen throughout this country every day (in Oakland, south Chicago, etc.). All one has to ask one's self is "why is this particular teenager so important."

Unfortunately, Mr. Brown is not. It's the concept of racism, divide and conquer, and predictive programming. Next time we see police show up in MRAPs with assault and sniper rifles, the average person will think, "oh the cops are here."

I was happy to hear some people at the protest saying this is not a white/black issue. It's an American issue. To that I say, here here.

Let's fight these a-holes.

Exactly. If the kid would have killed the cop, it would be reversed. What I wanna know is how is it character assassination by showing the surveillance store camera of the shoplifting? What I think happened is is that he thought the cop knew and tried to attack him and take his gun. The cop went over board in shooting him

Yeah, the left calls facts "character assassination." Just like with Trayvon buying the skittles and fruit drink for the cough syrup stuff he had been using. As soon as a black kid is killed, any previous indiscretions are wiped from the record I guess.

And yeah, they make tasers and mace for a reason. Particularly, to not kill teenagers/dogs/autistic kids, etc. Doesn't matter if you're a cop though. You can kill anyone, get a vacation, and be found innocent. Murder by cop is incentivized by the system.

I was happy to hear some people at the protest saying this is not a white/black issue. It's an American issue. To that I say, here here.

+1. I completely agree. By refusing to fall into the Obama/Holder race baiting, we beat them at their own game. It isn't a race issue, it's an over-reaching, wannabe-police-state government issue.

Spread it far and wide. Careful with your black friends. 3 unfriendings since Trayvon Martin. You strip away the "identity of persecuted race" and some people have nothing. To them, it's not a humanity issue. It's all ego.

You couldn't be more right, at least as far as my friend Tony is concerned. Seems like every time I see him he's complaining about someone being out to get him because he's black, or because they're just racist, or KKK, or whatever. When I try to explain to him that there are more reasons someone might dislike him other than his color, he refuses to hear it and gets annoyed that I mentioned it.

But the truth is, his life is in shambles, he's habitually skipping out on work, or calling in sick (but not because he's sick), he has money issues and health issues and wears a defibrulator on his hip because his heart is near failure because he's 350+ lbs since he only eats fast food. So really all he has is his victim card. It's not my fault I'm not at work, they're racist. It's not my fault I don't have money, if they weren't all KKK members I'd be happily employed. It's not my fault I have health issues, it's McDonald's fault. He's sued the school district twice, lost both times, and just got evicted from his last apartment by his Asian landlord. Shocker, she's racist too, so it wasn't his fault he missed the rent check because he couldn't go to work. We were at Target last week, later he told me the cashier looked "down" at him, so she's no doubt racist and would never date a black guy.

So yea, you're spot on, again. Take away the victim card and that MOUNTAIN of responsibility falls squarely on HIS shoulders. No one else's, and that's too scary for him, and no doubt everyone else who wears the race card on their sleeve. I can't get a job and take care of myself because everyone else is racist. So it isn't my fault.

(In Tony's defense, there was one dude who was racist, but he was just some nobody we gamed with.)

Yeah there will always be an idiot racist here and there. The media would have us believe every white person who's not a democrat runs around in a hood burning crosses and denying jobs to black. We're all getting fucked people. Some more than others, sure. But we need to unite against the fuckers in government and in the media, particularly the left, who exacerbate this shit.

Agreed when it's a cop shooting someone every one is freaking out, yet there is 7 killed and 29 wounded in one weekend in Chicago and no one gives a shit.

Where are the people protesting the gangs and thugs?

Who says no one gives a shit? I'm black and plenty of people care about gang violence. Plenty of people talk about it and try to find solutions. There are organizations in my city and tons of majority black cities that do their best to help. Plenty of times in my life I've seen others lectured and been lectured / pulled to the side and told by older people about stopping violence and staying away from gangs and crime. So where does his narrative come from that no one cares? And why do you believe them? are you black? There are no protests for gang violence because that's not a problem that can be easily solved by a protest because it's socioeconomical / poverty. Whereas a cop killing an unarmed man is a systematic problem.

Anyone participating in gang violence has most the time hit rock bottom in their life and will die at a young age. They get arrested all the time and end up in prison. Their life is shit and ends short. A cop kills a black dude cause he's having a rough day and goes home, sleeps and comes into work the next day and does it again with no consequences and support from Americans in general with the attitude of "he was probably a violent nigger anyways". Of course people are angrier at that than gang violence...

Mike Brown was like the mentos in a coke bottle for frustrations all over the board but police brutality is a specifically tough and emotional one.

Let me ask you something, why do people constantly try to divert attention away from the cops wrongdoing and to a completely separate issue?

No one talks about gang violence and midway through the conversation goes "but forget all that, what about police brutality?". It's separate. But the reverse happens and all white people want to talk about is Chicago even though they damn sure don't do shit for Chicago themselves.

tldr : People dont protest gang violence because gang members get punished with prison or death, cops get away with murder and get a nice salary for it.

Well said!

Also worth noting is that the CIA and other governmental entities are the largest drug runners on the planet and have been for decades. There wouldn't be any heroin or cocaine on the streets (or at least not nearly as much) without them.

Not to mention things like "F&F" where they were literally arming drug cartels with automatic weapons...

Exactly. Bringing coke and crack in black communities. The government is the biggest racist organization in the world

And if this is true, then it's even worse than that.

Damn. I just read down to the part about profitability in prisons. I'm going to read the rest later. Can toy summarize it?

It's unsubstantiated and thus to be taken with a grain of salt, but basically it claims to be the confession of a "music industry insider" who says that in 1991 he attended a closed door meeting with other "insiders". He says the meeting was organized by people he had never seen before and that everyone there had to sign an agreement saying if they disclosed anything they heard there that they would be fired. At the meeting, they talked about popularizing a new style of rap music that focused on drugs and violence, aka "gangsta rap", in order to maximize the number of prisoners in their new private prison industry and, thus, their profits. He says that they were told they could invest in prison stock themselves and thus could personally benefit from proliferating gangster rap.

Thanks, I haven't seen this before. I'll watch it when I have a chance.

Based on the rabbit holes I've been digging in on a whim this week, it is highly probable that there's a concentrated and unfortunately it seems successful campaign to ensure that Black people forget or never even know their true roots and former influence on world civilization.

This week has really been a "Shit, everything I knew was wrong, but suddenly it all makes sense" time for me.

Have you ever come across this?

Now THAT's a rabbit hole, really cool stuff. I hadn't seen this, was mostly mucking about reading Hopi mythology. Thanks!

Glad I was able to show you something new - I find that blog incredibly interesting. Also worth noting is that the guy who writes it was a reddit user before being banned.

God damn you are so spot on

Yeah. You totally missed the point being made. Well done.

E'ry goddamn day.

No justice

No peace

Fuck the police.

That's horrifying. Makes me want to move to another country.

No country is safe any longer.


Goddamn...O_o Guess things could be worse..

What I don't get is how the kids father says he doesn't condone the riots yet he's wearing a shirt that days no justice no peace?

Sit-ins aren't riots. "No justice, no peace" doesn't mean they're going to attack police, it means they're going to hang out protesting and chanting (i.e., no civil peace) until there's justice. I have no idea what the police in charge are thinking, they keep piling on incompetent injustice after injustice, it's getting harder and more complicated to define what justice would bring peace with every nighttime gassing and press conference...

Sometimes i think we need a new sub /r/alternativetruth or something.

We get a lot of shit just because this sub is called /r/conspiracy

Maybe it's time for a change....

Well, sorry to steal your thunder, but I've created it. Maybe it IS time for a change. I'm no troll or shill, I cannot be bought, and I'm going to keep it open for everyone to post.

Wait you created what exaclty?

Oh cool!


No way! Vlaanderen of Nederland?

Edit: i don't check past posts ;-)

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There is: /r/altnewz is just one of them. But I agree with your sentiment, the word conspiracy alone conjures up tinfoil hats, reptile aliens and all sorts of things, when in fact most on here [apart from the odd post] is about political awareness and waking people up from their deep slumber.

I like this sub but the range is too wide.

We go from a serious questioning of a certain event and discrepancies, straight to "THEY'RE all ACTORS!" accompanied by a terrible compilation of so called actors in major tragic events. And then before you know it, it's a false flag.

i feel like there's no middle ground here, it's not possible and it kills this sub.

We attract trolls and there is almost never a constructive discussion, just endless one-liners followed by 2 page posts without a tl;dr..

It's either a thread of accusations of the other user or a circle jerk.

I'm critical of the govt. but i don't think every tragedy needs to be held under the conspiracy magnifying glass.

Sometimes things are exactly the way they seem.

I really think a lot (not all, but a LOT) of the "they're all actors" and "it's ALL a hoax, case closed!" stuff is planted. It takes people's eyes off the ball of real conspiracies, keeps "regular people" from truly investigating fishy situations as they get herded into lumping any questioners in with the really outlandish theories.

Take the Boston Marathon, for example. A reasonable person might put two and two together, apparently perpetrated by a guy who was kicked out of his mosque for acting all jihad-jihad krrrrraaaazy (a hallmark trait of an FBI informant if you read the articles about that stuff), when the grounds were literally crawling with agents and private security contractors of the ex-SEAL variety. One might jump to a theory wondering if, perhaps, the entire thing was supposed to be caught at the very last minute in a big fanfare of "Wow, aren't we awesome! Increase our funding!" but something went awry (my new favorite out-there, implausible theory: Russia got pissed with our fucking with Chechnya and swapped out the backpacks). One might conclude, huh, there's a good chance this is an op that went seriously, seriously awry. Heads. Should. Roll.

But instead, serious discussion gets overrun with "IT was a hoax! No ONE died! Look at my arrows!" Then, Edward Snowden releases his load. No one's talking about FBI fuckups now. NSA's the bad guy. Never you mind that they share data.

And any time anyone brings the marathon up, conversations get overrun with "It was a HOAX!" "It was not, you conspiracy people are kraaaaazy!" "What? This YouTube is incontrovertible!! Watch this YouTube!" (Read the revelations from this week to explain why you shouldn't open any random YouTube someone sends you: and no real estate goes to much more likely theories (that actually have legit precedent).

Also, many times that I post something like what I've written above, I get a lot of downvotes and sometimes some pretty trolly abuse, take that as you will - I find it an interesting canary.

I cant take that sub serious due to the Z. Reminds me of a Simpsons episode... Kidz Newz.

You're all welcome to check out /r/projectconspiracy. Even though it has conspiracy in the name I post music, DIY projects, news articles, documentaries, survival articles, etc.. it's really only me posting right now but anyone is welcome to (well almost anyone).

Cool, i subscribed.


Tens of these subs have already been created. No one can agree on which one is best to move to. But there's always someone to suggest we need yet another new sub.

This tactic is known as compartmentalization.

If you diffuse the narrative across many different subs, it becomes much harder for users to get any sense of the whole story.


Thx, i'm gonna check it out.

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

  • Nietzsche


I love you too!

Lot of bullshit mixed in too. Proceed with caution.

It's so funny that I'm seeing stories about the militarization of police when I read them here at least a year ago. This is supposed to be crazy talk, but it all comes out eventually.. it leaks into politics, worldnews and even pics.

I heard on the radio this morning that it will be different now that the National guard is going in. Different how? Both cops and the National guards have the same weapons now.

It's so funny that I'm seeing stories about the militarization of police when I read them here at least a year ago.

This has been an issue since about 2002/2003, when the US shoved all the money at the military, and the military bought a bunch of new stuff and had surplus. So then they said "Hey, you know who also fights bad guys and needs weapons? Police!" It's been in the public eye ever since then, but nobody really does anything about it because what politician says "You know what we need? Weaker cops! I'm sure crime won't increase!" It doesn't matter that violent crime is on the decline; that's political suicide. So it takes some huge event like this one to make politicians act.

i appreciate what you say here.

i think the point you may be missing however is that even CNN and NBC news describe the decisionmaking that goes into our laws and military actions as a conspiracy.

-laws are written and brought to vote or not in secret meetings -elections are financed by secret meetings -who is assassinated by drones is decided by secret meetings -how we as citizens are spied on by our government is a secret meeting -the military budget has no check or balance, it is secret -the price and availability if commodities, secret meetings -the decision of what will even be news, secret meetings -the decision of what will be a tv show or movie, secret meetings -the genetics of our food, secret meetings -the banking and money supply, secret meetings -emergency response contingency plans, secret meetings -trade agreements, secret meetings

it is abundantly clear to me and it should be to everyone that its not a matter of whether on conspiracy is real or not but that regardless of when it became this way, we as a nation teh usa are actually governed completely by conspiracy.

conspiracy is not just something that happens on occasion, it is in fact our form of government and it is past time for people to begin living in this reality and leave the fairy tale idea that this is some venerable republic that deserves respect and honor.

only then enough people be able to stand up against it and create an actual functioning society after demolishing the pile of heavily armed idiocy that we know today as our government.

While a lot of them are indeed based on some solid evidence, don't forget that a lot of them are also just hoaxes or entertainment. It's important to know what's real and what isn't.

The sub has been discussing what is happening today many years ago but people still don't listen even knowing this.

the access to info gets easier day by day - no monopoly on info anymore (by government or corporations) so that is why things seems to be crazy while they are as they always been

It is just that we know now and we could not know back then , when monopoly existed and info was filtered through very carefully

Yeah, the left calls facts "character assassination." Just like with Trayvon buying the skittles and fruit drink for the cough syrup stuff he had been using. As soon as a black kid is killed, any previous indiscretions are wiped from the record I guess.

And yeah, they make tasers and mace for a reason. Particularly, to not kill teenagers/dogs/autistic kids, etc. Doesn't matter if you're a cop though. You can kill anyone, get a vacation, and be found innocent. Murder by cop is incentivized by the system.

Have you ever come across this?